Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 41 Small Antidote Pill

"Buzz buzz!"

As the rooster crows, it is a new day, and Yuan Changqing also gets up energetically to exercise.

No matter how busy he is, Yuan Changqing never fails to practice every day. This has become an instinct.

After the exercise, I had breakfast, rested for a while, and then started refining alchemy again.

With yesterday's experience in refining gold and medicine, and the information on refining medicinal materials recorded a few days ago.

Look at it carefully, review the old and learn the new, go through it in your mind, clear away distracting thoughts, and stabilize your mind.

Following the same steps as yesterday, I started to refine the detoxifying pill.

Since this is the first time to refine the detoxification pill, every step must be done carefully. If you are not proficient enough, the refining time will be slightly longer.

After the first successful refining experience, the subsequent steps became much faster, and the detoxification pill was completely refined in one day.

There were still two unsuccessful furnaces. The main reason was that the heat was not controlled well and they were turned into ash.

This time Yuan Changqing purchased a lot of medicinal materials, both of which were from these two medicines, but a lot was wasted during the experiment, so there was not much left.

Therefore, the refining process was fast, and it still took a day because of his lack of skill. Yuan Changqing named this detoxification pill Xiaojiedu Dan.

This is because these elixirs are relatively common. According to the configuration of the medicinal materials, the efficacy is definitely not as good as those of intermediate and high-level elixirs.

Therefore, the refining time is relatively short. If Yuan Changqing is asked to use precious medicinal materials to make elixirs, not to mention fairy grass, even if it is spiritual grass, if you want to refine it in one day, it is simply impossible.

Even if Yuan Changqing knows how to refine it, under the current conditions, when his soul power is exhausted, the medicinal materials may not be refined into liquid.

Therefore, if I want to refine high-level elixirs, I need external assistance, as well as my own strong soul power guarantee.

Therefore, alchemy is not only a hard work, but also a technical job, which consumes a lot of energy and time. This requires enough patience, and the success rate of alchemy will be higher.

Although alchemists are rich no matter which extraordinary world they live in, they also consume a lot of money.

Starting as an apprentice, you have to practice continuously. Even if the medicinal materials used at the beginning are very common, if you have no experience, a lot of medicinal materials will be wasted.

And even if you can make elixirs, you can't guarantee success every time. These are all consumption.

This is still the early stage. With each step of improvement in alchemy level, consumption begins at each step.

Only when you become a master of alchemy can you become a rich man.

According to a small detoxification pill prepared by Yuan Changqing, 6 pills can be refined.

Normally there should be 9 pills, which requires precise fire control to retain the useful liquid in the medicinal materials to the greatest extent.

Maybe a master-level alchemist can refine 12 pills. This is not only about the level of fire control, but also requires strong mental power to ensure that every part of the medicine becomes a pill when separating the medicine. The effect of the medicine is exactly the same.

Of course, Yuan Changqing doesn't dare to think that far now. This requires a lot of experience in alchemy to improve proficiency and accuracy.

What Yuan Changqing needs now is to conduct refining experiments on a large number of various medicinal materials and record their refining process.

Only in this way can we ensure that we can practice after researching various elixirs in the future. In the future, we will definitely refine more complex and higher-level elixirs.

This all requires familiarity with the process of refining medicinal materials. Only through this, plus the research of various elixir recipes, and continuous refining, will the level be improved.

Yuan Changqing's current level of alchemy is only at the apprentice level. If he is proficient enough, he may be able to refine elementary elixirs and some intermediate elixirs, but without the elixir recipe, various medicinal materials cannot be refined.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing has not yet solved many problems.

The Jinchuang Medicine and the Xiaojiedu Pill have been refined, and now it is up to Yuan Changqing to verify their effects.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing came to Soto City again, first to find Catherine and Wang Yuyan.

I didn't go to the store, but went directly to my sister-in-law's home in Soto City. Now the store doesn't need to be looked after by my sister-in-law and uncle all the time. It has a dedicated clerk to look after it.

My sister-in-law and the others only need to go out to check the accounts and buy some supplies. The rest of the time they are relatively free.

In addition to my sister-in-law's family, there are quite a few people living in my sister-in-law's house now. Catherine's mother and son, and Wang Yuyan's mother and son are also living here these days.

Yuan Changqing's sister Yuan Ziyi and brother Yuan Zilong are also there. It's holiday now, and Ye Guang is also at home.

After Yuan Changqing came, he also stated his purpose of coming, which was to find some free experimenters.

Everyone was also surprised. They didn't expect Yuan Changqing to refine it so quickly.

My sister-in-law said, "Where are you going to verify your things?"

Yuan Changqing said: "Where else can we go? The Great Soul Fighting Arena. There are more people injured there."

Catherine said: "The soul masters who fight souls in the soul fighting arena don't go there every day. Even if there are many people injured, you can't know the subsequent effects after using it on him?"

Yuan Changqing retorted: "The situation you mentioned exists, but if the effect is good, won't he come back to me to buy it? After all, if the effect is good, he will need it."

My sister-in-law came out and said, "It's just possible for you. I don't know how effective it will be yet. I think you should leave it to me. I'll take it to a familiar clinic and let them help you use it."

Yuan Changqing felt that this was also a solution, so he prepared to split up.

"Okay, sister-in-law, I will divide the golden medicine and the small detoxification pill into two parts, and give you one part. Use your method."

"For the other one, I'd better go to the Great Soul Fighting Arena and find some more people to try."

After everyone discussed it, Yuan Changqing also gave several small jade bottles to his sister-in-law Yuan Linglong, asking her to use them to find people for the experiment and for subsequent verification.

Yuan Changqing asked everyone again, "Would you like to go to the Great Soul Fighting Arena with me today?"

Wang Yuyan smiled and said: "Brother Changqing, we won't go. Sister Catherine and I still have children. The spirit fighting arena is not suitable for children."

Catherine also said: "Today we are going to pick up our clothes with my sister-in-law. We went to the clothing store to customize clothes a few days ago. We originally wanted to customize clothes for you, but you are not here."

Yuan Changqing said: "It's okay. I don't care much about clothes. I can just buy ready-made clothes. It's convenient and affordable."

My sister-in-law said: "That's because you don't know how to appreciate it. You can customize it according to your own preferences. Those ready-made clothes are all the same."

"Okay, sister-in-law, I can't help you. Isn't it just the clothes? Just feel comfortable. There's no need to pay attention to it." Yuan Changqing did not argue about winning or losing.

Then he said: "If you don't want to go, then you can go. What about Ziyi and Zilong, and Ye Guang, do you want to go?"

Hearing Yuan Changqing ask them, the three of them were eager to give it a try. Ye Guang looked at his sister-in-law.

My sister-in-law said: "You can go if you want to. You can also go and see it at your age."


The three of them said in unison.

Yuan Changqing said to Ye Xiaofan: "Uncle, why don't you and I go take a look too?"

Ye Xiaofan said: "Okay, I haven't been there for many years, so I'll go check it out with you."

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