Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 427 The Immortal Sect Appears and the Supreme One Appears

Among the six restricted areas of life, some dark lords with a short lifespan have long been impatient after seeing the path to immortality in the ancient forbidden areas.

As a result, the terrifying aura of the Supremes filled the air from the restricted area of ​​life, and these resurrected Supremes were ready to be born.

Fairy Mausoleum.

This is an ancient forbidden land. Legend has it that immortals are buried in this immortal mausoleum, hence its name.

And this is also a terrifying forbidden land. Countless heroes have entered it since ancient times, but no one can get out of it.

In this fairy mausoleum, it looks like a hilly area with countless stone tablets, all of which are extremely tall, like mausoleums. It is one of the seven restricted areas of life in the Eastern Wasteland.

In the Immortal Tomb, there are sleeping Dark Supremes hidden. They are all ancient emperors from ancient times.

These Dark Supremes, in order to survive forever, have lost their original intentions, and they have all turned into the source of darkness.

There are a total of six dark restricted areas like the Immortal Tomb on the Beidou Emperor Burial Star. The Dark Supreme is hidden inside all of them, all for the purpose of one day entering the Immortal Realm and sleeping in these six dark restricted areas.

The Ancient Forbidden Land, one of the seven restricted areas of life in Beidou, is different. Although it is a restricted area of ​​life, it is not a restricted area of ​​darkness.

Although the Ancient Forbidden Land is one of the seven restricted areas of life in Beidou, it has never launched a dark turmoil.

As long as you don't seek death or provoke the Ancient Forbidden Land, then there won't be any danger to your life.

As for why the ancient forbidden land is called one of the seven forbidden areas of life, it is because it is difficult for anyone who breaks in to get out alive.

Because there is a strange force in the ancient forbidden land that can shorten people's lifespan. It is the power of time.

Therefore, those who enter the ancient forbidden land are seeking their own death. They cannot blame others and can only say that they go to seek death on their own.

The moment the Road to Immortality appeared, in the Immortal Tomb, there was the Dark Lord who had been waiting impatiently.

In the center of the Immortal Mausoleum, a bright beam of light rose into the sky, penetrated the sky and the earth, and went straight into the clouds.

Then, a hazy figure was seen walking out from the center of the Immortal Mausoleum, and his appearance could not be clearly seen.

However, his Qi and blood were so terrifying that even a wisp of his Qi leaked out inadvertently would directly collapse the ground near him, which was so terrifying.

This is the dark restricted area in the Immortal Tomb. Judging from his momentum at this time, he does not look like the supreme powerhouse who paid a huge price.

This Dark Supreme is still extremely powerful, possessing terrifying unparalleled power, and is invincible in this human world.

The terrifying invincible momentum was instantly restrained. In the Immortal Platform, the terrifying light of the soul shot straight into the sky, dazzling.

The terrifying and invincible aura of the Dark Lord made monks hundreds of miles around feel frightened and their hearts trembled.

This is the birth of the Supreme. Even if he restrains his aura, it still makes people feel frightened, just like the fear coming from the depths of the soul. This is the suppression of the life level.

The Ancient Emperor has already surpassed the lower levels. It is like a god, standing high above, with the terrifying power to suppress a lifetime.

At this time, the Dark Lord who was born in the Immortal Tomb put his hands on his back and looked at the stars. His eyes were full of traces of time.

It was as if he was reminiscing about the turbulent years in the past at this moment. He was born again, as if he was in another world. He could never go back to the past, and he had long lost his original intention.

Now, he only has the obsession to become an immortal. In order to become an immortal, he has already abandoned everything and turned into one of the sources of darkness.

This Dark Supreme is the Dark Supreme from the mythical age and is called the Immortal Lord.

But the Immortal Lord is the great holy body in the ancient forbidden land with constant hatred and hatred.

At this time, Changsheng Tianzun strode towards the ancient forbidden land, and with every move, the heaven and earth seemed to be shaking.

I saw a great road to the sky appeared at the feet of Changsheng Tianzun, with immortal light manifesting and running through the road ahead. The marbles had arrived outside the ancient forbidden land in a flash, and they looked closely at everything in the ancient forbidden land.

The Immortal Lord looked at everything in the ancient forbidden land. In his deep eyes, it seemed that the sun, moon and stars were constantly changing, just like the creation of the world, with continuous birth and death, and an endless cycle.

