Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 384 The Forbidden Technique of Yuantian (Two in One)

Ye Fan met the founder Zhang Lin from the Purple Mountain. Although the Yuantian Master recovered his consciousness, unfortunately, there was not much time left for him, only one night.

Later, Ye Fan also informed Zhang Lin about Yang Yi, and took Yang Yi out of Zishan and rescued her.

As this incident that shocked the Taikoo clan comes to an end, it also threatens the Taikoo clan.

Now, Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, and Mr. Wei are following behind Zhang Lin and Yang Yi, moving forward to take the final step.

I saw that Yuantian Master Zhang Lin was on his way, and the movements of his hands did not stop.

Zhang Lin kept taking action, and one day the Heavenly Dragon Vein was kept in his hands by the means of Master Yuan Tianshi.

A scene like this is very scary. Yuan Changqing and the three people following Zhang Lin were all shocked after seeing such a scene.

However, this is normal and reasonable.

Elder Wei was not that shocked. After all, he had lived for thousands of years and had never seen anything.

It was just the first time that Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan met. Moreover, Ye Fan also practiced Origin Technique, so he naturally knew about these things and also yearned for them very much.

The great dragons that were imprisoned by Zhang Lin were hundreds or thousands of feet long.

In the end, they turned into a ray of divine light and were easily caught in Zhang Lin's hand. This was Master Yuan Tian's method, which was simply terrifying.

Along the way, Zhang Lin kept imprisoning the earth dragons from all directions, and he didn't know how many were imprisoned.

These earth-line dragons were easily put away by Zhang Lin, and Yuan Changqing was also impressed.

Although Yuan Changqing also read the Yuan Tian Shu, he did not practice it. He just understood it, which was still helpful for setting up the formation.

Unlike Ye Fan, because of the cultivation resources, he has practiced the contents of the Yuantian Book, and he is not far from the Yuantian Master.

Master Yuan Tian's way of practice is indeed very unique, but it has one shortcoming: it is prone to unexplained events in his later years.

The shortcomings of Yuan Tianshi are the same as those of the Ancient Holy Body. They are prone to unknown events in their later years.

Starting from the first generation of Yuantian Master, Zhang Lin is already the fifth generation, and Ye Fan is the sixth generation.

However, the end of the fifth generation of Yuan Tianshi was not very good. Looking at Zhang Lin now, you know that the end of Yuan Tianshi was not very good.

Ye Fan also knows this, but it doesn't matter.

After all, the Holy Body will also face such a situation. Whether it is cultivation or not, isn't it the same result?

Besides, Ye Fan has no choice. As for the unknown things that will happen in his later years, those are all things in the future. He should still live in the present.

At this time, Zhang Lin suddenly asked: "Fellow Daoist Yuan, which ancient royal family are you planning to deal with?"

Yuan Changqing replied: "Silver Moon Ridge!"

"Yinyue Ridge, which ancient royal family is this?"

"Silver Feather Clan!"

Silver Moon Ridge is located in a plateau area, where there are giant mountains reaching into the sky, towering into the clouds, like pillars supporting the sky.

And every time it comes to Juyue at night, there will be a bright moon shining on the smooth rock wall, as if it is imprinted on it.

The rock wall will also bloom with silver-white divine light. From a distance, it seems that there is a bright moon hanging high, shining on this plateau. This is the reason why Silver Moon Ridge got its name.

Under Juyue, there are ancient palaces one after another, with many ancient creatures living in them.

These ancient creatures have two wings on their backs, are human-shaped, have four arms, are at the tips of their ears, and have half a silver moon above their eyebrows.

Today's place is extremely prosperous, and those ancient creatures are also extremely powerful.

The Yinyu clan in Silver Moon Ridge is not the ancient royal clan that Yuan Changqing and the others dealt with before.

Because this Silver Feather Clan is extremely powerful, it is an ancient royal family with a great sage-level ancestor king.

Having a Great Saint Ancestor King sitting in charge is considered a big clan among the Taikoo clan. Of course, there is still a slight gap between them and the top Taikoo clan.

However, even so, it is not comparable to the previous ancient royal clans such as the Valley of the Spirits and the Blood and Lightning Tribe.

However, although the Silver Feather Clan has never had a peerless being like the Ancient Emperor, it was still a dominant clan in the ancient times.

Now, since he wanted to suppress the Taikoo tribe and serve as a warning to the monkeys, Yuan Changqing carefully selected the Silver Feather tribe.

So, on this quiet and cold night, with the silver moon hanging high in the sky, silently, a group of gods of death came here, ready to judge everything here.

The dark mist stirred, bringing with it a cold and murderous aura.

When Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan came here, they were also stunned by the sight of Silver Moon Ridge.

This is the Silver Moon Ridge, with giant mountains standing tall and towering like giant pillars holding up the sky, reaching straight into the sky. Especially the giant mountain in the center is even more spectacular.

And above the giant mountain in the center, the silver moon hangs high, shining silver moonlight, making the Silver Moon Ridge look particularly bright, and because of the silver moonlight, it casts a sense of mystery here.

Ye Fan looked at the Silver Moon Ridge at this time and sighed with emotion, saying: "This is really a good place. It is surrounded by big dragons, and the dragon veins are one after another. The source of the gods must be nurtured underground. The places chosen by these ancient tribes are all It’s a great place!”

Zhang Lin also said: "This ancient royal family's clan is very extraordinary, and this Silver Moon Ridge, under the shining of the silver moon, has formed a kind of terrain here!"

Zhang Lin looked at everything here from the perspective of Master Yuan Tian, ​​and he saw it very clearly.

However, this is nothing to Master Yuan Tian, ​​and it can also play a supporting role.

Later, Zhang Lin and Ye Fan came forward together. It was now time for them to perform as Yuantian Master.

Although Ye Fan had used the Origin Technique's killing technique before, because he had not reached the realm of Yuan Tianshi, he did not show the true style of the Origin Technique's killing technique.

Now that there is a real Yuantian Master, he will also bloom with the style of Yuantian Master.

I saw Zhang Lin and Ye Fan driving the big dragons detained from the road into the mountains here and some specially selected peaks.

Master Yuantian's methods, after he has been practiced to perfection, become miraculous and mysterious.

After Zhang Lin and Ye Fan drove the imprisoned dragon into the Silver Moon Ridge, they combined the divine source earth veins underground in the Silver Moon Ridge and arranged the formation according to the taboos recorded in the Source Heaven Book.

As long as such a taboo formation is activated, even an ancient saint can be burned alive, which is extremely terrifying.

"Today, my lineage from the Heavenly Master will suppress the Silver Moon Ridge, warn the world, and restore peace to the human race!"

After everything was arranged, Zhang Lin's sonorous and powerful voice sounded between heaven and earth.

Moreover, after this battle, countless ancient clans will be shocked.

Because once Silver Moon Ridge is wiped out, the world will be shaken, even the ancient royal families such as Blood Phoenix Ridge, Qilin Cave, and Ten Thousand Dragons Nest will be shaken by it.


Zhang Lin's voice directly led to the ancestor kings of the Silver Feather Clan, and only three ancestor kings were seen breaking out of the divine source.

At this moment, Wei Lao also took action, and saw that he had evolved a supreme divine skill, and the majestic divine power surged out from his body, possessing the power to destroy everything.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Ye Fan, take out the Seven Star Map, let's work together to break the Silver Feather Clan's defensive formation first."

"Okay, senior." Ye Fan nodded and responded.

As Ye Fan and Yuan Changqing jointly activated the Seven Star Diagram, the great holy weapon, the extremely sharp sword energy spread between heaven and earth.

I saw seven divine swords merged into one, revealing a sky-shattering giant sword. The bright and ultimate sword light contained endless killing energy, enough to shatter a star and destroy everything.



With two loud noises, Wei Lao, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan struck at the Silver Feather Clan's clan-protecting formation at the same time.

I saw that this great sage-level formation was instantly shattered by two extremely powerful attacks. The divine patterns engraved on the formation were directly obliterated, and now it has become an abandoned formation.

"Ye Fan, let's do it!" Zhang Lin called Ye Fan at this time and said.

With Yuan Changqing helping to share the divine power to activate most of the Seven Star Diagram, Ye Fan's current divine power has not been consumed much.

Therefore, under Zhang Lin's greeting, Ye Fan took action with him to activate the Yuantian Forbidden Formation.


With a sound that resounded throughout the heaven and earth, the vast divine land of Silver Moon Ridge instantly emitted divine light, rising up with endless divine light that shot straight into the sky.

And Silver Moon Ridge instantly turned into an eternal furnace, burning blazingly.

Divine light flooded the place, and Silver Moon Ridge became a desert.

With the opening of the Yuantian Forbidden Formation, various divine patterns are intertwined, densely packed, and constantly spreading in all directions.

"Humans, you deserve to die. If you dare to attack our clan, your souls will return to the Nine Netherlands." After seeing Silver Moon Ridge become a Jedi, the Silver Feather Ancestor King said angrily.

This was an ancestral king at the level of a saint king, and he rushed directly towards Zhang Lin.

"Roar..." Zhang Lin did not dare to show weakness, roared, and the red hair all over his body exploded. He looked extremely terrifying, and he rushed towards the ancestor king who was rushing towards him.

