Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 379 Attacking the Wang Family (2-in-1)



The sound of horns and the roar of beasts continued.

There was a dragon roar, domineering and mighty, and a huge blue dragon lay across the void. Its momentum was so terrifying that even its breath made all spirits tremble.

This is the Canglong, the guardian beast of the barbarians, and a beast king at the level of a great king.

This blue dragon has two wings on its back. It is huge and boundless. Even a big mountain can be covered under its wings. This shows how terrifying this blue dragon is.

I saw nine old men sitting on its back. Although they were older, they still maintained the wild side of the barbarians. They were all wearing animal clothes and carrying maces and clubs.

"Hiss, these people... are all strong!"

Ye Fan was also surprised after seeing these old men.

Each of these old men exudes a wild and terrifying aura, and they are obviously members of the barbarian tribe.


The tiger roared in the sky, and a huge white tiger was roaring. It was seen galloping from the deep mountains. The places it passed were destroyed by its terrifying destructive power. Even the top of the mountain was shattered with one kick.

This is another guardian beast of the barbarians, with a demonic aura soaring into the sky and as huge as a mountain.

Moreover, on the back of the white tiger beast, there are more than thirty old men exuding a terrifying aura, all of them are full of energy, carrying big axes on their backs, and holding giant sticks in their hands. They all look so fierce.

After seeing the white tiger beast and the old men appearing again, Ye Fan was also a little stunned.

He originally planned to borrow the barbarian army to contain the Wang family's monk army.

Then, use the Great Holy Soldier to directly kill the powerful men of the Wang family.

However, what Ye Fan didn't expect was that the barbarians gave him such a big surprise.

The barbarians managed to bring out so many strong men at once. It was indeed a force that had been passed down from ancient times to this day.

However, this was not over yet. Just as Ye Fan was stunned, the sound of beast roars sounded in the mountains and forests, and the earth shook.


I saw the roars of wild beasts one after another, and these wild beasts rushed out of the forest.

Moreover, on the back of every savage beast, there is a master. They are weaker than the old men who appeared before.

However, these people are also strong men of the barbarian tribe, but they are not qualified to sit on the guardian beast yet.

These powerful barbarians are all shirtless, and they look like they are made of steel and have bulging muscles, like dragons.

They often ride on divine horses or sit on tigers and lions, as if they are all born for battle, and they are extremely fierce.

At this moment, the barbarians showed their powerful side to Ye Fan. If compared with those holy land families in the outside world, they are not weaker than them at all.

This is when a top force appears in front of Ye Fan.

As for the power of the barbarians, Yuan Changqing is very clear. After all, the barbarians have been inherited from ancient times to the present.

If the barbarians didn't have any strength, they wouldn't be able to exist today.

Therefore, this is not surprising at all. Moreover, if the barbarians associate with the barbarian beasts, they can ensure their long-term prosperity by relying on their strength.

This is also the reason why the barbarians in Nanling can survive.

Ye Fan also said to Yuan Changqing next to him at this time: "Senior, I didn't expect the barbarians to be so powerful. I just thought they were a powerful tribe before, but I didn't expect they had such a strong foundation."

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "Ye Fan, don't think about it, if you are not strong, how could you survive in the extremely dangerous depths of Nanling."

"You saw the barbarians being tolerant to the Wang family before, so you thought the barbarians were afraid of the Wang family."

"If you think so, you are wrong. The barbarians have always lived in seclusion in Nanling and have nothing to do with the world."

"However, this does not mean that they are not strong, they just don't want to be too aware of the disturbances of the outside world."

At this time, the Barbarian tribe leader came over and said, "Brother Yuan is right. We Barbarians are all straight forward, without so many twists and turns."

"Moreover, the outside world is too complicated, and it is not very adaptable to the barbarians. It is better to have fun in the South Ridge without so many calculations."

People's hearts are complicated, and what the barbarian leader said is normal. For the barbarians, this Nanling is their paradise.

