In the borderland, the thunder catastrophe has ended. In the cold and dark starry sky of the universe, Yuan Changqing is swallowing the remaining thunder essence and starlight energy to restore his own divine power.

Above Yuan Changqing's head, the Five Elements Diagram is suspended. It is now an extremely powerful quasi-imperial weapon, with five colors of light flashing, Taoist elements intertwined, blooming with wisps of brilliance.

Now, on Yuan Changqing's body, there are immortal Dao patterns emerging, and his whole body exudes supreme majesty, with the power to suppress the world.

After Yuan Changqing recovered, a huge divine power bloomed, shocking the surrounding starry sky.

Finally, Yuan Changqing calmed down the aura on his body, like an ordinary person, the five-color divine light flashed, and instantly disappeared into the stars where the retreat was.

After that, Yuan Changqing once again set foot on the starry sky and the universe, passing by ancient stars one after another. Every time he encountered these living planets, he would stay for a period of time to understand the traces imprinted in the void.

In this way, for another twenty years, Yuan Changqing stepped on countless stars and left his own footprints on them.

Yuan Changqing was like an ascetic monk, walking alone in the starry sky, silently walking through one star field after another.

At this time, after twenty years, Yuan Changqing's strength has been improved again, and he has reached the quasi-emperor fifth level. These twenty years of hard training have not been in vain.

Now with the advent of the Golden Age, the world of Zhetian has undergone tremendous changes.

In this world, it is easier to practice and realize the Tao than before.

In the past, the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth was too suppressed, making it difficult for the monks in the universe to be strong.

However, things are different now. Now it has become very easy to practice and achieve breakthroughs.

Otherwise, Yuan Changqing would not be able to improve his strength so quickly. You must know that the higher the level of strength, the slower the improvement of strength.

But Yuan Changqing is now on steroids, with no sign of slowing down at all.

Such a huge change means that the suppression of the Qing Emperor's Avenue disappears, the heaven and the earth gather the Tianxin Seal, and another golden age comes again.

Yuan Changqing has no intention of continuing in the universe and is ready to go back.

However, Yuan Changqing did not return to the Starry Sky to test the ancient road. Instead, he returned directly to the starting point of the Starry Sky Ancient Road and returned to Ziwei Emperor Star.

More than a hundred years have passed, and Sun Shenjiao, which once declined, has developed again, and once again shows signs of its former glory.

Although it is still not as good as when it was at its peak, it is still a powerful force and a veritable holy land for cultivation.

Coupled with the suppression of the Sun God Cult by quasi-emperor soldiers, as well as more than a hundred years of development, and the advent of the Golden Age, masters have begun to emerge in endlessly, and their knowledge has become deeper and deeper.

Now on Ziwei Emperor Star, no force dares to offend the Sun God Cult easily.

As Yuan Changqing came to Ziwei Emperor Star again, the atmosphere here was very tense, as if he had encountered a formidable enemy.

When Yuan Changqing came to the Sun God Cult, he learned that recently there was a powerful force called Shenting, which wanted to conquer all the major forces on Ziwei Emperor Star and take them under its command.

After understanding the situation, Yuan Changqing also knew what happened.

Shenting is indeed a powerful force, and their divine master is at the pinnacle of quasi-emperor. In terms of strength, he is much higher than Yuan Changqing.

The God Lord is a Suzaku, with extremely terrifying strength. Without the Supreme Being, few people in this universe can be stronger than it.

However, with Yuan Changqing's current strength, he is not afraid of it. He has imperial soldiers in his hands, his strength is quasi-emperor, and the God Lord is no match for him.

Now, Yuan Changqing also knows why there is such a tense atmosphere on the Ziwei Emperor Star. A strong man like the Sun Lord, who is close to the Great Sage, is here with a sad face, not knowing what to do.

A few years ago, this divine court came to the ancient star Ziwei once. A great sage led an army and wanted to conquer Ziwei.

However, the people of Shenting were still frightened and retreated. Just when Shenting wanted to conquer the Ziwei Emperor Star, the Sun God Cult mobilized the quasi-emperor's Sun God Spear, showing a hint of imperial power, and allowed the Ziwei Emperor Star to survive a period of time. Tribulation.

However, now the force called Shenting has come outside Ziwei Emperor Star again and wants to conquer again.

And coming here again this time, I must be well prepared, otherwise, I would not come here again.

As for how the Sun God Lord and the others knew, it was because Shenting came and made too much noise this time, and it was impossible not to know.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, it is obvious that the Divine Court wants to use force to overwhelm others this time.

At this time, a heavenly sound suddenly came from outside the sky, like a big yellow bell, resounding throughout the Ziwei Emperor Star.