"It's a pity that an old friend was suppressed. The owner of this place has changed a long time ago. I don't know if he is still there." Immortal Lord Tianzun couldn't help but sigh at this time. He didn't know whether it was true or false.

When countless monks in the distance heard this, they suddenly felt terrified. They prostrated on the ground, not daring to move.


At this moment, an earth-shattering roar came, and a tall figure appeared in front of the Immortal Road. His whole body was covered with long golden hair, which was extremely terrifying.

In the ancient forbidden land, the thick mist shrouded the tall figure, and the terrifying roar shook people's hearts.

At this time, countless monks felt frightened and could not help but feel terrified.

However, some Beidou monks who had not yet left Beidou felt an incomparable sense of familiarity when they heard the roar, as if they had heard it before.

However, this is not wrong. As early as when the princess of the Divine Silkworm Tribe attacked the ancient forbidden land, this tall figure appeared. The combination of defeating the Princess of the Divine Silkworm Tribe and fighting against the Buddha, how could there not be a sense of familiarity!

"Is this a supreme figure from ancient times and the age of myth?"

People were immediately shocked, remembering that in the ancient forbidden land, riots would occur from time to time in the past, and a terrifying roar like the roar of a demon could be heard from inside, just like this roar.

Seeing the tall figure, Changsheng Tianzun was surprised and said: "You are still alive. It's a pity that you are no longer at your peak. It seems that you are no longer good!"

"If she hadn't come, maybe it would have been what you thought. Unfortunately, I let you down. I'm still alive. It was she who allowed me to live. I'll be alive to wait for you to show up and settle the grudge between us." She said in a low and tolerant voice. Angry voices came from the ancient forbidden land.

The long golden hair all over his body, accompanied by the swirling chaotic air currents, and a pair of bright red blood-like eyes, are frightening to see, as if there is a blood feud in those eyes.

"It was a wrong decision for you not to go with me and to stand on your own here." The Eternal Life Heavenly Lord seemed to be correcting the mistake of the Dacheng Holy Body.

"Huh, right or wrong has long been unimportant. What is important is that sooner or later there will be a big battle between you and me, but not today." The eyes of Dacheng Holy Body seemed to be filled with blood at this time. , red again.

As the words of the Dacheng Holy Body fell, the terrifying unparalleled divine power swept over.

Changsheng Tianzun took a deep look at the Dacheng Holy Body, and then said coldly: "I am waiting for you, looking forward to a battle with you, the only one who has survived."

Obviously, Changsheng Tianzun did not take Dacheng Holy Body seriously, and was not worried at all that he would fail. His self-centered aura was clearly revealed.

The Dacheng Holy Body didn't say much at this time. He came out at this time just to let the Immortal Lord know that he was still alive. Then, he returned directly to the abyss of the ancient forbidden land and waited.

Then, after watching the Dacheng Holy Body leave, Changsheng Tianzun took one step forward and came to the front of the huge crack that opened due to the road to becoming an immortal.

The Changsheng Tianzun was still like that at this time, with his hands behind his back, alone, quietly watching the crack that was thousands of feet long.

The road to immortality appeared and the Supreme was born. This day caused a huge shock to the monks in Beidou.

And with the emergence of the road to becoming an immortal, there are still strong people in the universe who are constantly rushing towards the Beidou Emperor Burial Star, like moths to the flame, hoping to gain immortality for a lifetime.

Now, more and more monks are coming to Beidou and to the outskirts of the ancient forbidden land in the Eastern Barren Southern Territory, boundless.

Up to now, I don’t know how many monks have come to Beidou Ancient Forbidden Land. These monks all want to take a chance.

Even if I can't participate, I still want to witness this glorious world and the journey on the road to immortality.

It's a pity that these people who have no self-awareness don't know that the moment they come here, they are destined to have no freedom to live.


Terrible shock, Beidou has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth were majestic, the stars shifted, murderous intent emerged from the sky, and astonishing and terrifying changes took place on the Beidou Emperor Burial Star.

If you look at it from the starry sky, you will find that the five continents divided by Beidou are undergoing amazing changes at this time.

The Eastern Wasteland, Nanling Mountains, Northern Plains, Central Continent, and Western Desert are now emitting a shocking divine light, as if forming a huge five-color altar, as if they have come to life.


At this time, the monks who were still on the Beidou Emperor Burial Star were surprised to find that the five continents were emitting five colors.