Yuan Changqing nodded, and then said: "Clan Chief, even though this is true, sometimes, you should still go out and see more."

"At the same time, you should also show your strength appropriately."

"Just like this time the Wang family wanted to come to Nanling to cause trouble for you. They just thought you were just like that, so they dared to be so arrogant."

"If you show your strength properly, let's see if the Wang family still has the courage to enter the Nanling Mountains so blatantly."

The leader of the Barbarian Tribe also nodded and said: "What Yuan Changqing said does make sense. It's because we Barbarians don't want to get too involved in external disputes and are too tolerant. This gave the Wang family the illusion that we Barbarians are easy to bully."

"Fortunately, what Ye Xiaoyou said, we, the barbarians, also feel that we should show it to the Wang family, and at the same time, we should also show it to some outside forces. We, the barbarians, are not easy to mess with."

Yuan Changqing added: "It's right for the patriarch to think so, otherwise all the cats and dogs can show off their power in front of you without any self-awareness."

"Hahaha, Yuan Changqing said it well. Let the outside world see this time that we, the barbarian clan, are not easy to bully." The barbarian clan leader laughed.

At this time, there were roars of beasts, and there were people and beasts all over the mountains and plains.

I saw countless barbarians rising into the sky, some old and young, all of them so wild and tough, holding huge magic weapons with barbarian characteristics in their hands.

Some people ride on the beasts. They are all stronger and have the ability to subdue the beasts.

Some people are standing on the ground, or suspended in the air. These people are relatively average in strength, but they are also extremely tough. Such barbarian people are everywhere in the mountains and plains at this moment. This is the army of barbarians.

With so many people, it was really a big surprise for Ye Fan.

At the same time, Ye Fan thought in his mind: Let’s see how the Wang family dies this time.

With so many barbarian armies, as well as so many barbarian masters and strong men, the destruction of the Beiyuan Wang family this time made Ye Fan more confident.

At this time, the barbarian leader was riding a barbarian beast, standing in the void, looking at the barbarian army in front of him.

The leader of the barbarian tribe loudly said at this time: "The Beiyuan Wang family has gone too far to bully our barbarian tribe. Dongfang Ye, the peerless genius of the barbarian tribe, has been constantly hunted down by masters sent by the Wang family, and there is still no news about it until now."

"Moreover, they also sent people deep into our Nanling Mountains in an attempt to do harm to our barbarian tribe and to massacre our barbarian tribe."

"So, everyone said, can we bear it?"

The words of the barbarian leader spread throughout the mountains and reached the ears of every barbarian present. For a moment, the crowd was filled with anger.

"Can't bear it..."

"Can't bear it..."


At this time, the barbarians were angry and roaring loudly, the sound shook the sky and resounded throughout the sky.

"Then what should we do?" the barbarian leader asked loudly again.

"Kill, rush into Beiyuan and massacre the Wang family of Nalaoshizi."

"Kill, our barbarians cannot be bullied. Break through the Wang family in Beiyuan and let the anger of the ancient war god burn throughout Beiyuan."

"The Wang family wants to destroy our barbarian tribe, so we must attack the Wang family and make the so-called aristocratic family disappear from this world."

At this moment, the barbarian army was full of fighting spirit, and everyone, male, female, old and young, was roaring angrily.

The silhouettes of people all over the mountains and plains, the roaring of the barbarian army, the roaring of the barbarian beasts, and the angry crowds all tell the story of charging into the North Plains, breaking through the Wang family, massacring the Wang family, and letting everyone in the world know that the majesty of the barbarians cannot be violated.

"Okay, today we will march into Beiyuan, attack the Wang family, kill one of them and massacre the Wang family." The leader of the barbarian clan waved his hand.

"Surge into Beiyuan and massacre the Wang family!"

"Break the Wang family, kill them, and let them see the power of our barbarians."

"If you dare to bully our barbarians, we will kill the Wang family and destroy his family."


