Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 386 Conspiracy (two in one)

"Emperor Wu Shi sat down with Zhang Lin and obeyed the emperor's decree to suppress Yin Yueling!"

The loud voice echoed back and forth on the plateau of Silver Moon Ridge, as if the emperor was whispering, and the peerless divine power suppressed the sky for a long time.

The human monks who were watching Silver Moon Ridge in the distance also heard this majestic sound.

Emperor Wushi sat down with Zhang Lin? Could it be that Silver Moon Ridge was destroyed by this supreme powerhouse!

Although we don’t know how Silver Moon Ridge was destroyed, those words like a curse are still floating in the sky.

Suddenly, the blood of countless humans boiled with excitement.

This is the powerful man who sat down with Emperor Wushi, and he came here to kill Yin Yueling according to the decree of Emperor Wushi.

From this point of view, the Wushi Emperor's bell rang before. This was the Wushi Emperor warning the Taikoo clan not to easily provoke a war between the human race and the Taikoo clan.

However, some races among the ancient royal family did not know what was good or bad, and actually dared to provoke extremely arrogantly.

Thus, the scene in Silver Moon Ridge happened. Emperor Wu Shi personally sent the supreme powerhouse Zhang Lin to suppress the top clan of the Ancient Tribe here in Silver Moon Ridge.

Of course, this is what countless people and the Taikoo clan have guessed from the situation here in Silver Moon Ridge.

But those creatures of the Ancient Clan are now frantically trying to report the situation back to their clan.

First, the Valley of the Spirits and the Blood and Lightning Clan were destroyed, and then the six ancient royal families were massacred by the mysterious and powerful humans.

And just as the bell of the Wu Shi Emperor's bell had just ended, the Silver Feather Clan, the top clan of the Ancient Clan, was massacred again, and it was the work of the powerful Emperor Wu Shi Emperor.

Suddenly, as the news spread here in Silver Moon Ridge, the Northern Territory was shaken and the whole world was shocked.

You know, since the Taikoo clan gradually came into being, it has put tremendous pressure on the human race.

Although the Taikoo clan has not been fully born, the Taikoo clan has always been an extremely powerful ethnic group in the memory of the human race.

Because of this, when facing the Taikoo clan, the human race seemed to bow its head, which put the human race under tremendous pressure.

As a result, the human race was plunged into panic. In addition, several clamoring ancient royal clans were destroyed this time, including a large clan like the Silver Feather clan.

Because the Silver Feather clan was destroyed, the Taikoo clan was angry. At this time, before they were fully born, several Taikoo royal clans were already suppressed by the most powerful men of the human race. This made the Taikoo clan not angry.

Although the Taikoo Clan is known as the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clan, those who understand the real situation of the Taikoo Clan know that this is just an exaggeration. They are now only more than a hundred royal families at most.

Times have changed now. If it were the ancient times, the ancient races would still be considered the true ancient races.

It's a pity that things are different now. The ancient times are so far away from the present, and countless races have disappeared in such a long history.

The races that the Taikoo tribe can now retain are the most powerful ones.

Otherwise, it would not have been passed down to the present, and they would have been stuck in a state of slumber.

Just to wait for the arrival of this golden age, which is the current era.

However, with their birth, there was also a huge disturbance in the Beidou Emperor Burial Star.

These ancient tribes still think about their glorious past, and they still think that the human race is like the slaves and blood-eaters of the past.

They want to subdue the human race and become kings and hegemons again, but unfortunately, times have changed.

Although the human race still has a fear of the Taikoo tribe in their bones, this is also due to the factor of inertia.

Now the human race just hasn't reacted yet and feels that the Taikoo race is too powerful to contend with.

The current human race is a supreme race, but this situation occurs only because of different forces and the dispersion of strength.

If the human race is fully united and there are no other unexpected factors, such as those terrifying existences in the dark restricted area, the human race really is not afraid of the ancient tribe.

Of course, this is the most ideal state, but the reality is different and extremely cruel. z

Therefore, the human race has been at a disadvantage since the birth of the Taikoo tribe, and has been constantly provoked and oppressed by the Taikoo tribe.

However, the Taikoo clan also underestimated the human race. Now with the destruction of several royal families of the Taikoo clan, coupled with the ringing of the Wu Shi Emperor's bell, and the Wu Shi Emperor sitting down with the tiger skin of Zhang Lin.

No matter how angry the Taikoo clan is, no Taikoo royal family comes out to take the lead.

After all, weren't the ancient royal families that were destroyed before because they were so arrogant that they provoked the most powerful men of the human race to use thunderous means to directly destroy their clans?

As a result, everyone in the Taikoo clan is now confused, wondering whether Emperor Wushi is really alive.