"Listen, Ziwei people, have you decided whether you want to surrender to my divine court, or do you want to resist my divine court?!"

This is a peerless great sage who exudes supreme power outside the Ziwei Emperor Star and brings supreme pressure to people.

The last time he came to this Ziwei Emperor Star, he also came here, but he was not prepared last time and could only retreat.

However, when he retreated, he still threatened and threatened that the master of the Divine Court was a peak quasi-emperor. If Emperor Ziwei did not surrender, he would be bloody suppressed and purged by the Divine Court.

Moreover, before leaving, Ziwei was given several years to consider whether to surrender to the Divine Court, join them, and become the Divine Court's sphere of influence.

However, at this time, on the Ziwei Emperor Star, although no one wanted to surrender to the divine court and remained silent, their strength was not as good as that of others, so there was nothing they could do.

Currently, none of the powerful people on the Ziwei Emperor Star have any plans to take the lead, and are all waiting for the decision of the Sun God Sect.

After all, strictly speaking, the Sun God Cult is now the most powerful force in Ziwei, and it is suppressed by quasi-emperor soldiers.

However, with the arrival of Yuan Changqing, and the fact that the Holy Lord of the Sun could not feel a trace of breath on Yuan Changqing's body, we knew that Yuan Changqing's strength had now reached an incredible level.

Therefore, this also gave the Sun Lord endless confidence.

"Shenting, you are too arrogant. We are far away from countless star fields. You can never let me, the Ziwei Star Territory, surrender to you." The cold voice of the Sun Lord spread out.

Yuan Changqing is not surprised that Shenting is about to expand. After all, he knows that these things will happen.

However, what Yuan Changqing didn't expect was that he would actually run into him when he came back this time.

In this vast universe, the Divine Court can be regarded as a powerful force. The Divine Lord has the peak level of quasi-emperor to suppress one party.

However, for the Divine Lord to establish the Divine Court and want to imitate the Heavenly Court and rule the universe, this is a joke in Yuan Changqing's eyes. The ignorant are really fearless!

In this sky-covering universe, the water is so deep that it is simply unfathomable. It can only be said that the Holy Lord of Shenting has shallow knowledge and does not know how powerful it is.

Didn't you see that the quasi-emperor of the Golden Crow is still hiding in a cage now? He is just afraid of being used as blood food by the supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life.

However, Shenting is now so upright and showing off its power everywhere, simply not afraid of dying quickly.

Some hidden forces in the universe can easily wipe out the Divine Court.

Like the forces of the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Queen, as well as the remaining Heavenly Court forces left behind by the Emperor, none of these forces has the ability to destroy the Divine Court.

Not to mention the seven forbidden areas of life on the Beidou Emperor Burial Star, the Hegemonic Ancestral Star, the mysterious underworld, etc. These forces are even more transcendent.

Therefore, if Shenting wants to dominate the world, it is simply a delusion if these places are not peaceful or do not have the strength of the emperor.

In the end, there is only one ending for Shenting. It disappears into smoke and turns into history in the years.

Yuan Changqing knew that when the dark turmoil came later, the Divine Master of the Divine Court was so frightened that he hid.

Although the Divine Court now looks majestic, it seems that the final throne belongs to the Divine Lord.

However, the Suzaku, the God Lord, does not have that great luck, and it has no chance of becoming emperor.

Only someone like the quasi-emperor of the Golden Crow, who could clearly see the form, knew how to take advantage of the opportunities, and was diligent enough, could he finally win the throne of the great emperor.

Now, compared to the Golden Crow Quasi-Emperor, the Lord of the Divine Court is like a simple child, ignorant of the depth of this universe and arrogant.

Moreover, the Divine Lord actually wants to get his hands on the Ziwei Emperor Star. How could Yuan Changqing let him do so? This is the scope of the human race's strength and the hometown of the two human race holy emperors.

"So, you Ziwei people are prepared to resist to the end. Our Divine Court is destined to rule the world and rule all directions. You must think carefully about it!" After hearing the words of the Holy Lord of the Sun, the great sage said arrogantly.

Ziwei Emperor Star fell into silence now, looking at the great sage in the sky without saying anything.

The great sage who did not receive a response felt that the people of Ziwei Ancient Star were now ignoring his majesty and the majesty of the Divine Court.

"Huh, since you don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine, and ignore the goodwill of our Divine Court, then don't blame me for being rude and calling out your quasi-emperor. I, the Emperor of the Divine Court, have a decree for him." The Great Sage snorted coldly. road.

Last time, the quasi-emperor's Sun God Spear emitted a ray of imperial power. The great sage mistakenly thought that Ziwei had a quasi-emperor, so he said this when he came this time.

