Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 392 Big Victory (Two in One)

Now, of the nine ancient saint kings, only Ancestral King Tengqing, King Xuanyi, and Ancestral King Zilin are still alive.

And all the other ancient ancestor kings fell in Tongtiantai, which made countless human races excited and excited.

This shocking battle unleashed the momentum of the human race, making even the ancient creatures fearful and trembling involuntarily.

Afterwards, Ye Fan directly controlled the Seven Star Map to surround King Teng Qing, shrouding it with a shocking sword light.


At this time, King Teng Qing screamed again and again. Obviously, he was at the end of his strength. Finally, countless sword rays directly penetrated his body and obliterated his soul.

The Purple Lin Ancestor King was not much better here. Facing Yuan Changqing's use of the secret word "Ji" to continuously improve his combat power, he faced the peerless power of the Taiyin Divine Bow.

The Zilin Ancestor King was also shot by Yuan Changqing with an arrow and was nailed directly into the void. The cold lunar holy power froze everything.

In the end, even the soul was shattered and obliterated by Yuan Changqing's arrow.

Two more ancient ancestor kings fell one after another, making the remaining ancestor king Xuan Yi feel scared and smell the breath of death.

"Stop it, strong men of the human race, we are willing to negotiate." Ancestor King Xuan Yi was directly frightened, and was also afraid of following in the footsteps of other ancient ancestor kings.

This Ancestral King Xuan Yi is only on the same level as Ancestral King Haoyang. Now, even the Fallen Heaven Ancestral King and the Nine Phoenix Ancestral King have fallen, how can he still have the confidence to continue fighting!


At this time, Jiang Taixu directly suppressed him with the phantom of the Hengyu Divine Furnace, and then was shot through the heart by Yuan Changqing.

"Ah... your unscrupulous slaughter of my ancient ancestor king will definitely trigger a war between the two races!" Ancestor King Xuan Yi faced death and could only threaten a war between the two races.

"Ha!" Ye Fan sneered and slashed with his sword.

In the end, the ancestor king Xuan Yi could only die unwillingly. At this point, all the ancient ancestor kings had fallen.

Suddenly, there was silence and silence near Tongtiantai, and all the ancient creatures were frightened.

They did not expect that so many ancient ancestor kings, including the powerful Saint King, would be killed by Jiang Taixu, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan.

On the Tongtian Platform, corpse fragments were everywhere, and the holy blood dyed the void red.

Jiang Taixu's powerful fighting power, as well as Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan's fighting power to kill the ancient ancestor king, the three of them seemed to be gods of murder, making people dare not look at them.

"Humans, you are so presumptuous!"

An angry shout came from an ancient imperial mountain, and the Northern Territory was shaken.

Before countless creatures could react to the shocking scene just now, a shocking divine power came from the void.

This is the imperial power, coming from the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest, pointing to the Yaochi Holy Land in the distance.

At the same time, an imperial power also rose in the Golden Stream, heading towards Yaochi.

Obviously, the Taikoo tribe plans to use the Ji Dao Imperial Artifact to intimidate the human race and force them to surrender.

Just when the loud shout rang out, a bright divine list rose into the sky and flew towards Yaochi.

The Heavenly Prince also reacted at this time, and said with an incredulous look on his face: "The Fallen Heaven Ancestral King is dead! The Nine Phoenix Ancestral King is dead!"

Regarding the death of these two ancient ancestors, not only the Emperor of Heaven could not believe it, but also other ancient creatures in general.

After all, these two ancient ancestors were not far from the level of the Great Sage. However, they fell here and were killed by the human race in such a state.

"Two ancient imperial weapons are aimed at Yaochi!" Countless ancient creatures were horrified.

"Emperor's Arms, the Ancient Clan wants to use the Emperor's Arms!" At this time, countless humans thought with fear in their hearts, and their expressions changed.


Suddenly, a bright divine light pierced the void, shaking the heaven and earth. It came from afar, and the divine voice sounded loudly, harmonizing with the heaven and the earth.

