Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 413 The chaotic fight (two in one)

The Holy Spirit Tribe strongmen and evil gods continued to attack and use all kinds of methods, coupled with the encirclement and killing of countless alien armies, the balance of victory was finally tilted.

The powerful attack caused the ancient well to be affected, constantly shaking, and eventually shattered.


Suddenly, a white lotus emerged from the ancient well and bloomed in this sea of ​​blood and corpses.

Now, there are corpses everywhere beside the ancient well. This battle was too bloody and cruel. Blood flowed into rivers and bones piled up into mountains, just like a doomsday battlefield.

Bai Lian can now clearly see that there is a thigh inside, and that thigh is still flowing with the blood of the Holy Spirit.

Watching all this, the two peak saints of the Holy Spirit Clan were overjoyed.

One of the two pinnacle saints of the Holy Spirit Tribe is called Dawei, and the other is a tiger-shaped Shihu.

Now, after seeing the Holy Spirit's thigh in the white lotus, the two Holy Spirit clan strongmen began to recite incantations silently, hoping to pull out the invincible Holy Spirit's thigh inside.

This arm and the one in the first ancient well came from the same powerful Holy Spirit. They were divided into corpses by Tao Zun and sealed in seven ancient wells.

This is a part of the body of an invincible Holy Spirit who is about to become the Great Emperor. It contains the origin of the Great Dao and the blood of the Holy Spirit, which are all supreme treasures.

Moreover, these things are extremely important to the Holy Spirit clan, so that those imperfect Holy Spirits can hope to evolve and make up for their imperfections.

After all, like Ao Mang and Cang Yan whom Yuan Changqing killed before, as well as Da Wei and Shi Hu who are here now, they are all imperfect Holy Spirits.

Although Dawei and Shihu seem to be extremely powerful now, they are both great saints at the peak of their strength.

However, if there is no treasure that can make up for their shortcomings, even if they are strong men who can reach the quasi-emperor with only one foot, they will stay in this realm for the rest of their lives.

After all, God is also fair. The Holy Spirit clan can be said to be the darling of heaven and earth. Regardless of the relationship between mother and child, as long as it is perfect, they will be the strongest people in this world.

However, if it is born in advance, depending on the degree of perfection of its conception, its strength will be fixed at a certain level and can no longer be improved. Once it reaches that state, it will stay in that state forever.

And now one of the seven ancient wells sealed by Taoist Master on the ancient road of the human race is just a hair away from becoming a perfect Holy Spirit at the level of the Great Emperor. Its flesh and blood and origin can just allow those imperfect Holy Spirits to evolve.

Therefore, this time, the Holy Spirit tribe and the evil gods from outside the territory came to attack the ancient starry sky road of the human race, which was my destiny to visit the seven ancient wells.

However, no matter how Da Wei and Shi Hu recited the spells, the lotus would only tremble in waves but would not open.

This also made it impossible for the two Holy Spirit warriors to take out the thigh of the invincible Holy Spirit warrior.

Moreover, the thigh still exudes the terrifying imperial power, which is extremely terrifying. The mark of the great road retained in the flesh and blood is extremely tempting to the Holy Spirit tribe.

The four evil gods who came next to them were also a little anxious when they saw that the two Holy Spirit tribes could not take out the thigh of the invincible Holy Spirit powerhouse.

The reason why the Evil God wants to join forces with the Holy Spirit Clan is because he hopes to get a piece of the pie. There is no benefit. The Evil God is also willing to send countless armies to help the Holy Spirit Clan.

You know, the evil god used countless armies this time, and countless of his men died.

At this moment, an evil god suddenly said loudly: "Brother Dawei, let me try."

The speaker was an evil god with four sides and a pale golden body. He looked extremely majestic, like a god.


Those magic weapons that were in the shape of a pot exuded majestic momentum as soon as they were taken out. Then, with the urging of the evil god, the terrifying imperial power bloomed in an instant, filling the ancient well where the ancient well was. above the star.

The terrifying imperial power, even Ye Fan and the remaining human races, far away in the starry sky, can easily feel the powerful and terrifying divine power, and their hearts are throbbing.

This is a supreme imperial weapon!