However, the people on Ziwei Emperor Star did not correct it. After all, this was beneficial to Ziwei Emperor Star.

As the great sage finished speaking, Yuan Changqing knew that it was time for him to perform.

Yuan Changqing stepped into the void and said calmly: "I am the quasi-emperor you mentioned. I don't know what decree the fire bird has for me."

Yuan Changqing's words were very rude. He obviously didn't take the Lord of the Divine Court seriously and directly called him a fire bird.

You know, the Lord of the Divine Court is a Suzaku. Calling Yuan Changqing such a name is simply insulting the Emperor!


When the great sage heard that Yuan Changqing had humiliated the emperor in such a way, his eyes suddenly widened in anger.

However, after sensing Yuan Changqing's terrifying aura, which was as deep as the sea and whose power was unpredictable, the great sage now felt fearful and frightened.

However, because of his blind worship of the Emperor and his belief that he could destroy everything, the Great Sage was so bold that he took out the Emperor's decree and struck at Yuan Changqing.

"Haha, your courage is commendable!" Yuan Changqing said to the great sage with a faint smile.

As soon as the decree appeared, in an instant, a hazy figure came out of it, its aura was powerful in all directions, as if a supreme being came to the world, extremely powerful.

Then, the figure pointed out and hit Yuan Changqing directly. The void shook, the bright fairy light, the divine power was immeasurable, and the Ziwei Emperor Star also trembled.

Such terrifying divine power caused the people of Ziwei Emperor Star to panic instantly, as if the end of the world was coming.

Yuan Changqing didn't think the emperor's decree from the great sage was very powerful. It was just a decree, and he still wanted to suppress himself.

Then, Yuan Changqing slapped the decree directly into the starry sky.

It seemed that there was no earth-shattering movement, but it was so easy to solve what the people on Ziwei Emperor Star thought was a powerful decree.

However, the terrifying scene still happened behind. In front of Yuan Changqing waving his palm, the star field dimmed and lost its former glory.

Yuan Changqing was like this, silently, with one palm strike, as if a whole star field was destroyed, it was so terrifying.


Finally, there was an explosion in the starry sky, and the entire Ziwei Emperor Star began to shake.

In the starry sky, the fairy light dispersed, the decree was shattered, and the figure in the decree disappeared.

"Ah, how could this happen? The emperor is invincible in the world, how could he be eliminated by you? This is impossible, absolutely impossible?" The great sage exclaimed, obviously unable to accept this takeover.

Then, the great sage looked at Yuan Changqing in horror. In his heart, he always believed that the emperor was an invincible being who could rule the world and become an emperor.

Therefore, he felt that a decree was enough to suppress a quasi-emperor. This was the reason why even a quasi-emperor dared to be arrogant after he summoned Yuan Changqing, and it was also what he relied on.

However, reality slapped him hard. To suppress a quasi-emperor based on a decree was simply a joke. It can only be said that the great sage was too ignorant.

Now, the great sage felt as if his faith had collapsed and he was facing death. At this moment, he felt boundless fear.

In the end, Yuan Changqing was not polite. He saw a shocking five-color giant palm appearing in the sky, pressing directly towards the great sage and the army he brought.


"Spare my life!"

"I don't want to die yet..."

In the end, the crisis on Ziwei Ancient Star was completely resolved.

However, Yuan Changqing did not kill all the people in Shenting, but also let a strong Saint King go back.

As for why he did this, it was naturally because Yuan Changqing could not always be in Ziwei Ancient Star.

Therefore, in order to solve Ziwei Emperor Star's worries, Yuan Changqing asked the Saint King to convey his words and a decree when he returned.

As for why Yuan Changqing didn't go directly to deal with the master of the divine court now, he naturally kept a thin line.

Of course, if the Lord of the Divine Court still wants to cause trouble for him after seeing his decree, then Yuan Changqing will no longer be polite.

However, Yuan Changqing felt that after the Lord of the Divine Court saw his decree, he should be cautious.

After all, Yuan Changqing's Tao was on it, and it was extremely powerful. The Lord of the Divine Court would not want to provoke a strong man like himself.

You must know that the universe is boundless and vast, and one missing Ziwei Starfield is nothing. There is no need to provoke a quasi-emperor like Yuan Changqing.

As for the Shenting, Yuan Changqing will not care so much. As for how much of the universe the Shenting can rule in the future, he doesn't care.

After all, when the dark chaos comes, in Yuan Changqing's view, the Divine Court will eventually be destroyed, and in the future, this universe will be replaced by Ye Fan's Heavenly Court.

Yuan Changqing doesn't want to go to trouble to establish any power. With his relationship with Ye Fan, he can easily seek a transcendent position in the heaven.


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