Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 421 Star Road

As thirty years passed, Yuan Changqing relied on the ten thousand ancient talismans here to realize Taoism and create magic in the Divine Demon Ridge. His current strength has been upgraded to the peak of the Great Sage, and his combat power is extremely powerful.

This thirty-year enlightenment has allowed Yuan Changqing to further his strength and make great progress in his Taoism.

Now, Yuan Changqing only needs to survive the thunder tribulation, and he is at the peak level of the Great Sage.

In addition to the success of this creation, although the "Five Elements Classic" only has saint-level exercises, with the success of the creation, Yuan Changqing also practiced again from the realm of the wheel and sea, which made Yuan Changqing's strength more stable.

He is now more in tune with his own Dao. He only needs to wait until the exercises behind the "Five Elements Classic" are created, and Yuan Changqing's strength will almost reach the point where he can take another step forward.

However, Yuan Changqing is not in a hurry for success. Only by constantly settling down and consolidating the foundation of his own path can tall buildings rise from the ground.

Without a good foundation, no matter how fast your strength improves, it will still be a castle in the air.

Especially now that Yuan Changqing has reached the peak of the Great Sage. If his foundation is unstable, it will be impossible to survive the quasi-emperor catastrophe.

Therefore, every step must be taken steadily in order to climb higher mountains.

You must know that the road to the future is still far away. Quasi-Emperor and Supreme are only the foundation before becoming an immortal, not the end.

This time, after thirty years of enlightenment, sorting out the scriptures and mysteries of my own cultivation, and the successful creation of magic, my strength has been greatly improved.

In this special golden age, countless geniuses are constantly climbing higher mountains. Everyone who comes to participate in the strongest trial ancient road has rapidly improved their strength.

Another year has passed, and Yuan Changqing also knows that there is no longer much meaning in staying in the Gods and Demons Ridge.

So, Yuan Changqing stood up from the peak in the center of the Divine Demon Ridge, and restrained his aura, just like an ordinary person without any cultivation.

Seeing Yuan Changqing walking out from the center of the Gods and Demons Ridge, Ye Fan, Yuan Yuer and others who were still in the Gods and Demons Ridge came forward one after another. Everyone was extremely happy.

Yuan Changqing saw that everyone's cultivation had been greatly improved, which showed that they had not spent time in the past thirty years.

"Everyone has benefited from the opportunities here. Now let's all leave here!" Yuan Changqing said to everyone with a smile.

Everyone nodded, and then Yuan Changqing waved his hand, tearing apart the void and leading everyone away from the God Demon Ridge.

Ye Fan and others were brought to the Divine Mountain in the Divine Realm by Yuan Changqing. In the past thirty years, they have made huge gains and become more powerful.

And Ye Fan is now the Saint King of the Ninth Level. As long as he accumulates for a while, it will be a piece of cake to break through the Great Sage.

Ye Fan, Pang Bo and others once again stayed in the divine realm for a while, using the sacred tree of life on the sacred mountain to consolidate their foundation and deepen their Taoism.

Just when Ye Fan was about to leave God's Domain, Yuan Changqing stopped him.

"This is the stone order of the invincible Holy Spirit that was obtained in the tenth city of the human race last time. I will give it to you for use now. Maybe you can use it." Yuan Changqing took out the Holy Spirit clan's ancestral weapon. This one is just a hair away from the ancient emperor's weapon. The pinnacle quasi-imperial weapon.

In the future, Ye Fan will encounter more difficulties. Now with Shi Ling, the pinnacle quasi-emperor weapon, as a trump card, he can overcome the difficulties he encounters.

After Ye Fan took the stone order, he asked in surprise: "Senior, why did you give it to me?"

"In the future, our human race will face a terrifying dark crisis. I give the Stone Order to you in the hope that it will serve as a means of saving your life. You must also work hard to improve your cultivation. We don't have much time." Yuan Changqing said seriously.

Suddenly, Ye Fan was shocked. He did not expect that a strong man like Yuan Changqing would say something about running out of time, and worries and doubts arose in his heart.

"Senior, what is the dark crisis you are talking about?" Ye Fan asked the doubts in his heart.

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "You don't have to worry about this. What you need now is to work hard to improve your strength and lay a good foundation."

