Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 441 The true emperor becomes the road (two in one)

Above the sky, in the thunder sea, thunder bursts, and the terrifying pressure instantly spread throughout the universe, and all living beings felt extremely frightened.

The thunder light illuminates the entire universe, shocking the world, and a terrifying thunder disaster is about to come.

After Shenxu was removed from Beidou, Yuan Changqing came to the Bianhuang Universe. When his energy and spirit returned to its peak state, he began to cause thunder and disaster in the world.

Now Yuan Changqing is already a different kind of emperor, and he does not need to survive this heaven and earth thunder tribulation.

However, Yuan Changqing's current state itself is a tricky state.

Therefore, if you want to move forward, you still need to go through the baptism of thunder and calamity, just like the Five Elements Diagram. Only after the baptism of thunder and calamity can you perfectly transform into the ultimate imperial weapon.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing has a different kind of behavior after becoming an emperor and triggering a thunder disaster, which is not harmful to himself.

The sea of ​​thunder is vast, and the vast universe is filled with lightning and thunder. With the coming of the thunder tribulation of the Great Emperor, the atmosphere in the universe becomes extremely oppressive.

At this moment, countless creatures between heaven and earth can feel it, as if a huge mountain is pressing down on their hearts, and they are extremely suffocated.

Chaos surged, and boundless visions appeared in the sky. In the terrifying sea of ​​thunder, shadows of Kunpeng, true dragons, divine phoenixes, and even the elixir of immortality kept flashing, which shocked people.

What's different is that those immortal medicines give people a different feeling. At this moment, they all exude terrifying energy and have amazing power.

Behind these immortal medicines, there is a face, either male or female, which instantly shocked the world.

Now, the phantoms of these immortal medicines exude the energy of the Immortal Law, which is extremely terrifying and makes people feel unable to compete.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing flew directly to the center of the thunder sea, and endless thunder poured in like a waterfall.

In the vast frontier universe, the overwhelming terrifying thunder was like the creation of the world, the stars and rivers collapsed, and the starry sky exploded.

This scene is too terrifying, the endless power of destruction is terrifying.

For the current Yuan Changqing, he does not need to break the Tianxin mark of heaven and earth. He only wants to be baptized by the power of thunder from heaven and earth by triggering the thunder.

Only after passing through the baptism of thunder can one be considered to have completed a complete state, which will have endless benefits for the present, life and the future.

Yuan Changqing is now exuding a terrifying five-color divine light, and the Five Elements Diagram is suspended above his head, accepting the baptism of the thunder power of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the peerless experts in the universe were shocked. They all watched Yuan Changqing silently in the thunder sea, constantly impacting the endless thunder light and laws.

The whole universe is looking forward to having two emperors in one life. In this way, the geniuses in this golden age may be able to see a glimmer of hope.

However, this may disappoint the countless geniuses, because Yuan Changqing did not think about breaking the Tianxin mark that had been blocked by Jiuyou Fusion.

Therefore, if those geniuses in the universe want to take Yuan Changqing's path, it is not suitable.

It's like, now Yuan Changqing is using the realm of the Great Emperor to fight against the Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation, even though because of Yuan Changqing's strength, the Thunder Tribulation is even more terrifying.

However, the fact is that Yuan Changqing himself is already as powerful as an emperor.


In the sea of ​​thunder, Yuan Changqing kept fighting with the phantoms inside, constantly attacking.

But those immortal medicines are extremely terrifying, and they have now become Yuan Changqing's most terrifying murder.

These immortal medicines were once fallen immortal kings. Every face behind these immortal medicines revealed the aura of incomparable vicissitudes that had gone through eternity.

Now, these fallen immortal kings have become the greatest opportunities in the world, opportunities that can allow people to live a new life.

They were all embodied by the thunder in the sea of ​​thunder, and transformed into Yuan Changqing's horrific murder.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing was constantly competing with these immortal medicines, and was also constantly devouring the thunderous energy in the sea of ​​thunder.

However, now the thunder in the thunder sea cannot easily hurt Yuan Changqing.

The real threat to Yuan Changqing is the shadow of the immortal elixir transformed by those fallen immortal kings.