This time, the Holy Spirit Tribe and the Evil God were fully prepared to take out the creation from the ancient well.

I saw this pot-shaped Ji Dao Imperial Weapon showing a cyan color, dazzling and exuding terrifying imperial power.

This is a supreme imperial weapon made from feathered green gold. It is the supreme treasure of the evil god from outside the realm, the refining pot.

On the body of the pot, there are layers of patterns like wings, like a feathered flying fairy, possessing supreme power.

But this divine refining pot belongs to a large clan outside the territory, called the Guangming clan. The great saints and powerful men of this clan are called evil gods.

This is also the reason why the four evil gods who came here this time were able to bring this extremely imperial weapon.

Moreover, this is also an ancient and powerful ethnic group located deep in the starry sky.

At this time, a human saint, Old Man Wang, who was in the starry sky, said in shock: "This is the Light Clan's ultimate imperial weapon, the Divine Refining Pot. I didn't expect these evil gods to even bring it. They are so well prepared! "

With the appearance of the God Refining Pot, the evil gods of the Bright Clan are also urging this Ji Dao Imperial Weapon. The Ji Dao Divine Power blooms instantly, spitting out terrifying divine light from the mouth of the pot, trying to directly absorb the white lotus. Enter the refining pot.

The starry sky where the ancient star is located is filled with the terrifying power of the Supreme Emperor. The ancient star is also constantly shaking, trembling, and roaring, as if it may be destroyed and broken at any time.


At this moment, the monsters guarding the white lotus rushed into the white lotus and were absorbed and devoured by the white lotus.

Then, the white lotus instantly bloomed with its supreme divine power. The brand on the thigh was also activated at this time, and an imperial power that was not inferior to that of the God Refining Pot also burst out.

Then, I saw the white lotus, crystal clear, and the petals of the lotus bloomed one by one, and did not stop until they were thousands of feet in size.

And in the center of the lotus, there is a thigh hundreds of feet in size, releasing a terrifying divine light that makes people dare not look at it. It has supreme power and is extremely terrifying.

There was an imperial aura exuding from that thigh, which was so terrifying.

After seeing the true appearance of the thigh, Da Wei and Shi Hu became excited and excited.

Not only the two Holy Spirit Clan were excited, but the four Evil Gods of the Light Clan were also excited.

This is the flesh and blood of a powerful person who is close to the Holy Spirit of the Great Emperor. Whether it is used to refine medicine or devour it, the benefits are extremely huge and can be used endlessly.


In order to obtain the thigh, the four evil gods continued their efforts and jointly activated the Divine Refining Pot, the ultimate imperial weapon. The terrifying imperial power bloomed, constantly suppressing the thigh of the invincible Holy Spirit powerhouse.

And the brand in the thigh of the invincible Holy Spirit powerhouse was also activated, and it also bloomed with terrifying divine power, constantly fighting against the God Refining Pot.


The fierce confrontation and collision suddenly erupted with terrifying divine power, which made the alien army start to panic, scream and make commotion.

Even Da Wei and Shi Hu, who were standing next to them, changed their expressions at this moment. Such terrifying power made them both feel deeply frightened.

If it weren't for the purpose of obtaining the magic from the Holy Spirit Clan, they wouldn't have appeared so early.

Unfortunately, the deaths of Ao Mang and Cang Yan interrupted their plans and forced them to show up now.

These two great saints from the Holy Spirit tribe know the terror of the invincible Holy Spirit. If they were not in the same era as Dao Zun, they would definitely be an invincible emperor.



The terrifying divine power collided and erupted with terrifying power, affecting even the surrounding areas, and then swept across the entire ancient star.

Those alien armies that could not withstand this terrifying power screamed and fell, their bodies exploding and turning into blood mist.

"Quick, Dawei, you will also mobilize the emperor's soldiers to suppress that thigh. It will definitely not be able to recover for a long time." An evil god quickly called to the two Holy Spirit powerhouses.

Dawei and Shi Hu also hurried over at this time, and together with the four evil gods, they activated the God Refining Pot and kept suppressing the thigh.

The terrifying collision of the Supreme Emperor's power directly caused the asteroids in the starry sky around the ancient star to turn into fragments and explode one after another, as if fireworks were blooming in the starry sky.

