Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 139

In memory, he is not a look now.

At that time, the hands were not stained by blood.

At that time, the heart was still soft.

At that time, the blood was once boiling.

At that time ...

Gradually, changed.

Alive, it is a look now.

His mouth is slightly evoke, some self-departments.

How can it be like this?

He doesn't want to kill this, but it will not.

If you don't worry, your heart is not hard, he is afraid that you have never turned over.

But it doesn't matter, how many people can live in this world?

He like this - okay.

At least there is still a good idea for the world. This world cannot ask him to do more.

I thought about thinking, the blade smiled and shook his head.

How did I suddenly remember the past?

This is the patent of the elderly or successful people, or belongs to the special welfare of the dead.

He is still young, and it is not like a dead look, then ...

No, no success, people! Proud, proud!

Turned over the legs and sit down.

Ready to start a day of cultivation.

Breathing, entering the cultivation state.

Tonight's wind, some hustleman.


"Dear Douguo, please also ask you to raise your hands to put Tang Sanya, I don't know the tali, the young man is a horse. The young man is also impulsive. This is sinful ..."

Flanders respectfully greenery to the solitary waist against them.

"He is dead." The solitary open mouth.

The master is exhausted, and the teeth are biting: "Unique! Lone! Bo!"

Someone is a bit annoyance in the heart, isn't it just a joke? Do you talk to me with this terrible tone? !

It is really unresolved!

The movement of the Flanders rumored, Liu Dilong looked at the master, such as a knife.

I looked at the three people, and I was in my heart. There was no wave in my heart.

This is the confidence of strong people.

He alone is also a number of characters in the title Douro, even if it is in the numbers, it is not that these antices can shake.

"Solitary, you have to pay the price!" Master looked at the solitary, and his eyes were full of killing and madness, and it was difficult to cover anger and sadness.

"Pay the price? What price? If you have three antions?" Sohano faint, this is the master of the master.

The master held the fist tightly, and his teeth were bite and stared at the solitary.

This dead beast!

"Frand, Second Dragon! Trinity!"


The horrible battle fluctuations spread.

Strong soul beast quickly away from this is not the place, and weak soul beasts in the powerful soul, it is difficult to step, but they have to destroy in powerful battle.

Next to the ice and fire, the Tang San, who is inhabilitation, looking at the flower grass, and also feels this dramatic fighting fluctuation.

The ground is slightly shaking.

Is old toad fight? I hope he is killed.

Suddenly, he frowned, it is to find a revenge should not find this time! This big night.

Then there is no longer thanks to Douro, who will come without anyone to come to him?

Is it ...

Is it a teacher and principal? !

Tang San is shocked, this is the most likely. He was arrested in front of him, and someone came with the solitary life. It didn't say that there is no coincidence, but the chance is too low!


Tang San is low, and it is busy going forward to the direction of fighting fluctuations.


Late at night.

Frand, Master, Liu Erlong, three people returned to the college. The three people have hurt, but they know that Tang San has nothing to do.

They don't believe that the solitary is to give him away. Killing out of the solitary explosion after playing it, it is not fake, and each trick has a way to die.

Is this going to kill the master inherited his disciples? !

However, since Tang San is still alive, solitary life is also stateful, and the problem should not be large.

The most important thing is that there is no one who knows that the father of Tang San is who is, it is inevitably taboo, never dare to easily to Tang San.

"Xiao just, you are fine." Liu Dilong cared.

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