Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 411 White Magic Lotus (two in one)

"Hahaha, thank you for helping us open the ancient well. Now, you can leave." After a burst of laughter, an evil god said coldly and arrogantly.

As for the four evil gods who appeared here, their strength was no weaker than the Fire Spirit Cangyan that Yuan Changqing killed before.

Such a powerful force did not take Yuan Changqing seriously now, even Cang Yan was killed here.

For these four evil gods, they can sweep everything here. As long as the four of them join forces, they are confident that they can kill Yuan Changqing here.

After Yuan Changqing looked at the four evil gods, he looked at the ancient well again without saying anything.

Then, a five-color divine light flashed and disappeared from Dayue Slope.

Yuan Changqing clearly remembered the description of the ancient well. The evil god who asked him to leave was exactly what he wanted and took the opportunity to leave.

Yuan Changqing knew that the ancient well in the current burial place of gods and ghosts was not a kind place.

It can even be said to be extremely terrifying, with great terror brewing within.

Since the four evil gods want to rob the creation here, let them give it to them.

Before, they were thinking of the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind, so Yuan Changqing is doing the same now!

So, it’s still unclear who will be the oriole in the end!

Therefore, Yuan Changqing did not fight with the four evil gods now, and just let them explore the way first and act as cannon fodder, which really killed two birds with one stone.

I saw that after Yuan Changqing retreated into the sea of ​​​​stars, the evil god who spoke at the beginning said again: "You are wise, otherwise, you will perish here!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's take out the things inside first." Another evil god said.



Afterwards, four evil gods led an army of aliens, surrounding Dayuepo, preparing to take out the treasures in the ancient well.

"Seal the surrounding area and kill all living beings who enter here without mercy!" An evil god began to order his men to seal the surrounding area.



Then, four foreign armies began to blockade the surroundings of Dayue Slope in a mighty manner, with flags fluttering and a terrifying momentum shaking all directions.

Yuan Changqing entered the sea of ​​​​stars, came to the Qinghuang Great Sage, and met together.

The Great Sage Qinghuang saw Yuan Changqing at this time and asked: "Little friend Yuan, are you okay?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "It's okay. Those four evil gods obviously don't want to cause more trouble and are eager to take out the treasures inside."

The Great Sage Qinghuang nodded and said: "That's good, let these four evil gods explore the way and let them deal with the great terror inside."

Obviously, the Great Sage Qinghuang also knew clearly that after the ancient well became a magic well, there was a terrible crisis inside.

Yuan Changqing also replied at this time: "Yes, that's exactly what I planned, so when the four evil gods drove me away, I came back without saying much."

"Since they want a mantis catching a cicada and an oriole behind it, we will also give them a mantis catching a cicada and an oriole behind it, and repay the other person in the same way."

"Hahaha!" The Great Sage Qinghuang laughed suddenly and said: "Yes, there is a plan coming, so let them explore the way for us."

"As for the opportunity in the end, Tao Zun gave it to our descendants of the human race in the first place, but we can't let them snatch it away in the end."

Yuan Changqing also smiled at this time and said: "Senior is right, things from our human race are not that easy to get. If you take them, you will have to pay a bloody price. Now let us see their performance!"


At this time, Zeng Li, Yuan Yuer, as well as Ye Fan and his men all came to Yuan Changqing.

"Dad, are you okay? You were worried about me just now." Yuan Yuer asked quickly, and Zeng Li looked at Yuan Changqing with concern.

Ye Fan also asked at this time: "Senior, are you okay? Who are those people who just appeared?"

"I'm fine, don't worry, they can't do anything to me." Yuan Changqing looked at Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer and said.

Then, he looked at Mark again and said, "You are here too, and your strength has become stronger, not bad."

"As for those people, they are all strong men from outside the territory. They are extremely evil. They are called evil gods. They are also the strong men here who attack the ancient road of the human race in the starry sky. They all come for the treasures in the ancient well."

