Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 452 The True Immortal Road, the Secret of the World (Two in One)

The Immortal Realm is right in front of Yuan Changqing and others, but if you want to enter the Immortal Realm, you need to perform a blood sacrifice.

Otherwise, with the solidity of Tianmen, it would be impossible for people to step into the Immortal Realm.

However, now that Yuan Changqing has the Immortal Cauldron in his hand, what kind of blood sacrifice is needed? He can just do it.

"Bang bang bang..."

I saw Yuan Changqing waving the Immortal Cauldron and smashing it against the Tianmen. Suddenly, the Tianmen shook, the immortal light flew away, and countless law runes kept flashing.


After Yuan Changqing continuously urged the Immortal Cauldron to hit the Heavenly Gate, the Heavenly Gate finally slowly opened.

Suddenly, what appeared in front of Yuan Changqing and others was a bizarre, aura-filled, and vast world.

The mountains are vast, the ancient trees are towering, the fairy air is misty, and the spiritual energy rushes towards your face. Just a slight smell makes you feel refreshed.

"Is that really the fairyland?!"

In the forbidden area of ​​​​life, those ancient supreme beings who were paying attention to the Immortal Road could not help but speak with trembling voices.

After waiting for eternity, I finally saw the legendary fairyland. This time it was so real and so close.

However, they are so helpless now. When the three supreme beings stand in the way of becoming immortals, they have no chance.

"Seniors, hurry up and enter the Immortal Realm!" Yuan Changqing suddenly shouted at this time.

Huang Di and the four of them nodded, and they all agreed to step through the Tianmen together. However, when they stepped in, they got stuck inside the Tianmen.

However, this is not a bad thing. If you want to enter the fairyland, you need to undergo this transformation, which also requires a process.

After all, the laws of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are different from those of the Immortal Realm. After entering, you need to complete the baptism of the Great Laws of the Immortal Realm.

This baptism will bring about an immeasurable change, which requires them to erase their own imperial laws and accept the assimilation of the laws of the immortal realm.

This was an opportunity for Huang Di and the four others. They all channeled the spirit of the Emperor's Corpse to live another life. Their own laws of the Emperor's Corpse and the Emperor's Dao have now become a constraint for them to go further.

As long as they complete this baptism, then reaching the pinnacle of humanity should be a matter of course.

At this time, in front of the Immortal Gate, the Immortal Light was bright, illuminating the galaxy.

The four Yellow Emperors were exuding immeasurable divine light. The emperor's bones in their bodies were constantly breaking, and their flesh and blood were constantly being reorganized.

Even their Dao foundations were cut off by the laws of the Immortal Realm, and mysterious runes were injected into their bodies. This was exactly the process of transformation.

This is a dangerous process. If they cannot persevere, they will become mortals again, and their moral integrity will disappear.

Of course, if they successfully survive, their road ahead will be smooth.

As mysterious runes were continuously injected into the bodies of the four people, their own laws of the imperial path were also cut off and began to be converted into the rules of the immortal realm.

As the baptism continued, all four Huang Di suffered huge disasters. Huang Di was left with only his head, my body was cut off, Sakyamuni's soul was about to disappear, and Yan Di was not much better.

Seeing what happened to Huang Di and the four people, people felt frightened.

At this moment, the laws of the Imperial Dao on their bodies were constantly being washed away, and new laws of the Dao were injected into them.

However, this situation, no matter how you look at it, makes people feel weird and even scary.

"They are transforming. Are they really going to become immortals?!"

In the final stage of the baptism of Huang Di and the others, people discovered that the light all over the bodies of Huang Di and the others became more intense, as if they were about to burn.

This change was simply a rebirth. This baptism and transformation, in the end, directly caused Huang Di and the four of them to release a powerful aura.

Suddenly, the light in the Immortal Sect became even brighter.

The four Huangdi people are now exuding divine light from head to toe, and their bodies are releasing a strange aura, sacred and lofty. This is exactly the law of the fairyland they accepted after completing their transformation.


Suddenly, the Tianmen became a little unstable, as if it was about to collapse.

In one life, two or three people became immortals, but now four people were baptized and transformed by the laws of the immortal realm in the immortal gate.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Tianmen is unstable. This is also determined by the rules here.


Naturally, Yuan Changqing would not let the Heavenly Gate collapse when the four Yellow Emperors transformed.

Therefore, at this moment, Yuan Changqing quickly activated the Immortal Cauldron and hit it towards Tianmen to stabilize Tianmen.