However, at this critical moment, an accident happened. Yuan Changqing and the old madman teamed up to shoot Gujing.

"Bang! Bang!"

With two loud noises, the ancient well instantly shattered and exploded. Twenty or thirty drops of immortal liquid emerged from the bottom of the well, exuding a rich fragrance and instantly filling the starry sky.

As soon as Yuan Changqing brought Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer to the fifteenth city of the human race, they met with the old madman, and then came up with this plan.

Therefore, at this critical moment, Yuan Changqing and the old madman took action boldly, catching the Holy Spirit Clan powerhouse and the Evil God off guard.

The powerful men of the Holy Spirit Tribe and the Evil God were also furious at the sudden change. They did not expect that someone would intervene at this critical moment.

"Damn human race, hurry up, stop them." The four evil gods were furious, and they released a beam of divine light, which Yuan Changqing and the old madman fought at night.

However, due to the separation of a ray of divine light to deal with Yuan Changqing and the old madman, the thigh of the invincible Holy Spirit powerhouse was gradually suppressed. At this time, he also took the opportunity to shine with the divine light, constantly devouring the surrounding blood, trying to Break free from the oppression of the God Refining Pot.

"Ah...damn it!"

The evil god did not dare to be distracted at this time, fearing that the thigh of the invincible Holy Spirit might escape the suppression of the God Refining Pot, so he had to concentrate on dealing with that thigh.

Yuan Changqing and the old madman who were on guard were relieved when they saw this.

Then, Yuan Changqing slapped the twenty or thirty drops of immortal liquid in the ancient well, dispersing them all and scattering them towards the starry sky.

"Ah, grab it!"

The human monks who were in the starry sky were immediately overjoyed and started snatching them one after another.

This was simply a chance from heaven. Ye Fan and others also took action at this time, chasing after them and going to snatch the fairy liquid.

"The sons of the Guangming Tribe obeyed the order and all went to the starry sky to rob the fairy liquid. Anyone who dares to stop our tribe will be killed without mercy!" The evil god quickly ordered his troops to go to the starry sky together to snatch the fairy liquid.

For Yuan Changqing and the old madman's sudden move to snatch the good fortune from the ancient well, the two powerful men of the Holy Spirit clan and the four evil gods were filled with hatred.

Although Yuan Changqing went directly to the fairy liquid in the ancient well, he shot it towards the starry sky.

However, this is exactly what Yuan Changqing intended. Such an opportunity depends on each person's ability and opportunity. It is also a test for human monks.

Moreover, the alien armies are also divided into different factions. If they want to obtain the fairy liquid, they have to fight tooth and nail. This is also Yuan Changqing's plan.

As for whether it succeeds in the end, Yuan Changqing doesn't care much.

However, if it succeeds, it will also be able to alienate the forces united by the Evil God.

Now that the immortal liquid has an army of men to snatch it, the two powerful Holy Spirits and the four evil gods can concentrate on suppressing that terrifying thigh.

And the starry sky is now in complete chaos, because of the sudden intervention of Yuan Changqing and the old madman, which caused countless monks to compete for the fairy liquid in the starry sky.

For a time, battles continued in the starry sky. Countless foreign and human monks were dying. Blood was scattered in the starry sky, and corpses continued to fall from the starry sky. It was cruel and bloody.

Beside the ancient well, as the thigh was gradually being suppressed by the God Refining Pot, Yuan Changqing and the old madman suddenly took action again, directly hitting the two powerful men of the Holy Spirit Clan.

"Bang! Bang!"

In an instant, Da Wei and Shi Hu were beaten into pieces, but they did not fall and quickly regrouped.

Then, Dawei and Shi Hu looked at Yuan Changqing and the old madman with hateful eyes. The four evil gods were also furious at this time and looked at them fiercely.

However, Yuan Changqing and the old madman didn't care, they did it on purpose.

Moreover, with the actions of Yuan Changqing and the old madman, that terrifying thigh finally got rid of the suppression of the God Refining Pot.

However, at this time, Yuan Changqing and the old madman had retreated into the starry sky, watching with eagerness, ready to attack them again at any time.

