Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 388 List of Gods (two in one)

Before the grand gathering of all races started, the venue prepared by Yaochi Holy Land was already bustling with activity.

However, there were more quarrels and the targeting of the human race. It has to be said that the Taikoo tribe's plan has been partially successful.

"In the ancient times, the human race was just a weak race. They were the slaves and blood-food of the powerful clans. Even self-preservation was a problem. The human race should give up most of its territory." A creature from the ancient royal family said loudly. This was obvious. It's stirring up trouble again.

"Yes, in the ancient times, there were thousands of races. The human race was just a small race, a vassal of the major powerful races. It was an insignificant race at that time, but now it occupies too much territory and resources."

Obviously, there are many races that are dissatisfied with the human race that now occupies such a huge area.

In the past, before the Taikoo race was born, these races could only hide their fear of the human race in their hearts because of their differences.

However, now that the Taikoo tribe is causing trouble, naturally, races that are dissatisfied with the human race begin to jump out.

"Oh, didn't you all say that that was the ancient era, and now it is no longer the ancient era. Now, it is the world of my human race." Ye Fan also came to the Yaochi Holy Land at this time and entered the main hall.

"Humph, human being, you are right. Now is indeed not the ancient era. However, when our major ancient royal families wake up, you humans will become a thing of the past." An ancient creature said gloomily.

The haughty appearance of the Taikoo clan made the human race present so angry that their teeth itched.

Obviously, this time the Taikoo clan was holding a meeting of all races for the sake of so-called peace.

In fact, they have never looked at the human race at all, they just do it for their own purposes.

Among the human beings present, there were some small-power cult leaders and holy masters who could not speak at all and were directly ignored by the Ancient Clan.

This feeling of being ignored made the human race present full of anger, but since they were not as strong as others, they had nowhere to express their anger.

The only one who could speak was the Barbarian King, but he was so weak that there was nothing he could do.


At this time, the divine bell in the Yaochi Holy Land rang, and the Holy Lord of Yaochi personally greeted them. It was obvious that an important human race had appeared.

As the sun sets in the west, the setting sun is like blood. Blood-red light shines on the sky, dyeing the earth red.

On the horizon in the distance, a figure came in the rays of the sun. It was dressed in white clothes and had white hair. It looked whiter than snow, with extraordinary momentum and majesty.

A powerful aura radiates faintly from his body, which is unfathomable.


"This is the saint who belongs to my human race!"

Countless human races present were happy and encouraged. After all, those ancient tribes were too arrogant before and had incomparable contempt for the human race.

But now, a saint from the human race is finally born to support the human race.

With the appearance of the saint from the human race, the Taikoo tribe was shocked. They did not expect that a strong saint from the human race would appear here.

"Welcome to the saint!"

"Welcome to Senior God King!"

The person who came was none other than God King Jiang Taixu, but now he had achieved the cultivation level of a saint.

After receiving the True Dragon Immortal Medicine from Ye Fan, Jiang Taixu used it to complete his transformation and live a new life.

On the contrary, it is more powerful than before, because of the True Dragon Immortal Medicine, this transformation is also more perfect, leaving no flaws, and has unlimited potential.

The humans present were extremely respectful at this time, and the majesty of the saint was worthy of the respect of the world.

"Sage, please go to Yaochi to rest first." The Holy Master of Yaochi said at this time.

After entering Yaochi, Jiang Taixu sat on the throne, looking around and looking down at the ancient clans. His powerful holy power was breathtaking.

Now, with the arrival of Jiang Taixu, those ancient people were instantly quiet, as silent as a cicada, and no longer dared to be as presumptuous and contemptuous of the human race as before.

"Haha, just now everyone was arrogant and didn't take human beings seriously, but now they don't even dare to fart." Li Heishui, who came with Ye Fan, muttered in a low voice.

Although the words were not loud, Li Heishui's words were clearly transmitted to the ears of those people present, who were all well-educated people.

Now, Ye Fan has found his relatives and friends, so Li Heishui appears here.

"That's right, why don't you continue to be arrogant? You are still thinking of carving up the territory of my human race and driving away my race. We are already discussing how to divide the territory. Why do you stop now!"