Infinite divine power continues to surge towards Tianmen, working hard to maintain Tianmen.


Soon after, the Tianmen shook, and fairy sounds burst out. In the big world behind the Tianmen, fairy spirits were flying, and spiritual energy was like rain, which was clearly visible.

Suddenly, within the Tianmen, a river of light struck, which was formed by the convergence of fairy light. It directly swept away the remains of the four Yellow Emperors and submerged them into the golden ocean.

Then, Huang Di and the others disappeared, Yuan Changqing also took back the Immortal Cauldron and watched the Tianmen slowly disappear.

At this point, the incident on the Road to Immortality is over, and four human supreme beings have entered the immortal realm.

As for why Yuan Changqing, Gai Jiuyou and Ye Fan didn't enter the immortal realm and become immortals, everyone was surprised and shocked.

They were even a little confused, but seeing Yuan Changqing and the others in this universe, countless creatures felt very lucky.

After all, the three major restricted areas of life in Beidou still exist, and no one knows how many ancient supreme beings there are.

Moreover, if Yuan Changqing and the others leave this world and enter the immortal realm, no one knows whether those ancient supreme beings will launch dark turmoil to delay their lifespan and wait for the next opening of the road to immortality.


Suddenly, a shocking roar came from the sky and the earth, and those ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life were now extremely regretful and angry.

After finally waiting for the real road to immortality to begin, they missed the opportunity.

In this life, they could really become immortals and enter the immortal realm. Unfortunately, they all missed it.

The right time, the right place, they didn't grasp it.

Although only two or three people can become immortals in one life, they can really become immortals in this life.

At this moment, those ancient supreme beings felt indescribable sadness. They had been waiting for eternity but failed to seize the opportunity.

The obsession they have worked hard for in their lives is to become immortals, but in the end, it is all in vain.

If they were born together this time, maybe they would be among the people who entered the fairyland.

After all, no matter how powerful Yuan Changqing and the others are, they still need to make considerations when facing many ancient supreme beings.

It's a pity that the eternal waiting and the eternal calculation finally failed to fate.

As Huang Di and the other four entered the Immortal Realm, the road to immortality also began to collapse. The Heavenly Gate was also closed, and the road to immortality in this life also ended.

"Oh my god, someone really became an immortal!"

"Flying to the immortals in the daytime, soaring up under the clouds, it turns out that there really is a fairyland..."

The road to becoming an immortal collapsed, and the immortal light on the immortal road exploded, flying in all directions and falling into the starry sky of the universe, extremely brilliant.

"Alas, the next time the road to immortality begins, it will be another million years later."

"Immortal, I can really become an immortal, I must live, I must become an immortal!"

In the forbidden area of ​​​​life, some of the ancient supreme beings could not help but sigh, as if they had endless regrets, or sadness and helplessness.

Some even made up their minds and wanted to wait for the next opening of the road to immortality.

The road to immortality has come to an end, the ten supreme blood-stricken flying immortals star realm, and the four human race supremes have entered the immortal realm.

All this is surprising and beyond everyone's expectations. The three supreme beings in this world did not choose to become immortals.

Regarding the choice of Yuan Changqing and the others, countless creatures in the universe are somewhat confused. Only Yuan Changqing and the others know why.

"I want to be liberated. I don't want to be an ignorant weapon anymore. Even if I become a mortal, I have to jump out."

Suddenly, the Immortal Cauldron vibrated continuously, and a divine thought came out from it.

"Senior, look..." Ye Fan stepped forward and asked.

The god in the Immortal Cauldron is none other than the Divine Child. He is a person from heaven, and Ye Fan doesn’t want to see him become a god in an immortal weapon.

"Okay!" Yuan Changqing nodded and said, "You and I will work together to break this Immortal Cauldron."


Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan struck a shocking blow at the Immortal Cauldron at the same time. Immediately, the immortal light shot out, the Immortal Cauldron shattered into pieces, and flew towards all directions in the universe.

And this Immortal Cauldron was able to be broken by Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan because of the cooperation of the Divine Child.

Otherwise, it is not that easy to easily break an immortal weapon.

As the enlightenment was shattered, the Divine Child flew out. This time he finally broke free from the shackles of the Immortal Cauldron and had a chance to become a free creature.

Afterwards, the Divine Child was directly sublimated to the fullest. With a long roar, a fairy brand was peeled off and handed over to Yuan Changqing.

Then, the body of the Divine Child was cracked, the terrifying Immortal Dao aura continued to fade, and Yuan Changqing also introduced the Supreme Dao principles one after another.

