Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 505 The Fall of the Ancestor


The Dark Ancestor once again raised his hand and bombarded the Sea of ​​Sacrifice. At the same time, he secretly calculated in his mind, but still did not get any useful information.

"Still nothing has been calculated. It seems that this is another variable. Since it is a variable and there is the power of the sacrifice, it is an unknown enemy."

Regarding variables, they, these dark creatures, have always killed them quickly. Variables are the existence of dark creatures that can threaten them.

The former Huangtian Emperor, later Yuan Changqing, and later Ye Fan, these are all variables.

However, they did not know Yuan Changqing, and they did not even figure out Yuan Changqing.

Although the Dark Plateau Ancestral Land knew that there was such a variable as Yuan Changqing, it did not know who it was.

Yuan Changqing has the World Pearl to hide his own secret. Even if the ancestor on the dark plateau has reached the level of sacrifice, he still cannot deduce it.

But now, in this sea of ​​sacrifices, a variable appeared again. They did not know that it was Yuan Changqing. This dark ancestor thought that there was another variable.

This also made the Dark Ancestor confused. You must know that one more variable is like one more enemy to the dark creatures.

Therefore, the Dark Ancestor bombarded the Sea of ​​Sacrifice in order to force him out. After all, he already had the power of the Sacrifice, which gave the Dark Ancestor the determination to kill.

A supreme power rose from the depths of the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, with the power of the Dao of Sacrifice, directly blocking the bombardment of the Dark Ancestor.

Yuan Changqing also discovered the Dark Ancestor and stopped absorbing the original matter in the Sea of ​​Sacrifice.

Then, Yuan Changqing was dressed in green clothes, looking extremely majestic, with this inexplicable divine light shining in his eyes, blooming with invincible momentum.

"That sacrificial power came from you, who are you?" The Dark Ancestor asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, it's me. As for who I am, don't you already know in your heart!" Yuan Changqing said softly, as if sarcastically.

"Hmph, you are the variable. In this world, all variables will die. Only my darkness will exist in this world forever."

The ancestor of darkness said coldly, with a mighty aura blooming all over his body, and unknown and strange substances were rising continuously.


Yuan Changqing snorted coldly, and instead of asking the Dark Ancestor to talk nonsense, he directly raised his hand and punched him.

The two sides were already locked in a fight to the death, and no matter how much they said, nothing would change.

Moreover, the war with the dark side will come sooner or later. Now, Yuan Changqing has also gained the strength to sacrifice, just in time to practice with the ancestor of darkness at the priest level.


The fist light was extremely bright, as if time and space had been cut through, and it penetrated the long river of time. The terrifying and domineering fist mark bloomed with unparalleled power.

The ancestor of darkness also struck Yuan Changqing with a palm, and the terrifying power of sacrifice instantly exploded in the sea of ​​sacrifice, destroying countless worlds that had not been swallowed up by Yuan Changqing.

The collision of fists and palms caused blood and bones to explode in an instant, piercing through eternity. Both sides were injured as soon as they fought.

Yuan Changqing's fist exploded directly, and the emperor's blood spilled into the sacrificial sea. The terrifying emperor's blood dripped down, as if the world was created directly, and it was so terrifying.

The Dark Ancestor didn't fare much better. One of his arms turned into powder. The black emperor's blood continued to flow, and the terrifying and unknown substance lingered on it.

At this moment, something went wrong with the Dark Ancestor's battle. He didn't expect that Yuan Changqing was so powerful that he could be injured so easily with one blow.

"You are such a variable, you are indeed the formidable enemy of dark creatures like us, I cannot let you alone."

The Dark Ancestor's heart is now extremely heavy. If he wants to keep Yuan Changqing easily, he may not be able to do so without paying a heavy price.

With the ancestral land of the Dark Plateau as a trump card, the Dark Ancestor felt that even if he fell, he would kill Yuan Changqing, or even die together.

It's a pity that the Dark Ancestor underestimated Yuan Changqing after all, thinking that he had a trump card and could keep Yuan Changqing in this sea of ​​sacrifice.

If this were the case, Yuan Changqing would have fallen long ago and would not have reached the level of cultivating sacrifices.

This time Yuan Changqing was promoted to the realm of sacrifice. It took him several epochs to complete his transformation, but his strength was not improved even a little bit.


I saw the Dark Ancestor taking out a spear, and with terrifying murderous intent, he unleashed his peak power and struck straight at him.

Not to be outdone, Yuan Changqing once again waved the terrifying divine fist and directly hit the spear.