Then, although the Taikoo clan did not confirm, they still kept a low-key silence and began to wait and see.

"Emperor Wu Shi sat down with Zhang Lin and obeyed the emperor's decree to suppress Yin Yueling!"

This curse, blessed by the Yuantian Formation, lasts for a long time and is extremely vast.

Instead, it seemed as if there was an emperor scolding him, which made those who heard this voice feel their souls tremble, and they couldn't help but want to worship at the top, unable to kneel down for a long time.

After that, those Taikoo tribesmen who got the news immediately sent their tribesmen to the Silver Moon Ridge plateau to investigate.

After seeing the current situation behind Silver Moon Ridge, everyone felt a chill running down their backs, and their hearts were filled with fear and fear.

The Emperor of Heaven was the first to express his stance during this period, constantly provoking some of the ancient tribes who were close to him to deal with the human race.

As a result, reality slapped him hard. The Silver Feather clan was wiped out, their ancestral land was destroyed, and the entire army was wiped out.


When the Prince of Heaven learned that the Silver Feather clan had been slaughtered, he couldn't help but roar, his face extremely ugly.

You know, this Silver Feather clan is the die-hard supporter of the Emperor of Heaven, and now it was wiped out overnight, which made the Emperor of Heaven furious.

This was also the angry roar that the Prince of Heaven made after he came to Silver Moon Ridge and saw the situation here.

It is not surprising that the ancient creatures who followed him here saw the angry look of the Emperor.

After all, they all know that this Silver Feather clan is one of the die-hard supporters of the Emperor.

"This is impossible, Wu Shi must be dead, how could he still be alive!" The Emperor said through gritted teeth, not believing any of this.

After all, some time ago, the Heavenly Prince danced a little too much, and now the Great Emperor Wushi appeared and sat down with Zhang Lin, directly annihilating the Silver Feather Clan.

This not only undermined the Emperor's previous remarks, but also damaged his prestige among the Taikoo clan and frustrated subsequent plans.

This has to make some Taikoo clan feel that the Emperor has no good intentions at all.

Also, the Silver Feather Tribe has the presence of the Great Saint Ancestor King. This was a great help to the Emperor, but now it is gone.

Such and such made the Emperor go a little crazy, how could he not be angry.

You know, as an ancient royal family, it has gone through thousands of calamities, and it can still stand firm from the ancient times to the present. What kind of opponent has it not encountered!

After all, the battles in the ancient times were so cruel and bloody that they could be described as rivers of blood. The wars between races lasted for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Those who can be passed down to this day are all the elites among the elites.

However, after passing through the cruel era of the ancient times, I never expected that I would be directly exterminated by the human race.

As the incident unfolded, the news spread further and further, and everyone in the world was shocked.

Although the Northern Territory is still complicated and chaotic, the Taigu Clan has not made any big moves or spoken arrogantly.

After all, no one knew whether the Emperor Wu was really alive, and they were afraid of touching some unknown bottom line, so they all fell silent.


On this day, in the distant Western Desert, on top of Mount Sumeru, a loud chant of the Buddha was heard. The sound spread in all directions and shook countless ancient temples.

Then, some time later, a Buddhist disciple from the Western Desert crossed the Eastern Wasteland and came to the Northern Territory, bringing a decree.

"Peace in the world!"

Above the decree, there are only these four big characters, iron pen and silver hook, vigorous and powerful.

As the decree is unfolded, heaven roars, divine sounds burst into bursts, Buddha chants chant, and divine light soars into the sky.

This makes people feel that there are countless ancient Buddhas chanting sutras and chanting Buddha together, echoing between heaven and earth.

However, what shocked countless people even more was that from this decree, they also learned that the Victorious Buddha was not dead.

This piece of news that shocked the world was once again spread to the other four regions.

The Taikoo clan was also shocked, and countless ancient kings were shocked.

Douzhan Buddha, this holy ape, is the younger brother of Douzhan Holy Emperor. His cultivation level is absolutely the result of creation and is extremely powerful.

Not only that, the ancient emperor's soldiers of the Douzhan Saint Emperor are definitely in the hands of the Douzhan Saint Ape.

Regarding the sudden announcement of such a decree regarding the Fighting and Victory Buddha at this time, it will naturally attract the attention of countless people in the world, and they all speculate whether there is some unknown reason.

Sure enough, after discussion, the royal family of the Taikoo clan also issued an announcement to the outside world.

"Proving the Tao and becoming an immortal is the ultimate goal of monks. There is no need to kill each other on this road now."

As soon as this news came out, the world was in an uproar. Obviously, the ancient clan did not want to confront the human race head-on and have a race war.