Ye Fan asked again: "I heard that the Qinghuang Great Sage said that the ancient well was used by Taoist Master to refine the elixir. Unfortunately, he did not have much life, so he sealed it in the ancient well and refined it by himself. Is this true?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "That's true. Moreover, the ancient well here is only the first one. There are six other wells that have been sealed by Taoist Master at six other places on the ancient road of the human race's starry sky."

"However, although this is an opportunity given by Dao Zun to the descendants of the human race, it is also a huge hidden danger and crisis."

"If this hidden danger is not solved as soon as possible, there will be endless troubles. Every time the Starry Sky Ancient Road is opened, it will be coveted by the Holy Spirit Clan and the powerful outsiders."

"You have also seen that the previous Great Sage of the Holy Spirit Clan and the four Evil Gods that just appeared are all terrifying peak powerhouses."

"Therefore, those seven ancient wells have always existed on the ancient road of the human race's starry sky. Although it is a chance, it is not a good thing."

"You also participated in the previous battle with the alien army, and you should have felt the cruelty of it."

"If the ancient well has always existed, then every time the ancient starry sky road is opened, it will be experienced again."

"We managed to hold on this time, so next time, and the next time, you should be able to imagine the consequences."

Zeng Li, Yuan Yue'er, Ye Fan and others all participated in the previous bloody battle, so they naturally knew what the situation was like. It was really tragic, cruel, and extremely bloody.

Just look at the countless corpses still floating in the starry sky and the piles of bones on the earth to know how tragic it was.

Ye Fan also said solemnly at this time: "Yes, our human monks are dying every moment. There is blood everywhere, and the bones are piled up in the starry sky and the earth. It is miserable."

Obviously, only by experiencing it can you understand the cruelty, and the same is true for Ye Fan.

Although I had seen such bloody and cruel scenes before when I besieged the Taiyin Sect on the ancient planet Ziwei.

However, compared with this war, it is somewhat different.

In this war, I don’t know how many monks died, including those monks from foreign races.

"Senior, do you know what's going on with that ancient well now?" Ye Fan also asked curiously at this time.

After all, Yuan Changqing is the only one here who knows the situation in the ancient well best. Although Ye Fan and others can see the situation in the Dayuepo Ancient Well through the crystal platform.

However, I haven't seen it up close and personal, so I don't know the specific situation very well.

Yuan Changqing added: "Although Dao Zun killed an invincible strong man of the Holy Spirit clan in order to refine the elixir, the Holy Spirit also fell."

"However, after all these years, something happened to that ancient well on the ancient star."

"You have also seen the customer service magic mist constantly emerging from the ancient well. This is because the ancient well has now become a magic well, and a terrifying existence has been nurtured in it."

Ye Fan and others were also shocked. They didn't expect that this ancient well would really become a magic well. It was really a huge hidden danger.

Even Ye Fan decided that even if the alien races such as the Holy Spirit Clan did not come to open it, one day the terrifying existence inside would break the seal and destroy the tenth city of the human race and the ancient star.

"Senior, can it be that even if you and the Qinghuang Great Sage attack together, you can't deal with that terrifying existence?" Ye Fan asked in shock and curiosity.

"Haha!" Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "If we just rely on the strength of senior Qinghuang and I, we really can't deal with the existence in the ancient well, even the four evil gods on Dayue Slope. .”

The Great Sage Qinghuang also nodded at this time and said: "If someone else said this, I still don't believe it, but since Yuan Xiaoyou said this, the existence in the ancient well must be extremely terrifying."


Suddenly, the countless monks present who heard this situation couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Everyone felt chills on their backs and were filled with fear.

Yuan Yuer asked worriedly at this time: "Dad, if you can't even deal with the four evil gods below, then aren't we also in danger?"

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "Don't worry, no matter how powerful that terrifying existence is, it can't be so powerful that even the emperor's soldiers can't deal with it."

