Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 406 The Tenth City (Two in One)

"Into the customs!"

In the ancient city, a spiritual thought was transmitted like a yellow bell, which shocked many people's blood and souls. This made everyone look horrified.

"Creak, creak, creak!"

The thick and huge city gate slowly opened. This giant city suspended in the starry sky had an environment suitable for human survival that was different from the outside world. The geniuses of the human race who were waiting to enter the city entered one after another after the city gate opened.

Yuan Changqing also followed in with Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer.

The ancient city exudes the aura of ancient times and is magnificent. On the city walls, there are human monks guarding it like heavenly soldiers.

These people exist to protect this ancient city. They are the soldiers here. They are all extremely powerful. Every soldier has the strength of a saint.

These soldiers wore cold armor, held halberds and iron swords, and exuded a terrifying murderous aura.

Although there are not many of them, the strong murderous aura emanating from them makes them difficult to deal with at first sight.

At a glance, these soldiers can tell that they have experienced fierce battles and killed countless enemies. With them guarding this ancient human city, people dare not offend them.

In fact, these people are also a group of losers. They were once the geniuses of the human race, but in the end they could not move forward and had no choice but to stay, take root here, and become the soldiers who defend the city here.

It can be seen from the stains on the city wall that this place has experienced countless wars, full of time, and giving people a desolate feeling.

The Dao pattern is looming, and this is the first level of the strongest trial of the human race. Naturally, it has its protective formation, which is imprinted on the city wall, guarding the safety of the ancient city, and has endured eternal killings and is immortal.

And the traces left by the swords, guns, swords and halberds on the city wall were left on them by powerful enemies.

There is a frightening aura among those traces, and there are even those left by the Great Sage, which are so terrifying.

After entering the city, people were surprised. The roads in the ancient city were wide and lined with rows of ancient trees with luxuriant branches.

Moreover, this place is no different from an ordinary city, with many buildings and various shops.

Such as weapons shop, elixir shop, restaurant, inn, etc., everything is available.

Although this ancient city stretches across the starry sky, the situation inside is just like a human city.

Moreover, there are countless residents living inside, full of human fireworks and full of vitality.

In fact, many children were running wantonly, looking at these talented people of the human race who came in, full of curiosity, and constantly looking at them.

The most powerful ancient trial road has existed since ancient times. It opens every ten thousand years and attracts countless geniuses.

However, how many of the geniuses of the human race who have come here for countless years have been able to enter the Ultimate Land? !

As a result, countless geniuses of the human race still failed. They returned to their hometowns without shame, and stayed at a node where the strongest human race tried its ancient path.

And these losers eventually became the aboriginal people here, took root here, got married and had children, and became soldiers in ancient cities, guiding envoys and guarding one side.

In the end, the ancient city slowly developed and became what it is now. It was opened up into a pure land and became an ancient land of life.

Moreover, an ancient city like this is inherently suitable for survival. Those losers who are unwilling to return to their hometown naturally stay and live here.

The geniuses of the human race who came to participate in the strongest trial of the ancient road this time gathered in a square in the center of the ancient city.

There is a tall stone platform here, full of traces of time.

Suddenly, an old man appeared here silently, his figure blurry and unclear.

However, those eyes filled with divine light were blooming with this terrifying divine light, as if the void was being stirred and twisted by the powerful divine power.

"I am the city lord here and also the envoy here. Now I want to make some requests."

"First, in this most powerful trial, not everyone can continue on the road, so you'd better keep your spirits up first."

"Because, not long after, we will enter a trial place for the first selection and test."

"Two, I know that you are all talented and powerful people in various star fields, but when you come here, you must abide by the rules here."

"So, during this period of time when you are living in the city, you are strictly prohibited from doing anything. If you do commit a crime, no one will protect you."

"Then, I'm done now, you all should disperse, find a place to stay, recharge your batteries, and wait for notification."

At first, everyone thought there would be a detailed explanation. However, they only got two simple pieces of information, and many things were unclear to everyone.

Suddenly, someone asked: "Senior, I want to ask clearly, if someone takes the initiative to attack and kill us, how should we act?"

"You can defend yourself."

After the vague figure finished speaking, he disappeared.

Afterwards, the geniuses of the human race who came here left in twos and threes and began to look for a place to live, waiting for the first strongest trial.

At this time, Yuan Changqing said to Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer: "This is the starting point of the strongest trial of the human race. From now on, I will not stay with you, and you will officially begin to embark on your own trial. Let’s go.”

"However, you should not separate in the end. You will definitely face countless dangers along the way. You must help each other. I hope that when we meet again, you will have become stronger."

"It's dad (Chang Qing)." Yuan Yuer and Zeng Liwei said in unison.

Originally, Yuan Changqing wanted to be with the mother and daughter, but this place could no longer meet Yuan Changqing's strength needs.

If Yuan Changqing continues to stay here, although his strength can be improved, it will not be much.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing also plans to leave here and find his own opportunities to improve his strength.

