Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 438 The Holy Body is completed and serves as the path (two in one)

Five hundred years later, Yuan Changqing also upgraded his cultivation to an alternative form of enlightenment, and also helped the ancient Qilin Emperor achieve nirvana and be reborn.

After the World Pearl was completely repaired, Yuan Changqing returned to Zhetian Universe.

With Yuan Changqing's current strength, there will no longer be any progress in the world of Zhetian.

One emperor, one generation, this eternal iron law, with Yuan Changqing's current strength, it is definitely impossible to break.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing did not intend to challenge the way of heaven. He went against the will of heaven. Without great luck, he was destined to fail.

Yuan Changqing can't compare with Ye Fan, the son of the world. He has the will of the world and the blessing of luck, and he can reverse the road when cutting the road. This gives Ye Fan the capital to go against the will of heaven.

Therefore, in the era when the great emperor suppressed the world, no one could easily challenge the way of heaven.

Even Ye Fan later, in the process of breaking the mark of Tianxin and successfully defying heaven, suffered nine deaths and nine lives.

Therefore, it is really not an easy task to go against the will of heaven. Just like Gai Jiuyou before, he still fell short of becoming an emperor under the suppression of Qingdi Dao, and was eventually left half disabled.

In addition, there is only one Tianxin mark in the origin of heaven and earth, and only one person can become enlightened.

Like Yuan Changqing, those who are now alternative enlightenments are qualified to become enlightened, but unfortunately, the throne has been occupied by Gai Jiuyou.

However, Yuan Changqing had already made his own plans. Although he could not achieve enlightenment with the help of Zhetian World, he had the World Bead in his hand, which was equivalent to having an alternative Tianxin mark.

Therefore, for the current Yuan Changqing, enlightenment is not as pessimistic as those peerless geniuses in the world of Zhetian.

After Yuan Changqing returned to the Beidou Emperor Burial Star, he first visited some old friends, and then took his family back to the Earth Star again.

At this time, through continuous discoveries in the world, in this glorious golden world, there are countless geniuses who have become pivotal figures in the world.

By now, many peerless geniuses, whose strength is extremely powerful, have become quasi-emperors.

There are even some extremely talented and beautiful people who have the strength of the quasi-emperor of the Ninth Level. Such peerless geniuses are all extremely powerful and possess the qualifications to realize the Tao.

Now, everyone realizes that this life is an unprecedented golden age.

Moreover, in this glorious golden age, many geniuses have emerged from all major races in the world, making this era even more dazzling and glorious.

There are many heroes and strong men. When Yuan Changqing saw Yuan Yue'er and Zeng Li again, they also realized their talents and achieved the strength of the quasi-emperor in the ninth level.

However, if you want to achieve enlightenment in an alternative way, you still lack some firepower. However, with your current strength, you are also a peerless figure in the world.

And just after Yuan Changqing brought his family back to Earth Star, another hundred years passed in a hurry.

In this golden age, it shows its glorious era.

Yaoguang, Holy Prince, Taichu, Zhang Bairen, Dao Yi, Emperor, Ji Zi, Jiang Taixu, Human Demon, Old Madman, Du Zhanfo and others also set foot in the quasi-emperor ninth level.

In this golden age, it is unprecedented. Even with the suppression of Jiuyou's Great Dao, there are still many peerless geniuses who are qualified to realize the Dao.

Now, with Gai Jiuyou, the great emperor of the world, suppressing the world and dormant in the forbidden zone of life, countless geniuses are constantly surviving their own terrifying thunder tribulations, shocking the universe.

Up to now, Ye Fan, the most favored Lord of Heaven, has not made any movement at all.

Therefore, countless people are wondering whether there is something wrong with Ye Fan's cultivation, which is why there has been no movement.

Now, the Heavenly Court established by Ye Fan is also a major force in the universe, no worse than the Lord of the Divine Courtyard.

In the time of darkness and turmoil, the Divine Court, which was originally a powerful force in the world, was so frightened that it shrank early and gave up its endless dominion.

However, with the advent of the Golden Age, it is no longer possible to regain it.

There are countless races between heaven and earth, and countless talented human races have appeared. The Divine Court no longer has the ability to control that endless area.

The Heavenly Court established by Ye Fan is made up of people who share the same goals with him, as well as those who follow him. These are all talented and powerful people.

