Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 429: Continuing the Road to Immortality (Two in One)

Gai Jiuyou shocked countless people when the Ancient Supreme Conquered the Road to Immortality. It was so unexpected.

No one in the universe thought that the person who triggered the Emperor's thunder tribulation would be Gai Jiuyou.

However, the reality is like this, everything is so unexpected.

Just like the road to immortality, everyone feels that the deduction is correct. They feel that the road to immortality in this life is the right time and the right place.

However, is it really that simple? Of course it is not. The road to becoming an immortal in the ancient forbidden land is naturally a dead end. No one knows that a shocking killing plan has been set up here.

Therefore, the ancient supreme beings who attacked the Immortal Road this time, as well as those ancient supreme beings who are still watching in the restricted area of ​​dark life, are destined to be disappointed.

Those Dark Supremes will eventually be disappointed, and what will follow is the dark turmoil sweeping the entire universe, and all the spirits of heaven and earth will cry again.

Just when Gai Jiuyou was going through the tribulation in Bianhuang, the ancient supreme beings on the road to immortality were surprised, but now they are most concerned about continuing to attack the road to immortality. This is their hope of entering the immortal realm and becoming immortals.

As long as you can become an immortal, you will be able to live forever. As for whether you can become an emperor or not, it is a trivial matter to them.

After all, in this universe, even the powerful Emperor can only live about 10,000 years.

And as long as you become an immortal, you will have an extremely long life, and it is clear at a glance which one is more important.

Therefore, the Stone Emperor held the big halberd and said domineeringly: "No matter whether he can become an emperor or not, we have only one goal now, which is to enter the immortal realm and become an immortal. We have been waiting for eternity, just for today!"

"Kill, fight to find a way to become an immortal. In this life, at the right time, at the right place, we will definitely become immortals!"

The ancient supreme beings on the road to immortality nodded unanimously, agreeing with the Stone Emperor's words.

Then, the seven ancient supreme beings began to conquer the road to immortality again.


The ancient emperor Qilin showed his great strength, and a huge war began again.

The blue unicorn staff, the dazzling longevity sword, the domineering and terrifying spurge and other extreme divine weapons all burst out with shocking power. The seven ancient supremes took action together, shocking the world.


In the borderland, the terrifying thunder catastrophe of the Great Emperor spreads towards the universe in a mighty and mighty manner. This is the thunder catastrophe that creates the godless way, covering the world.

In this life, as long as Gai Jiuyou can successfully survive the Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation, then no one will be able to get a glimpse of the throne in this life.

With the title of Great Emperor, only 10,000 years after the death of the current Great Emperor will the Tianxin Marks gather together again, and someone can once again become the Great Emperor.

As Gai Jiuyou's Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation spread across the universe, all the geniuses were shocked.

Then, in the universe, countless geniuses felt extremely miserable.

What they didn't expect was that in this life, this extremely glorious golden world, they all wanted to get a glimpse of the supreme position.

However, now I am telling you that there are actually people who are surviving the Thunder Tribulation of the Great Emperor. How ironic this is!

You must know that in this life, there are princes and daughters of the ancient Taikoo clan, the most amazing geniuses of all races, and all kinds of geniuses who have received shocking inheritances. Countless genius-like figures accumulated over the past eons have all been born in this life.

But at this time, Gai Jiuyou had the strength to survive the Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation early on, which was equivalent to cutting off the path of countless geniuses.


"How could this happen? Isn't this a golden world?"

"Why now, why are you leaving now to survive the Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation, ah..."

In various places in the universe, there are geniuses who want to get a glimpse of their status and let out shocking roars. They are unwilling to give in at this time.

It's a pity that no matter how unwilling you are, you are destined to be unable to change. This is fate!

The thunder calamity of the Great Emperor shakes the universe, and on the road to becoming an immortal, the Supreme Conqueror conquers.

The entire universe is undergoing earth-shaking changes at this moment.

Become an immortal, become an emperor!

I don’t know who can succeed.

Because of Gai Jiuyou's Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation, countless geniuses in the universe are extremely desperate. They have not grown up yet, and their way forward has been cut off.

