Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 446 The underworld is destroyed and the hegemonic body is destroyed (two in one)

The road to immortality is the road of hope that many strong men have been waiting for since ancient times.

However, this road is not that easy. After all, it may lead to a dead end.

This is like the road to immortality in the North Pole and the road to immortality in the ancient forbidden land. These roads to immortality are only part of the nodes.

Therefore, the question about Ye Fan is actually between right and wrong.

Yuan Changqing said: "The road to immortality, since this road has appeared, then there should be some falsehoods and some true ones."

"Otherwise, whoever has nothing to do will stage this farce to take advantage of the overall situation."

"So, this is the road to becoming an immortal. I am not afraid to say that if I step on this road, I will become an immortal."

"But this road to immortality should be the road to a more immortal realm, a road to a world wider than ours."

"Just like the world where Emperor Wushi is now, it can allow people to live longer, enough to support them to become immortals!"

However, countless people believe that as long as they enter the immortal realm, they can become an immortal in one step, so it is called the Road to Immortality.

Okay, those people don't even think about it. If it were really that easy to become an immortal, the current world wouldn't be like this.

What Yuan Changqing said was a reminder to Ye Fan and Gai Jiuyou.

After all, the Red Dust Fairy Road is not that easy to walk.

Yuan Changqing is not worried about Ye Fan, he is destined to embark on the path of immortality in the world of mortals.

However, even a son of the world like Ye Fan has experienced all kinds of hardships on this road. In the original work, it was really nine lives and nine deaths before he successfully set foot in the realm of immortality.

As for Gai Jiuyou, there is no reference, so Yuan Changqing is not sure about how far Gai Jiuyou will be in the future.

You must know that many heroes from ancient times are no less talented than Gai Jiuyou. It is a pity that those people have wasted countless years and fell into dust in the long river of time.

After learning the method of becoming an immortal from Yuan Changqing, Gai Jiuyou and Ye Fan also knew how to find a way forward in the future.

Afterwards, the three of them drank tea while discussing the Tao. The Supreme One discussed the Tao. The sound of the Tao echoed in the heavens, and the great avenues of heaven and earth filled the void, with bursts of fairy sounds and immortal energy accompanying them.

People in the Heavenly Court heard the Heavenly Sound of the Great Dao and came one after another. Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer, who were practicing in the Heavenly Court, also came together to listen to the Supreme Way.

The sermons of the Supreme Beings are a supreme opportunity for those who have not yet attained enlightenment. Now, being able to hear the sermons of three supreme giants in this world together is enough to shock the world.

At this time, the Lord of the Heavenly Court, the vision is born, the sound of the Tao is roaring, the void is densely covered with endless divine patterns of order, and the atmosphere is myriad.

In the sky above the heaven, there are real dragons flying in the clouds and mist, divine phoenixes flying all over the sky, bells and cauldrons ringing in unison, and all things accompanying them...

It's like a fairyland, and the sound of the great road is like a bell and a bell, filling the heaven and earth with great force.

This sermon lasted for more than ten years until Yuan Changqing and Gai Jiuyou left Heaven.

Covering the sky and the universe, there are those who have achieved enlightenment in this world to suppress the current world. The world is considered peaceful, and nothing big that shocks the world happens.

However, decades have passed since Yuan Changqing and Gai Jiuyou left Ye Fantianting.

Suddenly one day, heaven declared war on the underworld.

Afterwards, the heavenly army was seen moving towards all parts of the universe in a mighty manner, and began to continuously destroy the forces of the underworld.

With the completion of Ye Fan's Holy Body and his strength comparable to that of the Great Emperor, Heavenly Court has become the largest force in the world.

Therefore, in the past few decades, Heavenly Court has developed rapidly and has gained a hint of Heavenly Court's momentum.

This time, the strong men from Heaven came out and rushed to all directions. Even Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer were in Heaven, leading countless strong men to destroy the underworld's stronghold in the universe.

Now, Yuan Changqing has become the emperor and is invincible in the world.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, apart from practicing beside Yuan Changqing, Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer were in Yaochi and Tianting.

This time, the heavens conquered the underworld, and the two women also joined in. Not only could they temper themselves, but they could also continue to advance in the battle.

At that time, there were great emperors in the world, such as Zeng Li, Yuan Yue'er, Ye Fan and other powerful men in the ninth level of the quasi-emperor, who were already in a dilemma.

The two paths before these quasi-emperor ninth-level powerhouses are the Great Emperor and alternative enlightenment.

