Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 474 Reorganizing the Immortal Realm


In the endless sea of ​​​​stars, stars are densely covered, and fragments of broken continents are everywhere.

Most of the creatures in the Immortal Realm live on the fragments of the continent and among the few living planets.

Although there are countless stars in the endless sea of ​​stars in the Immortal Realm, most of these stars are dead stars, and only a few are planets full of life.

There are even hundreds of such realms scattered in the chaos. They are all small fairy realms formed after the former fairy realm was broken.

The reason why Yuan Changqing led Nine Heavens and Ten Earths into this small fairyland was because the distance between the two was relatively close.

Now if you want to repair the fairyland, you can only improve the fairyland in front of you first, and then integrate other fairyland step by step.

Fortunately, the source of the Immortal Realm where Yuan Changqing and others are now descending is relatively strong, much more powerful than the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. This is also the reason why the Immortal Realm has more immortality substances.

In addition, the former Immortal Realm itself was extremely powerful and its origin was extremely strong. Even after it was broken into hundreds of realms, it was still extremely powerful.

Unfortunately, after all, it is still unable to compare with the former Immortal Realm. After it was shattered, its origins were greatly lost, and many were even assimilated by Chaos.

That horrific war also caused serious damage to the Immortal Realm, destroying too many of its roots. In the end, it couldn't bear it anymore, resulting in what it is now.

"Now that the Immortal Realm is so broken, we are very busy. We can only slowly put the continent fragments back together again." Yuan Changqing said, looking at the continent fragments in the endless sea of ​​stars.

Ye Fan said at this time: "Leave it to my heavenly army, just enough for us to take root in the fairyland."

This is indeed done by Ye Fan's Heavenly Court. After all, Heavenly Court will rule here in the future, and now is the time to show its strength.

"Okay then, I'll leave it to your heavenly army, and we'll talk about the rest after we've settled here." Yuan Changqing said with finality.

Afterwards, Ye Fan issued an edict to the Heavenly Army, saying: "The Heavenly Army is scattered in all directions, pulling the broken continent in the Star Sea here."


Wu Shi, Qing Emperor and others also began to order their subordinates to take action together.

I saw many supreme powerhouses leading countless masters and began to wander through the endless sea of ​​​​stars in the Immortal Realm, pulling pieces of continental fragments towards the Immortal Realm Continent.

At this point, the first step of the plan to revive the Immortal Realm began.

With the arrival of a piece of Kuai Continent, it was placed on all sides of the Fairyland Continent, waiting for the final integration.

After that, Yuan Changqing and other powerful immortals began to shoot countless immortal runes on the mainland and began to fuse the fragments.

It was not until 50,000 years later that the integration of the continent was finally completed as the last rune submerged into the continent.

At this point, a larger continent appeared in front of everyone's eyes. It lay in the center of the endless star sea, surrounded by countless star fields in all directions, and revolved around the Immortal Realm Continent.

The Immortal King has forbidden it, and the Immortal Divine Marks are densely covered in this continent. Immortal energy is permeated, spiritual energy is like rain, and there is a huge amount of immortality, just like a real immortal world.

However, everyone knows that this is just the initial recovery of the Immortal Realm.

After all, those continental fragments themselves are in this fairyland, and now they are just combined to become a little stronger.

The current Immortal Realm has also been arranged into five regions by Yuan Changqing and others according to the former Beidou Ancient Star.

The five areas on the ancient Big Dipper were arranged by a chaotic body, like an altar.

And that chaotic body is the body of Wang Bo. It is the supreme formation arranged by the former dark supremes in order to enter the fairyland.

However, Wang Bo did not die, and now he has become an emperor and followed Yuan Changqing and others into the fairyland.

In the new Immortal Continent, the five domains are vast and vast.

Yuan Changqing even personally set up the Immortal King Formation at the end, connecting the five realms with a supreme Immortal King Formation. The five elements circulated, constantly pulling the essence in the void.

Now, the new fairyland continent, with spiritual energy like rain and immortal matter derived, is like a holy land for cultivation.

Finally, even those monks living on the living planet continued to migrate towards the New World.

After that, Yuan Changqing and others also chose to establish dojos and officially took root in the fairyland.

Yuan Changqing finally chose the dojo in the east and arranged his future training place.

As for Ye Fan, he established the Supreme Heavenly Court directly in the center of the continent and governed all parties, which was just right for the Heavenly Court.

Qing Emperor, Wu Shi, Gai Jiuyou and others each also chose a side to build a dojo. Ancient Emperor Qilin and Emperor Yuhua followed Yuan Changqing and stayed in the east.

The four Huang Di also established their own dojos again. Some chose the west, some chose the east, or the south. The fairyland was vast and enough for everyone to choose.

The ruthless empress stayed in Heaven and helped Ye Fan establish Heaven. At this point, Yuan Changqing and others have officially taken root in this fairyland.

As for the monks who came with Yuan Changqing and others, Ye Fan did not restrain them. Those who were willing to stay in Heaven would stay in Heaven, and those who were not willing to find a place to establish a dojo.

Of course, these strong men did not leave the heaven, but Ye Fan did not prohibit their free movement.