Elder Wei also started to take action at this time, and directly faced the other two ancestor kings.

However, in the hands of the great sage Wei Lao, these two ancestor kings were beaten extremely miserably, screaming in agony, and one of them was seriously injured just at the beginning.

However, because of the opening of the Yuantian Forbidden Formation, the ancestor king of the Silver Feather Clan was also awakened.

I saw another ancestor king rushing out from under the Silver Moon Ridge, and there were three more ancestor kings.

I have to say that the Silver Feather Clan is truly a wealthy clan.

After the three ancestor kings came out, they rushed towards Ye Fan, Yang Yi, and Yuan Changqing.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing and the three of them also faced off against an ancient ancestor king.

I saw the ancient ancestor king who was facing Yuan Changqing, suppressing Yuan Changqing with one hand. The hand turned into a giant palm, and it seemed that a small world was evolving in the palm, with the power to suppress the eight wastelands.

Not only that, the half of the silver moon between the ancestor's eyebrows also emitted a divine light, trying to penetrate Yuan Changqing directly.

Naturally, Yuan Changqing couldn't sit still and wait for death. A cold divine light was shot out from the Great Holy Soldier Divine Bow in his hand, cutting through the void, and in an instant, it pierced the arm of the ancestor king.

The abnormally cold Taiyin power continued to spread, causing one of the ancestor king's arms to be shattered and turned into countless ice cubes.


The arm was shattered. The ancestor king suffered such a sudden change and let out a shocking roar. It was unknown whether it was caused by pain or because Yinyue lost an arm.

However, Yuan Changqing can't control that much. When facing an ancient ancestral king, even if he has the Great Holy Soldier in hand, he must be careful.

After all, his strength is much higher than Yuan Changqing's, so he has to be more careful.

Then, Yuan Changqing kept shooting arrows with divine light, causing the broken-armed ancestor king to panic.

In addition, Yuan Changqing is also evolving the "Dou" character secret and the "Ji" character secret to improve his own strength, so that he can compete with the ancestor king.

The essence rose, the void shattered, the sky collapsed, and countless mountains in Silver Moon Ridge were shattered.



Yuan Changqing used the secret word "dou" to evolve Hetu Luoshu, which directly trapped the Broken Arm Ancestor King.

Speaking of Hetu Luoshu, the imperial weapon, Yuan Changqing is the most familiar with it.

However, Hetu Luoshu, the imperial weapon, is not good at fighting. Of course, this is only relative.

However, there is no problem in trapping an ancestor king. At this time, the broken-arm ancestor king has no power to move and can only keep struggling.

However, Yuan Changqing would not miss this opportunity at this time. A shocking divine light cut through the void and pointed directly at the head of the broken-arm ancestor king.


The ice crystal exploded, and the head of the Broken Arm Ancestor King perished along with his soul, leaving only a headless body.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing looked at other battlefields and saw that Wei Lao had already solved the battle. The two ancestor kings were easily eliminated in the face of the great sage Wei Lao.

And Mr. Wei also replaced Yang Yi. After all, she had just come out of the divine source and her strength recovery was not very good.

Fortunately, Mr. Wei managed to deal with the two ancestor kings in time, otherwise, Yang Yi might have been in danger.

With Wei Lao's timely action, the ancestor king was easily dealt with.

On Ye Fan's side, the fight was fierce and earth-shattering. However, at this time, Yuan Changqing did not step forward to help. At this time, Ye Fan was fighting.

Rather, such a leapfrog battle can also stimulate Ye Fan's fighting will.

I saw the ancestor king with his back and two wings, which is one of the symbols of the Silver Feather Clan.

The dazzling silver divine light soared into the sky, surrounded by divine rings one after another. The wings had the power to cut through the void, and countless divine feathers shot out and rushed towards Ye Fan.

Ye Fan is also in danger now. However, now that Ye Fan has a saint-level holy body, with the help of the Seven Star Diagram, a great holy weapon, he can fight with the ancient ancestor king.


Turning his attention to Zhang Lin, he saw that Zhang Lin was now like a madman, fighting directly against the ancestor king who was facing him, and cutting off the pair of wings behind the ancestor king.

Then, I saw countless earth dragon veins flying out of Zhang Lin's hands. When they first appeared, they were small and exquisite, but once they bloomed, they had the power to crush the world.


Zhang Lin then carved out the forbidden divine pattern of Origin Heaven, and the large and small dragon veins that flew out exploded instantly, with such terrifying power that they directly drowned the ancient ancestor king.


When the ancestor king rushed out from the explosion, he was covered in blood. All his arms were blown off for four days. He was dripping with blood and felt miserable.