Therefore, the Taigu Royal Family has given the Taigu Clan and the Human Race a step up, and their tone has softened, unlike before, which was aloof and arrogant.

This is to reach a reconciliation with the human race and live in peace with the human race.

So, not long after, news came out that the Taikoo tribe proposed to hold a conference of all races.

In an instant, the Northern Territory was shaken, people started talking, and the Beidou Emperor Burial Star also began to boil.

Later, the news was confirmed. This grand gathering of all races was indeed going to take place, and it was not a lie.

Moreover, this grand gathering of all races will be held at the Yaochi Holy Land of the human race.

In an instant, the world was shaken.

This is definitely shocking news, plus there are people from all major races coming to participate.

Such a grand event that shocked the five regions must be a battle between dragons and tigers.

Countless human races were inspired by this, and were also complacent. They felt that the Taikoo tribe was compromising and bowing to the human race, and was willing to coexist peacefully with the human race.

However, most humans do not know the deeper meaning.

This time when the Taikoo tribe proposed holding this conference of all races, they obviously had no good intentions and it was just a conspiracy.

The purpose of the Ancient Clan is to further test the Human Race. In the past, the Ancient Royal Clan such as the Valley of the Spirits and the Blood and Lightning Clan clamored against the Human Race, which also had the element of testing the Human Race.

It's just that these are just the first-rate birds promoted by the Taikoo clan. Didn't you see that the top clans and the Taikoo royal family were speechless.

A large Taikoo clan like the Silver Feather clan is so arrogant only because of the Emperor.

However, the result of waiting was that Zhang Lin was directly killed by Emperor Wushi who sat down.

This grand meeting of all races proposed by the Taikoo tribe is to test whether the human emperor is really still alive, and to see if the human race really has a strong man who can suppress everything.

Therefore, the human race is a little too happy now.

After all, true peace is achieved through fighting, not begging.

However, only those ignorant people would think that the Taikoo clan has compromised now.

But the real saints of the human race are not happy at all. They simply do not believe that the Taikoo tribe will negotiate peace with the human race and coexist peacefully with the human race.

As a result, the conscious people of the human race began to secretly plot to win peace for the human race.

In the Holy City of the Northern Territory of the Eastern Wasteland, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan, together with Elder Wei and Yang Yi, came directly to Elder Wei's Tianxuan Stone Workshop after returning from Silver Moon Ridge.

After that, Yuan Changqing said goodbye to Ye Fan and Mr. Wei, and prepared to take Yang Yi to the Yaochi Holy Land. Yuan Changqing also missed his wife and daughter.

Just when Yuan Changqing left, Ye Fan also took the opportunity to say goodbye to Mr. Wei and prepared to go find his friends and brothers.

Mr. Wei also knew that after Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan returned to Beidou from Ziwei, so many things happened one after another, and they even did big things that shocked the five regions together, so he didn't keep two more people.

In fact, in Wei Lao's heart, he did not agree with the massacre of the ancient royal family. He was different from the old madman.

Wei Lao wanted to seek stability for the current situation of the human race. However, since he, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan started taking action, there was naturally no possibility of stopping.

People like Wei Lao, who have lived for thousands of years, still know the details of the Ancient Clan. These Ancient Clan are too deeply involved in the dark restricted area.


After leaving Tianxuan Shifang in the Holy City, Yuan Changqing opened the domain gate and came directly to the vicinity of the Yaochi Holy Land.

After that, Yuan Changqing and Yang Yi entered Yaochi after being notified, and handed Yang Yi over to the Holy Master of Yaochi. The subsequent events were no longer something Yuan Changqing needed to pay attention to.

And Yuan Changqing also fulfilled his promise to Yuantian Master Zhang Lin and sent Yang Yi back to the Yaochi Holy Land.

Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er were also notified that Yuan Changqing was back.

Fortunately, both of them were at Yaochi Holy Land, otherwise, they would have missed it again.

After Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer saw Yuan Changqing, they quickly jumped into Yuan Changqing's arms.

After that, the three of them left and went to the place where Zeng Li lived, telling their thoughts about them over the years.

Later, Yuan Changqing also told the two women how he went to Ziwei after leaving Beidou.

This also shocked Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er, and they also had some yearning expressions.

After Yuan Changqing finished speaking, he also asked about the situation of their mother and daughter, as well as the situation of his own parents.

Yuan Dongfang and Liang Fen are both doing well. They are practicing steadily in Taixuan Sect, and their strength has steadily improved. They have entered the Immortal Stage level. Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer also visited the two elders several times.

After Yuan Changqing heard this, he also nodded and said that after he completed his retreat, he would take their mother and daughter to visit their parents.

