Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 434 The battle does not stop, reincarnation falls (two-in-one)

The sea of ​​​​stars shook, the stars shone brightly, the power of the gods was unparalleled, and the heaven and earth shook.

Faced with the siege of Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan, the Lord of Samsara saw the Five Elements Divine Fist and Ye Fan's Emperor Fist constantly hitting the Lord of Samsara.

After the fusion of two great saint bodies, Ye Fan has the power to bless him and can temporarily compete with the Supreme.

However, this must come at a price. After all, everyone's Tao and Dharma are different.

Although they are both ancient holy bodies and have the same physique, the Tao and Dharma they practice are different.

After Ye Fan releases the fusion with the two ancient holy bodies, his body will definitely be destroyed by the laws of the Dacheng Holy Body.

If Ye Fan cannot digest and eliminate it, he will eventually stay in the current state permanently, and may even leave Tao injuries.

However, under the current situation, Yuan Changqing had to tell Ye Fan to shout out and kill the Lord of Samsara first.

Otherwise, just relying on five quasi-emperors such as Yuan Changqing and Laozi, and a Dacheng Holy Body that has reached the end of his career, will simply not be able to solve the difficult situation we are facing now.

If Yuan Changqing and others did not stop the Lord of Reincarnation and the six Dark Supremes in the end, no one knows how many souls in the world would die.

Moreover, these are only the ancient supreme beings who were born. No one knows whether those dark supreme beings who are still in the restricted area of ​​life will come to intervene.

Therefore, the top priority is to deal with some of the born Dark Supremes first. By then, Yuan Changqing and others will be able to take advantage, making those Dark Supremes who are still watching in the restricted area of ​​life fearful.

At this time, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan continued to use shocking magic to attack the Lord of Samsara.

Previously, the Lord of Samsara could temporarily suppress Yuan Changqing with his strength.

However, now that Ye Fan has joined, the Lord of Reincarnation can no longer have the upper hand.

After the fierce battle, the Lord of Samsara was directly beaten by Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan and retreated continuously. His hair was disheveled and he was obviously severely injured.

This also makes the Lord of Reincarnation a little unbelievable. He has been invincible his whole life, but he didn't expect that he would be in a desperate situation this time.

At this time, the Lord of Samsara was dripping with blood, and even one of his arms was directly shattered. The green gold suit could not block Yuan Changqing's attack, and the immortal emperor's body was also broken.

This is a shame for the Lord of Reincarnation. He who was once invincible in the world is more or less furious.

Then, the Lord of Samsara raised his energy to the extreme, and the center of his eyebrows emitted a bright light, illuminating the heavens and the universe.

On the Immortal Platform of the Lord of Reincarnation, there seemed to be a god chanting sutras, emitting a shocking divine light that would shine for eternity.

Then, behind the Lord of Samsara, a vast ocean appeared. It was an ocean transformed by souls, and it was also the most terrifying place in the world: the Sea of ​​Samsara.

"I am in charge of reincarnation in the world, and I am the lord of time. In the past, I had no opponent in the nine heavens and ten places. I will not be defeated in this life. When my fighting spirit revives, I will destroy the world!"

At this time, the Lord of Reincarnation was frighteningly terrifying, his eyes were so deep, as if the sun and moon were destroyed, stars fell, and the sky collapsed, the scene was extremely terrifying.

The Sea of ​​Samsara behind the Lord of Samsara is also constantly rotating, as if the world is about to reincarnate again. At this moment, countless stars fall down and sink into the Lord of the Sea of ​​Samsara.

"Senior, what should we do now?" Ye Fan was a little at a loss at this time and hurriedly asked Yuan Changqing.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan were also in a crisis, shrouded in the sea of ​​reincarnation.

Yuan Changqing did not answer at this time, but took out Hetu Luoshu to protect himself and Ye Fan.

It is still unclear what is going on in this sea of ​​samsara, and Yuan Changqing can only wait and see how it changes, and remain unchanged in response to all changes.

In the terrifying Supreme War, the stars in the sky were shattered, and large areas of the star field were destroyed due to this fierce battle.

Because the Zhuxian Sword Formation has the super control of the ruthless emperor, the addition of this peerless powerful man allows the four quasi-emperors such as Laozi to release more combat power to deal with the four dark supreme beings such as the Stone Emperor.

Emperor Yan waved the killing sword in his hand and kept slashing at the Stone Emperor, like a flying fairy from the sky, extremely terrifying.

This is a collision of great principles, a duel of wills, and a confrontation of invincible beliefs. It is terrifying to the extreme.