At this moment, it shocked the Northern Territory. Like an eternal existence, it cut through the endless void and landed in the Yaochi Holy Land.

"The Conferred Gods List, it's actually the Conferred Gods List, it appears again." At this time, countless creatures were cheering for it.

You must know that if a war between Jidao Imperial Weapons really breaks out, then all the creatures in Yaochi will be affected and disappear.


A sky-shattering green light rose, and the Immortal Tears Green Golden Tower sent out divine pillars reaching the sky, soaring straight into the sky. The sky shook and the avenue roared.

"The Jidao Emperor's Green Golden Pagoda of Immortal Tears has also shown its power."

Countless human races cheered at this moment, but the ancient creatures were in despair.

Although they were afraid of the Jida Imperial Weapon War before, after all, they are all here.

However, seeing that now the human race not only has the Green Golden Pagoda of Immortal Tears and the Conferred Gods List, but also faces off against the Ancient Imperial Soldiers of the Taikoo Clan.

In this way, the two sides are evenly matched, unable to threaten and subdue the human race.

This also turned the plans of the Taikoo clan into water and wasted.

Moreover, if there is a war of Jidao imperial weapons now, then the Taikoo clan will also suffer heavy losses.

You know, the human race is not just the Green Golden Tower of Immortal Tears that appears now. Race wars are not that fun.

The Taikoo tribe was not born in this life to engage in a life-and-death battle with the human race. They were born to become immortals.

Therefore, without absolute strength to overwhelm the human race, the possibility of a war with the ultimate imperial weapon is extremely slim.

The List of Gods landed in the Yaochi Holy Land, its rays of light were incomparably brilliant, illuminating thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and its immeasurable divine power penetrated the nine heavens and ten earths.

It is a godless weapon refined by Emperor Wu Shi, possessing unparalleled power. According to legend, as long as it is suppressed by it, it is equivalent to being suppressed by one hand of Emperor Wu Shi. Its power is unpredictable.

"This is really the aura of the ancient emperor, how is this possible?!" At this moment, all the ancient kings of the Taikoo clan were terrified.

The Green Golden Pagoda of Immortal Tears also continued to bloom with divine power, and the void was dyed green.

Seeing the immeasurable divine power blooming from the Conferred Gods List and the Green Golden Pagoda of Immortal Tears, the Ancient King of the Ancient Tribe also became frightened.

The overwhelming feeling of fear kept flooding into my heart, and even breathing seemed a little difficult.

The Investiture of Gods, this godless weapon of the Emperor Wushi, hangs over the Yaochi Holy Land, like an immortal god, making the Taikoo clan dare not move rashly.

At this time, Jiang Taixu said sonorously and forcefully: "The glory of the past does not mean the eternal glory, even for all races."

"If you, the ancient people, really don't want to negotiate peace with my human race, then fight. Our human race has always stood upright and has never been afraid."

"Besides, I, the great emperor of the human race, am still alive, and you, the ancient people, really think that this is the ancient era and that you can dominate everything!"

As Jiang Taixu finished speaking, countless human beings became excited and cheered, all excited and excited.


At this time, the Conferred Gods List bloomed with immeasurable power. In response to Jiang Taixu's words, the divine light shot straight into the sky and illuminated hundreds of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, like a great emperor nodding in response.

And all the ancient creatures in Yaochi Holy Land were oppressed by this divine power and fell to their knees. No one was spared.

Except for the human race present, all the ancient creatures were like this. They all bowed down and they couldn't stand up at all now.

The emperor's power dominates the world, this is a powerful shock!

"Hmph, my ancestors of the ancient clan have fallen one after another. You humans are really so bold. Can you suppress everything with your true power just by relying on the List of Gods and the Green Golden Pagoda of Immortal Tears?"

"The human emperor is still alive. I think this is a big joke. Since ancient times, no one has been able to survive death, not even the ancient emperor!"

In a majestic ancient mountain range, there was an ancient king at the level of a great sage, making a shocking roar. He looked at Yaochi from a distance, with a frightening cold light in his eyes.

