Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 425 The Road to Immortality Begins

"Ye Fan, what happened this time is extraordinary. A big terror is about to happen. You'd better inform your classmates and the people who are important to you." Yuan Changqing reminded.

"Senior, can you tell me specifically what happened?" Although Ye Fan had some vague guesses in his mind, he was not very clear about the specifics.

Yuan Changqing said again: "Okay, now with your strength, you can also know, maybe you will face it in person later."

"You should know the seven forbidden areas of life on Beidou. This time the great terror involves them."

Seeing Ye Fan nodding his head and listening carefully, Yuan Changqing continued: "The origin of the life forbidden area is because it sleeps in it the ancient emperor who was unwilling to fall in the past years."

"They have been waiting in the restricted area of ​​life in order to pass the road to immortality, the restricted area of ​​immortality."

"However, we all know that even the most powerful emperor only has a lifespan of about 10,000 years."

"Then, how do those supreme powerhouses in the restricted area of ​​life rely on to survive?!"

"Your confidante is Little Moon of the Ji family. You should have heard of the deeds of her ancestor, Emperor Void!"

Ye Fan nodded at this time and said: "I heard that it was because of pacifying the dark turmoil that he died together with the supreme powerhouse in the restricted area of ​​life."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, you should also know that the last time we were in the divine realm, the corpse of the Great Emperor of the Void was buried in the ancient coffin of the gods."

"Then, do you know that after the death of the Great Emperor of the Void, the corpse of the Emperor channeled spirits, and he was the Yellow Emperor in the myths and legends of our Earth Star!"

"What, senior, you are right, the corpse of the Great Emperor of the Void is the ancestor of the Yellow Emperor!" After Ye Fan heard the news, he was shocked and felt incredible.

Yuan Changqing added: "I know you don't quite believe it. If I say that Emperor Yan is the spiritual corpse of Emperor Hengyu, Sakyamuni is the spiritual corpse of Emperor Amitabha, and I am the moral heavenly corpse of the mythical age." You will be even more surprised by the psychic channeling of Chi You, the ancestor of the Jiuli Dynasty of Zhongzhou, the emperor’s corpse!"

"Hiss, senior, what you said is so shocking, how is this possible." Ye Fan couldn't help but take a deep breath now.

He continued to ask: "Senior, what is going on? Why are there so many powerful Tianzun emperors who have become legendary figures in my Chinese myths and legends?"

Yuan Changqing explained: "Actually, this is nothing. Our hometown may seem inconspicuous, but its origins are simple."

"You should have been to the Kunlun Divine Land. Isn't it shocking? Is it better than the caves and heavens above the Beidou?"

"As for why there are so many corpses of powerful Tianzun emperors leaving eternal legends on the earth and stars."

"That's because the Earth Star has a special characteristic. The Earth Star also has a name called the Burial Ground."

"On such a special planet, there is a high chance that after the corpse is buried, a new soul can be born from the corpse."

"It's just that after a new soul is born, you will no longer be the same person as before, and your personality will also change due to the birth of the new soul."

Ye Fan listened to Yuan Changqing's narration and didn't know what to ask now. The long-standing secrets revealed by Yuan Changqing this time were simply too shocking.

Later, Yuan Changqing continued: "You should know that the Great Emperor of the Void fought all his life, but in the end he suffered injuries that cannot be reversed even by the elixir of immortality."

"This is because the Void Emperor was born in a dark and turbulent era and needs to constantly quell the dark turmoil."

"And those dark turmoils were initiated by the other six restricted areas of life in addition to the ancient forbidden areas."

"Although these six life forbidden zones have different characteristics, one feature is that they can reduce the consumption of vitality."

"But in order to live forever and live forever, those former ancient emperors directly killed themselves and stepped down from the supreme position. They are no longer the supreme power."

"From then on, those supreme beings in the forbidden area of ​​​​life entered the forbidden area of ​​​​life one after another to reduce the consumption of life."

"However, even if the Life Forbidden Zone has the characteristic of delaying the consumption of vitality, it is still consumed, but it is just countless times fuller than the normal level."

"However, no matter how much you delay, it will eventually be exhausted one day. Therefore, those supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life have become the source of darkness and turmoil, causing monstrous killings in the world."