In an instant, the dazzling divine light illuminated the extremely vast territory of Jihai. The terrifying collision of forces formed a black hole directly here, and everything around it was swallowed up.

The terrifying power caused the long river of time and space to be broken, time disappeared, and everything was reduced to ashes.

Countless worlds around him were also destroyed. Under the terrifying energy aftermath, they continued to shatter and turned into ashes.


The two of them shouted again and became entangled again, engaging in a terrifying and brutal fight.

Yuan Changqing's whole body bloomed with terrifying boundless energy and blood, his divine light was dazzling, his fist power was overwhelming, his divine power was unparalleled, and he had the will to overwhelm the heavens.

The overbearing Divine Fist continued to bombard the Dark Ancestor. The space was shattered into pieces, and the Sea of ​​Sacrifice was constantly shaking.

The vast Sacrifice Sea was beaten to pieces, and the black and red emperor's blood continued to fall into the Sacrifice Sea, which was extremely tragic.

This is a collision of sacrificial power.

Yuan Changqing and the Dark Ancestor each have the power to easily destroy the endless world.

Around the battle between the two men, the chains of law and order of the avenue were shattering and crumbling.

Now, the two of them have combined the mighty power of the Dao into one body. They themselves are the Dao, and when they wave their hands, there are endless laws of the Dao accompanying them.


The power of the sacrifice kept colliding together, terrifying and tragic, and the emperor's blood was constantly spilled.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing showed such terrifying power that the ancestor of darkness was so powerful that he was no longer sure of killing Yuan Changqing.

However, Yuan Changqing now wants to keep this Dark Ancestor and completely obliterate it. Even if the World Pearl comes back, even the Dark Plateau Ancestral Land will not be able to resurrect it.

At this moment, on the Dark Plateau, except for the three Dark Ancestors who were fighting against the clones of Emperor Huang Tian, ​​the rest were all sleeping.

Yuan Changqing felt that as long as he was quick enough, he could kill the Dark Ancestor.

After all, these dark ancestors have all experienced battles with Huang and been killed. This is why they need to sleep.

As for why they didn't go out at the same time to kill Emperor Huangtian, Yuan Changqing felt that besides the need for strong men to guard the Dark Plateau ancestral land, it would be too difficult to be killed in the realm of sacrifice.

The reason why these dark ancestors are not afraid of death is because they have the dark plateau as their trump card.

Otherwise, the darkness would have been put down by Emperor Huangtian long ago.

Therefore, as long as he quickly kills the Dark Ancestor here, so that the Dark Ancestor on the Dark Plateau has no time to help, he can cut out a powerful enemy at the level of a priest.

In this way, when facing the remaining Dark Ancestors, the pressure will be much less.


The two collided again, and the blood flowed from the beating, and their bodies were also blown apart. It was so miserable.

Now the two people are directly using terrifying ultimate moves against each other. There is no room for mercy, and they both want to kill each other.

The terrifying energy aftermath also caused the Sea of ​​Sacrifice to continue to collapse and dissipate. As a result, the Sea of ​​Sacrifice disappeared faster.

Moreover, in order to keep this Dark Ancestor, Yuan Changqing directly used the World Pearl to seal the space here.

Now, with the help of the World Pearl, Yuan Changqing is more confident in killing this dark ancestor.

As for why he does not have the ability to kill with one hit, this is because Yuan Changqing has not yet unleashed the full power of the World Pearl.

After all, the Dark Ancestor, after all, has the power of a priest, and now Yuan Changqing can only say that he can suppress him.

Suddenly, looking at this change, the Dark Ancestor also knew something. He had no chance to call for help.

In an instant, the endless chains of the Great Law of the World Pearl swarmed out and filled the space.

In addition, Yuan Changqing was also wielding the terrifying divine fist, constantly bombarding the Dark Ancestor. That terrifying power had the power to destroy everything. At this moment, even the Dark Ancestor who had a trump card was scared.


The spear of the Dark Ancestor was shattered, and his body exploded, turning into a black mist of blood.

However, in the blink of an eye, the Dark Ancestor condensed again and recovered.

He didn't die, and he wasn't that easy to kill.

In the void, the endless chains of the law of the avenue are constantly intertwined, and they continue to turn into the divine weapons of the avenue, attacking towards the dark ancestor.

The Dark Ancestor also summoned his broken spear back again, and it recovered instantly. A large amount of strange and unknown substances poured out of a coffin and poured into his body.

And that ancient coffin is where the Dark Ancestor usually sleeps. It contains a large amount of unknown origin material, and it is also the source of his power.

"I really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have the strength to kill me. Even so, I will pull you together to make you a great enemy for my dark clan." The Dark Ancestor looked at it coldly. Yuan Changqing.

