Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 436 Shaping the Beidou and looking for the Qing Emperor (two-in-one)

The Beidou Star Territory was already a dead place after this battle, and countless stars were destroyed by the terrifying battle at the supreme level.

Now that everything has passed, the Stone Emperor and other dark supremes who wanted to cause cholera in the world and set off dark turmoil have become history.

The mess left in the Beidou Star Territory can only be cleaned up by Gai Jiuyou, the current emperor.

After all, a journey to immortality and a supreme battle have torn the Beidou Ancient Star into pieces, and only the Great Emperor can restore the Beidou Emperor Burial Star.

After what Yuan Changqing said, Gai Jiuyou looked at the ruined Beidou Star Territory. Although he was helpless, he could not change it at this time.

If you don't resist, the world will fall into darkness, and all souls will fall into boundless despair and crying.

Afterwards, Gai Jiuyou made repeated moves to gather the fragmented Big Dipper Star. At the same time, he entered the depths of the universe, picked up a few stars, and merged them into one to form the new Big Dipper Emperor Burial Star.

In the end, there was only a solitary New Beidou Emperor Star left in the former Beidou Starfield. There was not even a single star in the surrounding sky, and it was dark and cold.

The once countless stars were all destroyed in the previous supreme war and turned into the dust of history.

Now, in the new Big Dipper Star, apart from those forbidden areas of life and some ancient places, there are only some old, weak, sick and disabled people left, and it is difficult to find other existences.

Although after the Road to Immortality is opened, countless forces from the Beidou Star will leave the Beidou Star Territory and go to the depths of the starry sky.

However, there are still countless forces who stayed, as well as those mortals who could not leave alone, and were eventually swallowed by the Dark Lord.

Therefore, in this horrific disaster, countless inheritances were cut off. This was also done by greed and not wanting others.

However, as Gai Jiuyou reshapes the Beidou Emperor Star, I think it won't be long before the forces from the Beidou Star that left before will return to this new Beidou Emperor Star.

Not long after the new Big Dipper was reshaped, a woman in white flew from the sky and flew towards Gai Jiuyou with an excited look on her face.

"Master!" Gai Jiuyou finally became emperor in this life. Xia Jiuyou who came here at this moment was extremely excited and happy, and the joy on his face was beyond words.

The person who came was none other than Gai Jiuyou's disciple Xia Jiuyou, who was also one of the most talented among the younger generation of Beidou Ancient Star.

Gai Jiuyou looked at Xia Jiuyou at this time and sighed: "Being a teacher has blocked your future path, and blocked the path of countless geniuses in this world."

It is true that Gai Jiuyou became enlightened late. He was once a peerless figure in the human race, but unfortunately, he was born in the wrong era.

Fortunately, in this life, Yuan Changqing helped Gai Jiuyou, and he finally became enlightened and became the supreme being in this world, suppressing this life.

Xia Jiuyou said proudly at this time: "Master, don't think too much, you are destined to become enlightened. It is a pity that you were suppressed by the Qingdi Dao and injured by the Dao. You have wasted countless years. Now that you have achieved your wish, the disciple is happy for the master." .”

Indeed, Xia Jiuyou still feels that nothing is more important than Gai Jiuyou's attainment of enlightenment.

Otherwise, when Gai Jiuyou was still injured by the Dao in the past, Xia Jiuyou would not pay attention to Ye Fan.

But now that Gai Jiuyou has become enlightened, for Xia Jiuyou, it is extremely happy and exciting, and she is happy for Gai Jiuyou.


This universe ushered in a new emperor, and countless creatures were thankful to survive the disaster and shed excited tears.

However, the genius in the universe, in addition to surviving the disaster due to the suppression of the dark turmoil, also feels extremely sad.

The arrival of the new supreme emperor also indicates that this golden age will end prematurely. Countless people know that the way forward has been blocked and they can no longer touch the supreme throne.

However, this can only be said to be a fate. Therefore, as Gai Jiuyou became emperor, countless ambitious people in the universe also made different choices.

Some choose to continue to experience and make their way in the world, while others choose to become self-styled and wait for the next era to come.

However, no matter what these people choose, the fact that cannot be changed now is that Gai Jiuyou will suppress this world for an era.