In the end, the God Baby turned into a fat little boy, only two or three years old, looking very confused.

However, at this time, the divine child turned into a human body and became a real living creature.

Then, Mark grabbed him and held him in his arms.

Yuan Changqing looked at the Immortal Dao Principles in his hand and put it directly into the World Bead to understand it later.

As for why the Divine Baby was not given to Ye Fan, maybe he was also afraid that he would be too close to Ye Fan and might be plotted by the owner of the Immortal Cauldron, so he gave it to Yuan Changqing.

Whether this is the case, perhaps, only the Divine Child knows, but Emperor Zun, a person hiding in the dark, should really be more careful.

"Let's go!"

Feixianxing, the road to immortality, ends here.

Finally, after Yuan Changqing and the others cleaned up the battlefield, they left the Feixian Star Territory and returned to Beidou.

This time, Yuan Changqing and the others not only killed ten ancient supreme beings, but also obtained their flesh and blood weapons.

After returning to Beidou, Yuan Changqing and Gai Jiuyou came to Ye Fan's heaven again.

"Ye Fan, how long do you have before you can become emperor?" Yuan Changqing suddenly asked.

Ye Fan shook his head: "I don't know, my accumulation is not enough now, I need to continue to accumulate."

"Furthermore, I'm not very sure about becoming an emperor. After all, I don't know if I can break the Tianxin Seal even if I am a great emperor."

Gai Jiuyou said at this time: "Ye Xiaoyou, then you should work harder and accumulate more. When you become an emperor, I will restrain my ways and will not prevent you from becoming a Taoist. I also want to see if you can become an emperor in this life." To break through, in my opinion, with your current strength, you have great hope."

"Then thank you Gai Lao." Ye Fan responded with a smile.

Yuan Changqing also smiled and said: "Actually, I also want to see if Ye Fan can defy heaven and achieve enlightenment."

"After all, in the history of the Ancient Holy Body, no one has achieved greatness. Maybe, in this life, you can make the Ancient Holy Body become the first enlightened person."

"You know, you can cultivate to the current state despite being called an ancient waste body. The hope is extremely huge."

Ye Fan also smiled and said: "Since the two seniors said so, I hope so too. It seems that I will have to work harder in the future!"

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing said seriously: "I hope you can become the emperor soon. The water in our world is far deeper than we imagined!"

"In fact, the opponents we face later are more terrifying than those ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life!"

Gai Jiuyou also said solemnly at this time: "It seems that I am not the only one who has discovered that there is a problem in this world?"

Ye Fan asked in confusion: "Two seniors, what exactly did you discover? There is something more terrifying than the restricted area of ​​​​life?"

After a period of silence, Yuan Changqing looked at Ye Fan and asked, "Didn't you discover anything before becoming an immortal this time?"

Hearing this, Ye Fan carefully recalled everything that happened on Feixianxing's journey to becoming an immortal. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Even when I thought about the powerful strength of Hongchen Fairy, I didn't dare to think about it further.

After all, regarding the Red Dust Immortal, Ye Fan also experienced it from the Immortal Emperor. Even if the Immortal Emperor is at the lowest point of his strength, he cannot handle it.

So, what I saw and heard on the road to immortality this time was that there were more powerful people trying to attract the attention of this world, which made people a little uneasy.

So, Ye Fan asked: "Senior, can you tell me in more detail about the phantom on the road to becoming an immortal?"

Yuan Changqing nodded, confirming what Ye Fan was thinking.

"It's what you think in your heart. All the legends believe that he has fallen. However, the truth has been so long ago that no one knows."

"However, he must still be alive now, but he is hiding, silently watching our world in the dark, and planning everything."

"I think that as the current emperor, Mr. Gai must have discovered some anomalies in the universe!"

Gai Jiuyou nodded and said: "However, over the years I have been integrating the Tianxin Seal, I have indeed discovered that there are many places in this world with traces of human arrangement."

"Even those places are very critical nodes, as if they are a huge network."

Yuan Changqing then said truthfully: "Lao Gai, I think the matter is more serious than you think. You should know that I have also traveled to countless places in this universe. places, and many artificially arranged places were also found.”

"At that time, I didn't feel anything was wrong. However, after I became emperor, when I thought about it carefully, it felt very abnormal."

"Then, after some careful simulations, I found that the combination of these places was simply a stunning formation."

"As for this grand formation, I feel that this universe is setting up the grand formation, which makes me feel alarmed."

