Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 123


The wind in the night.

Several people rely on the fence, feel this rare cool.

The long-term blade is open: "The first murder feels very bad?"

The Ning Rong Rong, he is gently, and Zhu Zhu is nodded.

Xiao Dance is weak on the railing: "Is this asking?"

The blade said: "In fact, I also admire you, I want to kill the first time in the first time ..." He said when he said that smiled and shook his head, no more.

The little dance is curious and eager to say: "Let's go! Why don't you say it?"

The blade shakes his head: "It's too shame, don't say it."

The little dance has led her soft and boneless little hand holding a fist whispered threat knife: "Do you say that you don't say it? If you don't say, the little dance sister will let you know what the person who sells Cat!"

Looking at her, I could love the appearance of the blade, but I saw Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing also watched her helplessly: "Also."

"After the first murder, I am more than you, not only vomiting, but also shaking, standing in the station, crying on the spot, the tears and nose flowing, then I have done a lot of nightmares, It took a long time to recover. "

The blade smiled and looked at the three: "So I have admired you."

Xiao Dance does not dare to confidence: "You are kidding? It is not even when you kill that day."

The blade is lightly said: "It is used to killing more."

Three people have a bumps.

The blade suddenly smiled: "I have a joke. In fact, the kind of garbage is not a person in my eyes, and I killed it, it is not very deal."

Ning Rongrong consciously used a small hammer hammer to his chest: "Don't talk well?"

Then she hurriedly recovered his fist, carefully looked at the blade, see the blade and didn't care about it.

The blade stretched a lazy waist.

"Remember, killing two people don't have to have a psychological burden. The first is a slag like a lot of money; the second is to block your way."

The blade smiled and smiled in the three beautiful people: "The wind I blow enough, just left, you also go back to rest early."

Three people nodded.

The blade is gone.

Ning Rongrovers: "This guy is specially speaking to lead us?"

Zhu Zhuqing's heart: Is he also so embarrassed?

Xiao Dance is a mouth.

"Go back to sleep."

The little dance swayed her scorpion and jumped.

The two followed it.

The mood is inexplicable.

Collection ticket, come to a wave (?? ▽?)

Chapter 52-Trouble

the next day.

Frand didn't really only add a chicken leg for each student, and the breakfast was very rich.

In addition to the teacher as a fragrance, the rest of the people did not have much appetite. Horse Hongjun, who has a favorite, watching the food full of tables, also has a mistake.

The performance of the masters and the masters of the masters is very satisfied, and they can be far less than that year.

In order to experience the children, in order to highlight humanistic care, of course, the most important thing is that Flanders make a good mood. In the next few days, it is maintained in normal speed.

When I said that Fland is still reluctant to spend a few stinky money hire a few carriages.

And everyone ran, flowing with sweat, gradually got out of the fear of murder.

Their psychological quality is still very hard

A few days of travel finally arrived at the destination - Tiandu City.

This is really worthy of the capital, entering the city, this can be delayed, the city of Frand, and the words of Dou Luo is "Chen Yujin Royal Garden".

However, the problem also appears, it is really a little bit, a group of collars, the dean of the next sixty-level, the teacher (ignoring the master), there is no one knows which corner of the Royal College ...

People can be the most famous academy of Tiangou Empire!

A group of big old roughings were guessing, still do not know where the Royal Academy is in. But there is no one to say the road pedestrian. The blade is tired for them, what is this good?

"This girl, I am ..."

The blade went to a girl who was sneaking with his.

He is ready to ask.

But suddenly heard that Ning Rong was honored: "Dean, I'm going to know where I know."

The blade stopped and smiled at the girl who was ambiguous, smiled sorry, and his voice 'buddy' and retired back.

The girl smiled in Ning Rong, Ning Rong looked at her smile, and then continued to the people.

When I heard Ning Rong Rong said that the Royal Strong College is outside the city.

Flanders heard the way: "Not bad, the location is never, there is a vision."

Several teachers dismissed their mouths.

Zhao Wu said: "Fland, you can pull it! People are in order to teach the environment, are you the same because of the poor, can you?"

"Xiao Gang! You let me go! If the surname, Zhao, I can stand out of this street, I'm writing in France!"

Playful people go to the city under the leadership of Ning Rong Rong.


But when I came to the Safety Academy, I visited the groundboy of Flend.

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