Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 460: No beginning and no end, Ye Fan becomes an immortal (two-in-one)

Many powerful people in ancient times have never wanted to enter the Immortal Realm. However, when they arrived at Yuan Changqing's place, they abandoned them like worn-out clogs.

It's not that the Immortal Realm is bad, but that the current Immortal Realm is not necessary for people like Yuan Changqing who have stepped into the mortal world.

Of course, if you don't go to the Immortal Realm now, it doesn't mean you won't go there in the future. There is still a huge hidden danger in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths that has not been eliminated, so it is not the time to go to the Immortal Realm yet.

Even, this still needs to wait until the day when Ye Fan becomes a human being. As the founder of Heavenly Court, Ye Fan has great courage.

Although Ye Fan may not have known about the huge cause and effect when he established Heavenly Court, as the son of this world, Yuan Changqing, who knew the inside story, did not know that there would be bad consequences.

The first task now is to deal with the sixth son of Emperor Zun first. Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have endured too many disasters, and Emperor Zun's plan can no longer be allowed to succeed.

As for the future, Ye Fan's Heavenly Court will be needed to unify this big world and work together to cope with future changes.

"Since fellow Taoist mentioned this issue, can you be sure that the two worlds will be integrated?" Emperor Wushi asked.

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "I'm not sure, but it's not impossible. In addition to you and me, there is also the ruthless emperor who has also become the Red Dust Immortal. As long as there is one more person, it will be impossible to merge the two worlds. What a big problem.”

Emperor Wushi nodded and said: "It seems that fellow Taoist has already made a plan, but there is still a problem that needs to be solved."

As he spoke, Emperor Wushi vaguely thought about Tianji's aging. Obviously, Emperor Wushi had long known that Emperor Zun was still alive.

"I have noticed the trouble you mentioned a long time ago, but I didn't act rashly. As for his arrangement in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, I will solve it first when the time comes." Yuan Changqing said.

Emperor Wushi continued: "Well, it seems that you have also noticed that my place is similar to that of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and I also have his arrangements."

"Since fellow Taoist people want to merge the two worlds, I also agree. I will be responsible for this when the time comes."

"However, I'm afraid that when we destroy his arrangement, he may take action in advance. How should we deal with it then?"

Yuan Changqing said with a smile: "It seems that Taoist friends have also alerted him in advance, but it doesn't matter, we don't have to worry now, we still need to wait."

"When the fourth Red Dust Immortal comes out, that's when I'll give him a thunderous blow."

"At that time, we will also completely solve that hidden danger. Now, fellow Taoists, we only need the power of Xian Tong to unite this strange world and rarely suffer losses."

Emperor Wu Shi thought for a moment, did not ask any more questions, and said, "Well, I have been fighting with the Immortal Emperor for so many years, and now I have finally solved them. It is time to straighten out the order of this world."

Then, Yuan Changqing nodded, changed the subject and said, "We don't want to talk about anything else. Now we just want to make tea and discuss Taoism."

"Hahaha, it just so happens that I also want to ask fellow Taoist for advice." Emperor Wushi said happily.

Yuan Changqing smiled and shook his head and said, "Fellow Taoist, asking for advice is a bit serious. We should encourage each other."

After all, the Wushi Emperor is not a simple man. Now, as his strength becomes more advanced, the Wushi Avenue becomes more mysterious and unpredictable. This is still very interesting to Yuan Changqing.

Furthermore, as the Taoist strength of Emperor Wu Shi increases, fragments of Tao fruits from previous lives will continue to appear in his avenue.

Yuan Changqing knew that in the previous life of Emperor Wushi, he was the Immortal King of Everlasting Immortality. In the future, Emperor Wushi would walk a path to the sky on the path of beginninglessness and endlessness.

It is precisely because of this profound accumulation of knowledge that the Wushi Emperor successfully entered the realm of the Immortal Emperor by relying on the Beginningless and Endless Dao.

This is also the reason why Emperor Wushi has achieved such great achievements in this life. Of course, it is also the reason for his talent, blood and physique.

There is a saying: Who is the peak at the end of the road? Once you see nothing, it will always become empty!

