Yuan Changqing's relatives were extremely excited at this moment.

Yuan Changqing did not fall, nor did he die. Now he is stronger and still fighting.

They also hope to hear the voices of Emperor Huangtian, Ye Fan and others again, and hope that people who have disappeared can appear again.

Yuan Changqing is now in the troubled soil of the dark plateau, with terrifying blood and divine power blooming all over his body.

The infinite laws of the great avenue are condensed on Yuan Changqing's fist. With one blow, it seems to destroy the whole world, with unparalleled power.


The six Dark Ancestors also raised their divine weapons at this moment and started to kill Yuan Changqing without stopping.

Suddenly, the terrifying power collided, blooming with a dazzling light, as if traveling through the long river of time and space, reflecting on the past, present and future, as if all the days and years would be cut off.

Such a terrifying collision of forces has the power to destroy everything. The dark earth is constantly being shattered, and countless dark worlds are turned into ruins.

At this moment, the strange and ominous atmosphere that shrouded the heavens was finally broken, and light shone on all the heavens and all realms.

"Evergreen Heavenly Emperor!"

There are countless creatures in the world. At this moment, Yuan Changqing's name is directly imprinted in their hearts.

All the spirits in the sky are also calling Yuan Changqing's imperial name. What a supreme power this is, it comes directly into the hearts of countless creatures. No one knows it.


Yuan Changqing waved his terrifying divine fist and instantly shattered one of the Dark Ancestors. The terrifying power directly frightened the other five Dark Ancestors.

Now, none of them has the strength to defeat Yuan Changqing. In fact, Yuan Changqing, a latecomer, has surpassed them by a lot.

Even if Yuan Changqing faced their six dark ancestors alone, he was still so calm.

They once again joined forces to attack Yuan Changqing. Such a powerful force has already caused a terrifying crisis to them.

At this moment, these dark ancestors all want to kill Yuan Changqing, and they cannot be defeated one by one. Such unknown variables are extremely dangerous.

The Dark Ancestor, immortal, the shattered Dark Ancestor resurrected on the spot, condensed his body, and joined the battle to attack Yuan Changqing.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing could only fight with these six dark ancestors, constantly consuming them, and it was impossible to kill them with one blow.

In the void, endless avenue runes permeated the entire plateau, exuding infinite power and blooming with incomparable radiance, illuminating the heavens.

The horrific discovery caused huge explosions to occur continuously, causing the earth to collapse and the earth to shake.

The strange and unknown source of this darkness and the terrifying battle frightened countless dark creatures.

And in the wretched land of the plateau, the countless dark creatures that survived were also falling in this shocking explosion at this moment, and died with frightened expressions.

The power of the priest level, even if they are separated by an extremely long distance, but under this terrifying power, there is no chance of survival.

Yuan Changqing didn't feel that he was going anywhere. After all, facing six opponents of the same level, under such terrifying power, Yuan Changqing's body was cracked inch by inch, and blood was flowing out.

However, this injury was insignificant to Yuan Changqing, and he recovered in an instant.

As long as he is not harmed by the source, it is a small problem for Yuan Changqing's level of sacrifice.

After Yuan Changqing recovered, he instantly burst out with terrifying divine power, sweeping across the plateau and the earth. The shocking divine fist was full of endless will and murderous intent.


A dark ancestor was blown up again, and even the ancient coffin behind him dimmed a lot.

At this time, in the troubled land of the plateau, murderous intent was fierce and filled with terrifying aura. Even the solid and thick earth was shattered into pieces, with dense cracks, like abyss.

It was a horrific and fierce fight, in which both sides were scarred, stained with blood, and injured.

In a battle of this level, a single strike can destroy a whole world.

The six dark ancestors had dark blood flowing all over their bodies, and their eyes were ferocious, as if they were about to vomit Yuan Changqing, and they wanted to kill him quickly.

Unfortunately, with one against six, Yuan Changqing did not see the decline. In fact, the momentum continued to increase as the battle progressed.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing was unafraid, his fighting spirit was soaring into the sky, and with invincible belief, he set foot on this plateau land, shaking the world and the universe for eternity.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing stood in the depths of the plateau, fighting against the six Dark Ancestors. His incomparably majestic figure was directly imprinted in the long river of time.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing was full of energy and blood soaring into the sky, bursting out with unparalleled power and shocking fighting spirit, shaking the heavens and the universe, ancient and present, and the future.

Those six dark ancestors, the ancient coffins are constantly supplying the mysterious and mysterious power of darkness, and the long river of time and space is distorted by their terrifying energy at this moment.

At this moment, their expressions were extremely cold. This was the next great enemy they encountered after facing Emperor Huangtian.

Even, it is an enemy more terrifying than Emperor Huangtian.

After all, although Emperor Huang Tian had the strength to kill them alone, he did not have the ability to completely obliterate them.