Therefore, the current Heavenly Court is also a big force. After this golden age, it is no worse than those forces that have existed for a long time.

As for Ye Fan, his strength has now reached an incredible level.

Although the last dark turmoil, Ye Fan did not experience a life and death battle like the original history.

However, in the end, he also participated in the war and caused a lot of hardships.

And this ordeal is also a kind of accumulation of foundation for Ye Fan.

Now Ye Fan seems to be silent, that's because he is still consolidating his foundation.

Only with a solid foundation and solid foundation, Ye Fan can directly make the ultimate leap.

However, those who paid attention to Ye Fan did not wait long, and there was finally movement in heaven.

Ye Fan finally stepped out of the world and came directly to the wilderness on the edge of the universe.


The terrifying thunder flashed continuously in the thunder sea. The boundless thunder was like a waterfall, flooding the edges of the universe and shocking the entire universe.

Terrifying tribulation light and boundless thunder spread across the world. This terrifying thunder tribulation was like a great emperor going through another tribulation.

Such a horrific scene is truly shocking.

"What's going on? Why is the world shaking? Is someone trying to survive the thunder tribulation of the Great Emperor?!"

At this moment, the thunder tribulation triggered by Ye Fan has surpassed the quasi-emperor ninth level and is directly chasing the great emperor's thunder tribulation, attracting the attention of countless people in the universe.

The universe was shaking due to such a terrifying thunder catastrophe, and the Dark Lords dormant in the restricted area of ​​life were also awakened and stared towards the edge of the universe.

In the sea of ​​thunder in the void, boundless thunder continued to fall, directly drowning Ye Fan.

Just when Ye Fan triggered the thunder tribulation of heaven and earth, Yuan Changqing also came directly from the earth star to the edge of the universe, hiding in the void, quietly watching Ye Fan overcome the tribulation.

Now, although those restricted areas of life are dormant, there is no guarantee that the Dark Lord will not take the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

In addition, Ye Fan has only passed through the quasi-emperor's ninth level of thunder tribulation, and there is such a terrifying thunder tribulation. Such an existence has already posed a serious threat to those dark supremes.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing also hid in secret to prevent someone from sabotaging Ye Fan's catastrophe. He was not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case.

Even Gai Jiuyou, the current great emperor, is paying attention to those restricted areas of life on the Beidou Emperor Burial Star.

The boundless terrifying thunder, each wave became more terrifying than the other, and the galaxy was shattered.

Ye Fan held the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things on his head, and his body burst out with boundless terrifying blood energy, constantly triggering thunder to refine his body. This scene made countless people tremble with fear.

At this moment, it seemed as if the universe was furious, with a monstrous sea of ​​thunder and terrifying lightning rays of lightning.

The most original power of the universe sends out terrifying tests to those who are moving towards a higher level of life. It seems that there is some groundbreaking force that is powerful in the universe.

The wound in the sky, dozens of different tribulations and punishments, seemed to be free of charge, rolling towards Ye Fan.

Now, the wilderness of the universe where Ye Fan lives has become the most dangerous and terrifying place in the world.

That terrifying punishment was like a world-destroying thunderstorm, trying to kill Ye Fan.

At this moment, in the wilderness of the universe, nothing could be seen, only a burst of white light, extremely dazzling.

The world is shaking. This is a test for Ye Fan. Ni Zhandao is a person who has no respect for the world and is a person despised by the world.

Moreover, Ye Fan is the first powerful person since ancient times to use the ancient holy body to break the shackles of heaven and earth and cultivate to such a state.

Therefore, now Ye Fan's quasi-emperor ninth-level thunder catastrophe is greater than anyone else's thunder catastrophe of the same realm in the world, directly chasing the emperor's catastrophe, so terrifying.

"Is Ye Fan of the Holy Body going to be great?!"

In the universe, countless quasi-emperors and ninth-level geniuses are also paying attention to the wilderness of the universe. After seeing Ye Fan's thunder disaster, they were also extremely emotional.

After all, compared with Ye Fan's thunder disaster, it is simply incomparable. In fact, they are all comparing whether they can survive if they go through such a thunder disaster.

However, after comparison, countless quasi-emperors and ninth-level geniuses secretly shook their heads.

Looking at Ye Fan's current appearance, those thunders will not cause fundamental harm to Ye Fan at all.