The collision between the killing sword and the euphorbia caused a shocking explosion, which continued to expand outside the territory. The terrifying energy spread to all directions, sweeping across the starry sky and the universe, and countless stars were destroyed.

In this terrifying collision, half of Emperor Yan's body was directly destroyed.

However, the Stone Emperor was not much better. The Emperor's blood was also spattered, and one of his arms was directly destroyed.

The drops of blood flying in the starry sky directly penetrated the starry sky.

The supreme duel is so terrifying that it can destroy a large star field easily.

The Dacheng Holy Body is also constantly fighting against the Immortal Lord. The terrifying six-path reincarnation fist shakes the heaven and the earth, and the stars are shattered.

At this moment, the condition of Changsheng Tianzun is not very good. He has consumed too much on the road to becoming an immortal.

Moreover, the Immortal Heavenly Lord himself cannot live much longer. Even the Secret Code of the Immortal Master begins to fail at this moment. The immortal body has also been cracked by the Dacheng Holy Body many times, and all the life energy has been consumed. Not much left.

Now, the battle between the Dacheng Holy Body and the Immortal Lord has gained the upper hand.

"Kill them quickly. Our lives are consumed too much. If we don't get timely replenishment, our lives will be in danger." Shi Huang said loudly.

At the same time, the Stone Emperor was constantly waving the dragon-patterned black gold halberd towards Emperor Yan, hoping to kill Emperor Yan as soon as possible.

"I can't delay any longer. My immortal platform is constantly expanding, and I must replenish the life essence as soon as possible." At this time, the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness also held a light staff and a dark shield and killed Sakyamuni.

Now, with the longer the stalemate between the two sides, it has become more and more unfavorable for these Dark Supremes. They all hope to replenish the consumed life essence after solving their opponents as soon as possible.

"No, I have to replenish the life essence first, otherwise, my life will be in danger." After the Supreme Light and Darkness once again forced Sakyamuni back, he wanted to go outside the territory.

Now, the Beidou Ancient Star has long been torn apart, leaving only some forbidden areas of life and remaining ancient lands, and even all the spirits on it are only left with the old, weak, sick and disabled.

Therefore, the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness can only look outside the territory. Only outside the territory can he be replenished.

"Wherever you go, stay with me!" Shakyamuni waved his killing sword and directly intercepted the Supreme Light and Darkness.

As for the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness and others, they were enveloped by the Zhuxian Sword Formation and controlled by the ruthless Emperor. It was not that easy to leave easily.

At the same time, Huangdi was also having a difficult battle with the Lord of Shenxu.


The killing sword kept slashing at the Lord of Shenxu, and pieces of blood fell from the Lord of Shenxu. In the end, he could not even stabilize his body and kept retreating.

"It's you. What you just performed is the Void Secret Technique that belongs exclusively to the Void Emperor!" The Lord of Shenxu discovered that the person fighting against him actually knew the Void Secret Technique.

Later, the Lord of Shenxu discovered some differences, and said coldly: "You are not the Emperor of the Void, you are no longer the original you. Although you have the body of the emperor, you have lost the laws of the emperor. If I fight, I can only die."

"Just in time, solving you will also eliminate my consumption!"

The Lord of Shenxu had a good idea and wanted to kill Huangdi to make up for his own consumption.

"Mirror comes!" Huang Di didn't say any more nonsense to the Lord of the Divine Ruins, he just said two words lightly.

Suddenly, the heavens were shocked and the stars were shaking. The sound of "Mirror Coming" made all the beings in the world jump for joy.

"It's the Emperor of the Void!"

"I, the ancient emperor of the human race, have returned..."

In the universe, a bright fairy light cut through the starry sky, and the cold and dark universe was illuminated at this moment.

It seems that at this moment, a new era has opened, shining for eternity and shaking the past and present.

An ancient mirror flew from the void and landed in Huang Di's hands.

It flew from the depths of the universe and the secret place hidden by the Ji family, bursting out with bright fairy light and roaring continuously, as if it was excited to see its former owner.

Unfortunately, the current Yellow Emperor is no longer the Great Emperor of the Void. He has started a new life again.


Suddenly, the ancient mirror emits a shocking divine light, illuminating the world. This instrument that the Void Emperor used to prove his path will once again fight together.

At this moment, the Yellow Emperor controlled the Ancient Void Mirror. Even though the laws of the Emperor no longer existed, with the blessing of the Ancient Void Mirror, the combat power was greatly increased again.