After that, after everything stabilized, Yuan Changqing and other powerful immortals began to discuss matters for the next realm.

This is the decision of Yuan Changqing and other powerful immortals to unify hundreds of realms. This is also the plan to reorganize and revive the immortal realm.

This process was naturally accompanied by resistance and fierce battles.

After all, there are also powerful immortals in those hundreds of realms. They are all aloof, dominating one side and unwilling to surrender.

These hundreds of realms are themselves formed from the broken fragments of the Immortal Realm. There are many immortal substances produced, and there are countless strong people in the world, which gives them the confidence to resist.

Yes, after all, he was born in a comfortable environment. He is no match for the strong men from all over the world, let alone Yuan Changqing and other powerful immortals.

You must know that it is rich in longevity substances and has a long lifespan. There is no need to worry that the lifespan will be exhausted soon.

Therefore, the motivation for cultivation and the creativity of techniques are quite average and cannot be compared with Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Therefore, in the following years, Yuan Changqing never made a move. Under the leadership of Ye Fan, Wu Shi, Qing Di and other mortal immortals, he broke through one realm after another.

Then, the realms were gathered together one after another and integrated into the fairy realm where Yuan Changqing and others first started their path to immortality.

These hundreds of realms are scattered in the chaos around this fairy realm. Under the leadership of a strong immortal, they can pass through them easily.

And as one realm after another merges into the Immortal Realm, the origin of the Immortal Realm is slowly improving and recovering.

The origin increases, the essence of heaven and earth also continues to improve, there are more immortal substances, and more and more powerful people are born.

The battles continued and they were fully tempered. There were more and more powerful men like the emperor in the Immortal Realm, and they could form a large army. This is what Yuan Changqing and other powerful immortals wanted to see.

Even some enlightened persons in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, those who are willing to take a chance on the immortal road in the mortal world, have also joined the war, hoping to rely on the war to constantly hone themselves and understand the immortal road in the mortal world.

Yuan Yuer, Zeng Li, Huo Qizi brother and sister, Jiang Taixu, Sheng Prince, Old Madman, etc., they all have this idea.

Nowadays, as the bounded realm continues to merge into the fairy realm, the fairy realm has become extremely powerful and powerful.

It was not until 150,000 years later that this battle finally came to an end, and hundreds of realms were finally integrated into the Immortal Realm and became one.

The fairyland that was finally reorganized began to recover continuously, and everything was moving towards its peak.

As a result, the origin of the Immortal Realm has become stronger, and the world has become more powerful. Everything is moving in the direction planned by Yuan Changqing and others.

Now, the reorganization of the Immortal Realm is complete, and it has been 200,000 years since Yuan Changqing and others came to the Immortal Realm.

Ye Fan, Wu Shi, and the ruthless emperor also broke through to the realm of the Immortal King.

However, after the three of them broke through the Immortal King in the Immortal Realm, they returned to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. This was also a benefit to the Zhetian Realm.

After all, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are the place where Ye Fan and others were born and raised. Now that they can help the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, they naturally want to help.

And because of the breakthroughs of Ye Fan and the others, the recovery of the Immortal Territory has become faster, directly promoting the development of the Immortal Territory.

Therefore, breaking through the Immortal King in the Immortal Realm and choosing to return to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to feed back the world is also a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

Not only can the strength be enhanced, but endless benefits can also be obtained from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Immortal King Fuze is not something you can get just by thinking about it.

Qing Emperor, Ancient Qilin Emperor, Gai Jiuyou and others have also reached the pinnacle of the Red Dust Immortal, and their strength has further increased.

However, the number of powerful immortals, plus the four Huangdi and Duan De, has not increased. The emergence of the Great Emperor is still close, and it will take some time to settle down.

The reorganization of the Immortal Realm has been completed, Ye Fan and the Wushi Ruthless Empress have achieved the realm of Immortal Kings, and everything is developing in a good direction.

During these two hundred thousand years, Ye Fan and others also discovered and learned countless secrets.

The ancient Immortal Era, the Ancient Chaos Era, the Ancient Immortal Law, the Ancient Chaos Law, the Emperor of the Desolate Heaven, the Immortal King, the Dark Era, etc., one after another, the secrets were discovered.

All of this shocked Ye Fan and others, and they even had unknown fears.

However, these only temporarily stayed in the hearts of Ye Fan and others, and they also made everyone understand some of the enemies they will face in the future, and everyone also strengthened their beliefs in their hearts.

Of course, in this process, it is not all bad information, there are also good gains.

For example, different cultivation systems represent the wisdom of our predecessors and the development of the Tao at different stages.

These can be used as a reference for the understanding of the great road. Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. The collision of sparks of the great road of different systems also illuminates the way forward for everyone.

And all of these have turned into the resources of everyone's Dao. Ye Fan and others became immortal kings with the help of these sparks of the Dao.

In fact, today's Immortal Realm is no longer what it used to be, like a stagnant water, living a comfortable life of cultivation.

Now, with the arrival of the cultivation madmen in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the monks in the once fairyland and hundreds of realms have seen what the real atmosphere of cultivation is.

For opportunities, for strength, for the great road, everything requires constant efforts and constant struggle, so that it is possible to finally stand out and become the supreme power at the top.

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