Suddenly, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking about it, Yuan Changqing had the imperial soldiers in his hands, and the Qinghuang Great Sage was also here. With the two of them joining forces to mobilize the imperial soldiers, all troubles could be solved. Lose.

"Okay, let's take a look at the situation at the ancient well first!"

Afterwards, countless monks here in Xinghai once again turned their attention to the crystal platform and watched the situation at Dayuepo.

As soon as Yuan Changqing left Dayuepo, the burial place of gods and ghosts, the four evil gods who came here to rob the ancient well began to prepare to take out the treasures inside.

After the four evil gods entered the ancient well, strange images appeared around them, and their powerful aura shocked everything.


When the four evil gods entered the ancient well and tried to take out the treasures inside, they awakened the terrifying existence in the ancient well.

The ancient well turned into a demon well, and after the terrifying existence conceived in it was awakened, a terrifying power suddenly erupted.

"No, something has happened. Get out of here quickly." An evil god said in horror.


It was late, but it was fast. I saw the immeasurable divine power blooming, the ancient well was directly broken, and a shocking divine power burst out. Even the great sage was frightened by the aura.

I saw an overwhelming aura rushing out from under the ancient well. Suddenly, the starry sky where the ancient star was located could feel a terrifying divine power blooming, which was extremely terrifying.


The terrifying and abnormal divine power bloomed, causing the satellites surrounding the ancient star to be affected and directly shattered and torn into pieces.

Then, he saw a white lotus rising from the ancient well, with a diameter of one foot.

As soon as the lotus appeared, it created such a terrifying scene. One can imagine how terrifying its power is.

With Dayue Slope as the center, the surroundings are filled with endless black airflow, filled with blood and light, which is strange and strange. The white lotus appears in it, extremely holy, as if it is the purest holy object in the world.

However, on the white lotus petals, there were strands of blood covering them, blooming with a strange divine light.

There are also mountains of corpses piled up all around, endless blood, and black mist filling the air. This scene seems extremely weird.

That white lotus flower is constantly absorbing the blood flowing over it, and its divine light is constantly blooming.

The terrifying aura and divine light bloomed in all directions on the white lotus, which was extremely frightening. Even the void was constantly shattered by this terrifying divine power.

Moreover, under the power of the blooming lotus, cracks appeared and expanded throughout the ancient star, as if the ancient star might be shattered and destroyed at any time.


Waves of screams continued to sound on the ancient star, and the alien army that had previously blocked the ancient star was directly obliterated by the power of the lotus blooming.

And the blood of those alien armies after their fall was constantly being absorbed by the white lotus, which made everyone in the sea of ​​stars feel horrified watching what just happened.

The terrifying divine power made the four evil gods who had quickly withdrawn from the ancient well feel frightened and terrified.

They never thought that there would be such a terrifying existence in the ancient well. This is such a horror!

Even the four evil gods could only resist the terrifying power blooming from the white lotus, without any remaining strength to resist.


The four evil gods were now scared and did not want to stay here for a moment. They immediately opened the domain gate and wanted to escape from here as soon as possible.

Then, the domain gate was opened, and the four evil gods led their own foreign armies and hurriedly left the ancient star, not daring to delay for a moment, receding like the tide.

Watching everything that happened in the sea of ​​stars, everyone felt frightened and horrified.

"Hiss! Senior, what kind of evil thing is this, so weird and so powerful?" Ye Fan couldn't help but take a deep breath and asked Yuan Changqing.

However, the white lotus looked extremely holy, but it was unusually powerful and strange. Even the four extremely powerful evil gods were so scared that they ran away.

You must know that those four evil gods are powerful men comparable to Cang Yan of the Holy Spirit Clan, and have the strength of the pinnacle great saint.

The Great Sage Qinghuang looked solemn at this time, and said as expected: "A terrible monster was really born from that magic well!"

Yuan Changqing also nodded and said: "This should be the magic lotus that was conceived from the ancient well after it became a magic well. It seems to be extremely holy, but in fact it is actually a demon."

