Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 158

The blade smiled and nodded, the expression on the face was distinguished by expressing 'you, what the words, how to thank you.

His knife does not care about the return!

Master's mouth, I am going to thank you?

This night, it is really unbearable.

Something - committed a big mistake!

That is, his will be firm, and he has not been succeeded by Liu Erlong ...

The master received his eyes and kneaded.

"Today, the third stage training will be officially started. Remember, how do we leave Shrek? A purpose is to map the training venue, the other is the whole mainland Soul Competition entrance. The third stage The purpose of training is to improve your soul. In the right mammoth environment, it will greatly speed up your cultivation speed, and can reduce cultural fatigue ... "

"In the next year, your task is to improve as much as possible. Of course, it can't fall in combat."

"Next, I will arrange you into a specific mamatic environment."


"You have to work harder than ever before, because Tang San will only make progress faster than you under the teachings of Doulong - Solibo. Remember, you are a team, the gap between each other, but It must not be too big. "

The master left directly after it was finished, because these children did not need his supervision.

And he was surprised last night, almost no a moment, and it also need to go back to add a spirit.

Walking at him suddenly.

When I think of the door, I will waving the Liu Dilong.

She is still still?

No, no.

Although the Blue Billetics belongs to her, but if you want to make things in Flander's hand. Many things have to be processed in person, all aspects have to be greeted, but also to the college's high-rise openings ...

It is very troublesome.

It is no wonder that she came to her face when she came. The face was difficult to cover up.

The master sighed.

The heart has some pain.

How much he wants to make her aversion to be shared by him.


The master's eyes are unluckled, and it is completely bleak.

Long sigh, move forward.

Wind blowing leaves.

His back is very happy.


Everyone has traveled to our own motion.

The blade did not leave, and Dai Mu is also there.

"Mu Bai, although I don't quite clear yesterday, what happened to Zhu Qing, but I hope you can apologize to her."

Dai Muhu is not good: "We have nothing to do with you."

The blade smiled and shook his head: "Don't be angry, I just put a suggestion, let's take it."

He did not advise.

Looking at the back of the blade, wearing a mutter and clenched his fist and rigid.

When the back of the blade is to disappear, he deeply sucking his tone, and the fist was slowly opened.

I don't believe that I Dai Mu will lose to you!

He stepped on, and he was quite a little dragon to open the way.

The blade mouth is slightly hook.

Very good, if your killing is later, you will inevitably disappear without a trace.

Mu Bai, you are reasonable ~

The blade smiled and shook his head and threw the mind in the heart.

He is a bit helpless, it is always easy to hostile.

A small suggestion is not accepted, why didn't you accept it?

Inexplicable man.

He walked over the quiet trail, between the light and shadow.

"Here is the bright hole?"

When you arrive at the destination, the blade is somewhat crying. Such a high name will always give people too high expectations.

However, this is a small and simple cave.

The hole in the hole has passed through the wind, and the book is the top of the book 'Guangming Cave', may be no maintenance for a long time, the word is somewhat faded.

The mottled traces are spread all over.

The blade did not dare to touch it easily. He is really afraid that a crime of "malicious destruction campus facilities" is not careful.

As for the bright hole itself, it is more sad.

High or two meters, one meter wide.

The blade is not for thinking: Maybe the college's economic situation does not look so good.

It is actually not the case.

Don't say that the Blue Bad Academy's bright system motion is the case, that is, the Safety Academy is not too much.

Not bad money, there is really no need to spend a lot of money to build a photographic environment. Because the college does not have this talent at all.

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