But Yuan Changqing is different. This variable is not only powerful, but also has the ability to completely wipe him out of the world. Even the Dark Plateau Ancestral Land cannot resurrect them.

"Even back then, Huang broke into this place alone and was defeated in blood. You dare to come alone. You are too arrogant. This time, you will be killed here to warn the heavens."

"Yes, even in the famine back then, if that woman hadn't come to save you, it would have been impossible to get out alive. And you, let's see who can come to save you."

"We admit that you are very powerful, but you overestimate yourself, underestimate us, and underestimate a plateau."

"Kill him, use the blood of this variable to nourish this plateau, and then see what secrets he has that can completely obliterate our abilities."

Then, the six Dark Ancestors once again took action at the same time, bursting out the most terrifying power towards Yuan Changqing, wanting to suppress Yuan Changqing and kill him in this dark and doomed land.

"Hmph, who doesn't know how to tell lies? As for me, I don't need you to remind me. Who knows what will happen in the end. If you want to kill me, just use your skills."

As Yuan Changqing spoke, he charged away, his terrifying divine fists constantly bombarding them.

The terrifying priest-level power once again erupted on the plateau. Endless avenue divine patterns filled the void, and the long river of time was also twisting and breaking.

At this moment, the power of the six dark ancestors joined together and became even more terrifying. The strange and unknown once again enveloped the heavens, exuding endless energy and murderous intent.


The shocking explosion caused all the worlds and the chaotic universe to shake and tremble, and the terrifying energy was boiling. The shocking divine light broke through the darkness again, and the power of destruction destroyed everything again. The world seemed to be at a standstill at this moment.

Suddenly, the bodies of the six Dark Ancestors exploded, black blood continued to flow, lingering around the boundless strange and unknown substance, and the divine weapons in their hands were broken and shattered inch by inch.

I saw that their bodies were densely covered with unknown hair, which looked even more weird and terrifying, making people extremely frightened at a glance.

Yuan Changqing was vomiting blood at this moment, and his body was covered with cracks, which were so densely packed that they were like porcelain and could break at any time.

Even Yuan Changqing's Five Elements Diagram, the ultimate treasure of enlightenment, was broken and tattered on Yuan Changqing's body.

The combined power of the six ancestors was extremely terrifying. If Yuan Changqing hadn't tried his best to maintain the shape of his body, it might have exploded now.

With the power of the priest level, a casual strike can have some shocking and destructive power, which is extremely terrifying.

Later, Yuan Changqing couldn't let them stay together, otherwise, he would be too passive.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing stared directly at a dark ancestor, unleashed the most violent attack, and charged directly towards it without any pause.

Otherwise, it will be even more difficult for them to unite.

In an instant, the terrifying and brilliant fists directly enveloped the Dark Ancestor, and the fist prints were overwhelming.


Even if Yuan Changqing faced the bombardment of the other five Dark Ancestors, Yuan Changqing would directly blow up the Dark Ancestor.

The endless chains of divine patterns of the Great Law will directly imprison you, preventing you from condensing your body again.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing bombarded the other five Dark Ancestors again, causing endless divine light to bloom on the dark plateau, flooding the place instantly.

However, Yuan Changqing was also in this terrifying power, exploding directly and turning into a ball of blood mist.

However, as a powerful sacrificer, he is immortal and Yuan Changqing cannot be killed, even in the face of the six dark ancestors.

In an instant, Yuan Changqing recovered and swallowed the entire sea of ​​​​sacrifice. Yuan Changqing's strength was powerful and powerful, and it was not comparable to these dark ancestors.

The divine fire of the avenue bloomed on Yuan Changqing's body, constantly burning, and the dark, strange and unknown substances contaminated by it were constantly being refined and burned away.

Yuan Changqing is now at his peak, possessing unparalleled power.

The six Dark Ancestors, taking advantage of Yuan Changqing's blow, became one again.

The Dark Ancestor who had been imprisoned by Yuan Changqing also broke free at that time and recovered.

Then, the six Dark Ancestors struck a shocking blow, trying to blow up Yuan Changqing again, constantly wiping out Yuan Changqing's original power.

Not to be outdone, Yuan Changqing's energy and blood surged up all over his body, horrifyingly condensing on his fist, and struck a terrifying blow.


In an instant, the heavens shook, chaos trembled, and the plateau earth was constantly shattering and shaking. There was a terrifying and boundless collision, and an incomparable bright light erupted.

Suddenly, the long river of time and space was shattered, imprinting everything, and the incomparably bright divine light illuminated the entire world.

The shocking explosion resounded throughout the universe, and the souls of countless creatures were wailing. The infinite power turned everything into nothingness and was submerged in chaos.

In an instant, only the stumps of the four Dark Ancestors were left on the plateau ancestral land, and the other two Dark Ancestors and Yuan Changqing disappeared without a trace.



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