Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 97 Duguxin’s invitation

After returning home from Tiandou Royal Academy, the whole family was waiting for Yuan Changqing.

Seeing Yuan Changqing return, Wang Yuyan asked: "Brother Changqing, how are you? Have you resigned?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "It's done, but it doesn't count as resignation. Now I have an honorary teacher name at Tiandou Royal Academy, but I don't have to go to school to work."

"That's not bad. After all, you have been in the academy for such a long time, so it's not bad to have a name."

"I think so too, so I agreed to the academy's suggestion."

"Bang bang bang."

Early the next morning, while the family was having breakfast, they heard a knock on the door.

"I'll open the door."

Yuan Changqing stood up and said. After opening the door, he found that it was Duguxin and his wife.

Yuan Changqing said in surprise: "Brother Dugu, I just arrived in Tiandou City yesterday, and you came here today. How did you know we were back?"

"Hey, Brother Yuan, it's a coincidence. There was an auction in Tiandou City recently. I heard that there was also a soul bone auction, so I thought about calling you in and asked the servants at home to pay attention to your home. clinic." Duguxin said.

"It seems that when we went to the clinic to clean up yesterday afternoon, your servants saw it."

Dugu Xin nodded and said: "That's right, otherwise I wouldn't have known that you had returned to Tiandou City! That's why I came to your house to look for you early in the morning."

After Yuan Changqing found out, he quickly let Duguxin and his wife in, and then came to the living room.

Hua Feiyan saw Yuan Changqing's family still having breakfast and said, "Catherine, Yuyan, are eating!"

Wang Yuyan and Catherine also greeted Duguxin and his wife. Wang Yuyan said: "Fei Yan, why don't you come and have some food with us?"

"No, I've already eaten at home. You guys eat first and we'll go shopping together later." Hua Feiyan refused.

Catherine heard about shopping and said happily: "Okay, we haven't gone shopping together for a long time."

After breakfast, Catherine and Wang Yuyan followed Hua Feiyan and went shopping. Yuan Changqing and Dugu Xin were the only ones left at home.

After making tea, the two sat in the living room and drank tea.

Yuan Changqing said: "Brother Dugu, you said there was an auction in Tiandou City recently? Are there any soul bones?"

"Well, I came here this time just to ask you if you want to take a look." Dugu Xin nodded.

"It seems that Brother Dugu is here for the soul bones this time. Do you know the specific situation of the soul bones?" Yuan Changqing asked.

Dugu Xin shook his head and said: "I only know that it is ten thousand years old. I don't know the specific situation, and the auction house has not announced it in detail."

"It seems that the competition this time will be fierce. Is Brother Dugu prepared enough for the gold soul coins?" Yuan Changqing said with a smile.

"Hahaha, of course the wallet is full, otherwise how can we compete? Brother Yuan, do you want to go and have a look?"

Yuan Changqing replied: "Go, why don't you go? I haven't seen what the auction in Tiandou City is like!"

Then he asked: "Brother Dugu, how could someone put such a precious thing like soul bones up for auction?"

"Hehe, I actually got some news about this. It is said that it was obtained by a soul hunting group, and because there was only one soul bone, it was difficult to divide, so in the end we had to decide to auction it." Dugu Xin explained.

Yuan Changqing said: "It seems that this soul hunting group is relatively united. I have heard of many cases of killing people and selling goods for profit."

Dugu Xin also said with emotion: "Yeah, let's just say that I have tried so hard to find the soul bone but to no avail. This shows how rare the soul bone is. If it hadn't been for the method you mentioned, I don't know when I would be able to find it. .”

Yuan Changqing also nodded and asked: "Did you find out anything else about this auction?"

"Hey, Brother Yuan, I promise I won't disappoint you. I heard that there are still female slaves. Brother Yuan can participate when the time comes." Dugu Xin said a little unseriously.

Yuan Changqing looked at Dugu Xin with some contempt and said: "I think Brother Dugu has an idea. However, brother, I firmly support you in doing this. I will not tell my sister-in-law."

Dugu Xin hurriedly shook his head and said: "Forget it, I can't bear it. I still want to live a few more years."

Then, he changed the subject and said, "Then we will meet at the auction house together."

"Okay, that's it." Yuan Changqing also agreed with Duguxin's words.

Later, Duguxin also told the time and place, and brought an invitation sticker to Yuan Changqing.

In front of the auction house, Yuan Changqing took Catherine and met Duguxin and his son. Hua Feiyan and Wang Yuyan were busy with their own affairs and did not come together.

Yuan Changqing saw Dugu Bo and said, "Old poisonous guy, long time no see. What have you been busy with lately?"

Dugu Bo was also very happy to see Yuan Changqing and said: "I'm not busy with anything. Apart from practicing now, I'm just studying poisons. After all, I can only deal with poisons in this life."

When Dugu Xin saw everyone had arrived, he said, "Okay, let's go in first. It's not too late to chat later."

Everyone took out the invitation stickers and entered the auction house. After finding a seat and sitting down, they started chatting again.

Yuan Changqing and Dugu Xin are located next to each other, in the middle. This is a stepped auction house.

After a while, someone else came next to him. When he saw Dugu Bo, he also came up to say hello.

When Yuan Changqing saw the person coming, he knew that the person coming was Ning Fengzhi, the master of Qibao Glazed Sect, and Sword Dou Luo Chenxin who was following him.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Dugu Bo and said, "I didn't expect that Poison Douluo would also come to participate in this auction."

"Hahaha, Sect Leader Ning, judging from what you said, your Qibao Glazed Sect has a great cause, so aren't you here too." Dugu Bo said with a smile.

"Poison Douluo is joking. Although our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is big, we still have a lot of people to support. So, let's see if there is anything we need here." Ning Fengzhi said with a smile.

Then, he looked at Yuan Changqing and others and said, "Poison Douluo, are these all your friends?"

Dugu Bo nodded and began to introduce them one by one: "These two are Yuan Changqing and Catherine. They are husband and wife and my good friends. This is my son Dugu Xin. You should also know."

"Hello, you three, I am Ning Fengzhi." Ning Fengzhi is worthy of being the leader of a sect, and his words always give people the feeling of bathing in the spring breeze.

"This is the protector elder of our Seven Treasure Glazed Sect, Sword Dou Luo Chenxin."

Then Chen Xin was introduced, and Chen Xin also nodded.

"I've met Sword Douluo Mian, and I've met Sect Master Ning." Yuan Changqing and the others also bowed to the two of them.

Chen Xin heard that Dugu introduced Yuan Changqing and Catherine as his good friends, and observed the three of them carefully, and was a little surprised after seeing them.

Then, he sent a message to Ning Fengzhi: "Fengzhi, these three people are not very old, about the same age as you, and their strength is also good, especially the girl, who is already a Contra, and the man of the girl is also a high-level man. Soul Saint, as for Dugu Bo’s son, he is also a high-level Soul Emperor.”

Ning Fengzhi heard Chen Xin's message and looked at Yuan Changqing and Catherine with even more interest.

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