The Law of the Void was released from the Ancient Void Mirror, flowing with thousands of rays of light. Huang Di activated the Ancient Void Mirror and went directly towards the Lord of the God Ruins to suppress it.

"Hmph, you think you can compete with me with this extremely powerful imperial weapon. You are simply overestimating your capabilities."

The Lord of the Divine Ruins exuded bright divine light, the imperial power was overwhelming, and the Divine Chain of Order filled his entire body.

As a former supreme powerhouse, even if he had cut himself off once, he would have consumed too much on his way to becoming an immortal.

However, the Lord of Shenxu is not afraid of the Yellow Emperor who has lost the laws of the imperial way. This is the self-confidence of a strong man.


The two people collided together instantly. The terrifying extreme power and unparalleled power of the gods, and the fierce battle made the two people feel uncomfortable.

The Lord of Shenxu also realized at this time that he had underestimated the Yellow Emperor. At this moment, both of them were beaten with blood, and the emperor's blood was spilled.

With the Ancient Mirror of the Void behind him, Huang Di was like a fish entering the sea, constantly firing out the secret techniques of the void from the void, making the Lord of the Divine Ruins unprepared.


Qitian Supreme is now besieged by Laozi, and the secret technique of transforming the Three Purities into One Qi is in Laozi's hands, and he uses it with great proficiency.

At this moment, Qi Tian Supreme was also beaten by me until his blood spilled. His immortal body cracked and he flew out directly.

After a great battle, Qitian Supreme also discovered something about Lao Tzu. He had some imperial body but no imperial laws.

"You are an emperor corpse channeler. You have the body of a great emperor but no laws of the emperor's way. You can only display the cultivation of the quasi-emperor in the ninth level. As long as you are swallowed up, you can make up for the loss of my life." Although the Supreme Qitian was injured, , but I was a little excited at this moment.

Immediately, the Divine Chain of the Supreme Emperor's Law stirred the heaven and the earth and rushed towards me, wanting to kill me and devour my flesh and blood.

I controlled the killing sword in my own body and kept swinging it to cut off the chains of the imperial law that were coming.


Suddenly, the world seemed to explode. In the void, golden divine light flew from outside the territory and illuminated the Beidou Star Territory.

I saw a golden pagoda standing across the void. I summoned the black and yellow pagoda that I had used before, and enveloped the Supreme Abandoned Sky.

Then, the killing sword in his hand slashed directly at Qi Tian Supreme. This sudden change caused Qi Tian Supreme's suit to shatter and his body to be dripping with blood.

At this time, Emperor Yan, who was fighting against the Stone Emperor, also summoned the Hengyu Divine Furnace to fight together.

"Are you... Hengyu?!" Shi Huang said in surprise.

"I am him, and I am not him, but these are not important. If you want to start a dark turmoil, don't think about it. Just wait for death!" Emperor Yan said calmly at this moment.

As long as these Dark Lords are stopped and continue to consume them, there will always be a moment when their lives are exhausted.

This is also the reason why these Dark Supremes are eager to devour all spirits in the world and replenish their life energy.

After all, they had consumed too much on the road to immortality, and now they were fighting again with Emperor Yan and others, and they had reached the point where they were running out of gas.

Just like the ancient Qilin Emperor before him, he did not want to start a dark turmoil, but only wanted to become an immortal.

However, after becoming an immortal became a luxury, the Ancient Qilin Emperor chose to transform into the world, unlike the Stone Emperor and others who were still thinking about living and becoming an immortal.

This is also the reason why Stone Emperor and others want to cause dark turmoil.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan fell into the Lord of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, and all the spirits in the world also knew that Emperor Hengyu and Emperor Void had reappeared in the world to calm down the dark chaos.

It's a pity that the world doesn't know that they are no longer what they used to be.

However, this is not important. At this time, all the spirits in the world are praying, praying that the ancient emperor can calm the darkness in the world.

The terrifying Supreme War turned the Beidou Star Territory into a dead place. The stars and rivers hung upside down, the sky collapsed, and countless stars turned into dust.

Yan Emperor and others were trying their best to stop Shi Huang and others, even if they suffered heavy losses, they did not give up.

A shocking supreme battle is taking place in the Beidou Star Territory, and there are people in the outer reaches of the universe who are trying to survive the Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation.

At this moment, Gai Jiuyou's Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation was finally coming to an end.

As long as Gai Jiuyou becomes a great emperor and becomes a perfect emperor, there will be another great emperor who suppresses the world.