Yuan Changqing stands at the peak of the king, not far away from the saint level. Now that the Taikoo clan is close to being fully born, he must also step up his cultivation.

At the same time, Yuan Changqing also asked Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer to practice hard and strive to break through their current cultivation levels.

After these years of cultivation, coupled with resources and scriptures, the two women have reached the peak of their power. This kind of cultivation speed can be said to be extremely fast.

The two girls are also very popular in Yaochi Holy Land. After all, they both have special physiques and are not too old. They can be said to be top geniuses.

Even the current Saint of Yaochi cannot say that she is more talented than Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer.

While Yuan Changqing was accompanying Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer at the Yaochi Holy Land, the news that the Taigu Clan proposed to hold a grand gathering of all races was also heard.

I also know the purpose of the Taikoo tribe. This time Taikoo came to test the human race and cause trouble for the human race.

So, Yuan Changqing thought for a while and contacted Ye Fan. Ye Fan should know Gai Jiuyou, the quasi-emperor of the human race.

It's just that now Gai Jiuyou is haunted by the laws of the avenue due to the injury of the avenue, constantly destroying his foundation. Only the elixir of immortality can break the laws of the avenue in his body.

It could even allow Gai Jiuyou to stand up and live another life.

Yuan Changqing also admired Gai Jiuyou very much. Even if he was injured, he was still running for the human race.

Whether it was the recent planning at the Ten Thousand Races Gathering or the subsequent dark turmoil, Gai Jiuyou had put in a lot of effort.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing also wanted to help Gai Jiuyou. Now Ye Fan does not have the real dragon elixir of immortality. He gave it to the God King Jiang Taixu last time.

Now God King Jiang Taixu's strength should have been transformed by the True Dragon Immortal Medicine, and he has been reborn, and his strength will be even more terrifying.

Ye Fan no longer has the elixir of immortality, but Yuan Yuer has a white tiger elixir of immortality in his hand. This was given to Yue Yue'er by the white tiger elixir of elixir when he was still on Earth Star.

Yuan Changqing just wanted to use this White Tiger Immortal Medicine to save Gai Jiuyou, so Ye Fan needed to contact Gai Jiuyou.

Later, Yuan Changqing also discussed with Yuan Yue'er and talked about some issues related to whether the human race can fight against the ancient race in this conference of all races.

Finally, Yuan Yue'er nodded in agreement. She also wanted to meet the powerful quasi-emperor Yuan Changqing mentioned.

After Ye Fan received the message from Yuan Changqing, he came to the Yaochi Holy Land without stopping.

As for why Yuan Changqing asked Ye Fan to come to Yaochi Holy Land, it was so that he could go directly to Zhongzhou through the teleportation array of Yaochi Holy Land.

After all, Gai Jiuyou has always been in Zhongzhou. When the time comes, it will be faster to go to Zhongzhou from Yaochi Holy Land.

After Ye Fan arrived at Yaochi Holy Land, he quickly asked: "Senior, you are so anxious to see me, do you have something important to do?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said, "You should know Senior Gai Jiuyou from Zhongzhou!"

"But we know each other. Are you looking for senior Gai Jiuyou?" Then, Ye Fan asked in surprise: "Senior, how do you know and know senior Gai Jiuyou? You were no longer in Beidou at that time!"

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "Before I left Beidou, when you went through the four great tribulations, there was a young female monk who clamored to draw the blood of your holy body. Do you still remember it?"

Immediately, Ye Fan suddenly realized and said: "You are talking about Xia Jiuyou, senior Gai Jiuyou's disciple, I see. I wonder what senior Gai Jiuyou wants to do with him. When I contact him, I can have someone to tell him." .”

Therefore, Yuan Changqing explained the reason and said: "The grand gathering of all races is about to begin. This is not a good thing for the human race. This requires the peerless strong men of the human race to hold the battle."

"So, I thought of Senior Gai Jiuyou. He is a truly peerless strong man. With him holding the battle, we, the human race, don't have to be afraid of the grand gathering of all races held by the Taikoo Clan this time."

Ye Fan nodded, and then said with some worry: "Senior, the situation of Senior Gai Jiuyou is not very good!"

Yuan Changqing added: "The reason why I asked you to contact Senior Gai Jiuyou this time is for his injury. When you contact him, tell him that I have magic medicine here to help her."

Ye Fan was surprised again at this time and said: "Senior, do you really have the magic medicine to help senior Gai Jiuyou?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "That's right, otherwise I wouldn't have called you over quickly and asked you to contact Senior Gai Jiuyou."

Ye Fan immediately said: "Okay, let's set off for Zhongzhou now. When the time comes, I will take you to find Senior Gai Jiuyou."

"Okay, let's go to Zhongzhou from the teleportation array in Yaochi."

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