Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 448 The Supreme Gathering, the Ancient One Appears

In the endless hills, the divine light shines brightly, and this place is called Xianling.

In the Immortal Mausoleum, there are huge tombs like hills everywhere. It is not known when they were formed here. It is impossible to verify and trace them back.

At this time, the Immortal Tomb was also shaking, and a figure that looked down upon the world walked out of it, its aura shook the world, and rushed towards the Feixian Star.

The ancient supreme being in this immortal mausoleum was also born. Obviously, he did not want to miss this opportunity to become an immortal and wanted to compete for the supreme immortal fate.


In the Immortal Tomb, a huge tomb exploded, and an ancient beast walked out of it, resembling a divine lion, with red glow all over its body, carrying an old woman wearing strange clothes.

This fairy mausoleum seems to be full of graves, but the exploded graves are filled with fairy light.

The old woman had sparse white hair and wore strange and colorful clothes, showing an amazing aura.


In the sky, this is another restricted area of ​​life, filled with fairy light. A giant white tiger rushes out from it, stepping on the divine light, and flies to the Feixianxing.

This is the Ancient Emperor White Tiger. He was also born at this moment, for the sake of immortality on the road to immortality.

After the White Tiger Ancient Emperor was born, someone appeared again in the sky.

I saw this man with blond hair, majestic appearance, and his whole body seemed to be made of gold, blooming with bright golden light.

He is none other than the Ancient Emperor Dapeng, holding a divine whip shaped like a divine sword with a total of twenty-eight sections.

Immortal light filled the air, and a golden avenue headed towards Feixianxing.

After that, a big man carrying a long bow walked out of the restricted area of ​​​​life again, and quickly thought about flying immortals.

Now, Feixianxing has gathered nine ancient supreme beings.

The supreme aura permeates the Feixianxing here, with a terrifying aura like a turbulent wave.

These ancient supreme beings who appeared here were far apart from each other.

After all, they are all competitors on the road to immortality, so they will naturally be wary of each other.

Perhaps, at the end of the road to immortality, they will finally face the ultimate battle.

These nine ancient supreme beings were once the most powerful and invincible beings who dominated an era.

The appearance of the Nine Supreme Beings once again shocked the world.

When the Road to Immortality was opened for the first time, a total of eleven ancient supreme beings entered, five died, and the six who came out were also killed by Yuan Changqing, Gai Jiuyou, Ye Fan and others.

After that, Yuan Changqing and the other three people wiped out the Immortal Mountain, the Divine Ruins, and the Sea of ​​Reincarnation from the world on the Big Dipper Star.

However, what countless people did not expect was that this time the Feixianxing Road to Immortality opened, nine ancient supreme beings would appear again.

This shocked countless people, and they couldn't help but wonder how many ancient supreme beings were still inside those three restricted areas of life.

Needless to say, this certainly exists, but these people are more able to remain calm and are still dormant.

Before the critical moment, they would definitely not show up so easily.

Some of these ancient supreme beings chose to be born because they saw the hope of becoming immortals.

However, some people do not see the hope of becoming immortals, and they are born just to win the chance of becoming immortals.

Of course, another reason is that this golden age has brought too many changes to people.

No one expected that in this era, Yuan Changqing, Gai Jiuyou, and Ye Fan, the three supreme giants in the world, would appear.

As long as Yuan Changqing and the others are alive, they will definitely choose to pacify the three life restricted areas at the right time.

Therefore, some ancient supreme beings would choose to seek immortality.

Although I don’t know whether it will succeed in the end, there is always hope. Even if it fails in the end, there will be no regrets.

After all, the three remaining restricted areas of life on Beidou seem to be very comforting.

However, this is also because Yuan Changqing and the others have not yet reached their peak, and it is precisely because of this that they did not take action.

However, this is just an appearance. The three human race supremes in the world are all tough people. They are like fire and water with the ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life, and there will definitely be a battle.

Therefore, this time the road to becoming an immortal opens on Feixianxing, those ancient supreme beings who are unwilling to die with Yuan Changqing and the others are no longer willing to wait any longer, but choose to take the gamble.

The Nine Supreme Beings gathered together on the Feixianxing, and the Supreme Dao filled the heaven and earth, shaking the heaven and earth, and being extremely terrifying.

At this moment, Ye Fan, who was in the starry sky, also retreated, choosing to avoid the edge temporarily.

