Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 90 Disintegration

Yuan Changqing told Catherine and Wang Yuyan some of what happened when Dugu Bo went to Wuhun Hall.

Catherine said: "This is too unlucky. Didn't you already remind Dugu Bo? Why did you go anyway?"

"Hey, I don't know what the old poison is thinking. Maybe he wants to make the name of the Dugu family famous."

Wang Yuyan also said in disbelief: "How could Wuhun Palace do such a thing?"

Wang Yuyan can ask this question because Wuhun Palace has great importance in the hearts of the civilians in Douluo Continent, because with the help of Wuhun Palace, so many civilians' martial arts can awaken and practice.

Yuan Changqing said: "How is this impossible? The Wuhun Palace is now the largest force in the Douluo Continent, and it has existed for such a long time. Naturally, it has behaved arrogantly. Therefore, in the future, in terms of strength, we will It’s better not to cause friction with the Wuhun Palace when it’s not enough.”

"Yeah, I understand." The two women responded at the same time.

After the weekend break, Yuan Changqing returned home and found that Liu Erlong was also there, and he was not in good spirits.

I haven't seen the Golden Triangle for almost two years, and I only heard about the deeds of the three of them occasionally.

Yuan Changqing said: "Why does Miss Liu Erlong have time to come here to play?"

Liu Erlong smiled reluctantly and said: "Teacher Yuan, you should call me Liu Erlong or Erlong. I have been in Tiandou City recently. Catherine and Yuyan left me their address last time. So, today Just come and see them.”

"Well, that's good. What about Flanders and Yu Xiaogang? Are they also in Tiandou City?"

Upon hearing Yuan Changqing's question, Liu Erlong's brows furrowed inadvertently, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Catherine quickly interrupted and said, "Husband, why are you asking so many questions? Didn't you see that Erlong was in a bad mood?"

Catherine's words also made Liu Erlong less embarrassed. Liu Erlong said sadly: "It's okay, Teacher Yuan doesn't know my situation."

Then, he added: "Now that the Golden Iron Triangle has been disbanded, everyone has separated. I came to Tiandou City. I thought that you are here in Tiandou City, so I came to see you."

Looking at Liu Erlong's look, Yuan Changqing also knew what happened. The reason why Liu Erlong looked like this must be because of her and Yu Xiaogang's affairs.

Speaking of which, Yu Xiaogang is also a tragic figure in Douluo Continent. As the legitimate son of the current patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, he has had high hopes since he was a child. However, God seems to have played a big joke on Yu Xiaogang. Awakening His martial spirit was actually not the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, and he had awakened the malignant mutated martial spirit Luo Sanpao, with half a level of innate soul power.

Since the martial arts awakened, Yu Xiaogang's nightmare began. He was marginalized and made things difficult by his family members. Finally, Yu Xiaogang couldn't bear it anymore and left the family.

Afterwards, Yu Xiaogang wandered around Douluo Continent.

Because of his half-level innate soul power, he knew that no matter how hard he practiced, he would never achieve anything great, so he read through the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family's collection of books, which also gave him a deep understanding of martial arts.

On the way to wandering, Yu Xiaogang met Bibi Dong again. At that time, Bibi Dong was still a simple girl. Although Yu Xiaogang was not very strong, but with his profound knowledge and eloquence, he did not know how to deal with it. Unknowingly, he captured Bibi Dong's heart.

Through Bibi Dong's relationship, Yu Xiaogang came into contact with more knowledge about Wuhun in Wuhun Hall. However, the good times did not last long, and his relationship with Bibi Dong was discovered by Qian Xunji. In the end, he was also humiliated. After driving out of Wuhun City, Yu Xiaogang felt that God had played a big joke on him again.

Later, Yu Xiaogang met Flanders and Liu Erlong again, and also discovered that the martial souls of the three people were sensitive to each other and could fuse together to form the martial soul fusion skill: Golden Holy Dragon.

At that time, the Haotian Double Star was famous in Douluo Continent, and many people on the Douluo Continent worshiped the powerful strength of the Haotian Double Star.

After discovering that martial souls could be fused, Yu Xiaogang and the others followed the example of the Haotian Double Star and formed the Golden Iron Triangle. This combination indeed made the three of them quite famous on the Douluo Continent.

It may be because of their martial soul fusion skills that Flanders and Yu Xiaogang fell in love with Liu Erlong at the same time. It may also be because their martial soul fusion skills are based on the weakest Yu Xiaogang, which makes Liu Erlong. Erlong fell in love with Yu Xiaogang, not Flanders.

In the end, although the relationship between the three people was not made public, Flanders knew that Liu Erlong didn't like him, so he made Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang happy and personally hosted the wedding for them.

Just as the two were preparing to complete the wedding, Liu Erlong's father Yu Luomian somehow found out about the two of them and rushed over to stop the ongoing wedding.

Yu Xiaogang didn't know until Yu Luo Mian arrived that Liu Erlong was actually his cousin. The joke was so big that he felt like God had played a joke on him again. Yu Xiaogang ran away alone that night.

This was why Liu Erlong seemed to have lost all energy, and that's why Catherine interrupted to tell Yuan Changqing not to ask so many questions.

Yuan Changqing never asked about the Golden Triangle again.

"Then Erlong, you can stay at my house for two more days and let Yuyan and Catherine accompany you to visit Tiandou City."

Liu Erlong said: "Thank you, Teacher Yuan."

Yuan Changqing replied: "It's okay. You and Yuyan and Catherine are sisters, so let them relax with you."

Catherine said: "I still need you to tell me. Yuyan, Erlong and I have agreed that we will live at home these days."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Well, now that you have agreed, that's fine, but Erlong, do you plan to stay in Tiandou City in the future?"

Wang Yuyan and Catherine also looked at Liu Erlong, and Liu Erlong also hesitated and said: "I don't know now, I haven't thought about it yet."

Catherine quickly said: "Erlong, I think you can live in Tiandou City. In the future, we can meet often and go shopping together. Yuyan and I can also introduce new friends to you. That would be great."

Liu Erlong was also moved by the words, and said: "Catherine, Yuyan, let me think about it. I can't make this decision yet."

Catherine wanted to persuade her again, but Wang Yuyan quickly pulled Catherine, shook her head, and said to Liu Erlong: "Erlong, then think about it more, let's have some fun these days."

Looking at Liu Erlong's look, Yuan Changqing knew that she was still unwilling to give in, and wanted to find Yu Xiaogang back. However, the final result may have disappointed Liu Erlong, and she still failed to find Yu Xiaogang. .

Later, after failing to find Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong will establish a school in Tiandou City: Lanba Academy.

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