"Who are you?" Obviously, the ancestor king suffered a big loss. The current situation made him a little confused and looked like he couldn't believe it.

"Emperor Wushi, sit down Zhang Lin!" As soon as Zhang Lin finished speaking, he took action again.

Ye Fan also shouted: "Human Saint Ye Fan!"

"Human race, Yuan Changqing!" Yuan Changqing stood aside and said lightly.

I saw that at this time, Ye Fan's blood was soaring to the sky, and the golden blood filled the sky.

And on the Seven Stars Chart, there is a terrifying sword energy blooming, and the terrifying sword light is unstoppable.

Ye Fan mobilized his divine power, and the seven divine swords were filled with killing intent, breaking through the void and slashing out instantly.

It was too late, but it was too fast. Before the ancient ancestor king could react, he was killed by Ye Fan.

This time, Ye Fan relied on the saint-level holy body and the great holy soldiers to finally kill the ancient ancestor king.

Thousands of mountains stand tall, and the peaks are majestic. On this night, on this plateau, the divine light is blooming, and the brilliance soars into the sky. Silver Moon Ridge now seems to be a divine furnace that is burning forever.

Now the shouts of killing in Silver Moon are soaring to the sky, and the gods of death brought by Zhang Lin are constantly harvesting the ancient creatures in Silver Moon Ridge.

At this time, Yang Yi was standing on a mountain peak in the distance, playing the jade flute, which was sad and beautiful, as if there was incomparable sadness contained in it.


Zhang Lin was roaring loudly at this time, roaring to the sky like a madman, and dancing wildly along with the sound of the flute.

He was now killing like crazy, and the long red hair that covered his body made him look like a red monkey, constantly fighting with the ancestor king.

At Zhang Lin's feet, countless Yuantian divine patterns appeared, flashing with divine light, surrounding them, and continuously spreading in all directions. The ancient creatures that were close to him were directly shattered into a bloody mist.

At this time, Zhang Lin had infinite divine power, and Silver Moon Ridge was being used by him and became his source of strength.

Countless dragon energy, its source power is like the sea embracing all rivers, rushing towards Zhang Lin one after another.


With great power, Zhang Lin waved his fist, opened and closed it widely, and the long red hair fluttered with his movements, attacking the ancient ancestor king.

The blood of the two people flew everywhere, their long hair was scattered, their wings were torn, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Every attack they make seems to be evolving the beginning of the Tao, the origin of the law, and the divine light.

One after another traces of the avenue emerged in their battle, and various sounds of the Tao were chanting in the sky.

Obviously, Zhang Lin and the ancient ancestor king were evenly matched, and no one could do anything to the other.

Later, Yuan Changqing was no longer prepared to let them continue fighting. After all, there was not much time.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the divine light cut through the void, directly piercing the chest of the ancestor king. This sudden move made the ancestor king not know what to do.

However, Zhang Lin's movements were not slow and he punched the ancient ancestor king directly on the head, finally ending his life.

And Zhang Lin is still dragging his broken body. It is obvious that he fought this battle extremely hard.

The sad and beautiful sound of the flute echoed in this world. Standing on a mountain in the distance, Yang Yi was in tears, her heart was like a knife, and her heart was broken. She knew that after this night, Zhang Lin would disappear from this world forever. .

Therefore, her flute sound is also so sad and beautiful, and indescribably sad.

Since then, all the ancient ancestor kings born in the Silver Feather Clan have been destroyed, and those members of the Silver Feather Clan have also been continuously harvested by the gods of death.

These Shinigami were all the divine generals of the Immortal Emperor. After their death, they were controlled by Zhang Lin, the fifth-generation Yuantian Master.

They will also disappear as Zhang Lin disappears into smoke.

At this time, the ground of Silver Moon Ridge was dyed red with blood, corpses were everywhere, and people from the Silver Feather Clan were constantly losing their lives.

The Silver Feather Clan, even the great sage of this clan had previously made bold claims to invite their great sage ancestor king to kill Yuan Changqing and his group.

Now, Yuan Changqing and the others came here on their own initiative, just to scare the Ancient Clan with the blood of the Silver Feather Clan.

And now the Silver Feather Tribe only has the Great Saint Ancestral King left. Once the Great Saint Ancestor Queen is killed, the thing that shocked the Taikoo Clan this time will be over.


An earth-shaking sound came from the ground of Silver Moon Ridge, and a silver divine light shot straight into the sky, exuding a terrifying aura that would destroy the world, as if one could feel that the stars would perish with it.

This is the power of the Great Sage. Fortunately, Yuan Changqing and the others have Wei Lao on their side, so they are not afraid.

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