Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 152

The blade laughed: "Go back to the original question, tell the truth, I don't know what happened between Zhu Qing and Mu, but I believe that the problem will not be in Zhu Qing."

Ma Hongjun said: "Knife, this is determined?"

The blade is asked: "Hongjun, what about your opinion?"

Ma Hongjun was silent.

The blade smiled: "You see, your thoughts are the same as me. It is intelligent! It's gratifying ~"

The old father sighed the child finally growing up.

Ma Hongjun is a little crying, if other grandson dare to ridicule him, the grave grass is high.

But this is a knife.

True, can't help.

It is said that as long as you keep an awkward smile.

The blade has some difficult Horse Hong Jun, a smile: "Let's go, how many beautiful women don't have our judges?"

Looking at the back of the blade, Ma Hongjun said with a low emotional Oscar, and then judged, the middle: "What we have these judges, this off our fart!"

We look like we seem to have different factors.

"People are more popular!" Ma Hongjun mourned.

Go to Oscar and patted his shoulders: "Do you have no aroma in the world!"

Oscar is not high, and he has no taps.

Her eyes are now only him.

Do you have a lot of love at first sight? It seems too ...

"Give, ! Nothing is not hoped. Dean said, 'As long as the battle did not end, the gambling ticket has the possibility of winning', who said before the result?"

Ma Hongjun has recently been addiction to the small cotton jacket.

Oscar hopes in the eyes of the fire, it is right.

It's not Ma Hongjun to play a chicken blood, he just needs a reason to continue to stick to it.

"Rong Rong, I think this dress is very suitable for bamboo clearance!"

"Little dance, your eyes are so unique, let's let go, see this piece for Zhuqing."

"Hey! It seems to be good!"

"Zhu Qing, what do you think?"

"Zhu Qing?"

Ning Rongrong swayed his hand in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

"Well." Zhu Zhu will respond to her, some is not awkward.

Ning Rong Rong said a little mouth: "Zhu Qing, don't think about those troubles, men don't have a good thing!"

The little dance is not dry: "In addition to the small three!"

Ning Rong has turned over white: "Yes, except your little three!"

The little dance face is slightly red: "What is he saying!"

Ning Rongrong disdaind the little dance that was squatting with his face.

"Come, Zhu Qing, don't worry for those stinky men, let's take a look at this."

"In fact, ..." Zhu Zhuqing hesitated, the opening was interrupted.

"Miss Rong Rong is in the mouth! Can you kill a boat, after all, I am still on board."

The blade has taken a stroke of the tempting sugar gourd, but this string is strawberry.

Ning Rong Rong screamed: "I don't seem to have something different, maybe and those stinky men are half a catty!"

"Rong Rong." Zhu Zhu cleared the hands of Ning Rong, the brow frowned slightly, this is too much.

Ah, what am I talking? ! Damn, stop!

The blade is not angry, and a sugar gourd.

"Well, you are right."

Ning Rong watched the sound, and his eyes did not dare to see the past, and quickly transferred the topic.

"Zhu Qing, try this."


"Hey, don't pick up sugar gourd, give some opinions?"

"Well, look good."

"Is there anything in addition to this word? This can be a trial on Zhu Qing."

"very nice."

"Can you add some adjectives?"

"I read the book less ... um, very nice."

"You are not saved!" Ning Rong turned a white eye.

Zhu Zhu passed the black battle suit, which is Ning Rongrong picking out according to the aesthetic specialty of Zhu Zhuqing.

It has been made from the famous silk material - filament, filament, and manufactured from the Eastern Empire.

This dress uses streamlined construction, the line is obvious, highlights the structure of the human body, and has mysterious gloss, which makes Zhuzhu Qing's hot body. But there is a difference with leather jumps, and Zhu Zhuqing puts more inflammation, and there are fewer wild and charm.

She is somewhat uncomfortable, or the first time wearing a skin fighting suit.

The eyes of everyone, Zhu Zhuqing put this dress after the clothes, a woman who lives away, if you smile on your face, then add a cool boom.

The silk on his face does not naturally make people feel a bit of a bit of his sister.

This is not Zhu Zhuqing.

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