There were more and more thunders, and they became more and more terrifying. The endless thunders surged down towards Yuan Changqing like a waterfall, as if they were going to strangle Yuan Changqing in the thunder.

It was as if heaven and earth were trying to prevent Yuan Changqing from surviving this great emperor's thunder tribulation, and not allowing Yuan Changqing to become a Taoist.

I saw the figures behind the elixir of immortality in the sea of ​​thunder, all bursting out with terrifying power, and the thunder flooded the Bianhuang universe, as if they had come to this life from the long river of time.

Endless sea of ​​thunder, bursts of thunder and light, and various immortal temples are constantly evolving. The Tao is densely covered, swallowing up the chaos and suppressing the world.

The endless thunderstorms all fell towards Yuan Changqing, without giving Yuan Changqing a moment to breathe.


Yuan Changqing was also fighting back with all his strength at this moment, roaring in the sea of ​​thunder, like a supreme god with unparalleled power.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing exerted all his strength, constantly fighting against the laws of the great avenue, fighting with the phantoms of the immortal medicine, and blooming the ultimate divine power.

However, the figures behind those immortal medicines are indeed terrifying. Even because of the rules of heaven and earth, they can only use the power of the emperor.

However, after a period of fighting, Yuan Changqing was still dripping with blood.

From this we can see how terrifying this thunder disaster is.

As the power of the thunder tribulation became more and more terrifying, many different fairy spirits evolved in the thunder sea, which was extremely terrifying.

This is like a life and death battle. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you can't survive, you will fall under this thunder disaster.

However, Yuan Changqing did not relax at all, and kept fighting all the time.

And those shadows of the Immortal Medicine continued to attack Yuan Changqing, and endless thunder tribulations fell one after another.

As the thunder tribulation continued to deepen, Yuan Changqing's pressure continued to increase, and even Yuan Changqing's body continued to explode.

However, after the baptism of thunder, Yuan Changqing's divine body is also constantly transforming, including his soul and the weapon of enlightenment.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing is getting stronger and stronger. This is the true transformation method of Emperor Wuque.

As a result, Yuan Changqing was exploded by the continuous bombardment of thunder, dripping with blood, and it was terrible to see.

However, in the final stage, Yuan Changqing also fought back and forth with the phantom in the thunder.

After all, Yuan Changqing is also a different kind of emperor. As he continues to transform during the thunder tribulation, he is also becoming stronger in all aspects.

Even if the thunder tribulation goes deeper, the thunder tribulation continues to become stronger. Finally, Yuan Changqing finally breaks through the thunder cage and shatters the thunder sea in the sky.

Finally, Yuan Changqing survived this different kind of thunder disaster.

After all, Yuan Changqing does not want to break the Tianxin mark this time and become the emperor against heaven.

Therefore, the thunder in the thunder sea will not fall without limit. After all, the heavenly way to breed thunder tribulation also requires the origin of the universe.

Therefore, after Yuan Changqing survived the Thunder Tribulation of the Great Emperor, the Tianxin mark of Gai Jiuyou's fusion was not broken, and he was still the only Great Emperor in the world.

And an alternative emperor like Yuan Changqing only relies on the thunder and disaster of heaven and earth to transform himself and become a perfect emperor.

However, as Yuan Changqing became emperor, countless quasi-emperor ninth level experts in the universe discovered something was abnormal.

Because, the seal of Tianxin of Heaven and Earth has not been broken, however, Yuan Changqing has become the emperor.

This also surprised and even shocked countless quasi-emperor experts.

They never thought that Yuan Changqing would become emperor in this way. It was not the imagined way of breaking the mark of Tianxin and defying heaven to become emperor.

At this moment, those geniuses who were somewhat qualified to become enlightened wanted to get answers from Yuan Changqing.

So, they all headed towards the outer reaches of the universe, trying to figure it out.

The thunder calamity dissipated, the heaven and earth were peaceful, the divine energy in the heaven and earth, and the remaining thunder power, like the Milky Way, were swallowed by Yuan Changqing's mouth, restoring his own divine energy.

