Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 115

Two months, he must handle some things well. Especially with the Ning Rongrong agreement.

Thinking of this, Tang San got out of the dormitory, walked toward Ning Rongrong and the dove.

Girl dormitory.

"It's tired ~"

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Dance have taken off the coat at this time, and they are lying on their own bed.

The two are talking about some topics that are not suitable.

Talking about the development of Zhu Zhuqing.

Ning Rongrong envied and unknown.

Xiao Dance is a red face, light, light: "This is you want to ask her. How do I know. Let's say something is good?! It's easy to imbalance?"

It is also very reasonable to say that it is very reasonable, but the acid is overflow.


The more the topic is, the more proofread.

It's really unbearable, not mentioned!

Two girls god the mysterious gossip Dai Mu Bai relations with Zhu Zhuqing.

The door suddenly sounded.

Ning Rongrong asked: "Who is it?"

"It's me, Tang three."

"Ah, it is a small family." The two have a hand, and it is barely put the clothes.

Tang San is to talk to Ningrong to talk about some cooperation.

A few days ago, he gave everyone to the gods.

The blade should be the happiest.

Hey, this is just like! Is it the essence of fighting, as for the front? Ignorant! The same attack is in the accident that the damage caused to the enemy is obviously ten times a hundred times that of the light!

As long as it is possible, the blade will choose the enemy in the dark, so the words can have more choices.


Ning Rong Rong suggested that Tang San and Xiao Dance and she went out to stroll around the street and relax.

Tang San wrinkled with a brow, the refusal of righteous words, and educated Ning Rongrong.

If the blade is next to it, it will only sigh: ignorant Tang three, if there is a rabbit essence, you will play a living back!

Ning Rong Rong once again invited Tang San again with a work and rest.

Looking at the big eyes of the little dance, Tang three bite his teeth, and finally refused.

The small dance of the gas is straight.

He still has a lot to do.


Of course, what is exhausted, hard work, deal with the things.

These are not related to the blade.

His days are the most comfortable, and there is a fixed practice every day, and it is even more accomplished.

These don't have to worry. Take a holiday when the usual day is over, there is nothing difference.


"Come in, the door is not locked."

Mild sound came out.

The door was pushed away.

Two have been visiting in a curious head, curiously looking around.

It's so strange, don't you say that the boys are the same as the dog's nest? How can I be so clean?

The little dance is full of intakes in the eyes of Ning Rongrong.

The knife looks back, don't laugh: "What? Come in sitting."

The two faces are slightly red, and they are also aware of such improperness.

Pulf the door.

It turned out that in addition to the small dance, Ning Rongrong, there is still some people who are inseparable from Zhu Zhuqing.

She is planning to carry out physical training, Xiao Dance and Ning Rongrong two do not have to pull her to say what to work, moderately relax, and then pull her right away from the square come.

Also said to go to a dangerous place, there is no pain in the Dragon Tiger, without her.

Then I came here.

For a time, she is a little flustered.

"Blade, you look at it here!" The little dance is in the middle of the room. She has been to Tang San, and Tang San's internal handling is not bad, but Oscar does not dare to compliment, Where is it to live?

She also thought that I was an exception.

"Just sitting, how come you?" The blade looked back in the book behind the book.

Ning Rongrong also looked around, but there were a lot more in the afternoon, she said: "How? How do three big beauty visits you are not happy?"

The blade smiled: "Of course I am happy."

Ning Rong Rong was satisfied with a light: "We are ready to go shopping, missing a bag, do you want to come together?"

Xiao Dance uses her rich big eyes to lick a confused look at the arrogant Ning Rongrong.

She said that she started:

"The blade is strolling in the city of Soto, which must be familiar with it. It is better to invite him to let him be guided."

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