Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 173

Her sword is swimmed by a strong force, and a cold light is introduced into the eye.

The cleanliness of the No. 1 is clean and the long sword wears his throat, with the sword to Shi Li, the woman who has not yet lost is dragged to the sword from the four sides.

Its flesh and blood splashes, the number of flesh and blood is broken and the woman is broken, and the legs of eight people are cut off.


"Ah !!!"

Screaming, Hu smashed the struggle of martial arts, which made the scene into chaos.

One of the blood red eyes is indifferent.

He kicked his feet on his head.

It flew out, the people who came up behind were knocked down.

Break out!

The first anti-hand sword, a big man who has a big knife will be directly sealed, and the blade quickly went to the open exit.

This small road, sword light accompanied by blood splash.

This is prepared to pull the sword from the first one of the old heart to wear the sword hole, exchanged the position as the support shaft.

A detonated ax will break the old man!

Vertical sword!

Metal impact.

The huge force will hit the No. 1.

After he flew out, three of the three-pokeed swords who were blowing with cold light came ...

I have an early expectations, reverse the body in the air, the upper body of the old man is found!

The blood of the sky is swaying, the body will go to the three people hit.

No time to pay attention to them, the enemies on both sides are unclear in the face of this sound, this is a rare opportunity!

When an ax flew out, the three heads of the brain opened their scoops.

On the one, I went to the three people who were disrupted by the old man in front of the three people, and there was a total of three people who saw the three people. People kill.

Do not wound.

He has highlighted the center for a circle. He will take advantage of the open topography, so that the remaining seventy people will completely spread!

In another vast space, a colored male and female, a male and female, no matter what kind of repair, all watching the huge projection screen with the most serious eye god.

One of the youths in the picture, killing five people in the seven people who blocked them, and rushing out again.

There are 36 living people in the field.

No. 1 has been in the body twenty-seven swords, four knives, if he seals the wound with special method, it has slowed its blood, and it has already died.

The dark rooms have long been in the wild, and the blood is thoroughly brushing the ground.

A few people in the remaining people have begun to fight.

How can there be such a terrible person? !

Is this the No. 1, who can go out?

It is worthy of those who live a few more, and more than a dozen "old people" will pray not to encounter 'demon.

In the face of this horror killing machine, how can I win? !

He, is there no feeling?

"Let's go together, or you have to die!"

A middle-aged high-end eye has long been red, and a roaring will rush out.

The rest of the people, only a moment, hesitate to have it!

The battle is still continuing.

When the heart of the first person is peasant, the white robe, the first one has been dyed into a bloody and robe, its own blood, the blood in the field.

His left hand didn't have a large and small wound.

The hard work of the first, calmly saw nearly 100 bodies in the field, faintly: "rest in peace."

He knows that they can't open.

"Immediately give me the treatment, I can't seal the wound." The sound that didn't have a slightly emotionally undulating sound in such a secret room.

"Give him."


Chapter 74, the rabbit will not be cheated.

At noon, the master has developed a new training program.

The blade stands under the shade, and the detailed look at the training plan developed by the master (this is the master to let him see).

He felt that although the master was a fight, but the theoretical thing really had a few brushes.

This new program's training intensity has risen, adjusted in battle time and restrictions, there is also improved in combination, more diversified to the battlefield, but not to practice like the time.

The small problem is there, but there is no big fault, these problems will be resolved in the training.

It is always good to say.

Master came to him to open his mouth: "There is no way to improve it."

The blade shakes his head to give the plan to the master.

"There is no problem in the general direction, and the details have some, but after the training, you can solve the master, I have no opinions."

Master nodded.

"The next step is carried out in accordance with the new training plan."


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