"Who is that? Didn't you say that the human race is a small race, only worthy of being used as blood food, and not worthy of occupying such a large territory? Come on, keep talking!" Duan De, the fat man, said with an arrogant look at this time.

At this time, a king's servant behind the Emperor couldn't help but stand up and said: "Humph, isn't he just a saint? It's not like I don't have any ancient clan, so what's the point of being arrogant?"

Jiang Taixu's eyes were like lightning as he looked at the king's servant. In an instant, he saw that the slave's head exploded like a watermelon and blood flew everywhere.

This made the Emperor's face instantly darken, and he said in a cold voice: "Bullying the weak with the strong is nothing. Don't think that you are a saint because you are a great person. You are bullying me because the ancient clan has no ancestor king!"

Now the Emperor's son was slapped twice in front of everyone in the world. As the son of God, how could he not be angry.

"It's just a bastard chicken. What kind of show is it? How dare you be so arrogant on the territory of my human race." Ye Fan couldn't help but attack him at this time.

After all, the prince was among the relatives and friends who used to hunt down Ye Fan.

After all, the Emperor has been dancing quite happily recently, and Mark also wants to dampen his energy.

At this time, Jiang Taixu also looked at the Emperor with cold eyes, which contained a hint of murderous intent. For a moment, the temperature in the hall went cold.


The Emperor of Heaven still had something to say, but the servant behind him caught the Emperor in time after sensing the abnormality in the hall.

At this time, there is no saint-level strong man here in the Taikoo clan. If the Emperor of Heaven is really ignorant, he will be killed here for no reason.

"Hahaha, this is nothing more than that." Duan De laughed arrogantly, his voice echoed in the hall, and countless people felt their blood boiling.

The major ancient tribes are now extremely gloomy. The descendants of the Immortal Emperor have been insulted, but they dare not say a word for fear of upsetting the human saint.

At the same time, the Taikoo tribe present couldn't help but look at Ye Fan and Duan De, as if their eyes could swallow them up.

However, Ye Fan and Duan De looked like old gods at this time, as if it was none of their business.

This made the Taikoo clan even more angry. After all, insulting the Emperor of Heaven already made these Taikoo clan uncomfortable, and it was even more uncomfortable to see Ye Fan and Duan De.

Holy Ya.

There is a golden scroll here, exuding golden divine light and making a hunting sound.

This is a dazzling Chang Kuan, as if made of gold. It was refined by the former Emperor Wu Shi and has been suppressed here in Shengya for hundreds of thousands of years.

However, at this moment, it began to shake violently and make a hunting sound.

Then, the long scroll was seen flying away, and the entire Holy Land was shaking because of it.

The dazzling golden divine light soared straight into the sky, sacred and vast, shaking the heaven and earth, and majestic.

This ancient long scroll directly crosses the Northern Territory, and the divine light shines on this eternal land, as if it has the power to connect to the past, present and future.

I saw an eternal holy light coming from the Central Territory, crossing the endless land, cutting through time and space, and arriving in the Eastern Wilderness and Northern Territory.

This ancient long scroll has the power to traverse the heaven and earth and across the sky. It exudes immortal divinity, coexists with the heaven and earth, and competes with the sun and the moon.

"This is the breath of the ancient emperor!"

In the process of the long scroll traversing thousands of miles, the divine light was extremely bright and sacred and inviolable.

Countless people felt its ancient aura, filled with the power of the Great Emperor, and countless creatures could not help but worship the long scroll.

This long scroll is the list of gods, which Emperor Wushi placed in Shengya in order to suppress the evil thoughts of the Immortal Emperor.

In the list of gods, there was the mark of the Great Emperor Wu Shi. The mark turned into a big golden hand, and it swept across all realms, and the entire Northern Territory was alarmed.

It is like a flying fairy light, shining on the land of the Northern Territory, like a feathered flying fairy, shocking the world.

With the emergence of the Conferred Gods List, the ancestral lands of the ancient royal family such as Blood Phoenix Mountain, Primordial Lake, and Qilin Cave were all disturbed.