Therefore, countless people are praying that Gai Jiuyou can successfully survive the Thunder Tribulation of the Great Emperor, while also praying that Yuan Changqing, Emperor Yan, Dacheng Holy Body and others can resist the Dark Supreme who wants to launch dark turmoil.

On one side is the supreme battle, which concerns the safety of all living beings, and on the other side is the calamity of becoming an emperor.

Once Gai Jiuyou becomes emperor and conquers ten thousand ways, the countless geniuses who appear in this golden age will no longer have any hope of touching the imperial way.

The entire universe is changing all the time, affecting the minds of countless people.

As time went by during the terrifying and fierce Supreme War, Shi Huang and others began to become restless.

They never thought that these people could actually resist them.

However, this is nothing. The main reason is that Shihuang and others have consumed too much, and they have the Immortal Killing Sword Formation to protect them, so they can compete with them for so long.

Therefore, if Stone Emperor and others do not devour all spirits and replenish their life energy, these successive battles will be extremely detrimental to them.

"We can't delay it any longer. The one who has overcome the tribulation is about to become the emperor. The current situation is too dangerous for us."

"Yes, when that person survives the thunder tribulation and becomes emperor, none of us will be able to survive."

With Yuan Changqing, Yan Emperor and others restraining them, the six Dark Supremes could not be supplemented and were already in a very disadvantageous situation.

As long as Gai Jiuyou becomes emperor, a perfect emperor, and joins forces with Yuan Changqing and others, then Shihuang and others will have no hope of living.

"I am powerless to sublime, let's fight to the fullest!" There was a fierce battle between the Immortal Heavenly Lord and the Dacheng Holy Body. Even if Zhe Zi Mi used it, it was ineffective. The oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry, and he might die at any time.

"I want to live, so I can only kill you first so that I can have hope of living." The Reincarnation Supreme looked at Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan who were trapped in the sea of ​​reincarnation.

At this moment, looking at Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan who were trapped in the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, the Lord of Reincarnation was confident that he could pass through the Sea of ​​Reincarnation and obliterate the two of them.

Therefore, at this time, the Supreme Lord of Samsara launched the most terrifying secret technique of reincarnation, trying to solve Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan. The sun and the moon were destroyed, the stars fell, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered appeared in the Lord of Samsara Sea.

"Ye Fan, get ready." Yuan Changqing was also preparing to give the Lord of Samsara a fatal blow, and Ye Fan nodded.


Suddenly, Yuan Changqing shouted loudly. The Lord of Reincarnation thought he could kill the enemy through the secret technique of reincarnation, but unfortunately, he miscalculated.

Yuan Changqing suddenly sealed the Sea of ​​Reincarnation through the power of the World Bead, and everything stopped except himself and Ye Fan.


Ye Fan also moved at this time, and the Jingtian Emperor Fist directly attacked the immortal body of the Lord of Samsara, directly beating it to pieces.


Yuan Changqing instantly took the spirit and body of the Lord of Samsara into the World Pearl. With this sudden movement, the Lord of Samsara disappeared from this world in an instant.

In the World Bead, countless divine chains of laws emerged, directly locking the soul of the Lord of Samsara, and his broken immortal emperor body was also held by the Ancient Qilin Emperor.

Yes, it was the Ancient Qilin Emperor. This was what Yuan Changqing and the Ancient Qilin Emperor had discussed before.

The ancient emperor Qilin, who had already run out of oil, had temporarily replenished his life essence with the divine tree of life given by Yuan Changqing.

However, the problem of the Ancient Qilin Emperor was not solved, so this scene happened.

Yuan Changqing's solution was to use the flesh and blood of the Dark Supreme to replenish the vitality consumed by the Ancient Qilin Emperor.

"Ancient Qilin Emperor, it's you, why?!" The Lord of Samsara, Yuan Shen, who was chained by the World Pearl Law, also discovered the Ancient Qilin Emperor and asked unwillingly.

Obviously, the Lord of Samsara has not understood what is going on and thinks that the Ancient Emperor Qilin and Yuan Changqing have joined forces.

However, Ancient Emperor Qilin just shook his head and did not answer. Everything was doomed.

Now the Ancient Emperor Qilin has a new pursuit, and he also learned the path to becoming an immortal from Yuan Changqing.

Although this road to immortality is still far away for the current Ancient Qilin Emperor, he also sees the way forward and hope.


Seeing the screams of the Lord of Samsara, his soul was constantly being decomposed and absorbed by the World Pearl, and the Lord of Samsara's royal laws were also integrated into the World Pearl.

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