The barbarian army roared angrily, flags fluttering, murderous intent rising to the sky, and full of fighting spirit. Each of them waved their mace and big stick, and everyone's blood was boiling, as if they couldn't wait to kill the general now.

Although the barbarians have been living in seclusion in Nanling, they seem to be indifferent to the world.

However, the barbarians are also militants, and Nanling is extremely dangerous, with wild beasts running rampant inside.

Therefore, the barbarian people have been fighting and killing the barbaric beasts in Nanling for a long time. This is why the barbarian people look so tough.

"Let's go, attack the Wang family, and destroy them." The barbarian clan leader waved his hand and began to enter the barbarian teleportation array, preparing to cross the void and head to Beiyuan.

Ye Fan took the lead and led the barbarian army into the ancient teleportation array of the barbarians and quietly sneaked into Beiyuan.

Just when the whole world was discussing the incident in Nanling, discussing the strong return of Holy Body Ye Fan, and forcefully suppressing those who went to Nanling to cause trouble for him.

At this time, Ye Fan quietly led the barbarian army into Beiyuan and sneaked into the sphere of influence of the Wang family in Beiyuan.

In the outside world, no one knew at this time that there would be such a powerful tribe living in seclusion deep in the South Ridge.

Therefore, it was even more unknown that this powerful tribe would choose to expedition to the Wang family in Beiyuan at this time.

For Ye Fan, the Wang family in Beiyuan is nothing, that is to say, there are many Wang family members, and they will definitely not be able to kill them just by relying on themselves.

Therefore, this is the reason why Ye Fan needs to rely on the barbarian army.

The vast northern plains are vast and boundless.

This is a prairie that seems to have no edge, boundless, deserted, vast and sparsely populated.


Deep in the grassland, long-lasting howling sounds of wolves can be heard from time to time.

At this moment, pairs of barbarian armies walked out of the Void Gate, silently, exuding a strong murderous aura, and marched forward in an orderly manner with huge weapons in their hands.

The barbarian army moved forward quickly, with experts leading the way. They quickly obliterated the sentries and quietly approached the ancestral land of the Wang family.

Dark night fell, covering the sky. The grassland was extremely silent, as if it were a dead land. The depressing atmosphere made people feel a little breathless.

Ye Fan and the barbarian army were now less than a thousand miles away from the Wang family, and the attack was about to begin.

At this moment, under the arrangement of the barbarian chief, the barbarian army divided into four groups and silently formed a circle surrounding the Wang family's ancestral land.

The guardian beast of the barbarians, the Canglong, covered the sky and the sun, carried nine strong men, led the barbarian army, and started a frontal attack on the Wang family's ancestral land. When the Canglong unleashed its divine power, it was extremely terrifying.

Just as the Canglong Barbarian Beast King was attacking from the front, the White Tiger Beast also carried the thirty or so strong men, led the barbarian army, and began to attack the Wang family from behind.

At this time, the leader of the barbarian tribe also rode a golden roc, coming from the east, leading countless strong men riding barbarian beasts, and headed directly towards the Wang family to attack.

In the hands of the barbarian tribe leader, he held a huge stone axe, which was extremely terrifying. The aura of the ancient saint flowed on it. This was the handed down holy weapon of the barbarian tribe, and it came from the hands of a great saint of the barbarian tribe.

Ye Fan also led the barbarian army from the west at this time, with a seven-star chart on his head and a bright magic lamp in his hand.

Not only that, the auras emanating from the holy soldiers also came from Canglong and Baihu, who were attacking from the north and south.


A bolt of bloody lightning pierced the void, and at this moment, the barbarian army began to attack the Wang family's ancestral land from four directions.

The black barbarian army was like four giant black arrows, whizzing past, destroying everything, the void was shaking, and the earth was trembling.

In an instant, the outer defenses of the Wang family's ancestral land were easily breached, and there was no time to even send out a warning message.