The vast imperial power, overwhelming the sky and the earth, shining on all realms, descended directly on the ancestral land of the ancient royal family.

"This is the human emperor manifesting!"

"What does it mean when it comes to my Qilin Cave? Is it a warning?"

When the Fengshen Bang came to Qilin Cave, the ancestor king of Qilin Cave looked extremely solemn.

As the list of gods appeared in the sky above Qilin Cave, other ancient royal families followed one after another, passing by one by one.

Although the list of gods did not stay in the ancestral land of these ancient royal families for too long, its purpose has obviously been achieved.

Finally, it disappeared into the vast sky.

The appearance of the Conferred Gods List made the Taikoo clan no longer dare to be arrogant. This really shocked all clans.

Now, all the major ancient clans are speculating that Emperor Wushi is really still alive? !

At this moment, the human race was all excited, but the Taikoo race was silent, but they were frightened.

After all, who is not afraid of the power of the ancient emperor!

However, the Emperor didn't believe it. Unfortunately, he didn't dare to take the initiative now, so he could only feel resentful in his heart.


The divine bell rings and the Yaochi vibrates.

The ancestor king of the Taikoo clan arrived at the Yaochi Holy Land. Countless Taikoo creatures breathed a sigh of relief at this moment and quickly stood up to greet him.

"Where is the Holy Prince? Do you think you can blaspheme the gods and insult the Immortal Emperor because you have the support of the Buddha who won the battle?"

However, no one expected that the first batch of ancient ancestor kings who came did not find trouble with the human race, but instead found the Holy Prince first.

Instead, he still looked like he was going to attack the enemy and wanted to kill them quickly and with great force.

This is an extremely beautiful woman, but she has extremely terrifying strength, and her body exudes terrifying coercion.

As soon as she entered Yaochi, she approached Ye Fan and the Holy Prince and said, "I don't care whether you are a human saint or a descendant of the Dou Zhan Holy Emperor. If you dare to insult the Immortal Emperor, you will have to pay the price with blood."

Yuan Changqing had been silent before, but now he took a step forward, blocking in front of Ye Fan, and said: "This is the human Yaochi Holy Land, a place where all races make peace. You are not allowed to come here to run wild."

"Who do you think you are? You will kill whoever you say you want to kill. You really think that we, the human race, are afraid of you."

The ancestral queen of the Taikoo clan looked at Yuan Changqing and asked, "Who are you? Are you looking for death?"

"Humph, Yuan Changqing of the human race, if you want to use my human race to establish authority, then your calculation is wrong. I am afraid that you will not succeed, just the ancestor king." Yuan Changqing said coldly.

Not far away, the Emperor and those ancient beings were sneering at this moment, standing aside and watching everything in the field without saying a word.

"Oh, are you going to stand up for the human holy body and that monkey?" the female ancestor asked in a condescending manner, obviously not paying attention to the king Yuan Changqing.


"I'm still afraid that you won't succeed. If you don't accept it, I'll fight."

Before Yuan Changqing could say anything, the Holy Prince struck the ground with a big stick, rebellious and said with golden eyes.

As a member of the Dou Zhan clan, I have never been afraid of anyone, and there is no fear in my eyes at all, even if I am facing a powerful ancestor king.

"Hmph, Yinghuo dares to compete with the bright moon, and you are not overestimating your abilities. Now I will give you a chance to kneel down and apologize to the Emperor.

Also, I will spare your life in front of all the ancient royal families and kneel down to repent to the Immortal Emperor.

Otherwise, even if the victorious Buddha is still alive, I will take action today. "

Cold words and turbulent murderous aura came from the mouth of the female ancestor. It was obvious that she wanted to force the Holy Prince to bow his head and submit.

"Hmph, if you want to make me bow my head and break my emperor's heart, you have a good plan and you are not afraid of using your tongue.

If you have no scruples, then kill me. When the time comes, everything left by the Immortal Emperor will be turned into rubbish. It depends on how you end up. "The Holy Prince was full of fighting spirit and said without reservation.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will help you."

I saw the cold light in the eyes of the female ancestor, stretching out a slender hand to grab the Holy Prince. In an instant, the pressure of the Saint swept over the entire audience, making everyone feel frightened.

