Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 503 New Era

Above God.

Under the leadership of the ten strange immortal emperors, the dark and strange tribe began a full-scale invasion.

And the immortal emperor-level creatures above the sky also took action one after another to resist the dark and strange invasion with all their strength.

At this time, above the sky, more than twenty immortal emperor-level creatures were engaged in a terrifying battle.

Above the vast sky, there are two endless armies fighting fiercely at this moment, and the whole sky is shaking.

The terrifying battle was earth-shattering and the earth shattered.

The world here is extremely strong and can withstand the battles of strong men at the level of quasi-immortal emperors. However, the realm of immortal emperors is extremely terrifying, and their battles have entered chaos.

Now, there are a total of more than twenty Immortal Emperor-level creatures on both sides engaged in a terrifying battle.

Above the sky, each of the Immortal Emperor-level creatures here represents the end of an evolutionary path, and is extremely powerful.

God is also more powerful than any other world. It is for this reason that so many powerful Immortal Emperors were born.

But this time, the dark and strange tribe chose God as the target of the great sacrifice.

Moreover, this is not the first time that the two sides have fought. The darkness has long begun to erode the sky, and both sides have long been fighting to the death.

The flames of war spread all over the heaven and earth, from the Immortal Emperor to the weak monks, they all joined the battle, and no living beings retreated.

This is a life and death battle. Either the dark and strange tribe will retreat, or it will be destroyed. This time, there will definitely be a result.

The brutal battle had left the earth in ruins, bleeding all the time, the endless mountains and rivers, and the boundless territory seemed to be wailing at this moment.

Living beings are constantly dying, and dark, strange and unknown substances are constantly eroding the sky. Those fallen living beings have also been transformed into dark beings, survived again, and joined the army of darkness.

The former comrades-in-arms turned into darkness, raised the butcher knife, and slashed towards the former relatives and friends.

Endless blood shrouded the land of heaven, and the terrifying war naturally continued.

Even in the ancestral land of the Dark Plateau, in order to carry out the great sacrifice smoothly, in the deepest part of the land, an ancient ancestor of darkness directly moved towards the sky.

The endless earth was shattered, the splendid civilized land was reduced to ruins, and dark, strange and unknown substances continued to erode this ancient pure land.

As the powerful men in the sky continue to fall, the Immortal King Emperor Blood has shown a losing streak.

Eventually, as the Immortal Emperor-level creatures in the Land of Heaven begin to fall, this ancient realm will also turn into a land of darkness.

Only a few strong men dragged their remaining bodies and fled here.

And the great sacrifice will also begin in heaven.

A Dark Immortal Emperor built an altar and prepared to host the ceremony himself.

Now, all life in the entire land of heaven has died out, and all evolutionary paths have collapsed, eroded by the unknown darkness.

A strange force enveloped the land of heaven, and all the ways, essences, and laws of heaven and earth were transformed into one force and sacrificed.

The world is dying, the laws no longer exist, and everything has been sacrificed to the ancestral land of the Dark Plateau, and then swallowed by that piece of bad land.

After the great sacrifice, the sky was desolate, dead, desolate, and turned into ruins.

Countless armies of darkness are heading towards the heavens and realms from all over the universe. The endless universe guarded by Emperor Huangtian has now become a hunting ground of darkness.

However, the chaos is infinite, and no one knows how big it is, not even the sacrificial path or the creatures above the sacrificial path.

In the chaos, there are countless big worlds. Now, the dark and strange groups have begun to invade continuously, wanting to turn the heavens and the universe into a part of darkness.

All the heavens and worlds are mourning, the universe is silent, and in an unknown land, Emperor Huangtian keeps waving the fairy sword in his hand and fights with all his strength.

Emperor Huangtian has been holding on for an unknown number of years. He seems to have no emotions for a long time, and he keeps fighting with the Dark Ancestor with a calm look on his face.

Even if the world that once raised Emperor Huang Tian was being destroyed, he no longer had the power to help. No matter how helpless he was, he could only continue to endure.

As the army of darkness was dispatched, a monstrous war broke out in all the worlds. There were beacons everywhere, full of blood and fire, and it was extremely tragic.

The once dazzling worlds have turned into battlefields and been reduced to ruins.

Ye Fan, the ruthless empress, and the Qing Emperor also appeared again, constantly fighting with the dark powerhouse.

All spirits were calling, but in the end, they still did not appear. Ye Fan and others could only endure the incomparable passivity in their hearts and fight hard.

Now, each of them is in a dangerous situation, and they are desperately fighting against the strong men of the dark and strange tribe, one against many.

This time, with the all-out invasion of the dark and strange tribe, universes are constantly falling. Even the well-protected Zhetian Universe still did not escape. It was breached by the dark army and fell.

