Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 43 Looking for the Dragon

In fact, there is basically no problem with Yuan Changqing's medicine. After all, he made it according to the prescription, mainly because he wanted to see the effect.

Although I didn't treat anyone in my previous life, I was familiar with medical books, plus some medical books in this world (it is assumed that Feng Shui and Chinese medicine can be roughly used in this world).

As long as you understand the pharmacology and properties of medicine, you can match the prescription according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, plus some yin-yang and five-element theories from the fantasy world.

Therefore, it will be of great help to Yuan Changqing in his future research on elixirs.

This time is mainly used to verify this aspect, and also to prepare Wang Yuyan to open a clinic.

After all, pill prescriptions cannot be obtained out of thin air at one time. They still need to be continuously improved. Having a clinic can also make it more convenient.

As for the prices of these elixirs in the future, we cannot be so casual.

Only common elixirs that are used in large quantities will become popular, but those with special effects are no longer cheap.

Yuan Changqing also found some people in the Great Soul Fighting Arena to verify. After a few days, he found out that some people still wanted to buy it after using it. Seeing these feedbacks made Yuan Changqing feel relieved. The news from his sister-in-law Not bad, which means the effect is pretty good.

In the future, Yuan Changqing will also conduct such verification after each elixir comes out. At present, no elixir has appeared in Douluo Continent.

Among those big forces, the most commonly used liquid medicines may be prepared, and these are mainly used to build foundations, refine the body, or repair body damage.

Therefore, as long as Yuan Changqing develops elixirs to restore soul power, or elixirs to treat internal injuries, or elixirs that can enhance strength and break through bottlenecks, these are promising.

In the back hill of Lanyin Village, Yuan Changqing came to the treasure land of Seven Stars and the Moon, holding a dragon-seeking plate in his hand, and he was looking for the dragon's acupoint.

After returning from Soto City, Catherine and Wang Yuyan also came back with him.

From building the alchemy furnace to refining the elixir, Yuan Changqing never stopped during that period, except for a few days of rest in between.

That was because his body and mind had reached their limit, so he took a few days off to recover, and then he was busy refining elixirs.

After being busy these past few days, Yuan Changqing also had time to come to the back mountain to take a look.

Looking at the pointer in the center of the dragon-seeking disk in his hand, it began to spin around as soon as he entered the treasure land of Seven Stars and Moon.

Finally, after a period of rotation, the pointer of the dragon-seeking disk finally pointed to the lake in the middle, which seemed to be the place where the inspiration for this treasure place gathered.

Although Yuan Changqing knows this, after all, he has also investigated it, and now it has been confirmed again through the dragon search plate.

The lake was indeed a spiritual cave formed by the gathering of spiritual veins, and the spiritual veins also extended seven branches to the surroundings, which were the seven hills. Yuan Changqing also surveyed these again.

Although this is only a part of this small mountain range, the underground spiritual veins gather here to form a treasure place.

Because Yuan Changqing's mental power had been enhanced last time, his perception ability had also improved, and he discovered that this spiritual vein was the main spiritual vein of this mountain range.

As for whether there are Feng Shui treasures in other parts of the mountain range, Yuan Changqing doesn't know. Although it is a small mountain range, it is only compared to those large mountains.

Yuan Changqing doesn't have that much time to survey. Even with his current strength, it will take a long time to complete the mountain range.

The improvement of mental power is of great help to the art of looking for energy in Feng Shui. In the past, Yuan Changqing could only judge whether there might be a treasure land based on the terrain and the surrounding situation.

Now Yuan Changqing can vaguely perceive the surrounding aura through the art of looking at the energy. In the Seven Stars and Moon Treasure Land, he only feels that there is a cold bright moon, and there are seven stars guarding it all around.

There is also the sense that through the mountains, there is a steady stream of energy being transported to the treasure land, providing it with strong vitality.

After making this discovery, Yuan Changqing was excited. He had always heard about Wang Qi before, and thought it was fake, just to appear more mysterious and awesome.

Now that I have personal experience, I know it is true, but this ability is too energy-consuming.

After confirming the treasure land again, he also discovered that he could use the technique of looking for energy. After his energy was almost exhausted, Yuan Changqing went home.

After returning home, after this Qi-gazing experience, Yuan Changqing was also ready to sort out what he had learned in his previous life.

With this discovery, it seems that the things I brought over in my previous life still have great potential to be tapped.

Now Lanyin Village looks more energetic than before. This is what Yuan Changqing saw after returning this time.

When going to bed at night, Yuan Changqing and Wang Yuyan talked about this while chatting.

I was busy some time ago and didn't pay attention, but after all, Wang Yuyan had lived with him in the village since childhood, and she had spent a lot of time when she came back from vacation this time, so she knew him better than Yuan Changqing.

Wang Yuyan said: "Hehe, brother Changqing, you just discovered it now!"

"Well, I only discovered it in the past few days. The villagers are in better spirits."

Wang Yuyan explained the reason to Yuan Changqing and said: "Yes, the village used to be poor, taxes were heavy, and the villagers had no other income."

"Now our family has a winery, and the villagers work here. They get wages and grow fruits. Our store also buys some agricultural and sideline products, so our income is a lot more."

"So, life is much better now than before, and the villagers seem to be more energetic."

"Also, because of my uncle, the tax collectors no longer dare to bully the villagers in the village."

Yuan Changqing sighed: "It seems that with strength, you have the right to speak!"

Those who collected taxes in the past were arrogant and domineering to the villagers. Yuan Changqing often saw this when he was a child.

But at that time, Yuan Changqing was unable to help the villagers. Although his grandparents had soul power, they were just like that.

Although Grandpa and the others are soul masters, you are weak and those tax collectors won't care about you.

It's different now. With my uncle, the Soul Emperor, in charge, those tax collectors have calmed down their arrogant attitude and become more polite.

It seems that those people really have a good eye for who can be messed with and who they can't mess with.

Wang Yuyan said: "Yes, now those people no longer dare to bully the people in our village."

Yuan Changqing said: "It seems you know a lot when you come back this time!"

"That's not like you. You can't see anyone all day long. Sister Catherine and I often go to the village to play. When we chat, the villagers are very grateful to our family."

"Well, grandpa is the village chief. He didn't have the ability before, but now he has the ability. It's time to help the villagers. This can also improve his reputation, right?"

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