"As for the dark crisis in the future, it is not something we can handle with our current strength."

"When the time comes, you will naturally understand that what we need to do most now is to work hard to improve our strength so that we can cope with it."

Yuan Changqing's words made Ye Fan even more worried, and his heart was filled with a sense of crisis and urgency.

It's just that Yuan Changqing didn't answer directly, and Ye Fan couldn't help but ask more questions.

Later, Yuan Changqing presented some ancient branches of life to Ye Fan and others, and then sent Ye Fan, Zeng Li, and Yuan Yuer to the ancient mythical road again to continue the previous trials.

After Ye Fan, Yuan Yue'er and others left, Yuan Changqing once again survived two thunder tribulations and officially became a peak great sage.

Finally, after Yuan Changqing made some arrangements in the divine realm, he once again let the Qinglong God sit in the divine realm, and he continued to set off.

The boundless starry sky in the universe is so vast. Without a teleportation array like the Five-Color Altar, I might not be able to easily step out of a star field in my lifetime.

Moreover, if you set foot on the starry sky alone, without the coordinates of the star field, it is easy to get lost in the cold and dark starry sky.

For the boundless universe, every individual is extremely small.

Moreover, the universe is infinitely mysterious, and perhaps only the strongest at the level of the Great Emperor can peek into it and understand the secrets of the universe.

As Yuan Changqing once again moved towards the depths of the ancient starry sky road, he returned to the human race's ancient starry sky road and passed one level after another.

Finally, Yuan Changqing came directly to the 81st level of the human race. The majestic and huge ancient city was suspended above a starry sky, shrouded in endless starlight, and extremely ethereal.

With the coming of the golden age, the geniuses will rise together, and the heroes will stand side by side to compete for the throne.

However, how many people will there be in the end? !

Every ancient trial road in the starry sky, heroes and heroes continue to emerge, full of blood and tears, but what is left on the ancient road is numerous bones.

This is both an extremely glorious road and a road full of sadness. On this road, there is no right or wrong, just for the final opportunity.

This life is destined to be glorious and splendid, and will be engraved in the historical facts of the years.

The human race's ancient road has a total of one hundred and eight levels. Yes, the road ahead is broken and you need to build it yourself.

You even need to find a life planet and open up a five-color altar before you can start your journey again.

However, this is also a test for those who come to participate in the trial.

If you can't even pass this level, then you are not qualified to embark on the most powerful ancient road of trials.

The ancient road in the human race's starry sky has existed for countless years. In many places, shocking wars broke out, causing the ancient road to collapse over the years.

Although nominally the human race has a total of 108 levels, in fact, this is not the case.

Now, there are only some special checkpoints left on the ancient human road. For example, behind the 81st checkpoint, it is even more desolate and dilapidated.

Moreover, this also makes the road behind without a trace of human habitation, as if entering a star field that has lost all life.

However, this is a path of inquiry, allowing those who come after to pick up the broken path, rebuild the ruined altar, and make the ancient road unobstructed again.

It is precisely because of this that it will cause huge troubles and crises to those who come after.

Now, Yuan Changqing stepped into this land of silence and saw a place filled with bones, with a five-color altar built on it.

This place is deserted, and the city has long been dilapidated and turned into rubble, floating in the cold void.

The ravages of time have obliterated countless past glories. Now, those glories have long since drifted away with the wind and disappeared into the long river of history. What remains are pieces of ruins abandoned by time.

However, such a harsh environment is not difficult for a peak sage like Yuan Changqing.

If Yuan Changqing really wants to leave here, he only needs to tear the void and leave here in an instant.

However, Yuan Changqing did not do this. Since this is a path of asking questions, Yuan Changqing is now ready to take another step.

Experiencing the process of cultivating one's mind and asking questions can make Yuan Changqing's mind of asking questions purer.

This path is both a path of ascetic cultivation and a path of questioning one’s heart. It truly points directly to one’s own heart and asks oneself how to go on.

Throw away the distracting thoughts in your heart, let go of everything, return to the most ordinary self, and constantly accumulate and sublimate yourself.

This is like a person who has gone through hard times and reached a prosperous and prosperous age, living in a world full of colors, and returns to the moment of hard struggle again.