The dark and strange group is completely wiping out the heavens, universe, and all realms. At this moment, all living things are destroyed and the universe is extinct.

All worlds were extinguished and everything turned into darkness.

Emperor Huang Tian, ​​Ye Fan and other people who kept fighting felt extremely sad and sad at this moment.

Even though Emperor Huangtian has the ability to reverse the course of time, he still has endless back pain in his heart when he sees endless creatures falling.

After all, it still cannot change the fact that all heavens and worlds are in annihilation.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing's heart was throbbing as before, and the calls of all spirits also woke him up.

Facing three Dark Immortal Emperors in succession, although Yuan Changqing finally suppressed them, he still inevitably entered a state of sleep and underwent transformation.

In that battle between the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor, Yuan Changqing also fought to the point where the oil was exhausted and the Emperor's blood dried up.

Although Yuan Changqing won in the end, the price was extremely heavy.

Now Yuan Changqing is completing a transformation. The Immortal Emperor War also gave Yuan Changqing a powerful energy within his body.

The silence of the heavens and the call of all spirits also made Yuan Changqing wake up, and even felt an inexplicable sadness.

Yuan Changqing, who had closed everything off, didn't know what happened, but it could make the Immortal Emperor feel sad. Yuan Changqing knew that something terrible must have happened.

It's a pity that Yuan Changqing, who is currently undergoing transformation, is powerless. Even if he can guess what happened, it can only be like this.

After all, the destiny of the universe cannot be discussed, and Yuan Changqing does not have the ability to change it.

Perhaps, only when you complete your final transformation can you have the ability to change.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing could only pray that Huangtian Emperor and Ye Fan could persevere and preserve their strength for the future.

However, if he wants to break through the current realm, Yuan Changqing can only rely on the World Bead.

It was because of a great battle that he suppressed and devoured the three Dark Immortal Emperors. Yuan Changqing also fought until the oil was exhausted. The laws in his body no longer existed, and only the supreme Qi was constantly being nurtured.

And if you want to reach the state of sacrificing the Tao, you need to sacrifice all your own Tao and transcend it.

This also gave Yuan Changqing a unique opportunity to use that supreme energy as a guide to re-gestate and complete a transformation.

Taking the great road in front of the World Pearl as the fire of Tao, he constantly sacrifices his own Tao bones and Tao blood, and re-transforms into a brand new Tao body.

The ancient sea of ​​sacrifices that Yuan Changqing is now in is quietly transforming.

And the heavens have also entered a new era.

The past era has been buried, everything has been buried, and everything no longer exists.

Long years passed, and the heavens began to glow with vitality again, and creatures began to be reborn.

Unfortunately, these creatures are no longer the creatures they once were.

In this new era, the newly born creatures and all the spirits in the sky no longer know who Huangtian Emperor and the others are.

Yuan Changqing also completely disappeared into the world, and his figure was never seen in that terrifying and boundless darkness.

At this point, a new era begins.


After that terrifying and boundless dark war, Ye Fan successfully advanced to the realm of the Immortal Emperor. Finally, he met with Emperor Huangtian, agreed on a counterattack plan, and then fell silent.

The former Soul River and the ancient underworld have also been transformed and become a place to attract all spirits.

Outside the boundary, there is also a burial pit between heaven and earth. It is suspected that an emperor died here.

The once fairyland was once again transformed into a world, and was called the Yangjian by later generations.

Several worlds have also appeared outside the boundary, and the creatures there are suppressing and hating the Yangjian. Among them, there may not be arrangements from the dark side.

Emperor Huang Tian and Ye Fan also used their great magic power to reflect the heavens and resurrect the people from the long river of time.

Finally, they placed all these people in a secret place.

At the same time, Emperor Huang Tian and Ye Fan, in order to confuse the dark and strange tribe, also released some of them and continued to spread their glory and names.

At the same time, Emperor Huang Tian arranged a reincarnation path, hoping to create a real reincarnation path.

The world that once covered the sky has become a world and transformed into the underworld later.

All arrangements are for future plans.

A new era begins, and relics once buried in the era are constantly being unearthed.

There are even beings who have used their past evolutionary path to embark on the path of cultivation again.

Emperor Huang Tian and Ye Fan also lost their strength and fell silent because they reflected the queens of the heavens.

In the end, only the ruthless empress is still walking in the troubled land.

All over the universe, the back-ups left behind by the fallen strong men began to slowly revive again in this new era.

One day, they will return again and conquer the world again.

Yuan Changqing is also about to complete his transformation in these long years. Hongda's divine voice of the avenue sounds in the world bead, and the endless chains of divine patterns of the avenue order are intertwined, and the runes are shining, wrapping a big cocoon.

The big cocoon seemed to be alive, constantly making "dong dong" sounds, like a heart beating continuously, and a supreme breath overflowed from the big cocoon.

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