Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 417 Divine Realm

After Yuan Changqing got rid of the ancient corpse of Cangtian Tyrant Body, he controlled the ancient ship and headed towards the depths of the Sea of ​​Bitterness again.

After traveling hundreds of thousands of miles again, Yuan Changqing saw wolf smoke billowing in front of him, shooting straight into the sky. This was endless energy spurting out towards the sky, and even the stars in the sky were directly washed away. Come down and fall into the sea of ​​misery.

Yuan Changqing knew that the billowing smoke was actually the essence of the Life Spring that was constantly gushing out. It had endless vitality and was astonishing.

In this vast and incomparable Tianzun Chakra, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless and vast. In the suffering sea of ​​Lingbao Tianzun, there are nine springs of life.

What I see now is only the life essence left by the dry life spring. Up to now, only nine life springs are left in this sea of ​​suffering.

However, there are only nine branches of such a huge life spring left. If it were in its heyday, it would be unknown how vast it was.

And these nine springs of life are just like the nine springs of life formed, distributed throughout the sea of ​​suffering, and they contain a huge amount of life force.

Along the way, Yuan Changqing encountered the ancient corpses that guarded the life spring. They were all extremely powerful, and Yuan Changqing also fought hard along the way.

When Yuan Changqing came to the ninth life spring, it was the largest life spring Yuan Changqing had ever seen. It is still gushing out the power of life, and wisps of essence are constantly gushing out from the life spring. .

Here, Yuan Changqing felt the murderous aura.

Then, Yuan Changqing looked at the bottom of the life spring. Sure enough, there were four immortal swords there, which were the four swords of killing immortals.

Although these four fairy swords are now restrained and silent, if they revive, they will show shocking power.

Now, there is a strong murderous intent around these four swords, which makes people dare not approach easily. There is a dangerous aura of destruction.

The ancient corpses that Yuan Changqing encountered before should have perished in this sea of ​​suffering for the sake of picking these four immortal swords.

Thinking like this also made Yuan Changqing feel scared. The four swords of Zhu Xian were so terrifying without anyone controlling them.

However, Yuan Changqing knew that this was probably because the Four Swords of Zhu Xian had been nurtured by the Divine Liquid of Life Spring for a long time, and had given birth to a trace of spirituality, so that they had the ability to recover independently, and thus they have been guarding the Tianzun Wheel Sea.

Now, Yuan Changqing finally saw the legendary Four Swords of Zhu Xian with his own eyes, and his eyes were filled with tears.

Yuan Changqing now wants to take away the Four Immortal Swords. Unfortunately, that is a delusion. Didn't he see the fate of those ancient corpses before? !

Yuan Changqing does not dare to take risks now, and he is not that confident. The Four Swords of Zhuxian need a formation diagram to pick them out. As long as there is no formation diagram, the Four Swords of Zhuxian will always be here.

Yuan Changqing also knew that there was a cave at the bottom of the sea of ​​life, and there was a six-eared macaque inside.

It is currently sitting cross-legged in that cave, enlightening, and refining the Heavenly Divine Liquid obtained here.

Yuan Changqing didn't care much about the six-eared macaque, but after observing it for a while, he looked towards the void.

Above Lingbao Tianzun's sea of ​​suffering, there is a divine bridge extending into nothingness, which connects to the other shore.

It's just that the divine bridge is not seen in the sky now, but Yuan Changqing knows that the divine bridge is hidden in nothingness and needs to be found by himself.


Yuan Changqing shot a five-color divine light directly into the void, which immediately caused the sea of ​​suffering to set off a huge wave. Even the stars in the sky were directly knocked away and fell into the sea of ​​suffering.

Afterwards, I saw stars falling or breaking one by one, and the terrifying divine power continued to erupt.

After that, the divine bridge connecting the Life Spring and the Land of Nothingness appeared, rising straight into the sky. Yuan Changqing then stepped directly onto the divine bridge and headed towards the other side.

After entering the land of nothingness, Yuan Changqing found that he was now in another space. This was no longer the world of the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

Here, it seems to be a mysterious star field, with chaotic air currents constantly emitting.

Yuan Changqing looked into the distance, where there was endless brilliance, spanning these five five-color continents.

A continent is extremely hot, emitting terrifying heat waves and glowing red.

A continent is a vast ocean, with water everywhere and boundless.

A continent appears white, with golden energy rising into the sky and making a clanging sound.

A continent full of greenery and vitality.

A continent is earthy yellow, thick and solid.

Yuan Changqing knew that this was the Five Elements Continent that was transformed into the Lingbao Tianzun Taoist Palace.

The Five Avenues Palace turned into these five continents.