After Yuan Changqing regained his divine level, he was surrounded by countless powerful people in the universe, and they looked at Yuan Changqing expectantly.

"If you want to ask anything, you can come to Heaven." Yuan Changqing spoke first without giving them a chance to speak.

After all, Yuan Changqing's becoming an emperor is too unusual. I'm afraid countless people in the universe want to know why.

And Yuan Changqing doesn't want those powerful people who can become enlightened to come to him for advice one by one in the future.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing wanted to solve it once and for all, so as not to entangle himself with all the troubles.

"The Emperor has mercy!" Countless geniuses around them shouted.

At this moment, they couldn't help but cheer inwardly, as if they had seen a road to the sky.

However, the path Yuan Changqing took could not allow them to realize it.

However, Yuan Changqing still has some ideas, which are just a hypothesis.

As for whether it can be successful, that will have to wait until later.

However, after all, there is a way for latecomers to explore. Whether they can succeed depends on personal opportunities.

After Yuan Changqing finished speaking, a road to the sky paved with immortal light extended towards Beidou.

Finally, Yuan Changqing also went directly to the Heavenly Court Station established by Ye Fan.

"Congratulations, senior, for attaining enlightenment and becoming emperor."

After arriving at Ye Fan's Heavenly Court, Ye Fan and the people from Heavenly Court congratulated Yuan Changqing one after another.

"Okay, everyone doesn't need to be so polite, just be as normal as usual." Yuan Changqing waved his hand and said.

Then, Yuan Changqing reached out and reached towards the Earth Star. Finally, he took his family directly back to Beidou.

Soon after, the most powerful and talented people in the universe also came to Heaven.

As the Lord of Heaven, Ye Fan also began to send his subordinates to greet the powerful men from all major forces in the universe.

At this moment, the most powerful people in the universe have gathered here in Heaven. They are here now because they want to know how Yuan Changqing became emperor.

Now, in addition to Yuan Changqing, the enlightened man who had just become emperor, Gai Jiuyou, the current emperor, also came here.

At this moment, in the main hall of Heaven, sitting at the front, Ye Fan, Gai Jiuyou, and Yuan Changqing, three of the strongest men in the universe, were sitting.

"Welcome to my fellow Taoists to come to my heaven. If there is any inconvenience in the reception, please forgive me." Ye Fan, as the host, spoke first.

"Fellow Taoist, you're welcome."

"I was the one who disturbed you."


Countless talented people who came here responded one after another.

Later, Ye Fan said again: "I won't say more about the reason why you are here. If you have any questions, you should ask Emperor Changqing!"

Ye Fan directly addressed Yuan Changqing by his name. At this point, the talented and powerful people who came here officially knew Yuan Changqing.

"Dare I ask if Emperor Changqing is enlightened?" A strong man asked impatiently.

"Of course!" Yuan Changqing replied lightly.

"How did Emperor Changqing achieve enlightenment?" A strong man came forward again and asked.

At this moment, there was silence in the heavenly hall, waiting for the path to enlightenment that they expected in their hearts, and countless pairs of eyes looked closely at Yuan Changqing above.

Yuan Changqing first looked deeply at the waiting people below. At this moment, he saw countless people who were both looking forward to and nervous.

Even Ye Fan was looking forward to it at this time. After all, there has never been an enlightened person in the Ancient Holy Body since ancient times.

Even now that Ye Fan has attained the Holy Body, he is comparable to the Great Emperor and can fight against the Great Emperor. In addition, there is a Great Emperor in this world.

Therefore, if you want to become enlightened, you can only go against heaven, break the restrictions and rules of heaven and earth, and become an emperor against heaven.

However, this is not easy said than done. If the current emperor does not want those who come after him to become enlightened, and directly uses the great avenue to suppress them, and wants to defy heaven, it is simply a false proposition that will lead to death and silence.

Even if he is strong enough to defeat Ye Fan, even if Gai Jiuyou doesn't care about the latecomers becoming enlightened, he still has no confidence in his heart and has no chance of winning.

And now, with the living example of Yuan Changqing, this has brought unlimited hope to the powerful people in the universe who are qualified to become enlightened.