Countless barbarian beasts galloped on the grassland, and tens of thousands of barbarian troops roared past. Their blood was soaring to the sky, and they were invincible in any battle they faced, just like a group of unstoppable barbarian gods of war.

Just when they were about to approach the Wang family's ancestral land, a warning sounded. There was a powerful guard here. After seeing an enemy attack, a warning was sent towards the ancestral land.


The bells sounded loudly and continuously, spreading for hundreds of miles.

Such a rapid ringing of the bell also let the experts of the Wang family know that someone was coming to attack the Wang family.

"Whoever dares to attack my Wang family is seeking death!" A shocking roar rang out, indicating that a powerful member of the Wang family was furious.

The Wang family is used to being domineering here in Beiyuan, and they thought that no one would dare to provoke them.

However, what the Wang family never expected was that someone would dare to attack their Wang family.

Their Wang family is in Beiyuan, which means that they are the only ones who dominate one side. They have already lost their vigilance and thought that no one would dare to attack them. But now they are led by someone to kill them with an army.

Therefore, this makes the strong man of the Wang family not angry.

Therefore, at this time, the Wang family's people rose into the sky and fired various weapons to block it.

However, all this was in vain. The barbarian army was extremely wild and sturdy. They were holding mace clubs and huge stone axes and swept through them in waves.

The ancient war palace and the small city suspended in the sky are all the defense works of the Wang family.

Unfortunately, at this moment, under the attack of the barbarian army, under the charge of the barbarian army, the void was directly trampled, and everything was shattered.

"Ah, help, I don't want to die..."

The Wang family's men stationed here screamed incessantly, blood dripping, flesh and blood flying everywhere, and it was miserable.

The powerful men guarding here were also killed by the strong men of the barbarians, including the powerful men at the powerful level. None of them could stop the charge of the barbarian army.

After dealing with the people here, Ye Fan said loudly: "Everyone rush, don't give the Wang family time to prepare."

Then, the barbarian army sprinted towards the core of the Wang family's ancestral land.

But the Wang family was in chaos at this time. After they heard the warning bell, everyone was shocked.

Everyone was wondering if something big had happened. You know, that bell hadn't sounded for thousands of years.

But at this time, the barbarian army arrived in an instant and had already reached the core of the Wang family's ancestral land.

"Come on, attack the Wang family, and massacre them..."

This is to the south of the Wang family's ancestral land. A huge blue dragon covers the sky and the sun. The sound of the dragon's roar directly shatters many mountain tops. A green light flies out of its mouth, exuding overwhelming divine power, as if there is a saint. Recovery is average.

It was a cyan magic sword, its breath destroyed the heaven and earth, and the void shook.

That magical sword exudes a powerful, terrifying, and majestic aura that makes people feel like their souls are trembling.

This is the Canglong Sword, it may be a little incomplete, but its aura is also extremely terrifying.


At this moment, the Canglong Sword slashed through the air, as if it was going to destroy everything in front of it.

As the Canglong Saber slashed down, the defense at the south gate of the Wang family was directly destroyed.


At this time, a shocking tiger roar also came from the north. This was the roar of the giant white tiger, and a big fang stick protruded from its mouth, as white as jade, and it hit the defensive formation of the north gate directly.


Another loud noise came. At this time, the leader of the barbarian tribe in the east moved the stone ax in his hand, and then struck it. The breath of destruction shook the world and even the void was penetrated.

The Wang family's defense in the east was also broken. The ancient defensive formation was also broken by stone axes at this time, and could no longer stop the barbarian army.

In the west, Ye Fan took the lead, followed by countless barbarian cavalry. A shocking sword energy shot out from the Seven Stars Chart, instantly breaking the defense of the west gate of the Wang family.

Suddenly, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked. Under the terrifying sword energy, even the great formation left by the Wang family in ancient times could not stop it at this time.


Countless iron cavalry, filled with strong killing intent, began to charge with all their strength.

Tens of thousands of barbarian cavalry marched straight in, waving their fangs and clubs constantly, and trampled through the palaces and pavilions of the Wang family.

