Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 161

Say good tears and retaining? This seems to have some differences in the expectations.

The chubby voice.

In the past, he was most concerned about his most concerned that he was chubby, and his care is much more than others.

He actually ruthlessly!

Is it really seen for a long time?

The blade is sighing, even if the heart is very sad, but now I can't look back, after all, it is the same.

Xiao Dance looked at the Ma Hongjun, who was laughing in the sky: "The fat man, the guy is not involved in the war, I am very happy ..."

Blade: This rabbit is still stewed.

"But don't you have to be happy?"

Ma Hongjun's face suddenly boasted, and the mournful way: "If you are also related to the blade, you will be more happy than me!"

Remember the last time? What he said is human? What is the "Red Junny Peel rough meat, don't matter, it doesn't matter. ! It is not hurt, but it will be dead! "

Oscar touched the Ba Tao: "I think he is a little truth."

"Do you want to practice with me?"


"What do you stop? Start the battle immediately." The master walked out of the woods, his expression is still stiff.

Everyone has resumed the original combination to carry out the battle drill.

The master watching.

Walking on the school, this is the easiest way to feel the blade.

Because most classes in this time, there are teaching arrangements, and the pedestrians on the road.

He is ready to buy a stone, or similar materials in the bright cave.

As for some related information, he has learned from the master mouth.

A fascinating figure came from the front.

It is the Dean of Liu Dragon, probably a master.

Obviously, such a beautiful gentle woman, the eyes are also bright.

How can I look at the master?

"The dean is good!" The blade smiled and asked Liu Dragon.

Liu Dilong has long seen the blade. She is very good for this young man. Let alone, it is very pleasant, and the smile on the face is very comfortable.

She smiled slightly: "Why don't you participate in training?"

"In the actual combat is not improved, I applied for the time to arrange an afternoon to the master."

"This is, but it is not easy to practice."

"Thank you for your concern, the blade keeps you." The blade is slightly with hand.

Liu Dilong is gratified to nod: "Go."

"Dean goodbye."

How good girl, unfortunately.

However, in addition to the people who have the qualifications of the people?

Although I don't know where the master is grinding, the heart is really sincere, she is not too losing?

Still lost.

I really don't know if the master has saved this Dulan Continent.


Going to the high wall of the door to the door, the blade is back to the road.

That is the direction of the dormitory.

In the teaching time, the college has no special approval will not step out of the campus, and whether it will punish the severity of the plot.

In one place, the relevant rules are always guarded. His blade has always been a rule of rule, today is dangerous to make a big mistake.

The gate of the hospital.

I am a little doubtful, I'm going to open my eyes, how to get?

I have already caught four today, and I will be enough for this one.

Is it the prodigal?

Maybe, good luck.

I read the four people who were tied to the role of the guard room and closed his eyes again.

These don't learn the little guy to make it tonally tune, and I will run outside the whole day, and I will have it.

What kind of people in the corner want to cry without tears, what is this father? ! Is it usually not all in the security guard? What's going to do? !

If you carefully observe, they will find a few levels of warnings throughout the campus.

In the dormitory, it is still common.

Lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

He is thinking about life.

a long time.

Suddenly laugh

"Here, it is actually suitable for mixing."

Get up, adjust the orientation of the table and chairs, and relieve the sunshine of the face.

He put a thick book on the table.

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