Emperor Wu Shi hoped that Yuan Changqing would discuss the Tao. He also wanted to see Yuan Changqing's Tao.

After all, Yuan Changqing was able to cultivate his Taoist strength to the level of the Red Dust Immortal in such a short period of time, which is enough to be described as peerless.

You must know that the Wushi Emperor has a peerless physique such as the innate Taoist body. In addition, he has the foundation of the previous life, and it took more than a million years to reach such a state of cultivation.

However, Yuan Changqing completed his current achievements in hundreds of thousands of years, which made Emperor Wushi feel extremely embarrassed.

Moreover, when the two of them reach their current state, they are both strong men who have walked out of their own way.

Each person's Tao is a Tao that combines the strengths of all Taoisms to complement his or her own.

There are thousands of avenues, each of which is different, and all of them can lead to enlightenment.

After that, Yuan Changqing and Emperor Wushi discussed each other's teachings and confirmed each other's teachings in this strange world of Wushi Taoist temple, and both of them finally gained a lot.

And Yuan Changqing also had a rough understanding of the way of the Wushi Emperor.

The Tao without beginning and end, these two Tao are themselves two opposite Tao, and now they are gathered in the Wushi Emperor.

However, it is extremely difficult to combine them into one.

However, Yuan Changqing was the right way. In the end, Emperor Wushi accomplished the feat of becoming one with great perseverance, great wisdom, and great courage. It was really magnificent!

In fact, strictly speaking, no beginning and no end is not the opposite, it is just the end of a great road.

Just like the past, present, and future, the current path of Emperor Wu Shi is the past and the future, but there is no transition between the present.

Perhaps, in the future, Emperor Wushi can integrate it, perhaps to complete the "now", so that it can be regarded as a complete Tao and finally form a closed loop.

It was the final perfect fusion that made it possible for the Wushi Emperor to make the realm of the Immortal Emperor within reach.

After all, as early as the ancient immortal period, the endless path was already the realm of the immortal king, standing high and seeing far.

In this life, Emperor Wushi had only just cultivated to the level of Red Dust Immortal, which was equivalent to that of the Quasi-Immortal King.

Therefore, it is still a bit premature to combine the two branches of the same avenue into one.

If the realms are not equal, how can we talk about fusion? If the avenue is incomplete, let alone the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

As far as Yuan Changqing knew, the way of the Wushi Emperor was extraordinary.

Time is respected and space is king.

What Emperor Wushi cultivates is the way of time. This is no joke. Once he succeeds, he will be able to shake up the past and present and be invincible.

There are three thousand avenues. Although each avenue is a component of the avenue of heaven and earth, there are also superior and inferior avenues.

As for the Tao of Time, it is even more important to sit back and look at one. As for the Tao of Time in this infinite universe, even if the Tao of Time has not exerted its due prestige.

However, it cannot be denied that the Way of Time is not powerful, perhaps because of the world level, or because of the incompleteness of the Heavenly Way, which cannot allow each avenue to exert its full power.

After all, although there are countless legends about reincarnation in this world, there is no place for reincarnation.

The important way, the way of reincarnation, is about the reincarnation of everything in the world. It involves the way of life and death, the way of time, the way of fate, and the way of cause and effect.

However, in Yuan Changqing's memory, these avenues have their manifestations in this infinite universe.

However, the conditions presented by these avenues are not as severe as imagined.

Just like the path of cause and effect, although it is involved all the time, the retribution of cause and effect has not been fully realized in the end.

Killing is a cause and effect, and killing countless people is also a cause and effect. However, although the two are the same, they are completely different.

The word "Heavenly Harmony" means killing innocent people indiscriminately, acting wantonly and without any scruples, and they will all have their consequences in the end.

However, in this infinite universe, there are countless strong people, and none of them has blood and bones in their hands.

And the more powerful a person is, the greater the damage he will cause to the world. There is cause and effect in all of this.

However, cause and effect has not exerted its power. Of course, it does not mean that there is none, it can only be said that it is very little and very light.

It seems that only when some taboos are involved, the law of cause and effect will be fully manifested, such as the establishment of the Heavenly Court, or when some great figures are involved, such as Emperor Huangtian.

