Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 121

Listening to the people say that the second director is very peaceful tonight, and the face that is always boarding is actually bringing a smile.

Oh, it seems that the two supervisors wait for a long time. Looking at the literary case, the big director's pale face was launched.

One year ago, he heard that the second director met a new big in his hand, but he didn't care too much. A new place is new, the feet are not stable, and how is it to make him stable? Is his background than this weak? As long as he does not have a big mistake here, the other party can't manage him.

He sat in this seat for more than 20 years, and the days of erexity, made the vigilance of the year gradually numb.

Otherwise, where will I give the second chance!

The new big needs to expand your strength.

Once he fell, there should be died in the second supervisor.


Second supervisor, two director! Good!

The big supervisor has a bruises.

On the other place, a little slim figure is in the scene, there is no blood on the face, there is no blood, and you muttered muttered: "It is impossible, it is impossible ..."

He gave him a bet, and it is more interest.

The bet is his future and a heavy trust, appreciation and promotion.

After everyone entered the dark, they couldn't stand it again. In addition to the Tang San Qi Qi's bending and vomiting. Dai Mu Bai is growing in the end of the year and has a mistake, and there is no really spit out.

The blade came over and smiled: "Who wants me to appease? Free."

Dai Mu wiped a corner, glanced at the blade: "I am."

Ma Hongjun trembled: "Knife, knife brother, I need!"

The blade smiled and walked to him, ignored the vomit on the ground. He was caressing the back of the horse and Hongjun with an extremely moderate voice: "It's okay, it's okay, sleep, wake up, everything will become fine."

Ma Hongjun has not responded yet, and I feel that a huge force falls behind the neck.

He fainted. The blade supported him, Dai Mu Baidao: "Mu Bai, help him go back, let him sleep well."

Dai Mu Bai wants to say.

"Don't worry, Hongjun's psychological tolerance is relatively weak, so that he will sleep well."

Dai Muhu took Xiao fat from the blade.

Before the blade came to the bunny, he was a little difficult to understand, others spit, what happened? !

"Little dance, want me to help?" The tone is still gentle.

The little dance is difficult to stand up to Tang San: "No!"

Tang San pulled her hand and gently smashed her head.

"Rong Rong, you?"

Ning Rong wiped a mouth and got angry. "I don't think so fragile!"

The knife is appreciated: "Yes, it is a person who is optimistic." And then pull it out. Take a shot of her shoulders.

Come to Oscar: "What about you?"

Oscar stretched out and put it, indicating that it is not used, and the blade pulled him.

He looked at Zhu Zhuqing: "I feel."

"Some disgusting." Zhu Zhuqing silent film wading.

The blade laughed: "I feel disgusting? Very good, if I don't feel, I am troublesome."

Tang San is dark, it is true.

The blade smiled and said: "Let's go back and calm."

Zhu Zhu nodded.


The blade looked at the full dirt shaking his head.

Cleaning staff, hard work.

The master left in the shadow in front.

Frand and Zhao have come out.

Flander wants to teach people to have a small knowledge, commonly known as the soup.


The blade listening is a pleasure.


In addition to Ma Hongjun tonight, a few people are afraid of sleeping.

This comes from the blade to self-confidence.


It is almost the same time to be fooled, Fled leaves with excitement.

The odds of Slack Victory is a $ 20.

30,000 gold soul coins multiply and twenty is a crazy figure!

The excitement of Flanders shudder, it is golden light in his eyes, which is the torrent of the Golden Soul!

No one is empty.

Oh, listening to the voice in the field, Flandh only has a fresh bit.

I took a deep breath, and the Frandene was swapped in the replacement office, knocked on the sleeping staff.

The staff is a positive and professional smile, the face is on the face: "Sir, hello, can you help you?"

Flend pushed the voucher with his finger.

"Trouble redemption."

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