The new emperor was born, and Gai Jiuyou continued to take charge of the Big Dipper Star, terrorizing the restricted area of ​​life.

At the same time, in the universe, countless great saints and powerful men, and more than a dozen quasi-emperors, also came towards Beidou to meet Gai Jiuyou, the great emperor of the human race.

And with Gai Jiuyou becoming emperor, the power of the human race in the universe has become more prosperous. The ancient forces that used to look down on the human race now no longer dare to shout at the human race.

At this moment, the universe has entered a new era and opened a new chapter.

As for this dark turmoil, the names of Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan also resounded throughout the universe, because the two men's efforts to contain the turmoil launched by the Dark Supreme were praised by all the spirits of the universe.

The Emperor of the Void and the Emperor of Hengyu are suspected to be alive, which also reminds countless creatures of the achievements they have made for this world. This time they appear again to calm the dark turmoil, and once again make countless people recite their glorious years.

Naturally, Lao Tzu, Sakyamuni, the Dacheng Holy Body and the peerless white-robed goddess in the ancient forbidden land are also indispensable among them.

Although they don't know their names, all the spirits in the universe can't help but praise and express their gratitude for their birth to put down the dark turmoil.

Time flies, the stars are disillusioned, the tide ebbs and flows, everything is moving forward.

The opening of the Starry Sky Trial Ancient Road and the Ultimate Ancient Road did not stop just because Gai Jiuyou became the current emperor.

Those geniuses who chose to continue training between heaven and earth have once again embarked on the ancient road of ultimate trials, looking for the unique opportunities within it.

A new era has begun.


Beidou Ancient Star, after Gai Jiuyou became emperor, he stayed on this brand new star, shocking the restricted area.

Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan also left separately after the Beidou Emperor Burial Star was reshaped.

Yuan Changqing is now preparing to go find the Qing Emperor, and the Qing Emperor's tomb is in the original ruins outside the ancient forbidden land.

When Yuan Changqing came to Beidou to bury the Emperor Star earlier, the original ruins of the Qing Emperor's Tomb were opened, and the Qing Emperor's Emperor's Heart was obtained for him, and he also received huge benefits.

Therefore, this time Yuan is also planning to find the human race's most precious treasure, the Desolate Tower, and awaken the Qing Emperor who is trapped inside, which can be regarded as repaying the cause and effect of the Qing Emperor.

After all, Yuan Changqing is not a son of the world like Ye Fan. He still has to pay back the karma. Having less karma will be very important for Yuan Changqing in the future.

Moreover, if Qingdi was not trapped and practiced step by step, maybe Qingdi's achievements would be even higher.

Unfortunately, Qingdi's heart was too big and he was trapped in the desolate tower. This time Yuan Changqing was ready to find him and rescue him.

Yuan Changqing would even remind Emperor Qing that the path he took was not wrong. What was wrong was that he was taking too big a step. He should take it step by step. In this way, Emperor Qing's dream should eventually be realized.

After Ye Fan and Yuan Changqing separated, they did not leave Beidou Southern Territory, but went to the location of Taixuan Gate.

Now Ye Fan's top priority is to solve his own problems first, and then, to enter the ultimate ancient road to test.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing previously suggested Ye Fan to ask Li Ruoyu, the humble peak of Taixuan Sect, for advice. After all, he is still the master of Taoism.

With the help of the Tao of Nature, Ye Fan will take one step closer to refining other Tao and supplementing his own Tao. This is also a good path.

It's just that because of Ye Fan's current strength, he cannot suppress the ways of the two great saints, so he needs the way of nature to help resolve them.

Even, because of the conflict between the great ways in the body, Ye Fan's own way also faces conflicts. The important way, each secret realm, is a different scripture, which is also a huge hidden danger.

Now is the time to find out and solve it early. This is not without benefits to Ye Fan, and it may even be able to give Ye Fan greater help.


The dark turmoil was put down, and the universe entered peace again. Although there were fights in the world, this was nothing compared to the dark turmoil.

Now, the Dark Supreme in the restricted area of ​​life once again entered dormancy, Gai Jiuyou suppressed the world and shocked the restricted area.