After all, Ye Fan is not strong enough to compete with the nine ancient supremes.

Now, here at Feixianxing, the nine ancient supreme beings appeared in the world, and they were extremely dangerous. Ye Fan was also frightened when he saw them.


Suddenly, there was an explosion sound deep in the sealed land, and the fairy source exploded. A disheveled man wanted to rush up, but unfortunately, his limbs were locked by chains and he was not free.

Although the man who appeared seemed extremely old, his aura was not weak. Even the nine ancient supreme beings who came here were surprised and shocked.

When the man opened his mouth and took a breath, the mountains and rivers of Feixianxing suddenly disappeared, countless flowers, plants and trees all withered, and the endless life essence was swallowed up by it.


Wan Long Huang shouted loudly with anger. He never thought that that man would dare to surpass him and absorb the life essence.

Obviously, the person who was locked up was an extremely terrifying being, and was by no means an ordinary person. This shocked the ancient supreme beings present.

"Nirvana Heavenly Lord!"

At this time, Wanlong Emperor already knew that the person was sacred to all parties. Under the collision just now, he sensed the law of the Great Dao of that person.

In an instant, the Ten Thousand Dragon Emperor realized that this man was one of the Nine Heavenly Lords of the Mythical Age. However, he did not expect that he would still be alive in such a miserable state.

Obviously, for such a terrifying figure from the mythical age to be so insulted, he must have encountered a terrifying existence like Fei Tong to end up like this.

You must know that if the Nine Heavenly Lords of the Mythical Age can have such a title, they must be the top powerful ones.

Now, the appearance of this Nirvana Heavenly Lord has surprised countless people and shocked the world.

"I didn't expect that this time when the real road to immortality begins, only the nine of you will arrive." A voice came from the void, and then Yuan Changqing also appeared on the Feixianxing.

At this time, Gai Jiuyou also came with the immortal light and said: "Perhaps those people think that this path to becoming an immortal is fake!"

As Yuan Changqing and Gai Jiuyou appeared on Feixianxing, Ye Fan, who had been away from here before, also returned here again and came to Yuan Changqing and Gai Jiuyou.

Suddenly, as the three supreme giants of the world came here, the nine ancient supreme beings were also solemn.

Obviously, from what they just said, they also heard that this road is the real road to immortality.

The arrival of Yuan Changqing and the others has already created competition with those ancient restrictions.

Therefore, the nine ancient supreme beings are also becoming a united front. In the void, an invisible momentum is confronting Yuan Changqing and the others.

At this moment, for those ancient supreme beings, the arrival of Yuan Changqing and the others has become the biggest obstacle on their way to becoming immortals.

Originally, the three great human race supremes in the world were on opposite sides to these ancient supreme beings, and there would eventually be a battle.

Suddenly, at this moment, there was movement in the sealed land again, and mysterious creatures were resurrecting and wanted to reappear in the world.

The key point is that the Nirvana Heavenly Lord, one of the nine great Heavenly Lords from the mythical era, was suppressed here, which has shocked the world.

Unexpectedly, there are still living things deep in the seal.


The terrifying energy fluctuations shook the void, overbearing and capable, and the aura of the mysterious creature was obviously extremely terrifying.

"Is it possible that there are immortal creatures below that are sealed here?!" You Zhizun said with a solemn face.


The earth is trembling, the void is shaking, dense runes are flashing in the sealed land, and fairy light is rising into the sky.

"What kind of seal is this? It's so ancient!"

"No, this is the real seal. The Nirvana Heavenly Lord and the Transformed Snake should have been sealed here later. In the deepest part, the mysterious creature has long been sealed here."

"This seal is really powerful. What kind of being did it? It's such a terrifying method."

"Is there really such a thing in this world? Could it be that the legendary Emperor took action, but the world can't match it?!"

At this moment, those ancient supreme beings all speculated that this place was too mysterious, and even felt that it was beyond their knowledge and expectations.

Obviously, there are hidden secrets here.

"That's the seal left by Emperor Huangtian. This is the correct path to becoming an immortal." Yuan Changqing whispered.

Suddenly, the nine ancient supreme beings were shocked. They didn't know whether what Yuan Changqing said was correct or not.

However, the taboo existence of Emperor Huangtian is enough to shock the world.

