Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 479 Attacking Foreign Lands

"Senior, our current strength has reached a bottleneck. Moreover, sooner or later we will face off against foreign lands, and sooner or later we will come into contact with darkness, weirdness, and foreboding. Should we take action?" Ye Fan suddenly asked.

With the five-million-year time domain avenue, Ye Fan, Wu Shi, the Ruthless Empress, Qing Emperor, Yellow Emperor, Yan Emperor, Laozi, Sakyamuni, Ancient Emperor Qilin, Gai Jiuyou, Duan De, Ancient Emperor Shencan , Yuhua Emperor, have made great progress.

Even those who later set foot on the mortal world have become mortal immortals, like Yuan Yuer, Zeng Li, the Sun Son family, the human demon Dongfang Taiyi, Jiang Taixu...

Now, the Immortal Realm has more powerful immortals, and there are even more true immortals.

Ye Fan, Wu Shi, the ruthless Empress, and Qing Emperor, all of them have now reached the peak of the Immortal King.

And Ye Fan even broke through to the giant of the Immortal King. He is truly worthy of being the son of the world, with great luck, great perseverance, and great wisdom.

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "He is still active. Sooner or later he will face us, so let's start with the foreign land."

"However, the water in the foreign land will definitely be very deep, and there may be more powerful beings behind it. We must be careful."

Everyone couldn't help but nod. After all, although they now knew part of the situation in the foreign land, the specifics were not clear.

Ye Fan added: "Then we will directly hold an Immortal Conference to summon those who have become immortals in the Immortal Realm, and then send troops to other lands."


"I think it's okay."

"That's it, the conference will be held in Ye Fan's heaven when the time comes."

Afterwards, everyone left the Immortal Mountain together and went directly to Ye Fan's Heavenly Court.


Ye Fan's majestic figure stands in the sky above the Immortal Realm, and the aura of the Immortal King is fully revealed, majestic to the world.

"Anyone who has become an immortal in the Immortal Realm, come to the Heavenly Court to talk about it!"

"Anyone who has become an immortal in the Immortal Realm, come to the Heavenly Court to talk about it!"

"Anyone who has become an immortal in the Immortal Realm, come to the Heavenly Court to talk about it!"

Ye Fan was directly in the Immortal Realm, issuing the Immortal King's decree to the Immortal Powerful people in the Immortal Realm.

Then, in the Immortal Realm, all those who achieved the Immortal Way were seen blooming with immeasurable fairy light from various places in the Immortal Realm, heading towards the central heaven.

With the reorganization of the Immortal Realm and the integration of the Immortal Realm with the prototype of the Immortal Realm left by Emperor Huang Tian by Yuan Changqing and others, the Immortal Realm Avenue was finally completed, and the world continued to expand, recover, and become better than before.

Following this, powerful immortals in the Immortal Realm were constantly born. The current Immortal Realm finally made the Immortal Realm worthy of its real name. It was no longer the two or three big cats and kittens like before.

Immortal powerhouses continue to come to Heaven. They don't know what big event Heaven has summoned them for, and there is such a big movement.

In the Heavenly Court Hall, many immortal figures have gathered, gathering in twos and threes, and discussing continuously.

As the powerful immortals in the immortal realm arrived, Ye Fan and others also appeared in the heaven together, which also surprised the immortal figures who came here.

They did not expect that this time the most powerful Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm would appear. Obviously, something big was going on!

After Ye Fan greeted everyone to sit down, he came directly to the front.

"This time I summoned everyone to come, but there is a major event that cheers the life and death of our fairyland, so I have to summon everyone together." Ye Fan first said the reason for summoning everyone.


Life and death in the Immortal Realm, everyone in the Immortal Realm cheers, and the color of those who come here changes instantly.

In fact, even the Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm are coming at the same time. It is obviously not a trivial matter and must be taken seriously!

Suddenly, there was a lot of noise in the heaven, and there were constant discussions. What big thing happened, which made even the powerful Immortal King so cautious.

Although the Immortal Realm is now peaceful and prosperous, there must be things happening that these Immortal Dao characters don't know about.

"I dare to ask His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven. I wonder what happened that actually affects the life and death of the Immortal Realm." At this time, someone stood up and asked.

"We have discovered a big world that was once a foreign world. I think some of the people present can think of something from the distant years and the fragments of history!" Ye Fan pointed out the existence of the foreign land.

"Ah... is it possible that the foreign realm is coming back again and launching a war against the immortal realm?" A true immortal who knew something about the chaotic ancient times asked in shock.

Ye Fan nodded and said: "Although it has not happened yet, based on what we have found out, it is not too far away."

"So, this is also the reason why everyone is called together to discuss this matter. This will be related to the future of whether the Fairyland can continue to exist."

Another true immortal came out and asked: "I wonder if His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven and the Supreme Immortal Kings have any way to resist foreign lands?"

Ye Fan added: "We can resist the foreign land, but temporary resistance is not a solution after all, and will also cause huge harm and disaster to the fairyland."