"Hmph, what a great prestige. This is the Holy Land of the Human Yaochi. You are not here to show off your prestige." Jiang Taixu appeared in front of Yuan Changqing and others.

In an instant, Jiang Taixu snorted, easily dispelling the saint's pressure.

At this time, Ye Fan and the Holy Prince also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, they still had huge pressure when facing the saint.

However, with the arrival of the ancestral king of the Taikoo tribe, the human saints confronted him, which filled the Yaochi Holy Land with a dignified atmosphere.

"Senior God King, this ancient ancestor king should be the servant left by the Immortal Emperor to that bastard chicken." Yuan Changqing said to Jiang Taixu at this time.

When the ancient beings in the Purple Mountain attacked the Holy City, Yuan Changqing was there, and among them was this female ancestor.

"If you dare to insult the Son of God, you will pay the price with blood." The female ancestor stared at Yuan Changqing with murderous intent in her eyes.

"Kill him." Prince Tian also said loudly and furiously at this time.

The ancient beings who are now around the Emperor of Heaven are also staring angrily at Yuan Changqing, all filled with righteous indignation and wishing to chop Yuan Changqing and others into pieces.

Obviously, calling the Emperor a bastard not only insults the Son of God, but also brings in the Immortal Emperor as well.

The Immortal Emperor is a god-like existence in the hearts of these ancient beings, but now he is being insulted like this. This is an unforgivable crime.

The ancient ancestor king was also furious, and finally couldn't help but take action.

"When... when..."

At this moment, in the Yaochi Holy Land, the divine bell rang again. This was the arrival of the Ancient Ancestor King again.

"A mere king who dares to insult the gods of our clan should be punished!"

At this time, two middle-aged men appeared side by side, came directly to the female ancestor, and looked at Yuan Changqing with murderous intent.

"Huh, that's your god, not my human god. As for insult or not, it's none of our human race's business." Yuan Changqing said to the newly emerged ancient ancestor king without fear.

"Then today I will make you bleed on the spot!" As he said that, one of the middle-aged men was about to take action.

"Seniors, there is a rule for this event of all races, no action is allowed in the Yaochi Holy Land." The Holy Lord of Yaochi said at this time.

Then, above the void, green golden pagodas of Immortal Tears dropped down streams of misty green air. Each stream was extremely thick, like a mountain, thick and towering, making people feel suffocated.

The Green Golden Pagoda of Immortal Tears appeared, and the three ancestor kings of the Taikoo clan did not dare to move rashly at this time.

After all, facing the Jidao Imperial Weapon, it is not something that the three ancestor kings can resist. It only takes one Jidao Emperor's power to kill three people on the spot.

"Hmph, then let's go outside. Do you dare?" The female ancestor's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"I'm still afraid that you won't succeed, so let me see if you ancestors have the arrogant strength." Yuan Changqing said not to be outdone.

"Just don't be afraid. I will kill you later. I will extract your bones, pull out your skin, refine your soul, and make your life worse than death." The female ancestor said bitterly.

Afterwards, both sides headed outside the Yaochi Holy Land at the same time.

"He is dead. If the three ancestor kings take action, there will be no way for him to survive in heaven or on earth." The emperor gritted his teeth and said with great satisfaction.

"If you dare to insult the gods of our clan and the son of God, he will deserve to die!" The ancient creatures standing next to the Emperor also said with murderous intent.

"Humph, it's not certain who will live and who will die!" Ye Fan said coldly at this time, looking at the Emperor with cold eyes.

Ye Fan knew very well whether Yuan Changqing could deal with the saint.

Before, when they went to massacre the ancient royal family, Ye Fan personally witnessed Yuan Changqing killing the ancient ancestor king.

Although it is the convenience of taking advantage of the magical weapons, this is also one aspect of strength.

At this time, countless monks from the human race and various major races came together to the outside of the Yaochi Holy Land.

This battle is the grudge between the human race and the ancient race, and it affects the hearts and minds of countless human races.

Those ancient beings thought they had a sure chance of victory, but what they didn't know was that the outcome of this war was still unknown!

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