However, it is extremely difficult to become an emperor. Even a supreme giant like Ye Fan dare not say that he is sure of success, let alone others.

Therefore, even if Ye Fan now has the goal of becoming an immortal, if he wants to become an immortal, he must step into the realm of the Great Emperor.

However, in this life, if you want to become an emperor, you will face a roadblock. There are already enlightened people in the world.

Although Gai Jiuyou doesn't mind if someone later defies heaven and becomes an emperor, breaking the mark of Tianxin.

It's a pity that just this step has blocked many talented people.

Therefore, even if Ye Fan is not sure, he is constantly accumulating his own knowledge, and when he is sure, he will go against the will of heaven.

However, even if Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer are in the same realm as Ye Fan, they cannot compare to Ye Fan in terms of combat power.

Therefore, the path that Yuan Changqing set for Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer was to achieve enlightenment in an alternative way.

Heavenly Court, the most powerful force in the world, constantly has armies rushing out of Heavenly Court and rushing to all parts of the universe, constantly annihilating all the forces in the underworld.

This conquest immediately swept through all parts of the universe. Countless underworld strongholds were swept away by heaven, and countless underworld soldiers were beaten into ashes and annihilated.

The war slaves unique to the underworld were also killed and collapsed under the powerful strength of the powerful men in heaven.

Pang Bo, Holy Prince, Zeng Li, Yuan Yuer, Jiang Taixu, Renmo, Ji Zi...etc., all showed their supreme grace in this earth-shattering battle.

In an instant, all realms of the universe were shaken, and the extremely powerful underworld was retreating steadily in the face of the strangulation of heaven.

There are countless strongholds hidden in the underworld that are constantly being discovered and destroyed.

In the underworld, as Ye Fan appeared, the army of heaven had already surrounded him.

Now, Ye Fan has arrived here. The terrifying blood and golden light are shining straight into the sky. The domineering aura is sweeping the world. The terrifying fighting spirit is constantly gathering.

The heaven and earth shook, and the universe boiled.

Holy Body Ye Fan, the Lord of Heaven, is obviously going to conquer and clear away the mysterious restricted area of ​​life in the underworld.

In an instant, the heavens and the universe shook. The news that the Great Holy Body was going to conquer the underworld spread throughout the universe, and countless creatures in the heaven and earth boiled.

In the underworld, the aura of death pervades. I don’t know how many corpses are buried here. This is a place where the underworld is located.

The vast underworld is as vast as a universe, mysterious and unpredictable, the black earth is boundless, and death is synonymous with it.

As Ye Fan stepped into the underworld, the supreme king in the underworld, the Prison Suppressing Emperor, was born, and the war started instantly.

The terrifying Supreme War swept across the world, and the Supreme Law filled the void.

The black earth, the boundless underworld, was shaken to pieces by the terrifying Supreme War, and was constantly shaking.

The stars in the sea of ​​​​stars are also falling continuously, and the underworld is smashed with big craters everywhere.

In the fierce battle, this land of death was maimed, collapsed, and continuously destroyed.

The black underworld was penetrated, and rivers of blood continued to gush out. Countless corpses and coffins were constantly affected by the aftermath of the war, and exploded one after another.

In this boundless underworld, stone tablets bear witness to the former glory of this place.

However, now it is facing the conquest of the Lord of Heaven, and the underworld has also been beaten to pieces.

In the universe, the ancient supreme beings in the restricted areas of life have woken up one after another and looked here.

This supreme battle has also attracted the attention of countless powerful people in the world.

The Dacheng Holy Body is so terrifying, with shocking combat power, and overwhelming power that the heaven and earth are trembling.

During the battle between Ye Fan and the Prison Emperor, most of the Underworld was destroyed.

Even if the Prison Suppressing Emperor was fully promoted in the end, he was eventually killed by Ye Fan, and the supreme leader of the generation fell.

In the end, the underworld was defeated, the Prison Suppressing Emperor fell, and the most mysterious and terrifying force between heaven and earth was finally wiped out by heaven.

And the endless divine treasures in the underworld, various types of divine blood, fairy gold, and divine treasures all fell into the hands of heaven one after another, and were completely wiped out.

At this point, the vast underworld was swept away by the heavenly army led by Ye Fan. The heaven and earth shook, and the universe was shocked.

The Great Holy Body has a supreme physique comparable to that of the Great Emperor. It can not only challenge the Great Emperor, but also kill him.