"Also, I thought about it carefully and felt that apart from Lingbao Tianzun, who has long since fallen, he is the only one who can have such means."

Ye Fan asked again: "Senior, what's the reason for this?"

Yuan Changqing replied: "Lingbao Tianzun, you should also know that he is proficient in the secret of formation. This supreme divine art was also created by Lingbao Tianzun. It can be said to be the formation of formations."

"Now that Lingbao Tianzun can be excluded, the only thing left is the most amazing generational figure in the mythical age."

"After all, he has collected all the nine most powerful secrets in the world."

"And, one more thing, you should have heard of that legend, Ye Fan, you have been there too."

"Senior, are you talking about the Kunlun Divine Land!" Ye Fan immediately thought of this.

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, it is the Kunlun Divine Land. This was originally the ancestral land of the Kunlun survivors, but he later defeated it."

"Also, you have also heard what the snake said when we were on the Immortal Road."

"As for Kunlun Divine Land, Ye Fan has also entered it, what do you think of it? Now think about it carefully, does he have the ability like me?"

Ye Fan didn't know what to say at this time. After what Yuan Changqing said, it proved that Emperor Zun had that ability.

You know, when we were on the Road to Immortality, the ancient creature had the highest regard for Emperor Zun.

It is not difficult for such a powerful person to have such a huge arrangement in this universe.

However, what Ye Fan is thinking about now is why the emperor has such a huge arrangement in these nine heavens and ten places, and what is the purpose.

However, Ye Fan thought about it carefully and judging from the attitudes of Gai Jiuyou and Yuan Changqing, this was obviously not a good thing.

Therefore, Ye Fan's heart sank now, and he immediately felt that something was wrong. It was really difficult, why was there so many disasters in this world.

Ye Fan looked at Gai Jiuyou and Yuan Changqing and asked, "Then what should we do now? Can we do anything?"

"No, before you figure it out, don't alert the people behind the scenes." Gai Jiuyou said quickly.

As the current emperor, Gai Jiuyou knows a lot of secrets after integrating the Tianxin Seal.

Yuan Changqing also said: "Lao Gai is right. Although our current strength is very strong, it is only in the field of humanity."

"However, we should be roughly aware of existences that are more powerful than us."

"So, when our strength is not enough to compete, it is best to do nothing. Now we can only cope with the changes by staying the same, and practicing hard is the best way."

Ye Fan also said feebly at this time: "It seems that this is the only way."

"There is nothing we can do. We can only say that we are not strong enough." As the current emperor, Gai Jiuyou was also helpless.

The more I know, I realize that I am so insignificant. This feeling of powerlessness is something that everyone now feels the same way.

At this time, Yuan Changqing suddenly laughed and said: "We don't need to be so pessimistic and worried. If something unexpected happens, there will naturally be someone taller to take care of it. We can just work hard to enhance our own strength now."

"And the reason why I mentioned this matter this time is to make everyone aware of the situation, so that everyone will not be caught off guard if something bad happens."

Ye Fan also said: "It seems that I have to step into the realm of the Great Emperor as soon as possible. Otherwise, if something happens in the future, it will be troublesome to deal with it."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Okay, now that the matter is over, let's work hard on our own. I also want to go back and practice hard, and strive to understand the path of the Red Dust Immortal."

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing left alone and returned to Earth Star.

Not long after Yuan Changqing left, Ye Fan felt that he could not improve in a short time, so he paid attention to those restricted areas of life.

Therefore, Ye Fan directly pulled up Gai Jiuyou and launched an offensive into the Xianling restricted area, preparing to pacify the restricted area.

Finally, Ye Fan and Gai Jiuyou took the quasi-emperor of the Lord of Heaven directly to Xianling.

Now, after such a long period of time, there are only two ancient supreme beings left in the Immortal Tomb. After Ye Fan came to the door, even if they were extremely sublimated, they still fell into Ye Fan's hands.

In the end, this Xianling Cemetery had existed for an unknown number of years, and the sacred treasures inside were divided between Ye Fan and Gai Jiuyou. The Xianling Forbidden Zone finally fell into the hands of Ye Fan and was placed in the heaven.

When the Immortal Mausoleum was destroyed, Taichu Ancient Mine and God were also afraid, and directly tore the void apart, disappeared into the chaotic void, and hid themselves.

As the ancient supreme beings fell one by one, the life restricted areas were destroyed one by one, and the remaining two life restricted areas did not dare to continue in Beidou and fled.

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