And this time the dark turmoil, with the two major variables Yuan Changqing and Gai Jiuyou, also made this dark turmoil end before it fully started.

However, the Beidou Star Territory suffered a huge disaster, which was extremely miserable. Countless creatures who witnessed this disaster also experienced the despair in it. That feeling filled the hearts of every creature for a long time.

This dark turmoil did not affect the heaven, earth, universe and all spirits. Countless ancient star fields are also extremely lucky.

Otherwise, the tragic dilapidation of the Beidou Star Territory will be staged everywhere in the universe, and countless creatures will also perish.

This also prevented the universe from being harvested by those dark supremes, and countless star fields continued their glory.

Although Gai Jiuyou has now become a Taoist and has suppressed the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, he cannot stop those geniuses who want to move forward.

Therefore, there are still countless geniuses rising in the universe, even if they cannot touch the supreme position in this life.

Hundreds of years have passed by in such a hurry, and the glorious era has been extremely prosperous during these hundred years.

However, all this must eventually come to an end.

In the past hundred years, saints have emerged one after another, and countless young geniuses have once again taken to the stars to test the ancient path.

Today, the ancient trial road of the human race is the most glorious. Gai Jiuyou, the great human emperor, suppresses the world and threatens all realms in the universe.

Now, people once again think of Yuan Changqing, the invincible strong man. On the one hand, he is on the ancient trial road of the human race. It is also Yuan Changqing who is at the forefront, counterattacking the strong men from outside the territory who attack the ancient trial road of the human race.

These glorious deeds have once again been praised by countless human races.

Over the past hundred years, countless forces from Beidou have returned to Beidou to bury the Emperor Star.

Now, above Beidou, the destroyed home is being rebuilt again.

In the Western Desert, the scattered Mount Sumeru, Buddha's light appeared again. These remaining Buddhists recited Buddhist sutras again in the newly built temples.

The current Beidou Star Territory is slowly beginning to regain its glory because Gai Jiuyou used his great magic power to move the sun, moon and stars and rebuild the Beidou Star Territory.

The original major forces in Beidou, such as the Huanggu Ji family, Jiang family, Yaochi, Daxia, Jiuli and other forces, returned one after another and re-established themselves on the ruins.

Then, another hundred years passed, and the practice world of Beidou Emperor Burial Star became prosperous again.

This life was originally an extremely glorious golden world, with all kinds of physiques emerging one after another in the universe.

Special physiques that were once buried in the long river of history also appear in this life. Physiques such as the solar body and the lunar body that have never appeared in the ages also appear in this life.

This is indeed the most glorious golden age. Unfortunately, this golden age is about to end as Gai Jiuyou becomes emperor.

However, Gai Jiuyou didn't want this golden age to come to an end early.

Although Gai Jiuyou cannot change because he has become a Taoist, he is still trying hard to restrain his Taoist suppression so that it will not have too much impact on this golden world.

In this way, even if countless geniuses in the universe fail to achieve enlightenment, they can continue to rise.

Therefore, countless geniuses from the universe entered the ultimate ancient road one after another and started the duel again.

People like Ye Fan, Yuan Yue'er, Zeng Li, Yaoguang, the descendants of the ancient prince, the God King of the God Clan, etc. are all competing against each other in the ultimate ancient road.

In this era, it can be said that hundreds of flowers are bright, each blooming in their own style.

This also makes countless older generations of humans sigh. These geniuses are all in the wrong era.

Because, in this world, with the current emperor suppressing the world, the emperor's path has been cut off.

Those geniuses are destined not to become enlightened in this life.

However, some prodigies who were not far away were unwilling to accept it. They wanted to go against the will of heaven, want to attack the supreme position, and want to defy heaven and become emperor.

Unfortunately, the idea is destined to be good, but it cannot be realized. Not everyone is Ye Fan.

However, those geniuses who are qualified to become enlightened may be able to achieve enlightenment in a different way if their hearts are not so big.

This golden age looks so glorious and splendid, with hundreds of flowers blooming and stars shining brightly.

All kinds of physiques emerge one after another in all the heavens and realms, coexisting in this glorious world.

