Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 134

The Flandh face has an angry, whispered: "Is it ready? Is it not enough for 20 years? How do you want to get to ?!"

"Walk, I can't returned today!"

Fland's attitude is very tough, see the master still hesitate to pull his hand to the direction of the song.

The master is slightly resistant, but the action is only the form of resistance, and it is not really resistant to the taste of it.

All the people followed, and the fire of gossip was burning in the heart.

Tang San guess it.

Go forward nearly 100 meters.

I saw the woods.

A small lake appeared in front of him.

The breeze set off a wave of waves.

In the sun, the sparkling.

Next to the lake, there is a simple hut.

The fence is surrounded

Flowers inside and outside the fence are all over.

Hundreds of flowers, colorful butterflies are flying.

It is like a dream like a dream, as if I entered the fairy tale world.

Floral room, a woman is holding a kettle, watering flowers.

I heard the footsteps, and I got to everyone.

Her face is slightly palate, the five senses are exquisite, the eyebrows are like a willow, three thousand green silk shawl, wear a simple robe, the robes are the ugly peaks, the waves are very spectacular.

Looking at the little dance, Ning Rongrong got acid, Ma Hongjun and other three boys couldn't stand the mouth.

The blade is slightly shaken: small beauty is resistant, and his knife is ashamedied.

The soul of the three bluebed colleges and other steps came to the fence.

The sound of the sound said to the beautiful woman after the fence: "Dean, a few candidates who have been approved, and six people's strength exceeded the sixty-level soul, we can't make the master ..."

Its voice is not blind, and the woman has been outside the fence.

It's amazing speed!

From this woman's hand, the blade can have seen its strength.

He is thinking that the other party wants to kill him.

No, what she kills? I don't have to hack the master of the ladoskan who wants to hack the master! Moreover, I haven't played!

So said that people are so handsome! so cute???! How did she get my hand? !

After Flandy talked a few words, the two sides began to introduce each other.

After hiding in Flanders, the master did not dare to look directly with the woman.

The blade feels that the master is cut alone. Is this slag male not hacked?

After understanding the encounter of Flanders, Liu Dilong is very annoyed.

Then I don't have a wonderful decision to give the Blue Billets to Fland!

"Ah?" Fleed is a face. What is this? !

On the other hand, the three teachers belonging to the Blue Billetter are also tumbling.

What is it? The dean brain is kicked? !

In the heart of the blade, I am gratifying 'good strength', and this girl has made a decision in a few words. This decisive is really great.

Liu Qi Dragon arranges a sound book to do some arrangements.

The calm acceptance instruction is adjusted.

"Yes, dean."

Don't ask if you don't ask, this is the general guidelines for the sound book.

He leaving other two teachers.

Liu Erlong looked at the master: "Xiao Gang, this time I won't let you escape from my hands."


Flandhaha smiled: "Two dragon sisters, no urgent, since we all stay, sometimes! Slowly, can he ran? Run me to catch you!"

Master glared at him.

Liu Erlong's mouth smiled slightly: "Thank you, I'm giving you the flush, come with me first."

She did not drag and opened the way for everyone to do a moving.

The mature body, the amplitude of the west mountain peaks, and let a few people swallow the mouth.

The blade shakes his head, and the beauty of the district is not resistant. He is really ashamed.

Fladra hooked up.

This is an addition to the blue world.

[Official recovery day, collection, ticket tickets to celebrate? ('? `)?]

Chapter 56, half fate, wonderful

In the washing feast, the atmosphere is sinking.

Almost, Flander has happened to Liu Dilong, and recalls the days of the three people to sway the mainland.

Her main attention is still on the master, the master has been low, and it is silent.

The hands of the blade have not been controlled, and the girl girl is active, don't you give a point? This makes people a girl?

The face brings a small cotton jacket on the face to the master, the small piece of blood tofu: "Try this."

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