The completion of the Holy Body is comparable to that of the Great Emperor. In the universe, another invincible giant will appear. This is an extremely terrifying opponent!

Ye Fan was bathing in the terrifying thunder at this moment, constantly arousing the thunder to refine his body, like a living god.

Obviously, in this terrifying thunder, there are opportunities but also dangers.

If you can't get through it, you will become ashes in the world. If you get through it, you will become the supreme power in the world.

The thunder continued to fall, drowning Ye Fan, and the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things absorbed the endless thunder, leaving countless traces of heaven and earth.

As long as Ye Fan survives the thunder tribulation and completes the Holy Body, he will be another powerful force.

With Gai Jiuyou suppressing the world, those dark lords with careful thoughts do not dare to take action easily at this time.

In addition, Yuan Changqing is also hiding in the dark, and Ye Fan can now calmly survive his thunder disaster.

Even the three great hegemons on the ancestral star of the hegemony, whose hegemony lineage has a big enmity with the holy body lineage, do not dare to take action easily at this time.

The catastrophe is still going on, and the boundless thunder ripples into the universe. The thunder falls like a waterfall, which is extremely terrifying.

As the tribulation progressed, a human figure emerged from the sea of ​​thunder.

At this time, nine Taoist temples appeared in the thunder sea. This was the ninth level of immortal tribulation, and it appeared in Ye Fan's thunder sea.

The ninth level of immortal catastrophe has reappeared in the world, which is rare in all time. Such a thunder catastrophe has made countless geniuses feel sad.

After all, these geniuses from the quasi-emperor ninth level did not appear in this scene at all when they were going through the tribulation.

At this moment, Ye Fan also knew that it was the most critical moment. He kept charging towards the Thunder Tribulation. The spine dragon raised its head, as if he was about to leap into the immortal platform and become the emperor against the heavens.

It's a pity that Ye Fan's current accumulation of foundation is not enough to support him to do this.

At this moment, Ye Fan is still facing the imprint of the nine ancient gods and the suppression of Gai Jiuyou, the current great emperor. It is destined to be impossible to achieve the goal of defying heaven and becoming an emperor.

Of course, Ye Fan is not so stupid that he wants to defy heaven and become emperor here.

After all, with Ye Fan's current state, if he wants to break through the Great Emperor, this will be a huge gap.

Even though the ancient holy body has the title of the strongest physique in history, the completed holy body is comparable to the great emperor.

However, the gap in realm is a gap that cannot be erased. If you want to defy heaven, it is no different from seeking death.

Therefore, after Ye Fan struck more than a dozen times in a row, he found that he could not cross the huge gap at all.

Therefore, he was not stupid enough to continue to insist, and finally chose to give up and continue to survive the disaster with peace of mind.

This is the wisest choice. Don't ask for it. That is not self-confidence, but arrogance.

In the end, Ye Fan chose to take it step by step honestly, trying to take shortcuts, but in the end it was himself who was harmed.

As the Nine Immortal Tribulations passed, figures appeared one after another in the boundless sea of ​​thunder.

These figures are all the imprints of the former ancient emperors and emperors. Countless people who paid attention to Ye Fan's tribulation couldn't help but change their colors.

Such a heaven-defying thunder disaster is simply like a punishment from heaven. I don't want Ye Fan to survive it. It is extremely rare.

Countless geniuses had a bad premonition at this moment. Ye Fan might be even more powerful than they imagined.

Just because Ye Fan is currently going through a thunder catastrophe that defies the heavens, isn't such a terrifying thunder tribulation just like the heaven defies.

In the end, the geniuses of the heavens and the universe watched Ye Fan survive the heaven-defying thunder tribulation with difficulty, and the holy body was now completed.

A supreme giant and powerful man, the Great Holy Body, appears in this world again.

After surviving the quasi-emperor's ninth heavenly thunder tribulation, Ye Fan sat cross-legged in the starry sky and universe, and began to swallow the divine energy of the universe to restore himself, replenish his consumption, and comprehend the great road.

At this moment, people from Heaven also went there to surround Ye Fan and protect him.

Now, Ye Fan's Holy Body is finally completed, and Heaven will become a supreme power in the universe.

As Ye Fan recovered and prepared to return to Heaven with the people in Heaven, Yuan Changqing also secretly left and returned to Earth Star.