"Resurrect the ancient emperor's soldiers, aim at Yaochi, and destroy this holy land of the human race today."

At the same time, the same order was issued in another ancient mountain range, and a terrifying imperial power was pointed directly at the Yaochi Holy Land.


The world was rioting at this moment, and the Northern Territory seemed to be destroyed. However, all the monks were terrified and their souls were trembling.

At this moment, countless creatures on the land of the Northern Territory were trembling with fear and fear. The resurrection of the Jidao Imperial Artifact and its terrifying power made countless creatures extremely frightened.

The terrifying power of the Supreme Emperor surged towards the Yaochi Holy Land, as if a star field was collapsing and shaking.

This is the power of the Jidao Imperial Weapon, so terrifying.

"Hmph, you really think that my human race is afraid of you, the ancient race, and if you want to fight, then fight to the death!" Jiang Taixu looked towards the endless void at this time, towards the Golden Stream and the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest.

It is these two ancient imperial soldiers from the ancient royal family who are aiming at the Yaochi Holy Land.


From the center of Jiang Taixu's eyebrows, a crimson divine furnace flew out. It magnified instantly and burst into immeasurable imperial power. It soared straight into the sky and was dazzling. The imperial power directly pressed towards the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest.

"Hengyu Divine Furnace!" the human race monks cheered.

Now let’s see how many ancient imperial soldiers there are in your Taikoo clan.

In addition to the golden mace and Wanlong Bell that appear now, the Qilin Staff in Qilin Cave and the Phoenix Gilded Boring Machine in Blood Phoenix Mountain are all in the dark restricted area.

The Shencan Clan has few members and will not participate, and the Dou Zhan Clan, which currently only has Dou Zhan Buddha and the Holy Prince, will not participate either.

After all, the Dou Zhan Buddha has expressed his stance, the world is at peace, and the Holy Prince is also on good terms with Ye Fan.


Another wave of imperial power rose up. It was the ancient Ji family in the Southern Territory. An ancient mirror broke through the sky, as if it shone through eternity.

"This is the Ji Family Void Mirror!"

The Void Mirror of Huang Guji's family also appeared. This ancient mirror has frozen the nine heavens and ten earths from ancient times to the present.

Duan De also took out the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar at this time, and added the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar borrowed by Jiang Taixu's descendants to form a complete imperial weapon.

In an instant, with the cooperation of Ye Fan, Yuan Changqing and others, they activated the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar at the same time. The vast imperial power bloomed instantly, and the shocking divine power exploded, pointing at the golden stream in the distance.

At this time, the four Ji Dao imperial weapons moved together, blooming with supreme power in the Yaochi Holy Land. They faced off against the two ancient imperial weapons in Golden Stream and Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest, bursting out with endless divine power.

At this time, the list of gods also bloomed with immeasurable divine light, illuminating the northern region.

"Human race, are you provoking our Taikoo clan? By using the Supreme Emperor's weapon, we know that once the ancient emperor's soldiers come out, your human race will be wiped out!" There was a shocking roar from the Great Saint Ancestor King of the Taikoo clan.

"Hmph, are you kidding me? It was you, the Ancient Clan, who used the Ancient Emperor's Arms first. Who do you think you are? Only you, the Ancient Clan, can use the Ancient Emperor's Arms, but I can't. What are you talking about? You are crazy!" Jiang Taixu also shouted at Guhuang Mountain at this time.

Then he said: "Rather, this is because you, the Ancient Clan, cannot see the situation clearly. If you lose, you lose. If you are not convinced, you will use the Ancient Emperor's soldiers. I am ashamed of you."

"Also, if you want to destroy my human race, you can try to make a move and see if my human race will destroy you first, or you will destroy my human race."

"Besides, you really can't tell the difference between the situation. The manifestation of the God List of the great emperor of the human race is to warn you that you still want to destroy my human race. Do you want to destroy yourself!"

The Great Saint Ancestor of the Taikoo Clan said: "It's impossible. It's impossible for Wu Shi to still be alive."