The center of the sealed land is like a fairy well, with milky white fairy energy constantly spurting out from there.

Deep in the ground, the glow is blooming, and there are thousands of runes, densely packed, and constantly shining.

This sealed place has existed for an incomparably long time, and even in the center, there is an immortal aura like the prehistoric times, a supreme, grand, and lofty charm.

"Emperor Huang Tian!"

Now, the color of the nine ancient supreme beings has also changed instantly. This taboo name is like a magic spell, as if it has an inexplicable energy, and has a supreme crisis, which makes people afraid.

"Could it be that the legend is true? In that indescribable history that existed over the years, there was a supreme immortal dynasty, one person suppressing it for eternity!"

At this time, a supreme being from the Immortal Tomb said, his face full of solemnity.

He has existed for countless years and is an ancient being. In his time, there were still vague legends about that taboo figure, but they cannot be verified to be true or false.

Time is the most ruthless thing in this world. In those endless years, I don’t know how many secrets are buried.

Therefore, no one can tell clearly what happened in those years.

After all, the years are difficult to trace back and seem to have no end.

"Fellow Taoist, it seems that you know a lot of secrets. So, how can you be so sure that this road to becoming an immortal is real!" Ancient Emperor Dapeng looked at Yuan Changqing and asked.

"Are there really immortals in the world?" the immortal woman asked coldly.

"Oh, if you want to know if there are immortals, then work harder. This is your last chance. Whether you can enter the immortal realm and become an immortal depends on your luck." Yuan Changqing sneered.

"You!" Obviously, Yuan Changqing's attitude made the fairy woman murderous.

However, Yuan Changqing's strength was there, which also made Xian Nu a little afraid, and she could only look at Yuan Changqing with cold eyes.

When the other ancient emperors heard this, their moods suddenly became extremely complicated. They had already sacrificed everything in order to become immortals.

In this life, I finally saw a glimmer of hope, and I felt a little excited.


The seal suddenly exploded, the runes shattered, fairy light flew, the sound of iron chains rang, and a mountain of broken flesh and blood was sprayed out, and an unknown creature was wrapped in it.

"A Suzaku?"

Everyone felt the blazing temperature at this time and were shocked. They saw the mountain of meat exploded, the flames were beating, and it was red. A Suzaku poked its head out with a fierce gaze, which made people feel that their skin was being burned.


As the meat mountain disintegrated, a body as red as blood was revealed, with a wolf body, red scales, a dragon tail, and a suzaku head. This was a monster.

After seeing the appearance of this mysterious creature, everyone was shocked. Even the ancient emperor, who had experienced countless years, did not recognize it.

A ferocious aura rushed towards his face. This creature, which was not known by the ancient emperor, was as terrifying as a ferocious beast.

"What kind of creature is this?"

"Is it really the Supreme Being who has been sealed here in the chaotic ancient times?"

"Is it the ancient creature sealed by Emperor Huangtian?"

"Which era do fellow Taoists come from?" Wanlong Emperor asked at this time.

However, Wanlong Emperor's response was a cry that sounded like dragons and phoenixes. It was so deafening that the stars were exploded and the rivers of stars stopped flowing.

The terrifying aura bloomed from the monster, extremely powerful.

"Become an immortal, hehe... haha... I am the only one who dominates... sad, deplorable, ridiculous!"

This creature seemed to be going crazy, and the sound made people feel horrified, uneasy, and numb.


The formations shattered, the immortal light exploded, the earth shook, and continued to sink and crack. The large crack continued to expand, and the depths of the sealed land were also revealed at this time.

"The Road to Immortality!"

A towering stone tablet stands in front of the Immortal Road, rising slowly, and the Immortal Road reappears in the world.

"The law of immortality, maybe, in this life, the road to becoming an immortal is real. Even if it is not, I will still try my best. The time I am awake is getting longer and longer." Blood Phoenix Mountain merged with the gilded Phoenix Wings The Supreme said with a sigh.

Now, he has no choice. He has become one with his instrument of enlightenment. Gradually, he is about to be assimilated into the spirit of the instrument.

Obviously, in order to live and wait for the road to immortality, he embarked on a road of no return, which proved to be wrong.

With Yuanshen and Dao soldiers, he almost wiped out the ancient emperor's spiritual consciousness in Blood Phoenix Mountain. However, as time went by, he was about to become the emperor's weapon spirit.

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