And in the ancient forbidden land, the huge crack that opened because of the road to immortality extended into the void, became even bigger, and was constantly changing.

At this moment, countless people vaguely seemed to hear the roar of a real dragon and the cry of a divine phoenix.


There was another loud noise, and the star field where Beidou was located was exploding, which affected countless stars and turned them into dust.

The bright divine light was flashing, and an extremely terrifying change was taking place in this universe. The sages and powerful men who came to the Beidou Emperor Burial Star were also frightened by this change.

The huge crack in the ancient forbidden land was also growing larger at this time, and it suddenly became tens of thousands of feet in size.

As the huge crack continued to collapse, fragments of the emperor's corpse continued to fall inside, and fairy light was also flying in it.

However, the fragments of the emperor's corpse, just like those that had fallen before, turned away and were annihilated in ashes.


Suddenly, the Beidou Star Territory was trembling continuously, and stars were flying around in the sky, as if they were performing a grand fireworks show.

Obviously, this incident heralds the imminent opening of the Immortal Gate on the road to becoming an Immortal.

I saw a looming shadow flashing on the Immortal Road, standing tall and majestic in the huge crack.

"It has appeared. The road to immortality has begun. The day we have finally waited for!"

As the shadow appeared in the road to immortality, a shocking roar was heard again in the restricted area of ​​​​life, and an invincible strong man was making a sound of surprise.

The terrifying roar caused the starry sky to vibrate, shaking continuously, and even many stars were shaken to the ground. It was so powerful and terrifying.

The Road to Immortality is constantly cracking, as if the sky is falling apart and the earth is cracking. In the depths, the chaotic airflow has been dispersed, revealing a majestic and spectacular pass.

"Hahaha, I have waited countless times, and today, it finally appeared. Immortal Realm, here I come!"

This is the roar of the ancient supreme being in the forbidden area of ​​life, with both helplessness and joy. From those words, you can know that this is the vicissitudes of life.

After waiting for eternity, and even paying a huge price that is irreparable, today, it finally paid off.

It's a pity that even so, they are the source of complete darkness and turmoil. In order to become immortals and for their own selfishness, they have long since lost any respect.

"In this life, today, at the right time, at the right place, it finally appears. The path to immortality is about to open, and the fate of immortality is about to appear. Let's fight in together!"

The appearance of the Immortal Gate leading to the Immortal Realm caused those Dark Lords who were sleeping in the restricted area of ​​​​life to wake up and let out a shocking roar that shook the galaxy.

The Beidou Star Territory is shaking and vibrating, and countless stars have been destroyed. At this moment, in the six life restricted areas, divine light rises into the sky, and the terrifying aura of the Ancient Emperor permeates the Beidou Star Territory.

The changes that have never happened in the past have finally appeared today. The turning point of this life has officially begun today.

The Beidou Star Territory is constantly undergoing earth-shattering changes. In the void, terrifying Taoism is constantly flying, and there are also bursts of fairy sounds in the restricted area of ​​​​life.

In the void of the six restricted areas of life, various Dharma forms stretch across the void. Towering and huge figures are extremely vast. Each figure is like a star field, surrounded by a supreme law.

The mountain of immortality.

This is also one of the seven restricted areas of life. However, because of the Void Emperor, it has lost its former power.

However, there is still a Dark Lord sleeping in the Immortal Mountain, but it is weaker than the other five dark restricted areas.

However, even so, it cannot be underestimated. In the Immortal Mountain, there are many ancient emperors who have carved countless imperial formations, which are extremely dangerous.

Now, there are still two ancient supreme beings left in the Immortal Mountain, the Stone Emperor and the Ancient Xuanwu Emperor.

However, the ancient Emperor Xuanwu is now old and has a long lifespan, but he has never launched a dark turmoil.

However, the Stone Emperor is an out-and-out Dark Supreme. He is a Bible. He has no good feelings for the human race and is the enemy of the human race.

At this time, the Stone Emperor was furious, standing in the Immortal Mountain, wearing black immortal gold armor, shrouded in mist, exuding extremely terrifying divine power.

Then, the Stone Emperor sat on a stone tiger, holding a big halberd in his hand, and headed directly towards the Immortal Road in the ancient forbidden land of the Southern Territory.

"That's the owner of the Immortal Mountain, the Stone Emperor!" The sage who had seen the Stone Emperor said in shock, his body constantly trembling.


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