The Five Elements essence here is rich and constantly overflowing. Moreover, above these five continents, there is a huge ancient star, full of vitality.

This ancient star is constantly nourished by the Five Elements Essence of the Five Elements Continent, giving it a terrifying vitality that continues to emanate. It even reveals a supreme aura of the Great Dao.

Then, Yuan Changqing stepped on the five-color divine light, turned into a rainbow, and headed directly towards the ancient star of life.

However, Yuan Changqing knew that above this ancient star was the place where the aborigines here called "gods" lived. This was a divine realm.

When Yuan Changqing approached the ancient star of life, he did not hide his aura.

The complete Zhuxian formation requires a formation diagram, and the formation diagram is here, held by a peak great saint.


The peaceful divine realm was suddenly shaken when Yuan Changqing broke into it and was discovered by the so-called "god" here.

Afterwards, a vast divine will instantly filled all directions in this divine realm.

The majestic momentum has a supreme aura, causing the hearts of people living in the divine realm to be constantly impacted by the Tao.

"Everyone dares to invade my divine domain!"

A sacred aura filled all directions, and a loud voice spread throughout the divine realm.

"God is born!"

"Someone invades God's territory. Will God punish the intruder?!"

The creatures living on this ancient star of life are all ruled by the supreme god of the divine domain, and all races surrender and are in awe.

A huge power of faith is constantly surging in the divine realm. This is the characteristic of cultivation here. The statues of gods worshiped by various tribes emit overwhelming divine light, majestic and solemn.

The ruler "god" here relies on the statues of gods worshiped by various tribes and the infinite power of faith to control and master everything here.

However, as far as Yuan Changqing knows, the so-called "god" here is already old, has the strength of a peak saint, and has half a foot in the quasi-emperor realm.

Yes, he will never be able to step into the quasi-emperor realm. This is destined by the path of this world. Therefore, he will always stay at the peak realm of the Great Sage.

The Immortal Killing Formation is controlled by the so-called "god", and it is precisely because of the Immortal Killing Formation that he can rule here.

Otherwise, the God Killer would have appeared a long time ago, and there are not many people who want to resist him in this divine realm.

However, because of the Zhuxian Formation, no one dared to challenge him, because those who had the courage to challenge him had already been killed.

And Yuan Changqing came here this time just to seize the Zhuxian formation diagram, and then collect the Four Swords of Zhuxian.

"Kill your people!"

Yuan Changqing's cold voice sounded instantly, and a terrifying aura bloomed in the divine realm, shocking and frightening countless people.

"You are so arrogant, you evil demon from outside the territory. If you dare to be so arrogant, you should be punished!"

Yuan Changqing's answer made the "god" furious. He had always been aloof. It had been a long time since anyone had dared to challenge his majesty so arrogantly.

However, Yuan Changqing arrived today and actually wanted to kill him. If he did not respond, his majesty as the "god" here would be destroyed.

Then, Yuan Changqing saw a person shrouded in divine light appear. The divine light was bright and sacred. He was the "god" here.

As soon as the "god" appeared in front of Yuan Changqing, he showed serious cold murderous intent, and the divine light shone around him, as if a real god had come to the world.

However, Yuan Changqing doesn't want to care so much now. Yuan Changqing is determined to win the Zhuxian Formation.

"Hand over the formation map, or die!" Yuan Changqing also looked at him coldly.

Hongda's voice sounded in this divine realm, causing the hearts of countless creatures in the divine realm to tremble.

The terrifying divine power bloomed in Yuan Changqing's body, and the shocking murderous intention swayed to lock on the god.

"Wantless, evil spirits from outside the territory have violated my divine domain and rebelled against my divine power. Today, I want your head to atone for your offense."

After that, a divine picture rose from the back of the god's head, with immeasurable divine power and a supreme aura blooming.

Yuan Changqing also took out the Hetu Luoshu, blooming with terrifying imperial power to compete with the Zhuxian Formation.

In an instant, two terrifying powerful imperial powers bloomed, causing the entire divine realm to continuously shake.

With the collision of the two imperial powers, the divine realm shook. All the creatures living in the divine realm could not bear the terrifying imperial power and knelt on the ground. They all felt fear and fear.

"Oh, an imperial weapon. Is this where your confidence lies as an extraterrestrial evil spirit? After today, you will die. This ownerless imperial weapon will become your own trophy."

When the god saw Yuan Changqing also taking out an imperial weapon, he was surprised at first, and then ridiculed.

Even, after killing Yuan Changqing, he wanted to go to Hetu Luoshu, the ultimate imperial weapon, which was a good idea, but unfortunately, it was too early to be happy.

As for why the "god" thinks this way, it is because the Zhuxian Formation, as the supreme artifact of the divine domain, is indeed not something that a limited imperial weapon can compete with.