When you look back, you will find that some persistence in the past will be forgotten because of the comfortable life. When you start over, you will find a different beauty.

After that, Yuan Changqing embarked on a path of inquiry that pointed directly to his heart and found his own path.

The 108th level of the human race, this is the end of the strongest ancient trial road of the human race.

Yuan Changqing came here from the 81st level of the human race, and saw a majestic and magnificent ancient city standing in front of him.

The immortal energy is steaming and the stars are brilliant. It is far better than any city on the ancient road that Yuan Changqing has seen before. It is indeed the last hurdle for the human race.

This ancient city seemed to be built of black metal, exuding a cold luster, with blood faintly appearing on it.

According to legend, this ancient city contains the holy blood stained by ancient battles, the fall of powerful men in the past, and even the blood of quasi-emperors.

The majestic and magnificent city is magnificent and majestic, giving people a sense of oppression that shocks the mind.

And many precious figures were used to build this city. It is actually a magic weapon city, what a generous effort!

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing entered the city and watched the people coming and going in the city. At this time, many monks had already arrived.

In the city, there are all kinds of buildings, pavilions, suspended islands, etc., which are very majestic.

However, Yuan Changqing did not stay here for long. After staying for a month, Yuan Changqing went deep into the starry sky again.

After passing the 108th level of the human race, there is the ultimate ancient road. The genius who can set foot on this road will be the strongest among the geniuses.

The first level of the ultimate ancient road, this is a majestic city gate that remains unchanged forever and is surrounded by chaotic air currents. Even the passage of time has not erased its traces.

This majestic city gate has no name. However, the names of ancient emperors such as Human Emperor, Amitabha Buddha, Void Emperor, Ruthless Emperor, Wushi Emperor, Qing Emperor, etc. are engraved on each pillar.

These former most powerful people have all come here and left behind their glorious names.

The majestic pass stands tall, and the chaotic air is swirling. But now there is no one here, and there is silence, telling the story of the glorious years here, as if waiting for the glorious years to come again.

Yuan Changqing looked at the huge pillars standing one after another, towering into the clouds, like giant pillars supporting the sky, standing in front of this majestic pass.

Every giant pillar here is a piece of history, engraved with the context of time.

Each of the giant pillars is engraved with an ancient emperor. This is the best proof.

In the silent city gate, Yuan Changqing was the only one at this time, and the gate was closed. The majestic ancient city seemed to have not appeared here for a long time.

Now, the trial of the Ultimate Ancient Road has not yet started, and the time has not yet come.

The crystal wall-colored stone tablet blocked the front door, but there were many people's names left on the crystal wall.

And these people who left their names are all those who came to participate in the ancient trial road this time, and they are all strong among the geniuses. They have passed the last level of the ancient trial road and embarked on the ultimate trial. The ancient road of refining.

Unfortunately, the ancient road to the ultimate trial has not yet been opened. They can only leave their names here to prove that they have been here and wait for the time when the trial opens.

The names of people like Taichu, Yi Tiande, Jiang Taixu, Emperor, etc. are all left on this crystal wall, shining like stars.

Finally, Yuan Changqing looked at this place and did not choose to stay here. Instead, he turned around and left.

This ancient road of ultimate trials is no longer suitable for Yuan Changqing. This is not because Yuan Changqing thinks he is so powerful.

But what Yuan Changqing needs to do now is to continue to consolidate himself, create the skills behind the "Five Elements Classic", reorganize and practice each realm, and prepare for his quasi-emperor catastrophe.

Stepping into the starry sky again, in the vast universe, under the endless brilliant starry sky, there are countless glorious secrets waiting for those who are destined to explore.

However, throughout the ages, strong men have walked under the stars, but they have been unable to fully explore the secrets hidden in the years.

After that, Yuan Changqing traveled through one star field after another and passed through one foreign ancient star after another.

Yuan Changqing walks in the starry sky, comprehends the Tao in the starry sky, feels the ancient Tao traces left in the world, and witnesses the glorious history of the past.

In this way, Yuan Changqing has entered many ancient life stars in the universe, comprehending the great avenue on each ancient life star, and comprehending the traces of the great avenue that have been imprinted on those ancient life stars.

This is a lonely and silent practice, understanding the different laws of the Tao, and it is also a brand-new cultivation journey.

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