Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 46 Ice and Fire Eyes

Time flies five years later (twelve years before Tang San was born), and the strength of Yuan Changqing's family has also undergone tremendous changes.

The first is that Yuan Changqing has reached level 71 Soul Saint, and the Blue Silver Grass Spirit has successfully evolved into the Blue Silver King.

However, Catherine is now a level 76 soul saint, which she only achieved with the blessing of her top martial soul.

(My uncle Ye Xiaofan is a level 74 soul saint, my sister-in-law is a level 69 soul emperor, my grandfather is a level 63 soul emperor, my grandmother is a level 61 soul emperor, my father is a level 61 soul emperor, my mother is a level 58 soul king, and Wang Yuyan is a level 49 soul sect.)

Sunset forest.

In a strange basin terrain, there is a spring in the shape of ice and fire right in the center of the basin.

There was strong energy emanating from the surrounding area. It was obvious that this was a place where energy gathered. However, there were no soul beasts around. It was obvious that this was not a good place.

However, a man with a disc-like instrument in his hand appeared here and danced for a while.

"Hahaha, Ice and Fire Eyes, I finally found you."

This person is Yuan Changqing. In the past five years, he has never given up his search for the Ice and Fire Eyes.

As soon as he arrived here, Yuan Changqing felt the terrifying and violent energy here. If he stayed here for a long time, neither humans nor spirit beasts would be able to bear it.

This is because Yuan Changqing did not see any soul beasts when he came here. This means that the soul beasts did not dare to stay here at all.

Seeing that there is no poison formation around the Ice and Fire Eyes, it means that Dugu Bo has not discovered this place yet, but Yuan Changqing guessed that Dugu Bo is not far from the Titled Douluo.

Speaking of Dugu Bo, although Yuan Changqing has not met him yet, in the original work, he has to say that he is very lucky. He accidentally entered the Ice and Fire Eyes while in a poisonous state, and with the help of the uniqueness here, he suppressed the poison in his body. , and also successfully promoted to Quasi-titled Douluo because of the energy of the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Yuan Changqing knew that the two eyes of ice and fire were the corpses of the Ice Dragon King and Fire Dragon King of the God Realm who fell here. Because the two opposing forces did not blend together, over time the two energies of ice and fire created a force that both repels and attracts. The potential of the two yin, thus forming the two yin eyes of ice and fire.

When he came here, Yuan Changqing naturally wanted to check out the fairy grass here.

"This is the strange velvet Babel chrysanthemum."

"This is the Water Muscle Jade Immortal Bone."

"This is the eight-petal fairy orchid."

"This is Qiluo Tulip."

"This is the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal."

"This is the cockscomb phoenix sunflower."

"This is lovesickness red."

"This is the Black Jade Divine Bamboo."

"This is Earth Dragon Pumpkin"

"This is looking through the autumn dew."

"It's a snowy swan kiss."

"This is the ninth-grade purple zhizhi and the ninth-grade longzhi."


Yuan Changqing looked excited when he saw these jelly grasses. Not only the jelly grasses, but also some spiritual herbs, all of which were quite old.

In the past five years, Yuan Changqing has never stopped researching elixirs. Now there are so many celestial herbs here, which are of great help to him.

In the past five years, Yuan Changqing's alchemy skills have become more and more proficient. Yuan Changqing has refined all the common medicinal materials in Douluo Continent, whether they are precious or ordinary medicinal materials.

Through practicing with a large number of medicinal materials, Yuan Changqing discovered that the more common medicinal materials, the higher the control of flames.

However, those precious medicinal materials do not have such high requirements for fire control. This may be the reason for the origin of these medicinal materials. It just requires more time and soul power.

Now there are so many medicinal materials in the Ice and Fire Eyes, which are enough for my own use.

After reading this, Yuan Changqing came to the side of Binghuo Liangyiyan again.

"This is Liehuo Xingjiaoshu."

"This is the aniseed black ice grass."

Seeing these two immortal grasses, Yuan Changqing knew that his Wuhun Blue Silver Grass was immune to fire and ice. Because of the fifth soul skill, Yuan Changqing's Wuhun still had a certain degree of ice immunity against ice attributes.

After coming to the Eye of Ice and Fire, he followed Yuan Changqing to Douluo's World Pearl and was shocked.

Yuan Changqing has been looking for energy to help the World Pearl, but those ordinary energy World Pearls can automatically absorb it on their own, so there has been no energy source that can help the World Pearl.

Although I had speculated that the energy in the Ice and Fire Eyes would be useful, I had not yet found it at that time.

Now as the World Pearl vibrates, Yuan Changqing knows that the energy here is poison to humans or soul beasts, but it is indeed a tonic for the World Pearl.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing quickly communicated with the World Pearl to calm it down and conveyed the message that he would wait until it has had enough.

Yuan Changqing then used a special method to pick the Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu and Star Anise Black Ice Grass, leaving the seeds, and took them together directly into his mouth.

These two kinds of grass jelly cannot be stored for a long time, and they need to be taken in time after being picked, otherwise they will disappear and become highly toxic.

After eating two fairy grasses, Yuan Changqing quickly activated the seventh level of "Eternal Spring Secret", and surging energy suddenly rushed through his body.

When Yuan Changqing couldn't hold on anymore, he jumped out of the Ice and Fire Eye. He knew that because he had taken Liehuo Xingjiaoshu and Star Anise Ice Grass, nothing would happen if he jumped.

After jumping into the Ice and Fire Eyes, the changes in Yuan Changqing's body were relieved, and the internal and external ice and fire energy began to temper Yuan Changqing's body.

The Blue Silver Grass martial soul also began to change because of the energy of the fairy grass, and began to slowly become immune to fire and black ice.

Due to the impact of a large amount of energy, Yuan Changqing also fell into a coma.

A few days later, due to the tempering of the body by the ice and fire energy, the benefits also came. The body turned into an ice and fire mysterious body, and the physical condition was greatly improved.

The martial spirit blue silver grass is also immune to ice and fire, and after the martial spirit is tempered by ice and fire, its strength and toughness become better, not inferior to the martial spirits of the same level.

Since Yuan Changqing reached the 71st level Soul Saint, the martial soul Blue Silver Grass evolved into the Blue Silver King. This time, after being tempered by the energy of the Ice and Fire Eyes, he got another evolution, that is, as a plant-type martial soul, he is no longer afraid of ice and fire. .

Yuan Changqing, who was still in the eyes of ice and fire, now let the World Pearl begin to absorb the ice and fire energy inside.

Now Yuan Changqing can always stay in the Eye of Ice and Fire. It is no longer the same as before and cannot stay for a long time.

The Eye of Ice and Fire was formed from the corpses of the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King. The energy overflowing from the corpses was combined with the water veins in the ground, and through the power of time, it was formed.

As the World Pearl continues to absorb the energy of the Ice and Fire Eyes, the top of this energy eye has turned into spring water.

Yuan Changqing had no choice but to dive under the Ice and Fire Eyes. The deeper he dived, the greater the pressure.

After an unknown amount of time, Yuan Changqing also reached the bottom, and the energy in the spring water was absorbed by the World Pearl.

After arriving at the bottom of the Ice and Fire Eye, what comes into view is a space shrouded in an energy shield, with ice and fire energy constantly overflowing from it.

When Yuan Changqing saw the energy shield and the energy that was constantly overflowing, he knew that this was the burial place of the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King.

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