With the four ancient holy soldiers clearing the way, the Wang family's clan formation was directly disintegrated, and the huge city walls collapsed directly, all of which were useless.

Although the holy weapons of Canglong and Baihu have shortcomings, these two guardian beasts themselves are powerful enough to make up for everything.

The Wang family, an ancient family, is destined to be destroyed by Ye Fan and the barbarian army today.

The Wang family's formation was breached and fell into chaos for a while.

However, after a period of chaos, the masters of the Wang family also began to block Ye Fan and the strong men of the barbarians.

However, at this time, the Wang family was in chaos. One by one, the voids were floating and falling, and the pavilions and pavilions were trampled by the barbarian cavalry.

"Ah, who are you, and why are you attacking my Wang family for no reason?" The strong man of the Wang family shouted loudly.

At this time, Ye Fan stood in the air, with his black hair flying, and said in a cold voice: "Why are we attacking you? I am the Holy Body Ye Fan you want to kill. I am here to kill you today and flatten your Wang family with barbarian cavalry."

"What, you are Ye Fan, and these cavalry are barbarians in Nanling!"

At this time, the masters of the Wang family were furious, and many powerful masters began to take action. They needed to kill Ye Fan and the barbarian army on the spot.

Unfortunately, many masters from the barbarians came this time, and they all faced off against the Wang family's masters.

Ye Fan also activated the magic lamp at this time, and the terrifying flames swept towards the Wang family, directly burning a large area of ​​the Wang family, which was extremely terrifying.

"Come on, you sons of the barbarians, slaughter the Wang family and let the world know that we, the barbarians, cannot be bullied." The barbarian clan leader shouted loudly, waving his stone ax.

Then, the barbarian clan leader activated the stone axe, and when the ax went down, many of the Wang family's masters turned into blood mist, and died without even a trace left.

The warriors of the barbarians were full of blood and fighting spirit. Wherever they passed, they destroyed countless places.

Tens of thousands of barbarian troops, waving mace sticks and dancing giant axes, seemed to be killing gods when they were standing in the way, and killing Buddhas when they were standing in the way of Buddha, with blood splashing everywhere, and they were invincible.

Ye Fan shouted: "Today, the Wang family will be removed forever!"

At this time, Ye Fan directly activated the holy lamp, shooting out huge flames and burning everything. Under the holy power, he was invincible.

With just such a blow, the ancestral land of the Wang family was plunged into a sea of ​​fire, and countless members of the Wang family died in the sea of ​​fire. They were burned to death before they could even resist.

The overwhelming holy power made those members of the Wang family look pale, with horror and fear written all over their faces.

"Quickly, please reveal the family's secrets and awaken the ancient holy soldiers!" The head of the Wang family was furious, his eyes filled with blood.

Today, the Wang family is facing a great disaster. Tens of thousands of barbarian troops are attacking. This is something that has never happened in Beidou for hundreds of thousands of years.

At this time, the Wang family was extremely angry. Now everywhere in the ancestral land of the family, there are broken limbs and bones lying everywhere. These are all members of the Wang family.

Countless corpses covered the ground, and blood flowed into rivers, dyeing the Wang family's ancestral land red.

The chariots, warships, and war fortresses of the Wang family also rushed towards the barbarian army with great momentum.

Ye Fan was extremely ruthless at this time. From the moment the Wang family took action against his friends and brothers, he was determined to fight to the death.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Fan had nothing to be polite about.

I saw the sword energy on the Seven Stars Chart falling, and large swaths of the Wang family's army were killed. The Wang family's chariots, warships, and war fortresses were also blown up.

Countless people turned into rain of blood under Ye Fan's attack. Ye Fan was like a killing god at this time, terrifying and bloodthirsty.

The consumption of activating the Great Holy Soldier was extremely high, and Ye Fan couldn't bear it anymore, so he continued to take ancient medicine and divine sources to restore his divine power.

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