Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 75 It’s really useful

When Duguxin and his wife returned home, they told their wife Hua Feiyan about the method of obtaining soul bones that Yuan Changqing had just told him.

Hua Feiyan said in disbelief: "Xin, isn't this a bit of a joke? If that's the case, wouldn't it be easy to get soul bones?"

Dugu Xin actually doesn't believe it very much, but when a drowning person grasps a straw, he will hold on tightly.

Dugu Xin said awkwardly: "I didn't make it clear to you. Doctor Yuan said that the probability is higher than usual, but he didn't say that it would definitely happen. Doctor Yuan also heard about it."

"Did Dr. Yuan tell you where you heard it?"

"Ahem, I didn't ask this, and it's hard to ask. As for where I heard it, does it matter? Besides, everyone has secrets, and it's not a good thing to get to the bottom of it."

"That's right. Dr. Yuan's family is a good family, and they are all people worth getting to know. We can't ruin the relationship between the two families for some reason."

When Dugu Xin heard what Hua Feiyan said, he felt that it was right and said with satisfaction: "My wife is still thoughtful. So, when I heard Dr. Yuan say that, I hurriedly pulled you back to discuss with you to see if this matter is feasible. Not feasible.”

Hua Feiyan thought for a while and said: "Now that we can't find other soul bones, we can only try. This is always a way."

"Well, let's go to Sunset Forest now to find father. With father's help then, our safety will be higher."

With that said, Dugu Xin was about to set off to Sunset Forest, but Hua was stopped by Fei Yan.

Hua Feiyan said: "What's the hurry? We also need to prepare, right? Let's purchase some supplies first. Otherwise, what will we eat in the forest then?"

Dugu Xin patted his head and said, "Hey, I'm so anxious. Well, my wife, let's go buy supplies now."

"Well, there's no need to be in such a hurry. Let's purchase all the things we need to purchase today. It won't be too late to go tomorrow." Hua Feiyan quickly persuaded.

Afterwards, the two purchased supplies and went to the Ice and Fire Eye in the Sunset Forest the next day to find Dugu Bo.

Sunset forest.

Now Dugu Bo has arranged a poison array around the Binghuo Liangyi Eye.

After Dugu Xin and his wife walked in, they went to look for Dugu Bo and came to the Ice and Fire Eyes. Sure enough, they were here.

After seeing Dugu Bo, Dugu Xin asked: "Father, how are you doing lately?"

Dugu Bo said: "It's okay. Now with the suppression of the ice and fire eyes, the poison in the body can be well controlled."

Hearing this, Dugu Xin sighed: "Oh, father, why do you think our martial spirit can even poison me?"

Dugu Bo was speechless and could only choose to remain silent, not knowing what to say.

Hua Feiyan saw that the atmosphere was a little bad and said quickly: "Okay, Xin, don't we have something to discuss with father?"

Dugu Xin also reacted and said: "Ah, yes, father, Fei Yan and I have something to discuss with you this time."

Dugu Bo said, "What's going on?"

Afterwards, Dugu Xin quickly told Dugu Bo what Yuan Changqing said, just to ask what he thought?

Dugu Bo said with a gloomy face: "Is this credible? Why do I feel a little unreliable!"

"Ahem, father, I have actually discussed this with Fei Yan, and I am here to ask for your opinion."

Hua Feiyan also said: "Father, in fact, no matter whether it is reliable or not, this is still a method. It is more useful than us looking for soul bones like headless flies. It won't be a big deal for us to try. At most, it will be a waste of time." some time.”

Dugu Bo nodded and said: "What Fei Yan said makes sense. It's better to have a way than no way. Let's go find some soul beasts to try first."

Duguxin added: "Well, Dr. Yuan also reminded at that time that it is best to find poisonous soul beasts directly. If we find other soul beasts to experiment, more soul beasts will die, and it will easily cause a riot among the soul beasts. In that case, we It’s more passive.”

"Well, that's fine. If the soul bones are found, they can be used directly. Well, let's set off now and try to find the soul beasts."

After the three of them discussed it, they started looking for the poisonous soul beast in the Sunset Forest. As for whether they could find it in the end, Yuan Changqing didn't know. It all depended on the fate of Duguxin's family.

Yuan Changqing's life here is uneventful. Thinking that Dugu Xin must be killing soul beasts and looking for soul bones now, he doesn't know if he can find them.

After a while, Duguxin came to Yuan Changqing again. When he saw Duguxin again, Yuan Changqing found that something was different.

Yuan Changqing knew that Duguxin's problem was solved, and now he was completely different from before. There was no snake smell anymore, his hair had turned back to black, and his eye color had returned to normal.

Yuan Changqing said: "Brother Dugu, I haven't seen you for a long time. You have changed a lot now. It's like you have become a living person. You have changed your appearance. Congratulations."

Dugu Xin also said happily: "Hahaha, it's all thanks to Brother Yuan. If it weren't for you, I, Dugu Xin, wouldn't be where I am today. I came here today to thank you."

"Thank you, Brother Dugu. It seems that method works?"

"Hey, Brother Yuan, that method does work, but the chance is not high. My father and I also looked for a lot of soul beasts before we finally got one, and finally solved my problem."

"That's pretty good, but now Brother Dugu has finally cleared the clouds and seen the rainbow. I'm very happy to celebrate."

"Yes, now I finally don't have to suffer that inhuman pain. Brother Yuan, you don't know how I survived all these years, wu wu wu." Dugu Xin began to cry bitterly as he spoke.

When Yuan Changqing saw Dugu Xin like this, he didn't know how to comfort him. They said that men don't shed tears easily, but they don't come to the point of pain. It seems that crying now can be regarded as a way to vent the pain and torture Dugu Xin has suffered over the years!

When Dugu Xin stopped crying, Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, brother Dugu, you have finally come to the end of all your hardships. Good times are yet to come. When you have children in the future, you will feel that this hardship is nothing."

"Brother Yuan, I'm sorry. I'm also happy and just want to vent my past pain." Dugu Xin was also a little embarrassed.

"It's okay. Brother Dugu is also a gentle person, which is great. However, although your problem has been solved now, there are still hidden dangers. You and Mr. Dugu should pay more attention to it," Yuan Changqing reminded.

Duguxin nodded and said: "Don't worry, Brother Yuan, you have mentioned these problems before, and my father and I will also start to solve them later."

"Well, that's good, let's go, Brother Dugu, I'm going to celebrate you today. I wish you can get out of the sea of ​​suffering and get your life back on track."

"Hahaha, okay, Brother Yuan, I'm treating you this time. I won't come back until you're drunk!"

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