"Hmph, Wu Shi may still be alive, he has been dead for 80,000 years."

"No one can live for such a long time, not even the Great Emperor. Your human race is bluffing, and I, the Ancient Race, will not believe it."

Jiang Taixu shouted: "Do you dare to question the majesty of my human race emperor? You are seeking death!"

As soon as Jiang Taixu finished speaking, Yuan Changqing sent a message to Gai Jiuyou, saying: "Senior Gai, it's time to take action."

A dazzling divine light burst out from the Yaochi, and the list of gods suddenly cut through the endless void.

"Human race, you dare to attack our race, you really think that our ancient emperor's armies are just a display!" The great sage of Huangjinjian was shocked at this time. He broke out of the divine source and desperately mobilized the ancient emperor's armies. .

In an instant, the two ancient royal families of the Taikoo clan were shocked. They never thought that the human race would really dare to attack them.


The list of gods soared into the sky, and only a scream was heard, as well as a surge of divine power that shook the world.

The great sage from Huanghuangjian who kept clamoring was directly obliterated by Gai Jiuyou's urging of the Conferred Gods List.

Then, the Conferred God List soared into the sky again, heading towards the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest. Another scream was heard, and the ancestor king who controlled the Ten Thousand Dragon Bells died unexpectedly and disappeared into thin air.

The Great Sage of Wanlong Nest was frightened by the sudden announcement of the Gods List and did not dare to be born. However, the unlucky Saint King Peak Powerhouse helped him take the blame and blocked this life and death disaster.

Although it was a bit regretful that the old dragon was not killed, it also showed the determination of the human race to the Ancient Clan.

"The decree of Emperor Wushi has appeared, and the world is in awe. Who dares to blaspheme!" The law of heaven roared and rumbled.

At this time, the auspicious light appeared on the northern land, and all races were shocked. At this moment, countless creatures knelt down and worshiped.

"This...this...this is the breath of the human emperor!"

"It's true, it can't be wrong. This is really the aura of the human emperor. The ancient emperor has manifested himself!"

As the aura of the ancient emperor manifested, the ancient emperor's soldiers were used to destroy the Yaochi Holy Land and the human race's Golden Stream and Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest were shocked.

At this moment, the two ancient royal families seemed to have been struck by thunder, and they were terrified, and then there was a deep fear.

You know, before, the ancient emperor's soldiers didn't have time to revive. The great sage who controlled the ancient emperor's soldiers in Huangjinjian was instantly wiped out by a ray of holy light. Everything happened too quickly and people couldn't react in time.

This was a strong man at the level of the Great Saint Ancestor King. The Great Saint was a peerless strong man in any era, but he was simply obliterated.

It can be seen that the ancient emperor of the human race is warning the Taikoo tribe and teaching them a lesson so that the Taikoo tribe should not be too arrogant.

Killing the clamor will also let the Taikoo tribe know that the majesty of the human emperor cannot be desecrated. It is the mercy of the emperor that he did not destroy your Golden Stream.

"Hurry, take back the ancient emperor's soldiers quickly, don't make any mistakes." At this moment, the Great Saint Ancestor King shouted anxiously in the Golden Stream. He was terrified. If the ancient emperor's soldiers were lost, the consequences would be disastrous.

What kind of terrifying energy was that holy light that wiped out the Great Saint Ancestor King before? Even the ancient emperor's soldiers had no time to revive, and the Great Saint Patriarch King was wiped out. Thinking about it now makes me scared.

The ancient creatures in Golden Stream were frightened and dumbfounded at this moment. They were all trembling and terrified.

However, it all happened too quickly and really happened.

All the ancient creatures in the Golden Stream were frightened by it, and their souls were trembling. If the Conferred God List had not turned around and gone to the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest, all the ancient creatures in the Golden Stream could have been easily wiped out before the Golden Mace revived.

Huang Jinjian was silent at this time. Even if the Great Saint Ancestor King died, they would no longer dare to clamor for war with the human race.

