Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 496 Opportunity for Transformation

Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan and others were at the forefront, while Gai Jiuyou, Duan De, Ancient Emperor Qilin, Ancient Emperor Shencan and others were also fighting against the dark army in the rear.

Now, as the strength of Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan and others continues to improve, Duan De, Gai Jiuyou and others have fallen far behind and are already out of reach.

However, now Duan De, Gai Jiuyou and others have reached the realm of Immortal Kings, and are also the supreme power to suppress one party.

Facing the dark army this time, Gai Jiuyou and Duan De are the main forces responsible for dealing with the powerful Immortal King on the dark side.

The army of dark creatures, like a surging river, continuously rushes towards the boundary sea dam.

With Ye Fan, Wu Shi, the ruthless Empress, and Qing Emperor, they blocked many powerful Dark Immortal Kings.

Among the Immortal Realm army behind them, Gai Jiuyou, Duan De and other powerful Immortal Realm Immortal Kings also took action to stop the Dark Immortal King.

The dark, strange and unknown substance has eroded all the worlds, and countless dark fairy kings have been born. It seems that if you kill one, a pair will appear, and if you kill a pair, a group will appear in an endless stream.

This is a glorious year, but also a darkest year. It seems that the will of heaven and earth is fighting at the last moment. Countless geniuses in the fairyland have achieved achievements that were once beyond their reach.

Now, those geniuses from the Immortal Realm are fighting desperately in the dark army, showing their most glorious moment.

Just like the two chaotic bodies in the fairyland, in these glorious and darkest years, they began to bloom their most brilliant style.

The child born of the Holy Son of the Sun and the divine body of Taiyin, Jiang Tingting, was born with a body of chaos. Now, with an extremely powerful posture, she rushed towards a dark fairy king, bursting out with extremely terrifying divine power.

In the world of Zhetian, the chaotic body born in the mythical era has now become a Taoist and a powerful Immortal King.

The two chaotic bodies continued to fight with the Dark Immortal King, until the sky collapsed and the earth dimmed.

Other geniuses from the Immortal Realm, whether they were geniuses from the era of Zhetian World, as long as they survived and followed Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan and others into the Immortal Realm, they all achieved great achievements.

Now, they also followed the heavenly army, gathering countless creatures and strong men from the fairyland, rushing to the front, and fighting those dark strong men, a terrifying battle broke out, which was extremely tragic.

For a moment, the boundary sea dam was crumbling, as if it might be destroyed at any time. Living things continued to fall here, and black and red blood intertwined, spilling endless blood.

Those bloods, even if their original bodies have fallen, but their immortal wills are still fighting to the death.

In front of the boundary sea dam, even if there is a ruthless empress, Wu Shi, Qing Emperor, and Ye Fan standing in the front, they are constantly destroying the ancient palace to prevent the arrival of dark creatures.

Unfortunately, the Boundary Sea is extremely vast and boundless. A drop of sea water is a world, and there are countless ancient palaces.

In those ancient palaces, endless dark creatures and dark powerful men came out of the dark world in a steady stream.

The battle was extremely fierce, and people continued to die, and the dark army was endlessly killing them.

Now, Ye Fan, standing in front of the boundary sea dam, faced the siege of dozens of Dark Immortal Kings, and it was extremely difficult.

Among those Dark Immortal Kings, there are also Dark Immortal Kings who were born with Emperor Light like him, and they are so brave.

The emperor's clothes were stained with blood, and Ye Fan's body was now stained with blood, both his own and that of his enemies.

The Xuanhuang Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things revolves around this Xuanhuang Qi, constantly rotating, blooming with terrifying Qi and divine power.


Ye Fan's face was calm, and he waved the Heavenly Emperor's Divine Fist and headed towards the Dark Immortal King to kill him.

The terrifying will, condensed on the Divine Fist of the Emperor of Heaven, instantly shattered and obliterated a Dark Immortal King.

And Ye Fan was also bombarded by dozens of Dark Immortal Kings, hitting him, and the light of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor condensed on his body was also constantly shaking.

Among the dozens of Dark Immortal Kings, there are also strong men who gave birth to the light of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. Without breaking through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, Ye Fan may also fall.

This situation is too tragic, and the dark side is really too powerful.

Jiang Taixu, brother and sister Huo Qizi, Taichu, Daoyi, Zhang Bairen, the Holy Prince, the old madman, the human demon Dongfang Taiyi and other powerful men in the immortal realm, these geniuses born throughout the ages, also wanted to attack the dark army.

Countless talented people are fighting desperately. These are the foundations accumulated by the Immortal Realm for millions of years.

Unfortunately, compared with the army of darkness, the gap is extremely huge.

These armies of darkness have accumulated for countless epochs. Now, looking at the continuous attack of the armies of darkness, it feels terrifying just thinking about it.

The world sea is boiling, wars are going on, and the army of darkness is coming in endlessly. The Qing Emperor is suppressing more than a dozen Dark Immortal Kings with his own efforts, and he is temporarily unable to escape.

