Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 169

The old man quickly picked up the dense literature written, and some pursued tops. Then the old man put it on the table, pointing to a certain level of writing with a pen.

"I will explain this to me, this can not have a brought, I am full of mist!"

Master looked, knowing where the problem, he will certainly understand, because he has conducted in-depth research, but there are most people without this casting.

He thinks someone to be of course.

Detailed explanation.

When he said, the old man took the table, excited: "No wonder! No wonder! Come come, tell me this!"

The old man turned a few pages.



The master is from noon, and the sky has been black.

Come over, the family called the old man to eat was bombarded by the heart.

It is also used to seeing the look of the housekeeper.

"Come, Xiao Gang, don't worry about him, this little child is most troublesome, I always interrupt my idea on weekdays! We continue!"


I haven't left the family insurance that is not far away.

Not awkward! If I don't interrupt your father, you are afraid that you are hungry! I have come to my head, I have become a boy who is annoying ...

I am forty-five years old!

Let the father who hate the father to send the food, and then leave in the urge of his father.

Hot, fragrant rice, the master is hungry, but the old man does not open it first?

"Come, Xiao just continue!"


When the old man is full, the sky is bright.

I looked outside the window, and then looked at the meals on the table. The old man had some doubts: "When did the kid send breakfast?"

Looking at the tired master, the old man took the brain: "Oh! I have forgotten that your kid has not had breakfast!"


The two are talking to the side.

This evening master has more benefits, the knowledge of the old people, the unique insights can make him shoot a case, and some points have made him Mao Ton.

The father who has not retained unreserved and the closed door to the soul is really a cloud.

His master said that it is just a small frowns that have just been off, and the taste is flat, and what can the old man wait for this Thai-level person?

The master stayed for three days in the elderly.

When I left, the old man said: "In the future, you will be the top beam column of the soul of the teacher!" The old man used a sure tone.


A few days later, the master who was suffering from a slut is the most powerful.

If there is no grandfather's shot, "Top Ten Wushu Core Competitive Power" is afraid that it will sink into the bottom of the roof due to the criticism of the sky.

The reputation of the old man is also damaged, because most people still don't recognize this subversive theory.

But the father didn't care, after this, he countered several times, the master's theory finally barely stabilized his heel.

Top Ten Wushu Core Competitiveness Theory is that this is the opportunity to infiltrate the soul of the teacher, and will be applied step by step.

The father said with the master, you do our best to do your own, other let the time proof.

Soon with your father, but it is one of the most important pieces of Master's life.

This old man is a few people who can make the masters in the people's charm.

The master has not seen his father for a long time.

He believes that he is not qualified to face his father, the old man is full of eyes and enthusiasm, let him feel free.

He needs to take the achievements of the shot, so that he can tell the old man, he didn't see the wrong person!

Master, how to think, don't know, don't want to know.

But the blade wants to talk to this old master.

[Crazy hint, hehe!

Chapter 72 Chapter you are best!

The book name "The Formation of the Soul Ring".

The old man defines the soul ring in the book - the soul ring is a heterogeneous product that is completely unconventional.

The elderly put forward many unreasonable issues related to its existence.

Do you have different colors for Ho's soul?

What the soul ring will be circular?

Why do you want to be born behind the soul?

Why did the birth soul ring can only be absorbed by the last hit?

Why is only the death of the soul of the beast? Human?

What will come with Soul?

Why is human beings to absorb the soul rings to break the intangible barriers between levels?


The old man put forward a lot of people in Douro's mainland that had already happened, most people scored these unreasonable phenomena as "common sense."

The blade is somewhat surprised, this old master can! Over the years, living in such an environment can also jump out this continuant to have a "habitual recognition" for thousands of years, and issue a question.

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