After all, there are countless opportunities in this ancient road of trials, the strongest in the human race.

If you want to improve your strength quickly, you need to constantly challenge yourself and keep fighting.

The golden age has begun, with thousands of races vying for power, and the imperial road dueling. This life is destined to be a glorious age, but also an extremely dark and turbulent age.

If Yuan Changqing doesn't seize the time to improve his strength now, he might not even have the strength to protect himself when darkness comes.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing no longer plans to waste time here.

Moreover, with the strength of the saints Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer now, their special physiques, and their trump cards for self-protection, they no longer need Yuan Changqing to continue to protect them.

Now we should put more pressure on them. Being too protective is not a good thing.

When facing danger in the future, letting them face it alone can be regarded as a severe test. This is the real purpose of the most powerful trial.

If you want to become a peerless strongman, you need to experience blood and fire, you need to constantly fight, and you need to constantly understand what you have gained along the way.

Only strong people who have grown up through countless hardships and hardships can be truly strong and will be the backbone of the human race in the future.

Although Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer were a little reluctant to leave Yuan Changqing.

However, they also want to work hard to become stronger, and their eyes are constantly exuding a look of determination, and they look eager to try.

It seems that Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer are full of expectations and confidence in this journey to the strongest trial.

"Changqing, then you should take care of yourself and be more careful." Zeng Li said with concern at this time.

Yuan Yue'er also looked over and said, "Dad, don't make mom and I worry too much."

Yuan Changqing nodded heavily and said: "Don't worry, I am sensible, and so are you, protect yourselves."


"Okay, you go, I'm leaving too." Even if he was reluctant to leave, Yuan Changqing still embarked on his own trial journey and left the first ancient city of the human race.

Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer looked at Yuan Changqing's back, showing reluctance to leave.

Yuan Yue'er looked at Zeng's reluctant and worried look, and persuaded: "Mom, ok, don't look at it. Dad is also a saint king and a strong man after all. Let's not worry. Let's find a place to live first." .”

"Besides, if we don't work harder, I'm afraid we won't even be able to see my father's back when we meet him again."

"So, the most important thing for us now is to work hard to improve our strength first. Not to mention catching up with dad, at least we can't fall behind to the point where we can't even see dad's back."

Zeng Li came back to his senses and said: "Yue'er, you are right. We should work hard to improve our cultivation now and not become a burden to your father."

"We will also take advantage of this strongest trial ancient road to conduct a comprehensive trial. Then we can also let your father see the results of our trial."

Yuan Yue'er smiled and said: "Okay, then we, mother and daughter, will work together and start our journey!"

Later, Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er, who expressed firm belief, also left the center of the ancient city, waiting for the trial road to begin.

"Come and take a look, take a look, it's a thousand-year-old medicine."

"Steamed buns, steamed buns stuffed with meat from various exotic animals. They have thin skin and lots of stuffing. They're not delicious and don't cost any money..."


Yuan Changqing walked in the ancient city, looking at the dazzling streets on both sides, with various hawking sounds constantly coming from the streets, and it was very lively.

The ancient city is bustling with traffic and bustling, just like the city on Beidou.

After that, Yuan Changqing did not stay here anymore, but directly left the first level of the human race.

This is the strongest ancient road of trials in the human race. It is the place where countless geniuses compete. Countless emperors in the past have set foot on this ancient road of imperial competition when they were young.

However, if Yuan Changqing's current strength is no longer suitable for practicing step by step in this most powerful ancient road of trials.

For Yuan Changqing, who is already a Saint King, what he needs now is opportunities and continuous accumulation.

Like the city lord in the first level of the human race, he was still a saint king, and Yuan Changqing still sensed it.

Therefore, if someone as strong as Yuan Changqing is mixed with those human geniuses, it will not be beneficial to the improvement of his own strength.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing chose to leave alone and go to the depths of the strongest ancient trial road. Although there were countless more powerful people and dangers on the road behind.

However, there are also countless opportunities here, and this is where Yuan Changqing should come.

The endless star field and countless ancient stars were left behind by Yuan Changqing. Along the way, I saw countless geniuses competing, showing off their peerless style.

However, among these countless geniuses of the human race, how many can make it to the end? !

This most powerful ancient road of trials is full of blood and tears, and countless heroes have been buried.

Every time you advance to a level, countless geniuses will fall. This is the road of the strongest trial, this is the struggle for the imperial road, accompanied by countless crises and deaths.

However, as losers, they will also pay a bloody price.

You must know that among the geniuses of the human race who can come here, which one is not the strongest genius in each star field, a genius-like person.

However, the battle between emperors and roads is so cruel and ruthless. Donated blood is scattered on the ancient roads, and bones are buried in the stars. This is the fate of the losers.

And the blood and bones of those losers also made other people's imperial path possible.

Yuan Changqing passed the second level, the third level...

Along the way, Yuan Changqing silently comprehended the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. In this star field, countless powerful people have fallen, and countless traces of the Dao remain in the void.