At the same time, all the forces in the world also discovered the anomaly in the underworld. This extremely mysterious force actually only has the Supreme Being, the Prison Suppressing Emperor, which puzzled countless people.

However, the fact now is that the so-called destination of all things in the world has been removed from the world.

The underworld, a vast restricted area of ​​life, has existed for endless years and has come to an end.

In the following years, ten years passed in a hurry, and the world calmed down. Once again, the battle flags of the heavenly army were flying, and they kept walking out of the heaven.

With the arrival of the heavenly army on the Overlord Ancestral Star, countless forces in the world know that this is a fateful showdown.

The ancient holy body and the heavenly hegemonic body, the two most powerful and special bodies in the world, are about to collide again. These two powerful physiques both have the strength to fight against the Great Emperor after they achieve great success.

However, these two physiques have endless hatred and are destined to win or lose in this world.

The Tyrant Body lineage is more prosperous than the Ancient Holy Body, occupying a huge ancient star alone.

On the Overlord Ancestral Star, the aura is overwhelming, the mountains and rivers are incomparably magnificent, and the territory is vast. This ancient star is extremely suitable for practicing and enlightening.

At this time, the ancient star belonging to the hegemony lineage was extraordinary and unpredictable, and had survived countless calamities. Now, the ancient star has been imprinted with the traces of the laws of the great path that are exclusive to the hegemony lineage. All other great ways come here. suppressed.

But the monks of the Hegemon lineage were able to exert their full combat power on this ancient star.

The heavenly army pressed down on the territory, the war flags hunted, and the boundless murderous aura filled the world. At this moment, the Hegemony Ancestral Star was surrounded.

At this moment, Ye Fan has arrived on a mountain peak on the Tyrant Ancestral Star, overlooking this ancient land.

With a sweep of terrifying spiritual thoughts, Ye Fan discovered the ancestral land of the Ba Ti lineage.

"Hmph, I don't believe it. The Holy Body dares to come here, and he is just one person."

"Yes, there are several ancestors sitting in charge, and even if the Holy Body comes, they will die."

"The Dacheng Holy Body is very powerful, but my Heavenly Tyrant Body is not weak either. As long as the Holy Body dares to come, this is his burial place,"


People from the Ba Ti lineage are extremely confident, which is why their lineage can always thrive.

Therefore, the Ba Ti lineage is extremely tough and not afraid of Ye Fan's arrival.

This is also because the lineage of Hegemony has an extremely profound foundation. Now, there are three great masters of Hegemony sleeping in the Hegemony ancestral land.

This is the most powerful foundation of the Overlord lineage, and it is also the reason why the Overlord lineage can always be strong.

After Ye Fan found the ancestral land of the Ba Ti lineage, his aura filled the air and he went straight to the Ba Ti ancestral land without any concealment.

Boundless blood bloomed from the holy body. Even though this ancient star had imprinted the Dao marks of the Heavenly Tyrant Body, countless creatures in the ancient star were trembling under the pressure.

The aura of the supreme level swept across the entire Hegemonic Ancestral Star, and countless creatures kept wailing at this moment, as if a great terror was about to come.

Ye Fan went directly to the Ba Ti Ancestral Land, where there was a divine peak with a majestic purple energy.

This is where the strongest foundation of the Hegemony lineage lies. As long as this place is solved, then the Hegemony lineage will cease to exist.

"Holy Body, you really dare to come. Do you want to die?"

Under the divine peak, there is a cave filled with auspiciousness, lingering purple energy, and rich spiritual energy. The strong men of the Overlord lineage have been hiding in it all year round.

At this moment, purple energy was billowing in the ancient cave, and a thunderous sound came from everywhere in the ancient cave, vast and boundless.

"Why don't I dare to come? As for seeking death, it depends on whether you have the ability!" Ye Fan said calmly at this moment.

"Hmph, if you don't have those two figures behind you and want to die, then come and try." In the ancient cave, a strong man shouted again.

"You guys underestimate me too much. Even if I am the only one, I can wipe out your hegemonic lineage from this world." Ye Fan showed his monstrous momentum and said without fear.

Being able to cultivate the cursed ancient holy body to such a state, Ye Fan has already developed his own invincible aura.

Afterwards, Ye Fan took action directly, no longer talking nonsense with people from the Ba Ti lineage, and stepped towards the divine peak.

"How brave. Since you want to die, I will help you!"

In the Ba Ti Ancestral Cave, there was a shocking roar, and Ye Fan's kick was simply an insult to the Ba Ti lineage.