Ye Fan seemed to have noticed something, and looked quietly into the void. After sensing no abnormality, he had a guess in his heart, and then left the deserted place on the edge of the universe.

With the completion of Ye Fan's holy body, Yuan Changqing is also preparing for his own enlightenment.

Yuan Changqing's enlightenment is different from Gai Jiuyou's. He needs to use the World Pearl to achieve enlightenment. The World Pearl is an alternative Tianxin mark.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing does not need to survive the thunder tribulation of the Great Emperor like Gai Jiuyou in the world of Zhetian.

However, although the Emperor's Tribulation does not need to be experienced in the Zhetian Universe, if one wants to transform into the pinnacle of humanity, it is incomplete without the baptism of the Thunder Tribulation.

However, the reality is so cruel. Although Yuan Changqing, the great emperor in his lifetime, can trigger the thunder tribulation of the great emperor, it is a pity that he does not have the strength to survive it.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing can only use the World Pearl to replace the Tianxin Seal, which is an alternative form of enlightenment, so as to become the emperor first.

Finally, by triggering the Thunder Tribulation, you can use this trick to survive the Emperor Tribulation.

With the World Pearl completely restored, the current World Pearl is like the real world. Even if Yuan Changqing does not become an immortal, he can still live for a long time.

Unlike the Zhetian World, it itself is an incomplete universe and can no longer produce immortal matter. This also results in the human supreme being like the ancient emperor, who can only live for a mere ten thousand years.

Before the age of mythology, even if one could not live forever in the supreme realm, one could live an incomparably long time.

Since Emperor Huangtian has been dictating for eternity, although there is some calculation in it, he regards the current world of Zhetian as the base, foundation and trump card of reserve talents.

However, since the age of mythology, countless monks in this universe, even the great ancient emperors, have been working hard to stay alive.

In fact, those Dark Supremes who hide in the restricted area of ​​life and kill themselves have become worms in the world and have done whatever it takes to stay alive.

All of this is to live longer, to enter the immortal realm, and to become an immortal.

Perhaps, this is the sadness that Emperor Huangtian left to this era.

Although Huangtian Emperor regards Zhetian Universe as his final trump card, his idea is very good. After all, in order to fight against those polluted universes, the most powerful people need to continue to appear.

However, Zhetian Universe no longer has enough time to cultivate such a powerful person, which has also caused countless tragedies to occur in this world.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with the fact that only the strongest people born in the most difficult environment are qualified to fight against the dark world.

However, it is so cruel to those innocent creatures.

Perhaps, this is also the helplessness of Emperor Huangtian. After all, the universe has been polluted a lot, and it is no longer possible for women to be kind.

Think about it, this is not only the sorrow of the world that covers the sky, but also the sorrow of the world of all heavens.

The entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the Immortal Realm, has reached the moment of final struggle.

Therefore, in this golden age that is rare throughout the ages, a son of the world like Ye Fan will be born. This is the choice of this world and the final salvation of this world.

Although both the Ruthless Emperor and the Wushi Emperor have stunning talents, there is still something missing.

The appearance of Ye Fan also brought a glimmer of hope to the world, but in the end, it failed.

Of course, these are all things for later. Now, whether it is the arbitrary Emperor Huangtian, the ruthless Emperor, the Wushi Emperor, or even Ye Fan, they are still working hard.

At this moment, the ruthless emperor, the Wushi emperor, and Ye Fan are still working hard to go further, and they still don’t know what huge disaster they will face in the future.

However, the disaster in the world that covers the sky is still ahead of the year, waiting to be chosen.

Among the Earth Stars, Yuan Changqing entered a state of seclusion, constantly integrating the laws of the World Pearl.

Yuan Changqing's purpose is equivalent to becoming the Heavenly Dao of the World Pearl. In this way, it is equivalent to having the power of the world for his own use.

Therefore, as Yuan Changqing continues to integrate the laws of the World Pearl, his own strength is also constantly getting stronger.

In the end, as long as Yuan Changqing completely integrates with the Queen of the World, in terms of realm, it is equivalent to another kind of enlightenment.

However, this does not mean that Yuan Changqing has completely refined the World Pearl. As an innate spiritual treasure, without the realm of "immortal", it is impossible to completely refine it.

It can only be said that once you have the qualifications to use the World Pearl, you cannot fully unleash the power of the World Pearl.

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