If Gai Jiuyou successfully survives the Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation, then countless geniuses in the universe will no longer have the opportunity to glimpse their status, and an indescribable atmosphere of sadness will envelope the hearts of countless geniuses.

After all, the sudden appearance of the Emperor's Thunder Tribulation in the borderlands would be a huge blow to the countless talented people in the universe who have not yet grown up.

The current situation is that countless geniuses are in despair, unable to see the light, the way forward, and hope. Their path to becoming emperors has been cut off.

"Ah, how unfair is God to borrow another five hundred years from heaven!"

"Why is this happening? Isn't this the golden age? Isn't the golden age just beginning? We have just seen the light ahead, but what we are facing is despair!"

"Ah...why is this happening? Why is the sky so ruthless!"


In the universe, countless geniuses vented their dissatisfaction. Some were sad and angry, while others were silent. The current result gave them a heavy blow.

This golden age turned out to be just a joke, a joke that made fun of countless geniuses.

"Hehe, you just chose the right time." In the life restricted area, the Supreme sneered.

Gai Jiuyou chose to trigger the Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation at this time, but he chose the right time. On normal days, the Dark Supremes in the restricted area of ​​​​life would definitely come out to stop it.

But now, those Dark Supremes in the forbidden area of ​​life, what they are most concerned about now is not that someone will become an emperor, but the immortal fate on the road to becoming an immortal.

At this moment, nothing is more important than becoming an immortal. If the road to becoming an immortal in the ancient forbidden land is true, all the Dark Lords who are still watching in the restricted area of ​​life will take action and enter the immortal realm together.

Therefore, it is most appropriate for Gai Jiuyou to choose to survive the Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation at this moment.

Now, Gai Jiuyou can safely overcome his Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation without being disturbed by the Dark Lord in the restricted area of ​​life. This reduces the difficulty of overcoming the tribulation and increases his certainty of becoming an emperor.


The terrifying immeasurable thunder tribulation has the power to crush everything. The star fields affected by the thunder were all destroyed, like a world-destroying thunder.

The laws of heaven and earth are being rearranged and constantly changing. This is because in this life, a supreme and powerful man will appear again, and he will become the only one to overpower all the ways, dominate this universe, and suppress the current world.

The sound of thunder continued to roar in the sky, and chaotic air currents continued to surge out of the sky. In the sea of ​​​​stars, there were terrifying thunders that shook the earth.

That terrifying thunder catastrophe spanned countless star fields and filled the galaxy, making people tremble with fear.

"Is this the Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation? This is too terrifying!"

Countless people watched Thunder in the Galaxy and were all frightened.

The Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation is like a punishment from heaven. Among the boundless thunder, there is a tall figure in it. He is constantly fighting against the terrifying thunder, trying to imprint his supreme avenue into the world and become The only one in this universe.

In the sea of ​​​​stars, boundless thunder continued to move towards Gai Jiuyou, and the thunder catastrophes one after another continued to become stronger.

The battle on the Immortal Road is also continuing. Gai Jiuyou can only sneer in his heart at the current Emperor's Thunder Tribulation.

If it were in the past, they would have killed him long ago and shared Gai Jiuyou's flesh and blood.

After all, the flesh and blood of an emperor who is about to become an emperor is a great tonic and can extend the lifespan of those Dark Lords.

But now, with the emergence of the road to immortality, they have no time to worry about it.

Now, even if Gai Jiuyou becomes emperor, it has nothing to do with them. Who would care about petty profits if they can see the hope of becoming an immortal.

Therefore, Gai Jiuyou can now safely survive his own Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation in a deserted place on the edge of the universe.

The Eastern Wasteland and the Southern Territory, the ancient forbidden land.

The road to immortality.

The seven ancient supreme beings continued to conquer the road to immortality, directly heading towards the depths of the road to immortality.

On the road to immortality at this moment, the immortal light soared into the sky, with the power to tear the heaven and the earth apart, shocking the world.

In front of the Immortal Road, there is a majestic city gate. Now, it has been broken through by the seven ancient supreme beings with their extremely powerful power.