Two hundred years ago, Yuan Changqing entered the Tomb of the Qing Emperor and found the Huangta inside. After some communication, he obtained the Huangta's consent and entered the Huangta.

For Huangta, it also wants to eliminate the prototype of the immortal realm that Qing Emperor evolved in the tower.

After all, this is also a burden for Huangta. You must know that the current world environment is no longer the chaotic ancient times.

Now the prototype of the Immortal Realm in the Desolate Tower has also become a burden to the Desolate Tower, which has greatly reduced the strength of the Desolate Tower.

But now that Yuan Changqing has arrived, there is a solution, which will bring no harm to Huangta.

Therefore, Huangta also happily let Yuan Changqing enter the tower.


With the guidance of Huangta, Yuan Changqing easily found the prototype of the Immortal Realm evolved by Qing Emperor.

It has to be said that Emperor Qing is indeed extremely talented, perseverant and courageous.

It's a pity that he was too impatient, and the hot tofu turned into cold tofu, which made Qingdi look like he was about to die and was disabled.

Now Qingdi's situation is neither better nor worse. He wants to escape from the prototype of the fairyland, but there is no way.

Qing Emperor wanted to use the Desolate Tower to evolve a fairyland, but he did not expect that this was destined to be impossible to achieve.

In the end, Qingdi also folded himself in, leaving only one soul.

Fortunately, Huang Ta didn't argue with Qing Emperor, otherwise, Qing Emperor would have been killed by Huang Ta long ago.

You must know that Huangta, as the thing left by Emperor Huangtian in this world, has that ability and strength.

With Yuan Changqing's constant calling, Emperor Qing was finally awakened from his confusion.

"Who are you? What year is this?" A somewhat old voice came from the prototype of the fairyland.

Now, Qingdi can only live on the prototype of the immortal realm that he has evolved. It can be regarded as a different kind of immortality, but it is a bit miserable and has no freedom.

However, the prototype of the fairyland evolved by the Qing Emperor is not a prototype of a fairyland at all. At most, it is the prototype of a vast world.

Moreover, this prototype of the Great Thousand World is still relatively low-level and cannot be compared with those real Great Thousand Worlds. The laws are incomplete and it is destined to fail to become a Great Thousand World.

In fact, even Zhongqian World cannot compare with it. It can only be said that if you are too impatient to eat hot tofu, Qingdi is doomed to fail. He is the best embodiment of it now.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I have a way to save you. As for what year it is today, ten thousand years after you disappeared, a great emperor appeared again in the world." Yuan Changqing replied.

"You... really have a way to get me out, then... what do you want to get?" Qingdi asked excitedly.

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "I don't need to get anything from you, I just want to return your karma."

"Cause and effect? ​​I don't remember that there is any cause and effect between you and me!" Qingdi was also confused for a moment.

Yuan Changqing added: "During the process of cultivation, I obtained your Holy Blood of the Emperor's Heart. This is the cause and effect between you and me."

"And I found you this time just to repay your karma."

Qingdi's faint voice sounded again, saying: "I see, then what happens to my descendants?"

"I don't know exactly what your descendants are, but as far as I know, they are protected by your imperial soldiers, so they will have no problem surviving." Yuan Changqing explained.

Yuan Changqing didn't know what to say about Yan Ruyu. Yan Ruyu's talent was at the top level.

There is someone who has taken the incarnation of Qinglian, so it goes without saying much about his qualifications.

Unfortunately, Yan Ruyu didn't know if it was because of the decline of Qingdi's lineage that she suffered countless hardships.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with some of Yan Ruyu's ways of doing things being too cautious.

However, Yan Ruyu's mistake was that she did not have a strong heart, which made her have peerless talent but no corresponding strength.

Therefore, Yan Ruyu is not very outstanding among the geniuses, and even looks a little depressed.

Even, it cannot be compared with the Qinglian Fairy from the chaotic ancient times. There is simply a huge gap.

Maybe, this is related to Yan Ruyu's past experience. After all, the Qing Emperor's lineage disappeared and there was no protection from the emperor's soldiers. Not only did he face the oppression of the demon clan, but he also faced the crisis of the outside world, which made Yan Ruyu who she is now.

It can only be said to be a pity. Maybe this is Yan Ruyu's way of survival.

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