"Therefore, our decision is to take the initiative to attack foreign lands. In this way, the fairyland will not be in a passive state, and the fairyland can be well preserved."

"So, I called everyone here just to see if you have a better way."

Obviously, although Ye Fan seemed to be asking for everyone's opinions in the end, he actually made the final decision.

Moreover, there are all immortal figures present. If you can become an immortal, you are not a fool, and you can naturally understand the meaning.

Suddenly, everyone looked at each other in shock. When a war breaks out, blood and death will naturally occur.

However, there was an Immortal King suppressing the Immortal Realm, and these Immortal figures had no choice but to remain silent.

However, Ye Fan did not rush to make everyone pervert directly from the beginning, but looked at everyone quietly.

After a while, Ye Fan asked again: "I wonder if anyone has any better suggestions?!"

Everyone looked at each other, but there was no better way.

"We will obey the orders of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven and attack foreign lands to show off the power of our Immortal Realm!"

Everyone replied at the same time, and Ye Fan also nodded with satisfaction. The situation was stronger than others. Even if they had to bite the bullet, those powerful immortals could only agree.

Ye Fan comforted him at this time: "You don't have to be like this. This time we are attacking a foreign land, whether it is mental calculation or not. As long as everyone is more careful, we will definitely win a great victory."

"Furthermore, everyone needs to know that even if we don't attack foreign lands, foreign lands will come to attack my fairyland sooner or later. It's just a matter of sooner or later."

"Therefore, war has been doomed for a long time, and no one can escape."

After everyone heard this, they thought about it and realized that it was really the case. They also knew that attacking foreign lands in advance was the best choice.

"Yes, we will obey the orders of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven!"

Everyone's answers this time were considered sincere. After all, since it was a matter of time, Mark couldn't be blamed for his previous attitude.

"Okay, in that case, let's go back and prepare first, gather the strong ones, and a hundred years later, we will gather in heaven and fight together in foreign lands." Ye Fan made the final decision.

After that, a hundred years passed by in a blink of an eye.

The mighty powerful men from the Immortal Realm gathered in front of the Heavenly Court. In the Immortal Realm, countless powerful men were summoned, and the ones with the lowest strength were all the powerful emperors.

This time when going to a foreign land, Ye Fan, Yuan Changqing and others also discussed that when going to a foreign land to get people, it would be better to be more refined and less expensive.

After all, this attack on the foreign land was equivalent to a surprise attack, and there was no intention of destroying the foreign land in one battle.

Moreover, this is not realistic. Behind the foreign land, there must be a more powerful dark powerhouse.

This attack on the foreign land is not only to weaken the strength of the foreign land, but also to train the troops.

After all, the monks in the Immortal Realm have been comfortable for too long. If they don't experience a war, they may collapse directly when they face the dark army in the future.

These are not what Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan and other immortal domain masters want to see.

Fortunately, the current strength of the Immortal Realm is not weak, and the high-end combat power is all following the immortal path of the mortal world.

Even, because of the variable Yuan Changqing, the Immortal Realm is more powerful than it was in the original history.

Just like in the Immortal Realm today, there are many more people embarking on the Immortal Path of the Mortal World.

Moreover, Huangdi, Yandi, Laozi, and Sakyamuni, after almost a million years, plus they had already set foot on the mortal world, they are now strong men in the realm of immortal kings.

At this point, there are already nine powerful Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm. Even the Ancient Emperor Qilin, Gai Jiuyou, Duan De, and the Ancient Emperor Shencan are on the verge of breaking through the Immortal Kings.

Those who are still in the mortal realm are the ones who broke through later. It will still take some time for them to break through to the realm of the Immortal King.

However, this expedition to the foreign land will obviously not be over in a short time. Unless Yuan Changqing and others achieve a breakthrough in strength, it will be possible to defeat the foreign land in one fell swoop.

However, what we are facing now is just a foreign land. Even after the foreign land is leveled, we will face more powerful enemies later.

Therefore, for future considerations, sending troops to a foreign land this time was a last resort, all for the sake of survival.

Ye Fan looked at the neat army in front of the heaven, and suddenly felt heroic and extremely fierce.

However, Ye Fan also knew that after the collision with the foreign land, there would be an extremely fierce and cruel battle.

"Set off!"


A loud horn sounded, and a line of armies from the Immortal Realm began to march towards the foreign land.


When Yuan Changqing and others came here again, they directly used their great magic power to break through the foreign land barrier, and the mighty Immortal Realm army marched into the foreign land.

A terrifying and cruel war is about to happen.

The foreign world, among all the worlds, is also an extremely powerful world with many strong people.

As far as the Immortal King strongmen are concerned, there are even more than the Immortal Realm. This attack on the foreign land is also a test for the Immortal King strongmen such as Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan.

Previously, after Yuan Changqing came to a foreign land, he devoted himself to training for half a million years, but he did not alarm this powerful Immortal King from a foreign land.

When he came to the foreign land again, the terrifying aura of the Immortal King instantly filled the foreign world. At this time, the will of the Immortal King suddenly shocked countless powerful people from the foreign land.

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