Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 57 Family Arrives

Hua Feiyan's treatment is the same as that of Dugu Xin, which is to expel toxins from the body, but Dugu Xin is expelling excess toxins from the body.

Later, Hua Feiyan was prescribed tonics and detoxification pills to nourish her body and ensure that the remaining toxins in her body were cleaned out.

As for Duguxin, it is still the same as usual, without much change. His situation is a long-term process. As long as the subsequent symptoms are effective, Yuan Changqing's method can be launched.

Later, Duguxin also insisted on coming to the clinic for treatment on time. However, because Duguxin was too deeply poisoned, and he was poisoned congenitally, and because of his martial spirit the day after tomorrow, the treatment time was still short. No effect.

Yuan Changqing also guessed that the old man Dugu Bo also knew about it. Although he did not come to trouble Yuan Changqing, Yuan Changqing felt that sooner or later he and Dugu Bo would meet.

Now that Dugu Xin is here for treatment, Dugu Bo may have the same idea as Dugu Xin. He has the attitude of giving it a try and doesn't quite believe that Yuan Changqing can solve the problem that even he can't solve.

This is also Dugu Bo's confidence in his achievements in medicine and poisoning. However, what Dugu Bo doesn't know is that people make mistakes and horses stumble. After all, it is impossible for people to be omnipotent and omniscient.

Dugu Bo's idea is probably that if it can be cured, everyone will be happy, and his family's martial arts problem has been solved. If it cannot be cured, he can only continue to find a solution.

In Yuan Changqing's manor, the whole family gathered together today. After receiving Yuan Changqing's autographed letter, the grandparents arranged the family affairs, took their parents and sister-in-law, and rode towards the sky in the family's own carriage. City comes.

The family was sitting in the living room, chatting with each other. After all, they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

After chatting, grandpa said: "Changqing, after we received your urgent letter, we arranged our family affairs and rushed here. Did something happen?"

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "Hahaha, grandpa, nothing happened. We all miss you, so we wrote an urgent letter, but it is a good thing to have everyone come here this time."

Sister-in-law Yuan Linglong said: "Evergreen, it's not bad. I can think of you all when good things happen."

Yuan Changqing was a little helpless that his sister-in-law had always been like this. After looking at each other, he and his uncle Ye Xiaofan exchanged wry smiles.

Yuan Changqing said: "Sister-in-law, you are just a little unreasonable. Please tell everyone, when there are good things, when did you miss it?"

My sister-in-law also said with some embarrassment: "Ahem, aren't I here to help everyone remind you, don't eat alone if there are benefits."


After my sister-in-law finished speaking, she made everyone laugh, and everyone got used to her character.

Mother Lan Ling may not have seen her grandson for a long time, so she pulled her two grandsons to sit beside her.

Lan Ling said: "Changqing, let's get down to business, don't laugh at your sister-in-law."

My sister-in-law said, "Sister-in-law, it's okay, we were joking."

Yuan Changqing said: "I asked everyone to come here this time because I found a treasure land and got a lot of treasures, which are all good for us. Whether it is martial arts or talents, they are all helpful, but I can't leave for the time being. That’s why I’m so eager for you to come to Tiandou City as soon as possible.”

Grandpa said: "Since it is good for martial arts and talents, you juniors can just use it. Isn't it a waste for us to use it?"

Dad Yuan Fei also said: "Yes, we are older, you can just use it."

Later, grandma and mother also said the same thing, hoping that the next generation would have better development potential.

Catherine said: "Grandpa, grandma, mom and dad, and my sisters-in-law and uncles, don't worry, we have all used it now. We are a family, it's just you who are missing."

Wang Yuyan also said: "Yes, we have already used it, and my martial spirit has evolved and brought me a talent field."

Later, Wang Yuyan showed her martial arts and talent areas to her grandparents, and everyone agreed.

Others also talked about their own situations. My sister-in-law screamed with joy when she saw the change in her son Ye Guang's martial spirit.

My sister-in-law said: "Ye Xiaofan, come and see, our son's martial spirit has evolved. It seems to be much stronger than your flamingo."

After hearing my sister-in-law's comment, my grandparents also looked at Ye Guang's martial spirit and secretly marveled.

Ye Guang said: "Mom and Dad, my current martial spirit is no longer called Fiery Bird. It is now called Holy Light Fire Luan."

After Ye Xiaofan looked at it, he said: "Yes, yes, our Firebird Spirit will evolve one day."

My sister-in-law said proudly: "That's right, you don't even know whose son it is, hahaha."

After everyone understood their situation, Yuan Changqing asked everyone to calm down.

Yuan Changqing said: "Now I will distribute these treasures to everyone. I call these treasures jelly grass. What is jelly grass? It only exists in the sky and is rarely smelled in the world. So, you can imagine how precious the jelly grass is. Bar?"

Hearing what Yuan Changqing said, my sister-in-law couldn't wait any longer.

My sister-in-law said eagerly: "Changqing, hurry up, show your sister-in-law first, what is my fairy grass?"

Everyone was no longer surprised when they saw my sister-in-law. Knowing that her temper could never be changed, everyone was a little helpless, especially my uncle Ye Xiaofan.

Yuan Changqing had no choice but to say: "Okay, sister-in-law, since you strongly request it, I will give you the fairy grass first."

"Sister-in-law, your fairy grass is called Black Jade Divine Bamboo. It has the effects of stimulating menstruation, activating meridians, perseverance, and strong vitality. It is very suitable for the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit. The method of use is to break the bamboo tube and drink the water inside. , directly use Qigong to practice."

After my sister-in-law asked Yuan Changqing to hand her a dark green bamboo, she couldn't wait to drink the water in the bamboo tube according to the instructions and began to absorb it.

Everyone can only wait until my sister-in-law has finished practicing.

Yuan Changqing also sympathized with his younger uncle and said, "Little uncle, it's really hard for you."

Uncle Ye Xiaofan said: "It's okay, okay, I'm used to it, hehe."

Seeing his uncle like this, Yuan Changqing felt that he was enjoying it, but thinking about it, after all, he still had to have some fun in life.

After my sister-in-law finished absorbing it, she jumped with joy.

"Hahaha, I have broken through level 70 now. I just need to add another soul ring and I will officially become a soul saint level powerhouse."

My sister-in-law was already a 69th Soul Emperor. This time with the help of fairy grass, she officially broke through to level 70. After adding soul rings in the future, she may be improved. As for how many levels she will be improved to, she doesn’t know.

Ye Guang said: "Mom, has there been any change in your martial spirit now?"

After feeling it for a moment, my sister-in-law said: "The blue silver grass martial spirit is stronger and has more vitality. My martial spirit also has the characteristics of the black jade sacred bamboo fairy grass."

Yuan Changqing said: "Not bad, sister-in-law. It seems that this black jade sacred bamboo is really suitable for you. I have carefully selected this immortal grass for you."

My sister-in-law said, "Thank you very much, my dear nephew."

"Haha, it should be done everywhere."

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed.

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