Then, these seven ancient supreme beings fought together and entered the majestic city.

The light rain dances and fills the big crack. It is gorgeous and colorful, and extremely beautiful. However, behind this beauty, there is a terrifying murderous intention hidden behind it.


After a terrifying ray of light, the majestic city was shattered. This was caused by the terrifying power of the seven ancient supreme beings who entered the city and broke it.

Finally, as the light rain was cut off by the Ji Dao divine weapons and disappeared, the figures of the seven ancient supreme beings also appeared.

Xiongguan was destroyed by the seven ancient supreme beings, and the majestic city was also destroyed. This city, which evolved from the laws of immortality, no longer exists.

However, the road ahead is gone and the road ahead is cut off.

"Ah...where is the road?!" Youzhizun yelled.

The road to immortality is broken.

At this time, the seven supreme beings who entered the path to immortality all fell silent. They did not expect that in the end, everything would be in vain.

The seven ancient supreme beings join forces, and logically speaking, they can smooth everything out, and there is no obstacle that can stop them.

However, the current situation is that there is no obstacle ahead, it is nothingness, there is nothing, and there is no goal to clear it.

At this time, what makes these seven ancient supreme beings despair is that they have unparalleled divine power, but there is no place to use it. The way forward is blocked, and the road to immortality is blocked.

"Why is this happening?!"

"After waiting for eternity, I didn't expect such a result. In the end, it was all in vain."

"The road to immortality is broken. Is this so-called road to immortality a scam? In fact, there is no road to immortality at all."

" could this happen? I can't bear to wait!"


Suddenly, a loud bell rang, but it was extremely clear, resounding throughout the entire road to immortality and throughout the eternal universe.

All living beings can hear clearly, but each living being feels it differently.

The bodies of the seven supreme beings also trembled at this time. Could this bell be their death knell?

They can ascend to the supreme position, be invincible and suppress the world, but will it end like this?

How can they be reconciled to such a result?

"call out!"

Suddenly, a ray of light flew over, and in that empty and empty place, there was a bright light.

The grand world that originally disappeared is now looming in the void, and there is a power of immortality in it, attracting them.

However, the looming grand world now seems to be separated by a world sea.

"Hahaha, it's still there, it hasn't disappeared, it's just that there is no way out, it can only float up and down in the dark."

"So that's it. Now that the road ahead is blocked, we still can't see clearly. There must be a shadow reflected in the immortal realm. In this life, we have hope of becoming immortals."

"Since the immortal road is cut off and there is no way forward, then we will directly send out a road to continue the road behind."


As the shadow of the grand world emerged from the void, the seven supreme beings who were still on the road to immortality suddenly recovered, and they saw hope again.

I saw that the eyes of the seven ancient supreme beings suddenly became brighter again, emitting an even brighter light, as if they could illuminate eternity.

Afterwards, the seven ancient supreme beings once again waved the divine weapons in their hands and continued to fight towards the void, creating a path to the sky and continuing the path ahead.

I saw a bright avenue constantly forming. This was a supreme avenue formed by the runes of the avenue created by the joint efforts of seven ancient supreme beings. It leads to the distance and connects to the world in the void. .

Seeing the seven ancient supreme beings take action again, countless people who were paying attention to all this were looking forward to it and hoped that they could succeed.

Because this is a hope, a wish that countless people look forward to.

If it really succeeds this time, it means that it is feasible to become an immortal through the road to immortality, and it is not false.

From this, we can also set a correct goal for those who come after us, so that we will no longer have no goal as before.

Unfortunately, the greater the hope, the greater the final loss. The outcome has long been doomed. This road to immortality is not real, it is just a shocking murder plot arranged by the Immortal Emperor.

The word "immortal" is an extremely long-standing legend. In this world, even if there are countless people with outstanding talents, only a few people have even scratched the surface of it. It can be said that they have only scratched the surface.

However, this is the case. In this world, no one who has understood how to become an immortal dares to say that their path is correct.

After all, this path has never been passed down with standard guidelines, and it all depends on personal understanding.