"Moreover, it is a thing that requires countless blood to be watered and nurtured. It is extremely evil."

"Otherwise, even the four evil gods would not be so frightened that they would flee from here."

It can be seen from the strength of the four evil gods that even the peak saint cannot bear the power they unleash.

Yuan Yuer asked at this time: "Then what should we do now? We can't let the lotus stay there forever."

"And maybe it will find us after absorbing the blood from the ancient star."

What Yuan Yue'er said is right. That white lotus is like a living thing, with independent consciousness. It is really possible that Yuan Yue'er was right.

The Great Sage Qinghuang was also a little worried at this time and said: "Although the four evil gods have temporarily avoided the edge, they may not come back again for the treasures in the ancient well."

"There is also the Holy Spirit Tribe. Two of their invincible great saints have fallen here. There will definitely be more powerful ones from the Holy Spirit Tribe coming here."

"When the time comes, there is no doubt that we will join forces with the four evil gods and come together, and even the ultimate imperial weapon will appear here."

Yuan Changqing also looked solemn now, nodded, and said: "But it is possible. If this is the case, even if we have imperial soldiers, we have no chance of winning."

Just when Yuan Changqing and Qinghuang Great Sage were worried about the future situation, a middle-aged man appeared in the tenth city of the human race.

The man's hair was disheveled, but he exuded a domineering aura.

"Senior old madman!" Ye Fan looked at the old madman in surprise.

It has been decades since the old madman disappeared from Ziwei Ancient Star.

The old madman was still a young man at that time, but he did not expect that after decades, he would become a middle-aged man again.

"Senior old madman, I didn't expect you to be here too!" Yuan Changqing was also pleasantly surprised at this time.

The old madman is an invincible strong man. With him here, Yuan Changqing's worries are alleviated a lot.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing has thought a lot since the old madman appeared. It seems that the powerful human race has many plans.

In this tenth city of the human race, the old madman must have come here to take charge early in the morning, just to deal with the invading foreign warriors.

Now, not only Yuan Changqing has figured this out, but Ye Fan has also thought of it.

From some of the words spoken by the Great Sage Qinghuang before, it can be detected from those clues. It is obvious that all this is within the calculation of the powerful human race.

I just don’t know how many hidden strong human beings are scattered in this ancient road in the human starry sky.

The old madman also nodded to Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan, without saying anything.

The Great Sage Qinghuang obviously knows a lot, and is not surprised by the appearance of the old madman. After all, he is the protector of this ancient road to the human race's starry sky.

The Great Sage Qinghuang said at this time: "It is said that there are invincible strong men from other star regions coming. There will be many good masters in this battle!"

"We will solve this problem together now, and then we will proceed as planned."

"Okay, let's deal with this quickly. We don't have much time to waste here." The old madman also nodded at this time and said.

The invincible Holy Spirit powerhouse killed by Dao Zun was not ordinary. He was a supreme powerhouse close to the Great Emperor.

That is a Great Perfection Holy Spirit, only a small step away from entering the realm of the Great Emperor.

Unfortunately, the Holy Spirit met the Taoist Master and was directly killed and used to refine the elixir.

Therefore, even if the Holy Spirit dies, the divine power that bloomed from the white lotus is not something Yuan Changqing and the Great Sage Qinghuang can deal with.

Of course, if you activate the imperial soldiers, you can definitely solve it directly, but it still takes a lot of effort.

After all, Yuan Changqing knew that there was a stone spirit inside, which was an ancient holy weapon of the Holy Spirit Clan and had immeasurable power.

If you rely on Yuan Changqing alone, it will still be a bit risky to compete with him.

However, now that there is the Qinghuang Great Sage and the old madman, that is not a problem. With the three people joining forces, the problems here can be solved soon.

Then, you can also go to support other places. After all, there are six such ancient wells on the ancient starry sky road of the human race.

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