Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 54 Distributing Immortal Grass

Originally, Yuan Changqing planned to refine all the immortal grass obtained from the Ice and Fire Eyes into elixirs, but after thinking about it, he gave up, mainly because he was not sure.

There are only so many fairy grasses in Yuan Changqing's hands now, and there is only one plant of each kind. If the refining is useless, he doesn't know where to cry.

After all, each kind of fairy grass is unique. Therefore, for the sake of safety, Yuan Changqing still gives it to his family directly. Although this will waste part of the medicinal power, it is more reliable.

Yuan Changqing said: "The treasure I brought back this time is called fairy grass, and each one is unique."

Catherine said: "Husband, is this fairy grass you mentioned really so effective? Can it actually change a person's destiny?"

"Hahaha, of course, this fairy grass can only be found in the sky, and it is rare to smell it in the human world. Otherwise, how could it be a unique existence!"

"Then take it out quickly and show it to me and sister Yuyan to see if it is as good as you said."

"Hehe, okay, don't worry, I'll call Zilong Ziyi and the others later, and I'll give it to you together."

It is the school holiday now. Ye Guang and Yuan Qinglan are also on holiday at home. Yuan Ziyi and Yuan Zilong are also helping at the clinic in Tiandou City. They can all use the fairy grass now.

Only Yuan Hailan is still young and his martial spirit has not yet awakened, so he is not needed yet.

After everyone was called over and all arrived, Yuan Changqing took out the jade box containing the fairy grass and placed it in front of everyone.

Yuan Ziyi said: "Brother, why did you call us here?"

Yuan Changqing said: "I called you here this time because I have something good for you. Just follow my arrangements later."

"Okay, brother."

"Okay, Dad."

After everyone answered, Yuan Changqing began to distribute the fairy grass.

"Ziyi, you come first. The jelly grass I gave you is narcissus jade muscle and bone. It can moisturize the muscles and bones, and open the seven meridians and eight meridians. The method of taking it is: just eat it directly."

"Zilong, the fairy grass I gave you is the strange velvet Tongtian chrysanthemum. It is a neutral fairy herb. When eaten, the Qi will move to the limbs and the blood will flow through the eight meridians. It can make the body indestructible. The method of taking it is: first eat the pistil of Tongtian flower. , and then eat the petals one by one, but don’t eat the roots.”

"Ye Guang, the celestial grass I gave you is the Holy Light Sunflower. It is the best celestial grass tonic for pure yang. It is very suitable for you. Your martial soul is of the phoenix genus. It can purify the flame of your martial soul and increase the light attribute. , the method of use is: hold it in your hand and run the technique to absorb it directly, but you must persist and do not interrupt the absorption in the middle, otherwise you will fail."

"Qinglan, the fairy grass I gave you is Qinglong Vine. It is a life attribute fairy grass with dragon energy. It has the effect of strengthening the root, bone, qi and blood. The method of use is: hold it in your hand and directly run the technique to absorb it until it is fully absorbed. can."

"Now you go to the garden outside to absorb it, and we will protect you first."

Then everyone came to the garden. The few people who got the fairy grass found a place and began to absorb the fairy grass in their hands according to the usage method given by Yuan Changqing.

Yuan Changqing and the other three were also standing around, watching them absorb the fairy grass and protect them.

Ye Guang made the most noise when absorbing the fairy grass. The fairy grass he got was of fire attribute and exploded the most, followed by Yuan Zilong. The remaining two were okay and relatively calm.

The first person to complete the absorption was Yuan Ziyi. The Water Muscle Jade Immortal Bone directly raised her soul power to level 40 of the Quasi-Soul Sect. Before, she and Yuan Zilong were both at level 35, but now they are just short of absorbing the soul ring.

Moreover, after absorbing the fairy grass, her bones were directly improved, and the medicinal power remained in her body, making it easier to practice in the future.

Afterwards, everyone absorbed it one by one, and Yuan Zilong also came to the 40th Quasi-Soul Sect, and his physical fitness improved significantly.

After Ye Guang finished absorbing it, he saw that his martial spirit was no longer a flamingo.

"Brother, look, my martial spirit has evolved and I am no longer a flamingo."

Yuan Changqing and others gathered around and looked at the brand new martial spirit. It had really evolved. The martial spirit also had light attributes.

Yuan Changqing said: "Yes, it has indeed evolved. Xiaoguang, please give your martial spirit a new name!"

Ye Guang thought for a while and said: "What I absorbed is the Holy Light Fierce Sun Flower, or let's call it Holy Light Fire Luan."

"Well, yes, it's just right for the occasion. Now your martial spirit is also a top-notch martial spirit. You should practice hard in the future and don't waste such a talent. Has your soul power been improved?"

"I know, brother, I will definitely do it. The soul power has not improved much. It has been improved by 4 levels. Now it is level 36."

"Well, it's not bad. Your fairy grass is mainly used to evolve your martial spirit."

In addition to Ye Guang's martial soul being evolved, Yuan Qinglan's martial soul has evolved ahead of schedule. His soul power was originally at level 22, but now he has absorbed the green dragon vine with the life attribute, which directly evolves his martial soul ahead of schedule, and his soul power has reached level 28. , and physical fitness has also been greatly improved.

"Okay, now that you have absorbed the fairy grass, you have changed a lot. With the improvement of your talents, it will be easier to practice in the future than before. Therefore, you must work hard to improve your strength."


The four of them said in unison.

Afterwards, everyone returned to the house. Catherine and Wang Yuyan had not absorbed the fairy grass yet. This time it was their turn.

Yuan Changqing took out the Acacia Heartbroken Red and said: "Yu Yan, the fairy grass I gave you this time is the Acacia Heartbroken Red. On top of its white flowers, there are some astonishing patches of blood. It is said to come from a poignant love story. I will give it to everyone. Just say it briefly."

"Acacia Heartbroken Red is originally a peony. It is said that this peony is the true form of the flower god in heaven.

According to legend, a man missed his wife in front of peonies all day long. As time went by, he became lovesick. His longing for his lover turned into blood and sprayed on the peony flower, which was stained with the most sincere and sincere love. The peony after the heartache turns into the red of lovesickness."

"Therefore, Acacia Heartbroken Red is the most precious treasure among fairy herbs and the king of flowers. Flowers are extraordinary. You choose the owner. When you pick them, you need to think about your loved one, be sincere and sprinkle them with your own blood. On the petals, one cannot care half-heartedly. Once removed, as long as it is by its owner's side, it will never wither."

After everyone heard this, they all felt that this lovesickness was truly worthy of being the supreme deity and the king of flowers.

Wang Yuyan took the Acacia Broken Heart Red and dropped blood on it. Everyone saw that the blood was absorbed and took it off easily.

Wang Yuyan, who had her eyes closed, slowly opened her eyes with tears streaming down her face. She just felt like she was seeing a picture in the story, and she was deeply moved.

Yuan Changqing asked with concern: "Yu Yan, are you okay?"

At this time, everyone looked at Wang Yuyan with concern.

"Brother Changqing, I'm fine. It's just that when I was picking the heartbroken red, I seemed to have seen the story, so I was a little sad."

Catherine said: "Sister Yuyan, did you really see what happened in that story?"

"I don't know, I just feel like some vague images appear in my mind."


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