In the past years, through this secret realm method, only the legendary Huangtian Emperor has walked this path.

With Emperor Huang Tian dictating the eternity with one sword, cutting off everything, and sealing off this ancient world, becoming an immortal has become a luxury wish for countless people.

Without longevity matter, people's life spans will continue to decrease, and finally remain at the same position.

And this also caused countless geniuses to fall into time, leaving no extra time to pursue the supreme avenue.

This is like raising a poisonous worm. What this vast universe needs is an invincible strong man, a strong man who can defeat a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand with one.

Only such a strong person could not face that terrifying catastrophe. Otherwise, no matter how many immortals there are, it will be of no avail.

It's a pity that Emperor Huangtian has a good idea and wants to pursue the birth of an invincible and peerless strong man.

However, what Emperor Huangtian didn't expect was that because of this, the world of Zhetian would fall into endless darkness and turmoil, and the cycle would continue.

This is also the case for millions of years when the path to immortality has been cut off and no one can become an immortal. The Supreme Emperor, one king for one life, has become the best pursuit of monks.

As for "immortals", this is an extravagant hope. Many people even believe that there are no immortals at all in this universe.

Even though there are many relics that show that "immortals" existed in the past world, no one has ever been seen in this ancient world who can become an immortal.

Therefore, countless people who want to become immortals can only focus on the so-called path to immortality, hoping to enter the legendary immortal realm.

However, the current Immortal Realm is not the Immortal Realm of the past. It has long been broken.

And the strange world that connects to the Immortal Road is not the ruined Immortal Realm at all, it is just a special world that connects to the Immortal Realm.

Even so, that strange world was much more powerful than the current Zhetian Ancient World. Of course, this was only talking about the birth of strong men.

After all, that strange world can now produce immortality substances, and can live longer than people in the Zhetian Ancient World.

There are more powerful people in that strange world than those in Zhetian Ancient World.

However, in terms of strength, the powerful men of the same level in the strange world are no match for Zhetian Ancient World.

This is caused by the environment. Just like the mortal immortal, once he becomes an immortal, he is in the realm of quasi-immortal king. He is much more powerful than those immortals who become immortal step by step.

Moreover, anyone who becomes an immortal in the mortal world can at least break through to the Immortal King. This is the foundation, and it cannot be compared to those immortals who normally break through the realm and become immortals.

This is also the reason why people in the Zhetian World have such short lifespans. They cannot produce longevity substances and naturally cannot gain more lifespans.

And those Dark Supremes who hide in the restricted area of ​​life and incarnate as the source of darkness are all people who want to become immortals.

That's why they paid so much attention to the road to becoming an immortal. Even when Gai Jiuyou was going through the Emperor's Thunder Tribulation in the borderlands, he didn't stop him.

With hope and seeing the road ahead again, the seven ancient supremes once again headed towards the front.

Until the seven ancient supreme beings stood on a vast ancient road, which seemed to be made of stone.

However, the seven ancient supreme beings have even seen the immortal spirits, and they also know that this ancient road also evolved from the laws of immortality and is not just a stone.

However, the seven ancient supreme beings did not pay attention to these inconsequential matters, whether they were true or false. In their eyes, they only saw the vast world in front of them.

In the eyes of the seven ancient supreme beings, that vast world must be the fairyland.

Therefore, now they are all excited, as if they will be able to enter the fairyland soon and get what they want.

I saw light rain all over the sky, and crystal light spots kept flying in the air. When they arrived here, the seven ancient supremes saw a stone monument, huge and towering into the clouds, standing on the roadside ahead.

"Just in this life, let's see the final outcome!"

The Ancient Qilin Emperor couldn't wait any longer. He waved the Qilin Staff made of eternal blue gold and struck towards the front of the ancient road.

In this ancient road, there are countless gods, demons and fairy spirits. The unicorn staff penetrates the front, and those gods, demons and fairy spirits fall down one after another and turn into light rain.

At the end of the ancient road, Yishan Shimen blocked the way again, stained with blood. These bloods were all the blood of the emperor, and naturally exuded the terrifying aura of the emperor, constantly flowing.

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