Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 64 The Golden Triangle

As several soul saints from Yuan Changqing and his party used their martial soul true bodies and the other three's martial soul fusion skills, the sacred dragon, they interrupted the arena of life and death that the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger wanted to use.

Yuan Changqing knew that it was impossible to continue like this. If he didn't find a way, they would eventually be wiped out because their soul power was exhausted.

Yuan Changqing said: "Everyone is fighting and retreating to the outside of the Star Dou Forest. We are no match for the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger."

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is a multi-attribute soul beast, so it can challenge a hundred thousand year soul beast when it is at the ten thousand year level. Yuan Changqing knows this very well.

It would not be a wise choice to confront it head-on at this time, and Yuan Changqing could only choose to fight with him.

So, everyone followed Yuan Changqing's instructions, harassing and retreating at the same time, and headed outside the Star Dou Forest.


At this time, it is still important to save one's life. Four Soul Saints plus two Soul Emperors, and there are also two Soul Emperors among the three, are unable to take down the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger!

"The fourth soul skill, Diamond Lock."

"The fourth soul skill, Chang Ling's Mystery."

"The fifth soul skill, Blue Silver Bite."

Wang Yuyan used her fourth soul skill, and her sister-in-law also used her fifth soul skill to temporarily trap the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

Wang Yuyan said: "My soul skills can't trap it for long."

My sister-in-law said: "Mine too."

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, it's good to be trapped temporarily. Let's run together now and run with all our strength."

After hearing this, everyone left the battlefield and started running at full speed.


After a while, everyone heard the roar of the tiger, and knew that the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger had broken free from the soul skill and began to chase everyone.

Yuan Changqing said: "Everyone, don't be distracted and keep running. It shouldn't come out of the Star Forest. As long as we don't get caught up, we will be fine."

The people who had just ran out of the Star Dou Forest did not dare to stay and left quickly. Only the roar of the tiger behind them sounded full of anger.


As the roar of the tiger became smaller and smaller, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the dark evil tiger would not come after him again.

However, everyone did not stop, but ran to Xingdou Town before stopping. Yuan Changqing and others were also exhausted.

Several soul saints still felt tired due to the use of martial soul avatars and running all the way. Although the people on Yuan Changqing's side took fairy grass and improved their physical fitness, the strength of the soul beasts encountered this time was Too strong.

Afterwards, I found a hotel, found a private room, and prepared to eat first.

When Yuan Changqing saw the three of them in the Star Dou Forest, he made some guesses and roughly knew who these three people were.

After the meal, Yuan Changqing and others looked at the three of them and said, "Tell me, what are your names, and how did you encounter such a terrifying soul beast as the Dark God, Evil Demon Tiger?"

The three of them looked at each other and said with male eyes: "Dear Soul Saint, my name is Flanders, this is my second brother Yu Xiaogang, and this is my third sister Liu Erlong."

Yuan Changqing said calmly: "So it's you. I've heard of your name, the Golden Triangle. Tell me what happened today."

"It's an award, but it's just a bad name."

Flanders added: "We originally went to hunt for the sixth soul ring for my third sister Liu Erlong, but for some reason we encountered the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger on the way back, and then they started fighting. , and we couldn’t beat you, we ran away and met you in the end.”

"Well, how should I put it? Your luck is really unlucky, and it almost got us involved."

Flanders said quickly: "Dear Soul Saint, I'm really sorry. We actually didn't want to. Who knew we would encounter the Dark God Evil Tiger on the way back."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "It's nothing. Fortunately, everyone walked out of the Star Forest safely. We can only admit that we are unlucky. Who did we encounter? I think you should also know how powerful the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is!"

Yu Xiaogang said: "We only know a little bit. This is the first time we have encountered one. Unexpectedly, we almost died."

Yuan Changqing said: "It's good to know that this Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is usually in the core area within ten thousand years of the Star Dou Forest. This time it somehow managed to reach the periphery."

Flanders said: "Yes, in the end I didn't expect that so many of us would not be its opponents."


Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "Don't even think about it. The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger can compete with a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast in ten thousand years. It was just playing tricks on you when you met. If it really used its full strength, you would have become its slaves long ago. Food rations.”

Liu Erlong said: "The three of us, brother and sister, are really thanks to you this time, otherwise the three of us really wouldn't be able to escape."

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, we all share the same sorrow, so there is no need to say more, this matter is over."

Flanders said: "You still don't know your names?"

Yuan Changqing also introduced everyone to Flanders and the others one by one.

Afterwards, everyone also chatted together, and through the chat they became familiar with each other, and also learned some of the experiences of the three Flanders.

Yuan Changqing said: "Flender, where are you going next?"

The three of Flanders looked at each other and said, "I haven't decided yet, but I think we should rest for a while. This time it scared us a lot. After we go back, we will prepare to practice hard for a while."

"Well, that's fine. Once your strength is high, you will have the confidence to enter the Douluo Continent."

"What about you? How can I find you in the future?"

"Hahaha, you can go to Tiandou Royal Academy to find me. I am a teacher there. Our family is all in Tiandou City. You can also send a letter to my store in Soto City, and my sister-in-law will help convey it."

"Okay, I will definitely visit you when I have time in the future."

Yuan Changqing said: "Flanders, Yu Xiaogang, come to Tiandou City to take a look when you have time."

When the show ended, several women were still a little reluctant to leave, and they all treated each other like sisters.

Catherine said: "Sister Erlong, come to Tiandou City to visit us when you have time. Also, remember to write a letter."

My sister-in-law also said: "Yes, Erlong, if you get to Soto City, come to me and I will take you to Soto City for a walk."

Liu Erlong said: "Okay, I will definitely visit you in the future."

Afterwards, everyone went to their reserved rooms to rest.

The three of them gathered together and watched Yu Xiaogang remain silent.

Flanders said: "Xiao Gang, why don't you say anything today?"

Yu Xiaogang said: "Flanders, Erlong, have you seen what level Yuan Changqing and the others are today?"

Liu Erlong said: "I saw it. They are either Soul Emperors or Soul Sages. What's wrong? You still can't tell the difference between Soul Emperors and Soul Sages."

Yu Xiaogang waved his hand and said: "Of course I can tell the difference clearly. I mean, do you know what kind of martial soul they have cultivated to the level of Soul Emperor and Soul Saint?"

Flanders said: "I can still distinguish clearly what kind of martial spirit, isn't Yuan Changqing's martial spirit the same as Blue Silver Grass... Ugh!"

Yu Xiaogang said: "You have discovered it, Blue Silver Grass, you have actually cultivated to the level of Soul Saint, and there are two other Blue Silver Grass martial souls who are also Soul Emperor Soul Saints. Do you think there is a big problem here?"

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