At this time, Yuan Changqing finally said: "The answer you want, the possibility of realizing it is very small, even hopeless."

"Please give me your permission, the Great Emperor." At this moment, countless talented people saluted.

No matter how small the hope is, there is always a road to the sky, and no one wants to give up.

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Well, since everyone wants to know, it doesn't hurt if I talk about it. I just hope that everyone will not be discouraged by this."

"The path taken by the Emperor is ultimately a visible road to the sky. No matter how desperate you are, there is always hope. We will ask the Emperor to fulfill it." A strong man said with hope.

Because Gai Jiuyou became enlightened first and blocked the path forward for countless talented people in this life. Now that he has hope, how could he give up so easily?

After all, any strong person who is qualified to become a Taoist has gone through all kinds of hardships and has a strong Taoist heart.

Yuan Changqing added: "My path can only be used as a reference for you. As for whether it will succeed, I don't know."

"After all, everyone has their own opportunities. Maybe I can succeed, but it doesn't mean I will always succeed."

"So, if you want to hear it, I will tell you, and you can weigh it yourself!"

"I've said it before, my hope is very slim, so slim that it's hopeless."

"We are all powerful men in the world. We should know that there will be some rare treasures born in the world."

"And the reason why I can reach this state is because I got such an opportunity and finally became the great emperor."

"Everyone should know that if you want to achieve the great emperor's deeds, you must replace the way of heaven with your own way, integrate the mark of Tianxin, and use your own way to overwhelm all ways."

"However, there is a great emperor in this world, so the road ahead is a dead end under the rules of heaven and earth."

"My method is to use the exotic treasure as the mark of the heart of heaven to replace the way of heaven and become an emperor in another way."

"However, rare treasures are rare in the world. This method is not suitable for everyone. My method can only be said to be a trick."

"Even, I don't know if any rare treasures from heaven and earth are suitable to be used as Tianxin Seal."

"So, you can just refer to my method of enlightenment. Maybe you can find a more suitable method."

After hearing what Yuan Changqing said, countless talented people also knew why Yuan Changqing said that his method was insignificant.

However, this is finally a reference object, and perhaps, you can get some inspiration from it.

There are fifty avenues and fourty-nine Tianyans. If you escape one of them, there is always hope, no matter how small it is.

"Thank you, Emperor, for your grace."

No matter what, even if Yuan Changqing's path is difficult to follow, his hope is so slim, it always gives all living beings another reference.

Therefore, these talented people who came here to consult Yuan Changqing still thanked Yuan Changqing for his method of enlightenment.

Seeing this, Yuan Changqing just nodded, but he couldn't bear to see so many talented people having no way forward.

In the end, Yuan Changqing expressed an immature idea in his heart, and one idea also referred to the path that Emperor Qing wanted to take to become an immortal.

So, Yuan Changqing said again: "I still have an immature idea here. Let's listen to it."

"If you want to become enlightened and integrate the Tianxin Seal, this is the sign of an enlightened person. However, in the era of great emperors, this road is no longer feasible."

"So, just like the way I became enlightened, is there any treasure that would be a pity to replace Tianxin's mark?"

"Therefore, my immature idea is to find a special treasure to refine, or directly use the instrument of enlightenment as the carrier to open up a world as a replacement for the Tianxin Seal, and finally achieve enlightenment. "

"Of course, this is just a conjecture of mine, and there is no guarantee of success, or it is not a possible path to success."

"So, you can just refer to this immature idea as a reference. This is not the truth."

After Yuan Changqing finished talking about this idea, everyone guessed that this might be an alternative way for Yuan Changqing to become an emperor from an exotic treasure.

As for whether it will succeed in the end, Yuan Changqing also said that this is just a guess and there is no guarantee of success.

Whether those strong people who want to achieve enlightenment ultimately take this path, whether they fail or succeed, all depends on their luck.

It may succeed, it may fail, who can say clearly!

"Thank you, Emperor. We are grateful." Everyone thanked you again.

Finally, Yuan Changqing and Gai Jiuyou, at the request of everyone, explained the Dao to everyone who came here.

At this point, Yuan Changqing's title of Emperor Changqing began to slowly spread in the universe.

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