Suddenly, the two strong men of the Holy Spirit and the four evil gods were about to suppress the thigh, but now they failed.

The same goes for the fairy liquid. If Yuan Changqing hadn't intervened, those fairy liquids would have been theirs. Unfortunately, they were all shot into the starry sky by Yuan Changqing.

"We also have a serious share of the blood of the invincible Holy Spirit and the fairy liquid."

Suddenly, something unexpected happened again. An old and majestic voice came from the starry sky, and another peerless powerful man arrived.

This is another force from the extraterrestrial star realm that came here to snatch the divine blood of the invincible Holy Spirit powerhouse and the fairy liquid.

As the immortal liquid was shot into the starry sky by Yuan Changqing, countless powerful people who had been hiding could no longer sit still and appeared one after another to join this feast of opportunity.

In an instant, the war broke out again, with boundless terror, and the starry sky was shattered.

Yuan Changqing and the old madman were also the targets of the siege. Several peak sages came together to besiege and kill them.

Suddenly, a terrifying battle broke out where Yuan Changqing and the old madman were.

Fortunately, Yuan Changqing has now broken through to the Great Sage, and can barely deal with these Great Sages at their peak without using their trump cards.

These newly emerged forces, except for the peak sage strongmen who were separated to deal with Yuan Changqing and the old madman, all others joined in the fight for the thigh of the invincible Holy Spirit strongman.

I saw that these new powerful men came with forbidden weapons and ancestral weapons, just for the opportunity to come here, and they were fully prepared.

These people all come from a supreme clan in an ancient star field, with countless strong men and incomparable brilliance.

As the war continued to break out, neither side could do anything to the other. Gradually, half a year passed.

After that, strong men continued to come from the depths of the starry sky, making the place even more chaotic.

In the starry sky, the battle for the immortal liquid became more fierce and bloody, with constant killings.

For a drop of immortal liquid, countless monks collided together, fierce battles continued, and countless monks died.

From the beginning of the war, the battle in this starry sky has never stopped.

Even, as strong men continued to join in from behind, the battle became more intense and bloody.

The white lotus beside the ancient well was finally suppressed by many strong men.

Unfortunately, due to the problem of uneven distribution, a fierce war broke out again.

In the horrific aftermath of the battle, the ancient star roared and shook continuously. The planets around the ancient star were also shattered into pieces, and the starry sky was in a state of dilapidation.

Then, with the tragic death of an evil god and the death of a strong man from the depths of the starry sky, the war became more dangerous.

Imperial weapons, forbidden weapons, and ancestral weapons appeared one after another and attacked each other. They fought fiercely, causing the ancient star to be shattered and destroyed.

In order to compete for the white lotus bred with the blood of the Holy Spirit and the thigh of the Holy Spirit, many powerful people came to the end one after another. This fight lasted another year.

This Holy Spirit's divine blood and fairy liquid are all supreme treasures. They can revive the dead, flesh and bones, especially those old antiques that are about to be reborn. If they can get it, they can extend their lifespan a lot.

Therefore, in order to snatch the flesh, blood, and immortal liquid of the Holy Spirit, horrific battles were taking place everywhere, and for a while, there was endless chaos.

However, just when a terrifying battle broke out at the second ancient well, another alien army attacked the third ancient well.

The third ancient well is located in the eighteenth city of the human race, where many races gather.

Not only the human race, but also powerful races such as the Light Race, the Holy Spirit Race, the Winged Race, the Yuan Demon Race, etc., and even the Demon Race deep in the starry sky, the Star Swallowing Beast Clan, etc. also came.

Many forces attacked the third ancient well, which was directly destroyed. Immortal liquid was born, and another fight broke out.

Suddenly, battles broke out everywhere on the human race's ancient starry sky road. It was chaotic, and the strongest ancient trial road of the human race was interrupted.

As the war broke out, countless forces joined in. The brutal and bloody war caused countless monks to fall into the starry sky where these important nodes of the human race's ancient starry sky road were located.

The battle between the imperial weapons, forbidden weapons, and ancestral weapons, these powerful divine weapons, left the star field shattered and in ruins.

In order to obtain the blood and immortal liquid of the Holy Spirit, countless monks fought to the point of madness.

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