Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 136

Sitting in the legs, slowly closes your eyes, after a few breathing, he entered the depth cultural state.

I want to open the master's Tang three, from his low mood, he can judge him that he was defeated.

Unable to fall in bed, picking up a touch of dust waves.

Another bed sleeping in Oscar without a whit comment.

Tang Successfully looked at the ceiling, and his eyes were somewhat scattered.

"Is the eyes of others are so important ..."

he does not know.

Just, upset.

But not to prepare a master of a lifetime.


The fifty-seventh chapter fate, the wonderful

The Dean Flece is patrolling the upcoming newland.

In the future, he is the here.

Everyone must call him for the Flanders!

Once again, a few students who exuded the youth atmosphere smile (he thinks so).

Fland continues to patrol his territory ...

Several students have a chicken skin.

So strange smile, so treacherous eyes, ghosty behavior ...

This is afraid that it is not a non-runtuous molecule that has attached to the school? !

Frand This is a small problem.

He was blocked in his site.

What a shame is humilia!

He looked at five guards who were in black warriors surrounded him.

The old man in the five people, the old man opened: "Our Guards received a number of students to complain, saying that there is an unidentified person in our college, and its behavior is sneaky, it seems to have a picture. Is it your right? "

The Flend's mouth smoked, do you make sure this is me? !

"This ... is there any misunderstanding?"

The old man is smirking, and every criminal will be cried after being thrown into the prison. It really knows that it is wrong. And each martial artist is in this innocent look after being broken.

Look at this treacherous little eyes, can you have anything? Old man, I have seen more people in this life, I want to deceive my eyes, and I'm dreaming.

First, keep him, let him hide, and others say it.

"I also ask you to take us with us, with our investigation, if it is really innocent, we pay attention to you, and apologize. Our security department has always been adhering to 'do not let go of any bad people, nor Will be a good person 'principle, please also cooperate. "

Flander said: "I am a new tutor in the college."

A few people smiled coldly, childish sibilities

It seems that this person is not pure.

"No matter what is identity, please contact us to work! As long as you actively cooperate with us, we will never be difficult."


Fland is released in the scoracles of Liu Dilong.

Several guards have apologized, and the old man who is full of happiness has apologized to Flanders.

Fland is very happy.

What is your kid looks nothing, this is called me misjudic?

Is this person? !

Also, this old man does not speak moral!

It's nothing to do with it, it's not difficult to say that it is good! Actually, the black hand!

Master suddenly shocked his soul in the moment he was locked.

He franced the seventy-eight-level soul Sheng Dugang turned the ship!

Who can think of this casualty is actually an 82-level epidemic.

Oh, there is this repair, but also the paralyzed enemy of the embarrassment and then black hands ...

Master good means! This wave of Flanders were replanted.

The old man name is the name of the Ning, Liu Dilong said that it is old, Fland is also called.

The old man said: "Xiaolong! This fuff is good, you can make big!"

Fermos? !

Forget it, this old man is called such a qualification.


After such a happiness, Flander didn't have a leading place, what is this?

Go back first.

It turned into an eye to evening.

Sunset, the clouds are like blood.

A soul of soul is spread out from the inside of the blade.

The blade opened his eyes.

Twenty-eight levels.

Get up, prepare to go to Flandending place collection.

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