And these are all because the world is incomplete and reincarnation does not exist. If you want a dead person to be reborn, you can only rely on a peerless strong man to be resurrected from an anchor point in the long river of time and space.

But don’t these involve cause and effect? Isn’t the universe a little out of sorts?

Unfortunately, this is the reality of this infinite universe. Perhaps, only when reincarnation reappears can we fight against the dark and strange possibilities.

However, even those places about reincarnation are now occupied by darkness and strangeness. Only Meng Tianzheng still has the last hope for reincarnation in his hands.

And that thing was also given to him by Emperor Huangtian. Meng Tianzheng kept it in his hands and didn't know how to use it.

After all, the current situation of the world is already like this. At the critical moment, they can only hold on now.

These words are all too far away. It can only be said that this world seems to have serious problems with the fundamental path. It is no longer the final world, it is sick.

Even Emperor Huangtian failed to bring order to the chaos, let alone the latecomers.

Unless the world is completely destroyed and the world is opened again, but by then, everyone will cease to exist. This is why Emperor Huangtian and the others are still insisting.

Then he talked about the beginningless and endless way of the Great Emperor. In this life, he finally found his final way and made it perfect.

As long as Emperor Wushi continues along the path, he will eventually be able to achieve the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

The Emperor Wu Shi also benefited a lot from Yuan Changqing. Yuan Changqing's fundamental way of the Five Elements, and because the Five Elements go against Yin and Yang in life and death, the way in it all involves the way of time.

The four seasons of reincarnation correspond to the five elements, the path of yin and yang corresponds to day and night, the path of life and death involves reincarnation, and there is also a fixed number of time.

And these great principles of Yuan Changqing all have a little bit of the great principles of time in them.

Therefore, it is not without reason that stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade, discuss the road together, and learn from each other.

This is a shortcut that promotes each other and completes one's own path. This is also the reason why people who are more advanced in their path are more able to enlighten those who come after them.

After all, the more profound a person's Taoism is, the more avenues he is involved in. This does not mean that he is practicing a wide variety of things, it can only be said that he is learning from many ways to supplement his own way.

Decades after Yuan Changqing discussed Taoism with Emperor Wu Shi, Yuan Changqing returned to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths again, and the following years became peaceful again.

Now, just wait for Ye Fan to become a mortal immortal, and then it will be time to deal with Emperor Zun.

Emperor Zun is hiding in the dark and paying attention to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the strange world. Yuan Changqing and others don't know where he is hiding.

Therefore, we can only wait until Ye Fan becomes the Mortal Fairy Queen and lure the snake out of the hole, then we can directly deal with him.

And the heaven and earth formations arranged by Emperor Zun in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the Strange World are the best introduction, so there is no need to worry now.


The long years passed by in a blink of an eye and lasted for a hundred thousand years. During this period, the world was constantly exciting, and countless talented people came on stage to sing their glorious moments.

However, no matter how hard these geniuses work, they will continue to influence Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, Qingdi and other people who set foot on the immortal road of the mortal world.

At this moment, they are no longer on the same level. It can only be said that the world has undergone more changes, allowing countless enlightened people to see the possibility of immortality.

It's just that the elixir of immortality is owned by Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, Gai Jiuyou, and the ruthless emperor. It's rare to see the elixir of immortality released in the world.

It would be extremely difficult for those who later became enlightened to live out their second lives, and in the end they could only take shelter in Ye Fan's heaven.

With many great emperors entering the Heavenly Court, the current Heavenly Court has become the holy land of cultivation in the universe, the final destination.

However, Ye Fan still has not appeared in the world. Since the last time he saw Yuan Changqing born, he became a mortal immortal, and then broke into the strange world. This also made Ye Fan impatient to cultivate into a mortal immortal.

Therefore, Ye Fan lived in seclusion in heaven and vowed not to leave seclusion until he cultivated into a worldly immortal.

And Ye Fan deserves to be called the son of the world, with great luck and great perseverance. In these 100,000 years, he finally succeeded in taking that step, and became another mortal immortal after the ruthless emperor and Yuan Changqing.

At this point, there will be three mortal immortals in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and together with the Wushi Emperor, there will already be four mortal immortals.