Afterwards, three majestic figures rushed out of the Ba Ti Ancestral Cave, and they rushed towards Ye Fan at the same time.


A shocking battle broke out in the Ba Ti Ancestral Cave, and the terrifying energy instantly filled the world.

The most powerful laws are colliding. This is a head-on confrontation between the two most powerful physiques between heaven and earth.

The terrifying God's Rule, like a heavenly sword, slashed towards Ye Fan, as if he wanted to kill Ye Fan with one blow.

After confirming that Yuan Changqing and Gai Jiuyou would not take action, the three ancestors of the Overlord lineage no longer had any scruples at this moment, and joined forces to kill the Holy Body Ye Fan.

"A battle in the starry sky!"

Dacheng's hegemony was declared, and he rushed directly to the starry sky, preparing to fight Ye Fan in the starry sky.

After all, a battle at their level is enough to destroy everything.

If a war breaks out on the Ba Ti Ancestral Star, I am afraid that this ancient star will have been destroyed after the battle.

After that, only four figures were seen rushing towards the sky and entering the boundless starry sky.

Suddenly, countless creatures in this universe were shocked. They did not expect that there were actually three great hegemons in this hegemonic lineage.

Dacheng Hegemony, this being can also fight against the Great Emperor. This existence is simply like a restricted area. It is so terrifying.

Ye Fan's majestic appearance was rising, and the aura of terror was rising. At this moment, Ye Fan was extremely excited.

A shocking battle broke out in the starry sky. Ye Fan was like a terrifying beast, and he was not at a disadvantage even when facing three Dacheng hegemons.

The sky and the earth shook, the starry sky shattered, the stars fell, and the sun and the moon lost their light.

This battle once again shocked the heavens and the universe, and the ancient supreme beings in the restricted areas of life woke up again.

The terrifying supreme aura shook the heaven, earth and universe, sweeping across all directions.

This battle is a fateful showdown between the Ancient Holy Body and the Heavenly Tyrant Body.

The terrifying battle caused the starry sky to continuously flicker, the void was shattered, and the chaotic air currents were constantly churning.

Ye Fan, the holy body, monopolizes the three great hegemonic bodies, showing shocking combat power and boundless terror.

The starry sky was constantly being beaten to pieces, and the sun, moon and stars were also destroyed in a terrifying battle.

In the starry sky, the endless stars also turned into countless meteorite fragments and endless dust at this moment.

The rivers of stars are cut off, the sea of ​​stars is shattered, the starry sky is in ruins, the sky is full of devastation, and it is too horrible to see. The supreme battle is so terrifying.

Those supreme beings in the forbidden area of ​​life also found that the combat power of the holy body was extremely terrifying, somewhat beyond their imagination.

However, at this moment, even if Ye Fan fights against San San's holy body, the ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life do not dare to take action against him.

After all, there are still two great emperor-level existences in this world, and these are two perfect emperors.

Therefore, those ancient supreme beings, even if they wanted to kill Ye Fan and then be quick, did not dare to act rashly at this moment.

Otherwise, they will definitely suffer disaster.

Gai Jiuyou was suppressing the current world and was stationed in Beidou. Yuan Changqing hid in the world and disappeared without a trace. The existence of these two invincible figures also made the restricted area of ​​​​life extremely fearful.

After a fierce battle, Ye Fan showed his peerless fighting power, tearing apart the three Dacheng Hegemon bodies and bathing in the blood of the Heaven Hegemon.

At this moment, Ye Fan was like a shocking god and demon, standing in the starry sky, showing the supreme domineering power of the Lord of Heaven.

In the starry sky, blood splashed, purple gas steamed, the sky hegemonic body was torn to pieces, and the soul was wiped out by Ye Fan's terrifying fighting spirit, and he could no longer die.

In the world, countless powerful people who watched this battle were all shocked and horrified. Such a supreme battle was no longer something they could participate in.

You must know that the three Dacheng Hegemons, like the three supreme powerhouses, were eventually cut down into the stars by Ye Fan with his peerless combat power.

Finally, the Heavenly Army launched a brazen attack and entered the ancient star of Ba Ti. All the people of Ba Ti's lineage fell into the hands of Heaven. This ancient star also became a trophy of Heaven.

After the Overlord's lineage was eliminated and the Overlord's ancestral star was occupied, the heaven began to fall silent.

The world flies by in a hurry, and just like that, hundreds of years have passed.

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