Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 117

Today, this breakfast will be their penalty second breakfast! (Shrak)

Tomorrow, after you have finished the last meal of Shrek, they will go up.

When I was eating, Tang San said and made new objects and prepared one for each person.

Ning Rongrong is the most exciting to Oscar. For these things, they are more enthusiastic.

after eating.

A group came to the college's square.

The sun is rising, and the bird is spent on.

Shirake's green is very good, how close you look close to nature!

Tang San took out a cylinder to appreciate it, but the fart does not spit it.

The blade hates the behavior of this selling, before he didn't dare to sell Guanzi in front of him, because you dare to die! (I said!)

When the blade was prepared to hack, Tang San finally started to understand.

The blade looks at the tiger claws in the stone: it can not only be applied to obstacles, but emergency evacuation. And the attack power is not low, and there will be a good effect under the raid. Even after breaking into the enemy's body, take the enemy closer to kill, if you apply a poison ...

Use a variety of use, not bad.

The next day, the blink of an eye is coming.

The Shrike School has not built a building that can support the scene for many years, let alone what is worth anything.

So it is quite easy!

But this can not make Flend feel happy.

The time from the agreed.

Under the order of Flanders, everyone has already packed well, ready to start, go to the Tiangou Royal College to see what the school is in the school.

The weather is unexpected, and there is no cloud.

Flander Station is in the college entrance, looking at that already a little break, engraved the plaque of the five words of the Speluder College, and intensive in the heart.

Twenty years have passed, and finally I got to say goodbye.

When Zhao was confident, Frem was also said personal marriage issues.

The blade and others pretend to be unconscious, but the ear is vertical, the mysterious flame in the eyes is burning in the bears.

The two people did not pay attention to the zombie face with the masters of the vast.

He touched the Bischer: It seems that the master and the Frad should have a very dog ​​blood dog story.

He has some curiosity.

Flend trocked.

"lets go."

Everyone went up.

However, they will not be too comfortable, because the dean of a small money is given up with all the comfort and stable rushing methods.

He made everyone rushed to two legs, even the poor master is no exception! Is that human being? !

Fortunately, Frand also lost his brotherhood, pulling the master, or the first fell is the master.

Several teachers are also grievances, how do they don't know the character of Fland? Just I didn't expect to get along with the emotion of many years, I didn't have a few stink!

Flander Beautiful Name: It is for the children's cultivation, everyone will bear it.

I bother!

Master people have not arranged this profession, what is this amateur? Still not for those stinky money!

Several teachers disdain.


When the sky was black, everyone reached a village.

In order to show that he is not to save the stinky money, it is specially touched that the most advanced hotel in this village is born to everyone.

It is worth mentioning that this village is such a hotel ...

Although the hotel is simple, it is still clean.

Flander wants three rooms, a teacher, a male student, a female student.

When Fland is laughing in his own wings, all the original shape is revealed.

The teachers have a big opinion, and there is no opinions in the students.

Didn't see the great Flander's delegation to be with the master, Zhao's helpless, and other three teachers squeezed a small room? This is six big men! (Don't doubt that I use words, I'm thinking about Douro's height.)

Flander is so embarrassed to himself, who is still going to find it?

Frand's opposition to Zhao Wuyi and others said: "I will wait for the teacher, carry forward the spirit of hard work, hard work, and do the role model!"

Darkness, Flanders play a set of official cavity.

Oscar entered the room and suddenly rushed to bed.

Blade frown wrinkle: This bed - dirt!

A group of stinky men.

The blade patrol the room in a room, there is a place to take a shower, okay.

But there is no water.

Is this the most advanced hotel in this village?

Sure enough.

Fortunately, there are still many water in the soul leader, first use, and make additions will be made tomorrow.


When he took a shower, I saw Dai Mu Bai, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun three people were sneaked in the door.

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