"And those supreme beings who turned into darkness and turmoil slaughtered all souls, devoured the souls and blood essence of all souls, and replenished their own lives to extend their lifespan."

"This is the reason for the dark turmoil. The Void Emperor is constantly fighting to quell the source of these dark turmoils."

"Of course, the nine great ancient holy bodies of the ancient era, the nine great holy bodies that appeared one after another in that era, they are also doing the same thing."

"So, in history, in every era, dark turmoil will occur, and all the spirits in the universe will cry because of this."

After Ye Fan heard what Yuan Changqing said, he suddenly fell silent. He did not expect that the dark turmoil was the reason.

Now, Ye Fan suddenly understood what would happen next.

"Senior, that is to say, this time the road to immortality opens, dark turmoil will occur again." Ye Fan asked.

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, I don't want this to happen, but these things will still happen after all, and they cannot be changed by our will."

"Furthermore, do you think that path to becoming an immortal is reliable? If it is reliable, then at least all the Dark Supremes in the restricted area of ​​life can leave this universe."

"However, if we fail, we will once again face a terrifying dark upheaval."

"It's a pity that in the era we are in now, there is no longer an invincible strong man like the Void Emperor who can fight against the Dark Supreme."

"But those Dark Supremes, even if they kill themselves, are still not something that the peak quasi-emperor can deal with."

"Moreover, even if we can deal with them, how many of them can we deal with? There are dozens of Dark Lords in the six life restricted areas."

"However, this is only the restricted area of ​​life on the Beidou Emperor Burial Star. The entire universe is not limited to these restricted areas of life."

"In fact, even if there are powerful emperors and powerful people in the world, these dark supremes who have cut themselves off will temporarily regain their supreme level strength as long as they are fully sublimated."

"If we adopt a siege method, even if there are powerful emperors alive, it is still possible to fail."

"So, the last time I was in God's Domain, I had a conversation with the Emperor's Corpse of the Void Emperor, and prepared to unite all available forces to fight against it."

"And this time when I return to the Earth Star, I am also planning to invite seniors such as Emperor Yan, Lao Tzu, and Sakyamuni to jointly fight against the dark turmoil."

"And Ye Fan, you should be ready now. You can fuse with the corpse of the ancient holy body."

"Then, you have to find the corpse of the ancient holy body that fell before. Also, ask the Black Emperor about that dead dog. The Emperor Wu Shi should have a backup plan."

"Moreover, there is a fallen Dacheng Holy Body in the old land of Yaochi that we went to before. You can take the Black Emperor there."

At this time, Ye Fan also felt a sense of urgency in the world, and his face was extremely worried. After all, there were no strong men who could fight against the Dark Supreme in this world.

Ye Fan asked again: "Senior, based on what you said, in the current situation, can we get through this difficulty?"

Yuan Changqing also said helplessly: "Don't worry, I also have some plans. Even if I can't survive, I still have self-protection."

"Besides, we are not fighting alone. We still have reinforcements."

"One more thing, you must remember that you must keep your little girl with you at all times. Time will do the rest."

Although he didn't know why Yuan Changqing told him to keep his little girl with him, Ye Fan believed that Yuan Changqing would not harm him.

There must be a hidden secret that he didn't know about, but Yuan Changqing didn't say it out now that the time was not available, and Ye Fan didn't ask any more questions.

Ye Fan nodded and said: "Okay, I'll call my classmates first. As for whether they are willing to go back, I can only do my best and follow fate."

"When the time comes, we will have to trouble seniors to bring back those who are willing to go back together."

Yuan Changqing nodded again and said: "That's good. You should gather the two of them as soon as possible, and then send them directly to Taixuan Sect. I will wait for you at Zhuofeng."

"We are divided into two groups this time. You should find the fallen Dacheng Holy Body and the back-up force left by the Wushi Emperor in Beidou as soon as possible."

Ye Fan also nodded, knowing that time was urgent now and could not delay any longer.

After that, after Yuan Changqing left, he started to take action and gathered those who were willing to leave.

Then, those who were willing to leave were sent to Yuan Changqing.

After Yuan Changqing received the people sent by Ye Fan, he did not delay any more, and directly used the strength of the quasi-emperor to tear the void, cross the starry sky, and embark on the road back to the Earth Star.