All signs now indicate that the human emperor is still alive and not dead yet. Otherwise, who could do all this.

"The other party doesn't care about anything, even the two ancient imperial weapons."

After thinking about all this, Huangjinjian and Wanlongchao were filled with fear, and the fear in their hearts became even more intense. Is this really the manifestation of the ancient emperor?

"Although the ancient imperial soldiers from the two major royal families of the Taikoo clan return, they don't care at all. They don't take it seriously at all. Is this the spirit of the ancient emperor?"

Countless creatures can't help but speculate now, and at the same time, the ancient creatures also feel a sense of fear.

The human race all cheered for it. As the ancient emperor of the human race appeared, the human race was very excited at this moment.


At this time, the list of gods burst out with bright divine light, soaring straight into the sky, reaching the nine heavens and the nine netherworlds below. The divine power of the ancient emperor was overwhelming.

The immeasurable imperial power swept across the world, and the entire Northern Territory was shaking. At this moment, everyone showed the power of the great emperor.

The immeasurable divine light bloomed from the Conferred God List, shining between the heaven and the earth. In an instant, the land of the Northern Territory was radiant and extremely brilliant.

Then, I saw the list of gods flashing, soaring into the sky, flying to the nine heavens, and then disappeared.

Above the sky of Yaochi, the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar, the Hengyu Divine Furnace, the Void Mirror, and the Immortal Tears Green Golden Pagoda all bloomed with immeasurable imperial power and shook for a while, shocking the Ancient Clan.

Then, the emperor's power began to slowly fade away, and the immeasurable divine power disappeared, leaving only an air of chaos remaining here.

I don't know how much time passed, but countless creatures reacted and exhaled a sigh of relief.

And those ancient creatures that had been forced to kneel on the ground by the divine power of the Conferred God List also stood up one after another at this time, with pale faces and shaking.

This experience made them all uneasy, and now they were covered in sweat. It was obvious that they were extremely nervous and scared before, and the fear filled their hearts, which they would never forget.

The Emperor Tianzi and Yuan Gu were even more pale and looked extremely ugly.

They were forced to kneel down by the terrifying imperial power of the Conferred Gods List. This incomparable sense of shame was like a sharp thorn in their hearts, piercing deeply into their hearts, and they didn't know when they could be pulled out.

"Hahaha, isn't that the so-called Son of God? Why are you kneeling down!" Duan De pointed at the Emperor and couldn't help laughing.


Immediately, Ye Fan, Holy Prince, Li Heishui and others looked at the Heavenly Prince one after another, and couldn't help laughing. Some even bent over with exaggerated laughter.

At this moment, the Emperor felt endless shame welling up in his heart, his face was extremely pale, and he could only look at Ye Fan, Duan De and others with gloomy eyes.

If eyes could kill Ye Fan, Duan De, and the Holy Prince, they would have died thousands of times.

It's a pity that although eyes can indeed kill people in this world, the Emperor doesn't have the ability to kill Ye Fan and others with his eyes.

Today, many ancestors of the Taikoo clan came to Yaochi, and in addition to those who came before, they all died here.

If this news got out, few people would believe it, but it is true.

This time the human race defeated the ancestor king of the Taikoo clan. Jiang Taixu showed his peerless style, and Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan also showed their strong strength in the end.

Moreover, in the final showdown, Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, Duan De and others controlled the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Jar, the ultimate imperial weapon, to confront the ancient imperial soldiers of the Taikoo Clan, which left a deep impression on countless creatures.

Their names will also spread among the human race. After all, in this grand gathering of all races, they showed the blood and style of the human race.

This incident will surely spread the praises of the human race and make history be remembered in the long river of time.

Then, as the news continued to spread from the northern region to the outside world, all five regions in the world were shocked.

What happens in Yaochi today will shock the world. The Ancient Clan thought that their plan could subdue the human race, but they did not know that the human race was also using the gathering of all races to let the world know that the human race is majestic and inviolable.

All the ancient tribes are now silent.

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