The Five Elements Picture accompanied Yuan Changqing through the endless starry sky, leaving countless traces of the great road.

Yuan Changqing also constantly comprehends these Dao traces, adds them to his own Dao, accumulates them continuously, adds bricks and tiles to himself, and becomes the material for his progress.

One year, two years, three years...

Time is running like water, as if it is worthless. As his Taoism continues to improve, Yuan Changqing's strength is also constantly increasing.

On an ancient star, Yuan Changqing caused a thunder tribulation, crossed the fifth heaven in a row, and reached the seventh heaven of the Saint King.

This is because of Yuan Changqing's accumulation along the way, the strongest trial in the human race.

There are countless traces of the great road imprinted in the void. With the help of the Five Elements Diagram, a tool for proving the Tao made from divine mark purple gold, Yuan Changqing has gained a lot.

With the improvement of Taoism and his understanding of the Tao, Yuan Changqing's soul has grown tremendously.

In addition, Yuan Changqing also has no shortage of training resources, and his strength has improved very rapidly in the past five years, reaching a level of one level every year.

Such an improvement speed makes even Yuan Changqing feel so dreamy, as if it is unreal.

However, this is not surprising. After all, this is an ancient trial road of the human race that has existed for countless years.

The strong men of the human race paid the price of blood and fire in order to protect this ancient road.

If you look at the mottled traces of each giant city gate, you will know that countless battles took place.

Countless human and alien warriors are buried here. Even the ancient emperors have left many divine marks in this endless star field.

With the help of these traces of the avenue, Yuan Changqing's natural strength improved very quickly.

However, five years of accumulation have been exhausted again, and Yuan Changqing also needs to slowly accumulate knowledge again.

After surviving the thunder tribulation, Yuan Changqing once again entered the human race's strongest ancient trial path.

When Yuan Changqing appeared again, he had arrived at the tenth city of the human race.

Under the tenth city, there is a special ancient star, known as the burial place of gods and ghosts, in a place called Dayue Slope.

Once upon a time in the age of mythology, there was an invincible Holy Spirit who was beheaded by the Moral God, and was finally sealed in seven ancient wells to refine immortal liquid.

As for Dayue Slope, the burial place of gods and ghosts, there is an ancient well sealed here. It is said that in this ancient well, this holy treasure is also sealed.

It was a stone order, and it was said that there was a piece of magic from the Holy Spirit Clan on it.

However, it is not that easy to open this ancient well. It requires countless blood to open it.

Of course, if the imperial soldiers are used, the seal of the ancient well can still be broken violently.

However, if this happens, the movement will be too great, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

After all, as the imperial weapon is a trump card, it is better to use it with caution.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing knew that the Holy Spirit Tribe would definitely come to attack this place so that he could take the opportunity to open the ancient well and take out the stone order inside.

When the time comes, the Holy Spirit Race will definitely come to the Tenth City of the Cultivation Human Race. At that time, countless monks will fight and countless Holy Spirits will fall.

After the death of these holy spirits, countless blood will naturally gather, and then the ancient well will naturally be opened.

Therefore, if you want to get the good fortune inside, you have to rely on your own methods.

Therefore, after Yuan Changqing observed the burial place of gods and ghosts, he directly entered the tenth city of the human race, where he also got a lot of news, including Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer.

Now, the geniuses who have entered the ancient path of the strongest trial have begun to show their own style.

People like the Great Demon God, Di Tian, ​​Qing Shi, Yuan Yue'er and others also began to gain fame in the ancient road.

Moreover, Yuan Yue'er was still in the trial of the ancient road, and got the recognition of the source of Tao. After refining the source of Tao, her strength improved by leaps and bounds.

Yuan Yue'er even had a big battle with Di Tian and the fight was a draw, which shocked Gu Lu.

However, this is not surprising. After all, Yuan Changqing himself practices the Imperial Scripture, and he is not weaker than others in practicing the techniques.

Also, Yuan Yue'er has a special physique like a fire spirit body. The fire attribute itself is known for its combat effectiveness and its destructive power is terrifying.

Di Tian and Yuan Yuer were both saints, so it was not surprising that they were tied.

As for the trump cards of both sides, the two of them would not be stupid enough to use them in a fair competition. These trump cards are all used to save their lives.

After getting the news about Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer, Yuan Changqing felt relieved.

Now, Yuan Changqing has arrived in the tenth city, but the time for the ancient well where the gods and ghosts are buried has not yet been opened, and it will take several years.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing arranged some arrangements in the tenth city of the human race, left a teleportation array, and left here again, continuing to move towards the depths of the strongest ancient trial road.

In this way, Yuan Changqing does not have to wait in the tenth city of the human race, and he does not have to worry about practicing. He can continue to understand the traces of the great road on the ancient road and look for various opportunities.

At that time, if you want to return here and get the opportunity in the burial place of gods and ghosts, you can just use the arranged teleportation array to come back. It can be said that there is no delay in both.

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