Not long after Yuan Changqing left Beidou, the cracks on the road to immortality in the ancient forbidden land became wider and wider.

I saw the constant vibration of the Immortal Road, and I could directly see that a large section of the Immortal Road was cracked.

Inside the Immortal Road, immortal energy is constantly gushing out, and there are countless auspicious signs. As long as you take a breath, you seem to be much younger, and your whole body is clear and comfortable.

The large crack that opened was filled with bursts of divine light, extremely blazing, like a ray of light flashing through the darkness, brilliant and extremely dazzling.

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and from time to time wisps of immortal energy fall out from inside, which is shocking and inexplicable.

Suddenly, the Troublesome Crack opened directly to hundreds of feet, and it was so bright that it shocked people. This sudden change touched the hearts of countless people.

On the Beidou Emperor Burial Star, countless powerful people were excited and rushed towards the outer reaches of the ancient forbidden land in the southern region, trying to occupy a good position.

However, what they don't know is that this is almost like committing suicide.

The changes in the path to immortality in the ancient forbidden land have also attracted the attention of the supreme powerhouses in the other six forbidden areas of life.

People are now speculating whether this is the fairyland that is about to open. Looking at the huge crack, there are bursts of fairy light and auspiciousness, and the existence of fairy spirits can be vaguely seen inside.

Suddenly, countless eyes looked into the huge crack, their eyes full of joy and excitement.

One year, two years, three years...

Time passed slowly, and countless people were silently waiting for the road to immortality to be fully opened.

And during this period of time, Ye Fan also completed an important thing in his life, he and Ji Ziyue got married.

Ji Ziyue did not leave Beidou and stayed with Ye Fan.

And on the second day after Ye Fan got married, the road to immortality in the ancient forbidden land suddenly collapsed.


A heart-shaking sound was heard, the Southern Territory was shaken, and even most of the Eastern Wasteland began to tremble.

In the ancient forbidden land, the dazzling brilliance shot straight into the sky, shaking the world.

Beidou was also in a turmoil, and countless monks were shocked.

"The road to immortality has collapsed, and the road to immortality is about to open."

"The Immortal Realm is manifested, the road to becoming an Immortal is opened, the two worlds are finally connected, this day is finally here!"

"Hahaha, in this life, becoming an immortal will no longer be an illusion, and your wish will soon come true."

"Look, the Immortal Gate is connected, the Immortal Realm is manifested, and an immortal spirit is falling from it!"

The whole world was shocked, all races were shocked, and they were all shouting and shouting with great excitement.

At the same time, in the seven restricted areas of life above the Beidou, divine light tore through the heavens and the earth, soaring straight into the sky and penetrating the nine heavens and ten earths.

In the forbidden area of ​​​​life, there is a supreme being who is resurrecting and wants to break into the fairyland and gain immortality for a lifetime.

At this time, the seven forbidden areas of life were filled with divine light, and from within the restricted areas of life, the aura of the Supreme was spreading.

The terrifying supreme aura is constantly revealed from the forbidden area of ​​​​life. Even just a wisp can make the people in the world feel scared. It seemed as if a great terror was about to come.

Changes that have never happened before will happen today, and the road to immortality will be opened, which countless monks have finally waited for.

In the forbidden area of ​​​​life, the roars of shocking beasts are constantly heard, and the terrifying aura of the Supreme fills the world.

On this day, as if the end of the world was coming, countless people in Beidou felt extremely nervous, and their hearts were very uneasy. It was so depressing that people almost felt breathless.

"In this life, we will finally see the immortals. The prosperous age that has never been seen in the past will begin today, hahaha..."

Suddenly, with this excited laughter, countless monks in the universe who dreamed of entering the immortal realm were all excited.

The curtain will eventually open, and this life, the human world, will begin with the opening of the road to immortality.

Now, countless people gathered outside the ancient forbidden land, looking at the big crack on the road to immortality.

I saw wisps of material similar to the arctic fairy light floating out from the big crack from time to time.

However, no one dared to get close. There was an extremely terrifying aura emanating there, and even a quasi-emperor did not dare to approach easily.

On those majestic and tall mountain peaks, some cracks expanded to several thousand feet. Overnight, they had expanded from several hundred feet to the current scope, which was astonishing.

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