The ruthless empress and Wu Shi continued to kill the Dark Immortal King, and kept running around the boundary sea to support all parties.

Yuan Changqing has now entered the depths of the Soul River with a peak quasi-immortal emperor, but has disappeared, and his situation is unknown.

Ye Fan and Wu Shi desperately stood in front of the Immortal Realm to stop the dark army.

If it were not for Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan, I am afraid that the fairyland would have fallen and turned into a dark place.

The war continues without stopping for a moment. With the arrival of the dark army, the fairyland is also facing an existential crisis.

The army of darkness continued to cross the dam, and the flames of war eventually burned into the fairyland, and the creatures in the fairyland were also desperately resisting.

The Boundary Sea Dam and the Immortal Realm roared one after another, erupting into terrifying roars.

Yuan Changqing was also deep in the Soul River, constantly colliding with the powerful Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor. The terrifying aura continued to spread, and the unknown land was constantly shaken.

Now, Yuan Changqing and the dark quasi-immortal emperor have reached a state of madness, their blood is constantly burning, and they erupt with the most terrifying divine power.

Yuan Changqing's burst of strength became stronger and stronger, something the dark quasi-immortal emperor never expected.

At this moment, the place where the two were fighting was filled with heaven-destroying energy, constantly boiling and destroying everything.

The laws of the great avenue continued to spread around the two people, the fairy light was bright, the runes were intertwined, time flew by, the years collapsed, and it was extremely terrifying.


The terrifying energy explosion destroyed everything, leaving only Yuan Changqing and the immortal figure of the dark quasi-immortal emperor.

Then, the two figures collided together again, constantly entangled, the endless runes of the law of the avenue flashed, and terrifying destructive energy erupted.



Two shouts of killing sounded at the same time, a bright fairy light bloomed here, and the energy that destroyed the world exploded again, consuming everything, and could not be recovered for a long time, turning into nothingness.

Two blood-stained figures flew out from the terrifying energy explosion. Their bodies were dyed red with emperor's blood, and their armor was in pieces. Extremely miserable.

The wounds on both of their bodies lingered around the laws of the great avenue, constantly eroding their imperial bodies.

Even so, the two of them had no intention of stopping. In this unknown land that had been beaten into nothingness, they fought hard again and fought bloody battles.

The divine weapons collided and endured the terrifying energy, but still exuded the aura of immortality.

The two people in the battle, the emperor's blood was burning, erupting with terrifying power, leaving no room for mercy.

That dark quasi-immortal emperor has been practicing for who knows how many epochs. The emperor is extremely profound and terrifying in strength.

He has touched the threshold of the Immortal Emperor, but he has never found an opportunity to break through.

However, this battle with Yuan Changqing, a life and death battle, was extremely brutal, but it gave him a glimmer of hope.

This made the dark quasi-immortal emperor even more crazy. This was an opportunity to break through the realm of the immortal emperor. Even if Yuan Changqing was so powerful and even had to pay a heavy price for himself, he would still have to use the pressure brought by Yuan Changqing to suppress him. Yuan Changqing.

And Yuan Changqing also continued to improve in such a fierce battle, and his strength continued to improve, becoming stronger and stronger.

It is a pity that Yuan Changqing is far away from the realm of Immortal Emperor and has not yet seen that realm.


The two roared at the same time again, and collided together again. The battle became more and more fierce, and the battle reached the point of madness.

At this moment, in the terrifying battle, there were more and more cracks on the imperial bodies of both sides, densely packed, like porcelain that was about to be broken.

However, the vitality in their bodies is full of vitality, as if they are undergoing some kind of transformation, giving birth to a supreme power.

The dark quasi-immortal emperor felt the power of constant transformation in his body, breaking the solid door and charging towards a higher realm.

Now, he is even more crazy, constantly burning the blood in his body, frantically fighting Yuan Changqing, living towards death, and completing the final transformation.

How many years have passed, the dark quasi-immortal emperor has experienced endless years, and Yuan Changqing is also the most powerful and terrifying enemy he has ever encountered.

And now, Yuan Changqing has also become his further help. In that supreme realm, the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor has waited for who knows how long and finally saw the opportunity for a breakthrough in this war. How could he give up so easily.

After all, after several epochs, the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor has stayed in this realm for who knows how long, making no progress.

No matter how solid the worry is, in such a long and long time, it will continue to be worn away and eroded with the passage of time.

This is why there are countless strong people in the universe. As their strength has not improved, they can't stop moving forward. In the end, their will is exhausted and they can't see hope, so they fall into darkness.

This was how the foreign land used to be. Within the dark, strange and unknown material, there was an extremely powerful and tempting Taoist sound, which turned countless creatures into darkness.

Such situations can be found everywhere in the world, and Yuan Changqing himself is also very clear about it.

Even the quasi-immortal emperor from the Emperor's Fall era also fell into darkness in order to break through to become an immortal emperor.

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