Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 51 Development

Yuan Changqing has already got the fairy grass. As for what will happen to Tang San in the future, it is none of his business. This kind of opportunity is naturally first come, first served. Who wants Yuan Changqing to know!

After Yuan Changqing left the Ice and Fire Eye, most of the energy source to maintain the Ice and Fire Eye was gone because the soul bone of the Ice and Fire Dragon King was also taken away.

Now there are only two divine dragon corpses left. After all, they are the divine bodies of divine dragons. The energy inside is not comparable to the ordinary soul powers on Douluo Continent.

It is a more advanced divine power. Therefore, this ice and fire eye is estimated to last for hundreds or thousands of years. In addition, it has the power of ice and fire, which has a pulling effect on the soul power between heaven and earth.

At most, the divine power in the dragon's body will be exhausted and it will become an ordinary piece of spiritual land.

At the bottom of the Ice and Fire Eye, the divine power overflowing from the dragon's corpse will slowly turn this place into an Ice and Fire Eye.

The seeds of the elixir and fairy grass left by Yuan Changqing will slowly sprout due to the magical power emanating from here. As for when they will mature, it is none of his business.

After returning to Tiandou City, Yuan Changqing went straight to Wang Yuyan's clinic. Now the clinic has more people coming here for treatment.

Catherine has not been a teacher since she had a child. She started to help Wang Yuyan, also studied Chinese medicine, and is now a doctor.

Moreover, after Wang Yuyan's clinic opened, she and Catherine were too busy, so Yuan Changqing called Yuan Ziyi and Yuan Zilong to Tiandou City to help while studying medicine.

After Ye Guang graduated from Soto City Junior Soul Master Academy, he also came to Tiandou City and is now studying at Tiandou Royal Academy.

With Yuan Changqing as a teacher in the school, Ye Guang naturally entered easily and also entered the elite class of Tiandou Royal Academy.

In the past five years, due to the clinic, although Yuan Changqing and his family would go back to Lanyin Village every year, the time they stayed there was also shorter.

Yuan Changqing's family's business has now expanded. After Catherine was promoted to Soul Saint, she gained a certain degree of strength and her business began to expand.

In Tiandou City, Yuan Changqing's family cooperated with Catherine's family to purchase wine, agricultural and sideline products, grain, and medicinal materials. These were the results of their expansion.

However, Yuan Changqing's family's business is now mainly in the Balak Kingdom and several border cities bordering the Balak Kingdom and the Tiandou Empire.

Tiandou City is now managed by Catherine's family. After all, Yuan Changqing's family has been developing for too short a time and lacks manpower.

If you recruit people casually and don't feel confident, the ordinary clerks in their store now are all young people from Lanyin Village.

However, Yuan Changqing's family also discussed it and began to train their own people. Because the family had a lot of money from business, they opened an orphanage in Lanyin Village.

Because of the expansion of the business, he went to more places and met more orphans. Therefore, for the sake of the stability of the family in the future, it was better to train the people under him to feel more at ease.

Therefore, these orphans will be collected by the clerks in various shops, and finally the grandfather, father and uncle will take them back to the orphanage in Lanyin Village.

Growing up in Lanyin Village, they didn't have to go hungry, and Yuan Changqing's family cultivated their loyalty to the family from an early age, so that even when they grow up, they will be more loyal to the family.

However, these are long-term processes, and every family has to go through them. Even now, the awakening of martial arts spirits in the village has begun to be taken over by grandpa.

Not only Lanyin Village, but also several villages around Lanyin Village were also included by Grandpa. After reporting to the Wuhun Hall in Soto City, the Wuhun Hall immediately agreed. After all, awakening the Wuhun is a hard job, and they Since we were short of manpower, we happily agreed.

Therefore, in the past five years, the family has changed quite a lot. Not only has there been three soul saints, but the increase in strength has also given the family confidence.

There are basically civilians in the clinic, and there are very few nobles or rich people, because they don't need to come here at all.

Only some special patients will come here, and that's because of problems that even healing soul masters can't solve.

Some of these patients are due to congenital reasons or poisoning. These people asked healing soul masters to treat them, but the results were not good, so they came here to try their luck.

However, not all diseases can be treated here at Wang Yuyan, especially those congenital diseases, which can alleviate the pain here.

Yuan Changqing has also researched many prescriptions in the past five years, which is why so many patients come to the clinic.

However, Wang Yuyan's charges here are not high, which is very friendly to civilians.

Only for those difficult and complicated diseases that require the use of precious medicinal materials, the charges are much higher.

Now, the main members of the family can refine elixirs, of course, they are all ordinary elixirs.

Yuan Changqing entered the clinic and saw Catherine and Wang Yuyan busy. Yuan Ziyi and Yuan Zilong also started to take action.

However, the two siblings can also treat common diseases, which are similar to Catherine's. The more difficult ones still require Wang Yuyan to come. However, there are some diseases that even Wang Yuyan can't do anything about.

When Yuan Changqing came back from Binghuo Liangyiyan, one such patient happened to come. When they came, they were a man and a woman. Wang Yuyan received them, but she couldn't treat them, so she asked them to wait a few days before coming back, and told them that there was another patient in the clinic. The more powerful doctor is not here. When he comes back, he will see if he can cure it.

As soon as Wang Yuyan finished speaking, she saw Yuan Changqing coming back.

"Brother Changqing, you are back. Come on, there is a patient here. Come and take a look first. I can't cure him."

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, wait a moment before I come back. I'm a little thirsty. Let's drink some water first."

Then he said to the man and woman: "You two, please wait a moment."

When Yuan Changqing invited them to the clinic and started treatment, and when he found out that the man's name was Dugu Xin, he knew the origins of these two people, but he didn't ask any more questions.

This can be regarded as indirect contact between Yuan Changqing and Dugubo's family.

Logically speaking, judging from Yuan Changqing's knowledge of the situation of Dugubo's family, he should not come here. After all, Duguxin's situation is a family secret, and if it is leaked, there will be great hidden dangers.

Although Dugu Xin's situation is not about to die at any time, it is not much better.

Knowing that Yuan Changqing and his colleagues are doing research on difficult and complicated diseases, they might just treat them like dead horses as live doctors!

Of course Yuan Changqing knew the situation of Dugu Xin's family. Even people like Dugu Bo who were very familiar with medicinal materials were helpless. They could only try their luck here.

Otherwise, if he really gets poisoned and dies in the future, wouldn’t that be a disaster? Although there was still Dugu Yan in their family later, Dugu Xin and his wife still died.

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