At this moment, it already knows that it is no longer Yuan Changqing's opponent, and may even fall into Yuan Changqing's hands.

However, he is not afraid of death. Even if he loses to Yuan Changqing, he still has the ability to pull Yuan Changqing to death together.

"Today, let's see how you kill me, kill me!"

Even if he was not as strong as Yuan Changqing, the Dark Ancestor once again fought hard towards Yuan Changqing.

Now, the Dark Ancestor also thought clearly that this space was blocked by Yuan Changqing, and he could no longer summon help and could only fight alone.

Moreover, he was also prepared for the worst. If he was really going to be killed by Yuan Changqing in the end, he would drag Yuan Changqing to the underworld together.


The terrifying sacrificial power bloomed on the spear, cutting through the years, and the endless void was shaking, as if it was about to be broken.

Yuan Changqing didn't say anything more. He was wearing a divine robe transformed from the Five Elements Diagram, and the terrifying divine fists continued to bombard him, directly shattering the divine spear of the Dark Ancestor again, and even the ancient coffin was beaten. The cracks were dense and sank into the body of the Dark Ancestor.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing burst out with invincible power, and the aura of destruction continued to flow on Yuan Changqing's fist.

The terrifying power condensed on the fist directly bombarded the Dark Ancestor.


In an instant, the Dark Ancestor was exploded again and turned into a thick black blood mist.

Naturally, Yuan Changqing would not let go of such an excellent opportunity. He saw countless chains of divine patterns of the Great Dao Principle piercing through the blood mist.

Yuan Changqing also continued to bombard the blood mist, and the blood mist was also changing.


Terrifying roars continued to come out of the blood mist, and the chains of divine patterns of the Great Law imprisoned him, making it impossible for him to escape. Yuan Changqing also beat him until he could not condense his body, and could only be at the mercy of Yuan Changqing.

However, no matter how angry he roared, Yuan Changqing had no intention of stopping, and even dragged him directly into the World Pearl.

Immediately, Jihai calmed down again. If it weren't for the terrifying aura that filled the void, I would have thought that nothing had happened here.

Moreover, such a terrifying battle was also felt by all the worlds. Emperor Huangtian, the ruthless empress, Ye Fan and others were also alarmed by the sudden sacrificial battle.

Then, Ye Fan and the others were pleasantly surprised. They sensed a familiar aura and knew that the person fighting was Yuan Changqing.

In the World Pearl, the blood mist kept screaming, black blood kept splashing, and bones kept falling.

The black blood mist wanted to condense again, but Yuan Changqing punched it away one by one, preventing him from gathering it.

Then, Yuan Changqing used his own energy and blood to condense a terrifying blood-colored oven, and threw all the blood and broken bones into the blood-colored oven for continuous sacrifice.

Even, in the end, Yuan Changqing directly threw the black blood mist into the bloody oven, and the terrifying Tao fire burned, worshiping and refining the dark ancestor.


In the bloody oven, the Dark Ancestor let out a tragic scream, and Yuan Changqing also tried his best to activate the Blood Furnace, trying to sacrifice the Dark Ancestor.

In the blood-colored oven, the body of the Dark Ancestor, once again condensed, exploded again. The endless secrets of the avenue continued to evolve in Yuan Changqing's hands, and the endless avenue runes were continuously beaten into the blood-colored oven by Yuan Changqing.

The terrifying Dao Fire is burning. This is the original Dao Fire that Yuan Changqing evolved from his own Dao. He is constantly refining the Dark Ancestor in order to completely eliminate it.

Then, the World Pearl also sank and floated in the Sea of ​​Sacrifice again, and once again began to devour the remaining worlds in the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, continuously providing Yuan Changqing with the most original primitive matter.


The tragic screams continued, the newly condensed body was broken up again, and the original power in the Dark Ancestor was constantly wiped out. In the end, the two people waiting for him completely perished.

The Sea of ​​Sacrifice is also being continuously devoured, and this place will eventually become a land of nothingness.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the Dark Ancestor was finally refined by Yuan Changqing and turned into Yuan Changqing’s treasure.

On the dark plateau, seeing the disappearing Jihai and the disappearing ancestor of darkness, the dark immortal emperors became increasingly uneasy.

The silence between heaven and earth was extremely terrifying, as if the previous sacrifice had never happened, and after the Dark Ancestor and Yuan Changqing disappeared, they never appeared again.

After knowing that the Dark Ancestor was devoured by Yuan Changqing, the Dark Ancestor also completely fell into this world and could never be resurrected.

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