This is because of Yuan Changqing's strength. After all, it consumes a lot of money for the Great Sage to mobilize the imperial troops.

However, the Zhuxian Formation is different. It itself is owned by Lingbao Tianzun, and this place was transformed by Lingbao Tianzun.

Coupled with the fact that the Immortal Killing Formation is the supreme artifact here and is blessed by a massive amount of faith, only then can the god be so confident.

However, Yuan Changqing is not afraid. If the confrontation lasts for a long time, Hetu Luoshu will naturally lose in the end because of Yuan Changqing's magical power.

However, Yuan Changqing not only has Hetu Luoshu as his trump card, he also has a quasi-imperial weapon, the Taiyin Divine Bow.

As for the stone order on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, Yuan Changqing had already given it to Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er, mother and daughter, as their trump card.

"You can try and see whether you kill me first or I kill you first!" Yuan Changqing fired back with a cold voice.

Later, Yuan Changqing urged Hetu Luoshu to directly compete with the Zhuxian Formation. At this time, neither side could do anything to the other.

After that, Yuan Changqing took out the Taiyin Divine Bow and quickly shot a shocking arrow, directly piercing the god.


The blow came so fast that Shen Lian had no time to react. Shen Lian did not expect that Yuan Changqing actually had a quasi-imperial weapon in his hand.

If Yuan Changqing had only one imperial weapon, God would still be sure to defeat him. However, he underestimated Yuan Changqing's trump card.

Just when Yuan Changqing fired a shocking arrow, Shen Ye quickly responded, "Okay, it's too late."

Facing a blow from the Quasi-Emperor Soldier, even if he was a peak saint, it was in vain. In the end, the god's soul was frozen by the Taiyin Holy Power.

Then, Yuan Changqing slapped him with a palm, blowing it up and turning his soul into ashes.

In an instant, the people in the Divine Realm were stunned. They did not expect that the supreme god would be killed by Yuan Changqing.

But the people in the Divine Realm looked at Yuan Changqing with fear, fearing that he would stare at them.

However, they thought too much. Yuan Changqing's main purpose of killing the god this time was for the Immortal Killing Formation Diagram.

As the gods who had ruled the divine domain for countless years died, countless creatures who believed in gods had their faith collapsed. Many creatures even committed suicide directly and followed their gods.

Of course, this is only a small part of God's Domain. Who doesn't have some firm believers?

What's more, that god has ruled the Divine Realm for two lives. Yes, the god who rules here has lived for two lives, until he died at the hands of Yuan Changqing.

Moreover, that god also relied on the Zhuxian Formation to rule the divine realm. Otherwise, he would have been overthrown long ago.

In the God's Domain, there are also some powerful beings who are dormant, just thinking that there is a way to overthrow God.

However, before they could realize this dream, they were killed by Yuan Changqing, a more powerful existence.

After the death of the god, there was no one to control the Zhuxian Formation. Yuan Changqing continued to use the "Bing" secret, constantly communicated with the Zhuxian Formation, and controlled the Zhuxian Formation.

At first, there was no reaction from the Zhuxian Formation Diagram. This supreme artifact simply ignored Yuan Changqing.

However, in the end, through Yuan Changqing's efforts, he received a response from the Zhuxian Formation and was recognized.

However, the Zhuxian Formation also has its geniuses, who want Yuan Changqing to rule the divine realm here so that the divine realm will not fall into chaos due to the loss of gods.

If Yuan Changqing does not agree, the Zhuxian Formation will not agree to Yuan Changqing, and will even summon the Four Swords of Zhuxian.

In the end, Yuan Changqing had no choice but to agree to the conditions of the Zhuxian Formation, and as the new god here, he would rule the divine domain here.

In fact, Yuan Changqing has no interest in ruling the divine domain here.

After all, the road here has come to an end, gone astray, and has no future.

Even taking the path of the power of faith does not mean that it is not a great avenue.

However, this road is not easy to walk in this world that covers the sky. It can be said to be impassable.

The person who has gone the furthest along this path may be Emperor Amitabha.

However, Yuan Changqing did not follow this path. Yuan Changqing still knew that belief was poisonous.

Therefore, this divine realm is simply worthless to Yuan Changqing, and it is not like the belief in gods in Douluo Continent.

Faith is a double-edged sword, which can help others or hurt others, both good and bad.

However, for those who don't have much pursuit, this is a good place.

However, in order to obtain the Zhuxian Formation Map, Yuan Changqing had no choice but to agree.

Finally, the Immortal Killing Formation bloomed with immeasurable divine light and landed on Yuan Changqing's head.

At this point, a new god in the divine realm was born.

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