Now, if you want to deal with Emperor Zun, the sixth child, that is more than enough.

After all, no matter how powerful Emperor Zun is, he is still a mortal immortal and has not yet reached the realm of Immortal King. This is why Emperor Zun wants to refine the two realms in order to break through to the realm of Immortal King.

It's a pity that God's calculations are not as good as those of people. Even if there is no variable like Yuan Changqing, Emperor Zun will still not succeed in the end, and Ye Fan will teach him how to behave.

Ye Fan became the Fairy Queen of the Mortal World. After consolidating and completing the realm of strength, he quietly approached Yuan Changqing.

The Earth Star is the East China Sea, the Mountain of Immortality.

"Ye Fan, you have finally entered this realm, what a joy to congratulate you!" Yuan Changqing said with a look of joy.

Ye Fan smiled and said: "I succeeded by luck and did not disappoint my seniors. Compared with my seniors, I am still a lot slower!"

Ye Fan admires Yuan Changqing very much. Yuan Changqing has helped him a lot from the beginning of his cultivation.

Even later, regarding the Immortal Road in the World, Yuan Changqing pointed out the direction, and I don’t know how much time was saved.

Although Ye Fan basically relied on himself to fight here, Ye Fan is not a person who doesn't know what to do.

After all, with Yuan Changqing's care, Ye Fan took a lot of detours, which others wanted but couldn't get.

Therefore, Ye Fan has always respected Yuan Changqing very much, and now, the two of them have stepped into the mortal world one after another, and they are also the same people.

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "We don't have to be so polite. You can achieve such achievements only through your own efforts. If you want to be slow, it's not slow."

Ancient Emperor Qilin also said at this time: "Yes, if you are too slow, then how can I be so embarrassed? I am totally shameless."

Ye Fan immediately laughed and said: "That's what I think. However, with the current state of fellow Taoist, I don't think it will happen one day. I am just lucky enough to be one step ahead of fellow Taoist."

Ancient Emperor Qilin said with great emotion: "Yes, think about your past self, and then think about your current self, they are really completely different."

"And I am able to achieve this kind of cultivation now, but it is thanks to the help of fellow Taoist Changqing that I am where I am today."

"Otherwise, I would have buried myself in the stars and disappeared into this world."

Ye Fan also nodded in approval and said: "Fellow Taoist is right. Seniors have indeed given us a lot of help. Otherwise, I might not know whether I can embark on the path of immortality in the world of mortals."

"Okay, you don't need to say anymore. These are all old records. Since we have reached this point, we should not think too much and look forward. In the future, it is right to support each other on the road." Yuan Changqing interrupted the two. People’s feelings and gratitude.

"Yes, but we should look forward in the future."

"Hahaha, it is also a blessing to have all of you Taoists walking together in the future."

Yuan Changqing smiled and nodded, looked at Ye Fan, and said: "Since you have become a mortal immortal, it seems that our plan should be implemented. I am afraid that if we delay it any longer, it will be even more troublesome."

"Is he really so powerful that he actually asked the seniors to combine the efforts of four people to complete it?" Ye Fan also said solemnly at this time.

Yuan Changqing also said with a serious face: "We can't be too careful. Last time I broke into the world where Emperor Wushi was, we also talked."

"And I can also feel from the Emperor Wushi that he is extremely afraid of the person hiding in the dark."

"However, this is not a bad thing. After all, that person himself is the most amazing and talented person in the history of this universe."

"The serious treatment we take now will allow us to win more calmly. Although that person is definitely stronger than any one of us, he is only one person after all."

"And if we and the four of us can't defeat him in this way, it can only be said that we are out of luck."

"Even if we can't win, it will still destroy his arrangement. After all, he wants to target our side of the universe, which we cannot agree to."

Ye Fan nodded seriously and asked, "When will we take action?"

"The sooner the better, are you ready?"

"Ever since I learned about those things, I have been waiting for this day." At this moment, Ye Fan said eagerly.

It seems that when Ye Fan became the Queen of the Red Dust Fairy, he also wanted to find someone to measure the combat power of the Red Dust Fairy.

And Emperor Zun happens to be a good opponent, which makes Mark a little impatient.

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